The NY Post has an /r/Drama worthy article about sister fister's greatest hits. Is it time to mod her?

53  2017-11-30 by IAintThatGuy


She is everything Middle America resents about coastal elites, rightfully so

Wait - What? These people don't like us? SHIT SHUTDOWN THE MARXISM MACHINE Flips on air raid sirens *Runs into underground super awesome rich man bomb shelter where he/she can not be accused of sexual harassment and privilege."

Runs into underground super awesome rich man bomb shelter where he/she can not be accused of sexual harassment and privilege

That would be in Paris, with Polanski.

Bragging about raping your sister is one thing, but making a racist joke is just too much.

Priorities in 2017.

Saying racist things about humans is one thing, but not wanting a dog is too much.

I thought she was already modded?

Add another lefty to the pile. It's fun watching the left eat their own.

On what planet is the NY Post a left wing outlet?

I just looked at the picture of the woman and assumed. I have no idea where the NY Post lays on the political spectrum.

They're very much the right-leaning "alternative" to NYT. They exist almost as a default contrarian counter to NYT.

But... even a stopped clock is right sometimes.

You’re ruining my drama buzz fam

I'm sure if we submit this to /r/blackladies, it'll get a great response. THAT is the left eating the left.

Now THAT is thinking outside of her sister’s box!


They are pretty centrist, hardly right wing.

Center is the neu right

Commies actually call this the "fish hook theory".

Well, I said right-leaning.

I always thought they were just a gossip rag.

Is she not already modded? I could have sworn she was /u/ComedicSans...