Finally locking up the former Secretary of State. Hillary BTFO

143  2017-12-01 by shitpost953


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Quality bait

Missed opportunity by not spelling it as "Flynnally"

u/shitpost953 you should be ashamed for not doing that

: (

You should be ashamed for a lot more than that though tbh

The nothing burger feeds everyone once again

where did "nothingburger" come from? it's a horrendous term

Every time I hear the word it feels like a spike is being driven through my skull because it sounds so retarded.

I had to look up the origin. It was apparently coined by a gossip columnist in the 50s then reappeared after Van Jones used it during that failed leak video that was made to try and kill Russia probe hype.

reappeared after Van Jones

You know Hillary called her Email Scandal a nothing burger multiple times?

Before May when she compared the coverage to Pearl Harbor and Comey is the reason she lost I mean.

I didn't because I did my best to ignore anything she did during the election.

Yes we know hilldawg is high functioning autistic at best

what about HillaREEEEEEEE

I'd never heard it before her because i'm not old like you guys but stay triggered Champo

It's an ancient term from the 50s and 80s so I guess that's why all these old crusty ass mayos on TV love using it.

sweet, another thing to blame on the boomers.

ironically I think it achieved meme status thanks to Van Jones and project veratits

huh i looked it up and it's burgers all the way down

Hillary called her email scandal a Nothing Burger and covered like Pearl Harbor and blamed Comey again

But a found a youtube video that looks like it was shoot on a cellphone recording a TV that actually found where Nothing Burger came from

this video made me wanna kms

Let me play the song of my people


Flair material right there

i would luv to see trump go down for the drama alone but he will literally just pardon whoever the hell he thinks might rat on him

its not so much a nothingburger as it is a big juicy cheeseburger that is going to get snatched out of your hands every time you try to take a bite

Mueller is working with state AGs to charge non federal crimes if pardons for federal crimes occur. That boy is playing 5d lock em up chess.

He cant pardon state charges

on the other hand, any state charges are probably just gonna be a fine. dude's rich

I doubt it. They are going for blood.

A quick glance at T_D shows....well, nothing. The spin hasn't been decided on.

The only posts are basically "BUT THIS UNRELATED CASE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CONTINENT" and "LMAO, obviously he gave up dirt on Killary".

nothing gets me going quite like a confused, aimless circlejerk

There's literally nothing to spin though.

He lied to the FBI then he should serve time. The real part of the story here is that retarded liberals who actually buy into the muh Russia collusion nonsense were expecting a charge for his arrest that related with Russia.

This pretty much means that Mueller had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to charge him with.

Daddy defense force assemble!

DAE /u/botchlings?!?!11 xD

Youre honestly dumber than botchlings

Bochlings was a genius. I'm glad he ascended past the rest of the dumbass human race to become one with the universe.

Oh shit he sublimed?

I miss botchy :(

I wonder how his small biz is doing.

i love how you guys just cant bear to hear that everythings not going to go your way

clearly that means everyone loves trump and not that they think youre gullible

the day Flynn pleads guilty to a federal crime and pled down in exchange for testimony against (most likely and at the very least) Trump's son in law:

you guys just cant bear to hear that everythings not going to go your way

uhh...i want whatever this dude's drinking

youre hilariously naive in hoping for impeachment or for literally any of this to get back to trump, thats what im saying

feel free to get blue balled again though if you like waiting for nothing

Im not "hoping" for anything except justice, whatever that may be. You're doing the same thing you're accusing other of doing...I can just replace "love" with "hate" and throw your shit right back at you:

clearly that means everyone loves trump and not that they think youre gullible

feel free to be blue balled again though if you like waiting for all of this to be blow away.

lol this hilarious. You'll be saying some version of the same shit even if daddy gets thrown in the slammer. "BUT YOU SAID HE'D BE JAILED FOR COLLUSION AND NOT THE LOGAN ACT"," or whatever this ends up being. I mean the day his former national security adviser pleads guilty to this shit and got a deal that means they are going after bigger fish is not the day to be gloating and repeating "HURR DURR NOTHING BURGER!!!" endlessly, you fucking hilarious tard. Get a fucking clue.

