r/JordanPeterson asks: what *is* a Nazi tho? White ethnostates are fine, right? Is Edward Norton even the real baddie in American History X?

8  2017-11-30 by [deleted]



Here's the American History X stuff; probably the most fun

main link sorted by top because that paints a clearer picture:

post is 90% upvoted,

everybody agrees on really respectable common ground for the top of threads;

shitshow past that point

Can someone explain me this /u/eric_wolff character? His posts are longer than ed copy pasta? Nobody ain't got time for that. Is it satire?

r/JordanPeterson asks: what *is* a Nazi tho?

What *is* time? What is clocks?

This is so tiring.

Jordan Peterson fans, regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, are Gilbert Grape levels of retarded