Im not "hoping" for anything except justice, whatever that may be.

i mean its pretty obvious that you think theres something to it and what way you want it to go

lol this hilarious. You'll be saying some version of the same shit even if daddy gets thrown in the slammer.

no im saying maybe dont get ahead of yourself and overly confident considering how much you guys have failed in the last year


why are you imagining scenarios in which youre already proven correct though

I mean the day his former national security adviser pleads guilty to this shit and got a deal (meaning they are going after bigger fish) is not the day to be gloating and endlessly repeating "HURR DURR NOTHING BURGER!!!" you fucking hilarious tard.

so you just read whats written on the news and take it to heart huh

Of course I think there's something to it because I have a functioning brain and can read. I also thought there was something to Hillary's server and Bill's molestation shit and Obama's putrid Iran Deal. I also think the left is full retard when it comes to doubling down on identity politics. Thats how adults think. You're acting as if party affiliation is the only thing that matters when it comes to analyzing a story. You're just revealing how biased you are. No matter what daddy does, you'd still defend him. Thats why you're being mocked.

"you guys"...this is what I mean when I say you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing the other guy of. Everyone is a hardcore leftist upset about Hillary if they call out Trump for anything, let alone how bad it is that HIS FUCKING FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER is going down, etc. Youre a retard.

And on top of that you have the gall to think people are getting ahead of themselves and this is nothing?!?!? JFC how far up daddy's ass are you?

why are you imagining scenarios in which youre already proven correct though

of course leaving out the next part, "or whatever this ends up being." lol you argue like shit.

so you just read whats written on the news and take it to heart huh

Unlike you, the dude who obviously has inside sources and knows everything and can divine "da real troof, bro!" lol. Do you know how dumb and childish you sound? "so you just read Trump's tweets and take it to heart huh"

Thats how adults think.

most of us are a bit more discerning with what we absorb tbh

You're acting as if party affiliation is the only thing that matters when it comes to analyzing a story.

no im saying the people that own the media in america hate trump and so you have to take what they say about him with a grain of salt, considering how continually wrong they are

bias exists as much as you might smugly dismiss the idea

You're just revealing how biased you are. No matter what daddy does, you'd still defend him.

im not even biased lol, youre just so angry and riled up about him you take everything but condemnation as being a sycophant

truth is trumps just a regular politician that talks more shit

all politicians are terrible the most you can hope for is for them to be entertaining

"you guys"...this is what I mean when I say you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing the other guy of.

you guys meaning the crazies in this sub that think its /r/politics

its not a left right dichotomy its a crazy american thing

Everyone is a hardcore leftist upset about Hillary if they call out Trump for anything, let alone how bad it is that HIS FUCKING FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER is going down, etc. Youre a retard.

no you just think it means more than it does and youre literally gleeful

And on top of that you have the gall to think people are getting ahead of themselves and this is nothing?!?!? JFC how far up daddy's ass are you?

lol powerful people dont get charged genius they get scapegoats

thats why obama is free, thats why hillary is free, thats why george bush and dick cheney are free and thats why trump will always be free

i cant believe you still dont understand how it works

of course leaving out the next part, "or whatever this ends up being." lol you argue like shit.

youre assuming hes going to be arrested lol, bit hopeful

Unlike you, the dude who obviously has inside sources and knows everything and can divine "da real troof, bro!" lol. Do you know how dumb and childish you sound? "so you just read Trump's tweets and take it to heart huh"

so this is a "yes" to the question then right

wasnt aware there was only mainstream american media propaganda and trump tweets to choose from

most of us are a bit more discerning with what we absorb tbh

Except just read Trump's tweets and take it to heart huh. Or are you the arbiter of what should and shouldnt be absorbed. A dude that supports Trump. lol

Don't assume what I do or don't read. You sound like an obnoxious little kid. YOU read the good shit but the people who call out Trump for his shit, they're all idiots who are too stupid to understand how the media works. lol ok. You can't defend your boy so you need to shift to this lazy childish argument.

im not even biased lol, youre just so angry and riled up about him you take everything but condemnation as being a sycophant

Uh, yes you are. You're just so angry and riled up about leftists and people who call out Trump you take everything

Youre a fucking idiot. Youre doing exactly what youre claiming about me. How the fuck do you know my political position? Because Im calling out Trump you're making these huge assumptions. And then claiming its the opposite. lol jfc. You have no idea what my thoughts on Trump, in general are, or political issues, etc. You just cant deal with any criticism of daddy at all so you need to jump to HURR DURR MSM SLAVE!!!! I KNOW EVERYTHING YOURE A SHEEP!!!! Meanwhile youre the fuckhead who thinks Flynn's guilty plea is nbd. how dumb do you think people are? Not any dumber than that take, thats for sure.

no you just think it means more than it does and youre literally gleeful

hey you little whiny bitch...I can be gleeful over Trump being a POS, not based on political affiliation like how your dumb ass operates, but on cold hard facts. YOu think because I despise Trump, that means there are no reasons behind it? Youre a fucking dumb ass. And you dont know what this means...stop pretending you know one way or another. Youre literally retarded and obviously dont understand what's going on. While claiming others are. Its hilarious. Youre brain dead. Not because youre a Trump supporter but because of your idiotic arguments.

lol powerful people dont get charged genius they get scapegoats


In order for you to get scapegoats you also need to be smarter than a drink of water. I cant believe you still don't understand how it works. (and stop introducing arguments I never made. Did I state that he's going to jail, moron?)

lol, bit hopeful

Where did I assume he was for getting arrested, other than a joke, dumb fuck? YOU ARGUE LIKE A FUCKING RETARD. Are you this upset about daddy? You can't read straight? Or is this just the same dumb shit you do every time somebody shits on daddy for the shit he's going through?

wasnt aware there was only mainstream american media propaganda and trump tweets to choose from

you cant be this dumb. YOURE THE FUCKHEAD WHO THREW IT OUT AS IF PEOPLE YOU DISAGREED WITH READ ONLY MSM "PROPAGANDA." So that was my response to show you how stupid an argument it was and that I could say the same back at you, if I was as stupid and argued as poorly as you do. goddamn you're fucking stupid, man. You cant understand basic rhetoric. Trumpsters, ladies and gentleman. Cry when their shit gets thrown right back in their faces.

Except just read Trump's tweets and take it to heart huh.

literally where have i ever even supported trump

calling dnc and american leftists retarded doesnt mean i automatically side with or respect anyone else, it just means that i think theyre retarded

Don't assume what I do or don't read.

dont really have to when you wear your heart on your sleeve

You sound like an obnoxious little kid. YOU read the good shit but the people who call out Trump for his shit, they're all idiots who are too stupid to understand how the media works. lol ok.

no just if you take american news media seriously

the repeal of the smith mundt act means that the government is legally allowed to lie to you with propaganda

all american media is subsequently propaganda

Uh, yes you are.

cool then what did i say to set off your little tirade here, can you remember

How the fuck do you know my political position?

because youre incredibly invested in made up bullshit of a particular flavour, and only crazy anti trump people share those beliefs because of the propaganda theyve absorbed

its not subtle dude

You just cant deal with any criticism of daddy

hmm yes how would i ever figure out your political position its such a secret


such a mystery

Meanwhile youre the fuckhead who thinks Flynn's guilty plea is nbd.

can you explain why trump would have to ask flynn to contact russians after the election if russian collusion was a thing during the election?

flynn talked to russia about isis, youll figure it out eventually

hey you little whiny bitch...I can be gleeful over Trump being a POS

sure you can and i can mock you for it

cold hard facts


YOu think because I despise Trump, that means there are no reasons behind it? Youre a fucking dumb ass. A

the reason is youre very easily influenced

And its definitly not a nothing burger.

pretty sure of yourself there


lol i broke you

trump will never be charged and you can get as angry as you like about it

Where did I assume he was for getting arrested, other than a joke, dumb fuck?

top joke dude you seem like a real joker, always laughing and being happy

Are you this upset about daddy? You can't read straight? Or is this just the same dumb shit you do every time somebody shits on daddy for the shit he's going through?

the absolute irony lol


you literally said that if i dont like american media that i obviously just get my news from trumps tweets

its because you think theres a dichotomy and youre wrong

So that was my response to show you how stupid an argument it was and that I could say the same back at you, if I was as stupid and argued as poorly as you do. goddamn you're fucking stupid, man. You cant understand basic rhetoric. Trumpsters, ladies and gentleman. Cry when their shit gets thrown right back in their faces.

tbh i think youd fit in here nowadays lol theres a bunch of oversensitive fags that cant argue and are constantly angry about trump

Yeah, you dont support Trump sure.

calling dnc and american leftists retarded doesnt mean i automatically side with or respect anyone else, it just means that i think theyre retarded

funny though people that despise Trump are all MSM reading retards, amirite? retard

dont really have to when you wear your heart on your sleeve

says the reatrd defending daddy non-stop. Dont cry when I look at you as the putrid cliche you are when you think this. oh wait it only works one way because youre an enlightened teen genius who can parse out the good from the bad in mass communications, while anyone who thinks Trump is the tard he is...nah. ITS NOT A CULT ITS NOT A CULT ITS NOT A CULT . lol

no just if you take american news media seriously

There you go being the reatrd you are after explaining to you how stupid that line of argumentation is. And you'll repeat it endlessly. meanwhile youre the tard defending daddy no matter the news. lol. So where do I take the "DOO DOO POO POO OUT TO GET MUH TRUMP AMERICAN MEDIA!!!!" seriously? Where do I get my news from, tard? Arent you the dude who gets all his news from trump tweets and Fox news (yes moron, im doing what youre doing...I know you have trouble figuring it out)

lol you fuckwits sure do stick to your script.

the repeal of the smith mundt act means that the government is legally allowed to lie to you with propaganda all american media is subsequently propaganda

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you know how I know youre teen? You copy paste the same simplistic "i have the world figured out but you dont" shit that all teens do. this is hilarious.

because youre incredibly invested in made up bullshit of a particular flavour, and only crazy anti trump people share those beliefs because of the propaganda theyve absorbed its not subtle dude

Says the retard Trump supporter who doesnt understand nuance for shit and needs to paint anyone he disagrees with by painting them as leftist retards. You're dumb as fuck, bro. its embarrassing. Again, dont cry when I use your tard tactics right back at you. Only difference is, you cant absorb it.

hmm yes how would i ever figure out your political position its such a secret

So what's my position, tard? What is my take on immigration and the NSA and Bush and HRC and Obama and foreign policy and identity politics and guns and religion? Why do I despise Trump? Be specific, tard. lol cant wait to hear this.

Dumb fuck, I told you 5 times...Flynn is fucked because he lied to the FBI. If Trump or Jared or whoever directed Flynn to tell Kislyak to hold off on a UN vote before he was sworn in...theyre fucked. But all sorts of things can happen and all sorts of things can bubble up. Again, thats why you dont fuck with the USIC while having the financial ties you've had. Maybe look up what Clinton got impeached on, genius of politics and history.

sure you can and i can mock you for it

Oh no I got mocked by a trumptard who thinks the Flynn pleas was nbd. what will I do? And that wasn't your argument. Your argument was that since I despise the fuck I must be some extreme leftist robot. You cant even follow your own arguments.

the reason is youre very easily influenced

lol says the trumptard teenager. its hilarious how clueless you are. "IF YOU DONT THINK LIKE ME YOURE EASILY INFLUENCED!!! NOT ME, THW HINY BITCH DEFENDING DADDY AT ALL COSTS...YOU!!! CASE CLOSED!" lol teenagers

trump will never be charged and you can get as angry as you like about it

lol dumb fuck..where did I say he will get charged? Where did I say he will get arrested? You keep insisting I said things I didnt. Im not the tard screaming WAAA I KNOW 100% WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!! NO ARREST!!....thats you, the teenager trumptard. Where did I say he'd be charged for certain, dipshit?

-HE'S NOT GETTING ARRESTED!! -uhh, never said that stupid. where did I say that? -"top joke dude you seem like a real joker, always laughing and being happy"

lol top notch response. jfc kill yourself

you literally said that if i dont like american media that i obviously just get my news from trumps tweets

I...uhh...I...CANT DEAL WITH JOW DUMB YOU ARE. You threw that accusation at me and I responded by saying the reverse back at you, showing you how stupid that type of argument is. HOW CAN YOU BE THIS DUMB? Do you seriously not get why I said that? Do you really need me to explain it again? YOURE DUMB AS A ROCK.

lol theres a bunch of oversensitive fags that cant argue

lol says the oversensitive fag who cant put a decent argument together or follow simple rhetoric. now go masturbate to a pic of daddy.

Yeah, you dont support Trump sure.

didnt support any of the candidates but ultimately im happy trump won because it made a lot of people i dont like very angry and unstable

example 1 is you

funny though people that despise Trump are all MSM reading retards, amirite? retard

yes it certainly is correlated, i wonder if you can find any other connections

says the retard defending daddy non-stop. Dont cry when I look at you as the putrid cliche you are when you think this.

fucking lol youre this invested

oh wait it only works one way because youre an enlightened teen genius

im 36

while anyone who thinks Trump is the tard he is...nah. ITS NOT A CULT ITS NOT A CULT ITS NOT A CULT . lol

he says acting like a cultist

Where do I get my news from, tard?

/r/politics, /r/news, cnn, msnbc, etc etc

the only places that peddle the ideas you buy into

Says the retard Trump supporter who doesnt understand nuance for shit and needs to paint anyone he disagrees with by painting them as leftist retards.

literally anyone angry at trump is a retard, yes

the news told you to get angry and so you get angry, you dont even know why youre angry

probably something about russia or taxes right now im guessing

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you know how I know youre teen? You copy paste the same simplistic "i have the world figured out but you dont" shit that all teens do. this is hilarious.

lol nice reaction, feel free to google it

So what's my position, tard?

whatever youre told to believe

you probably liked obama, probably get real angry about net neutrality, hate trump, like illegal immigrants

you probably think nazis are real and scary

the usual bugman beliefs

Dumb fuck, I told you 5 times...Flynn is fucked because he lied to the FBI.

he only has immunity for crimes committed under the previous admin fyi

why do you think hed ask for that deal

Oh no I got mocked by a trumptard who thinks the Flynn pleas was nbd. what will I do?

if this post is any indication youll rage incoherently

Your argument was that since I despise the fuck I must be some extreme leftist robot.

not neccessarily leftist but definitely gullible

lol teenagers

i bet youre in your early twenties lol

lol dumb fuck..where did I say he will get charged?

if you dont think therell be charges why do you even care and what do you think will happen

its clearly your entire motivation

example 1 is you

Thats how fucking stupid you are. You're 100% wrong. Thats what you get for being a teen trumptard cliche. You can only think in black and white

yes it certainly is correlated, i wonder if you can find any other connections

Yeah, that must be it. You've done exactly what the left has done to Trump voters to everyone who despises this retard. You're no different. You're just too young, dumb and full of cum to comprehend your own hypocrisy. god youre dumb.

fucking lol youre this invested

omfg you're this invested (shakes head and types empty bullshit i doing this rite? lol)

im 36

oh so you're a libertarian. same diff. also, stop acting like a teen.

he says acting like a cultist

how am i part of a cult? im not the tard stereotyping everyone who disagrees with me politically and denying any bit of criticism. you also still havent told me what my political stances are. if im part of a cult, what are they? for the hundredth time, you argue like shit.

/r/politics, /r/news, cnn, msnbc, etc etc

lol fucking tard. the first two in that list are as bad as you. Other two are the McDonalds and Burger King of the news media. So much for your understanding for who I am.

lol nice reaction, feel free to google it

omfg you're so dumb. You actually think you're informing somebody of this? YOURE A DIPSHIT ONLINE TRUMPTARD. Its your conclusion on its effect on the country that Im mocking, you cliche.

the news told you to get angry and so you get angry, you dont even know why youre angry

lol you fucking tard. You're 36? You really think this is the thought process of an adult? Grow up. Your daddy told you to get angry and so you get angry at his critics, you dont even know why youre angry. Nah, YOURE the enlightened one.

Yet you cant even divine what news I watch or who I get it from. SAD!

you probably liked obama

"like" I dont "like" any politician, tard. Iran deal was horrid, dealing with Syria horrid, all illegals need to be sent home asap (im a legal immigrant btw), HRC should have gone down for her server, the left calling everyone a Nazi is going to get the GOP renominated, ID politics as still havent specified why I hate Trump BTW. Its a very specific reason. Come on, you're the genius of me. You can do it. I mean, you did get everything else wrong so give this one a shot.


So now what? Youre going to argue that Im making up those positions for the sake of this argument? Also, youre just as bad as the leftists you despise. Just the other side of the coin and why this country is going to shit.

he only has immunity for crimes committed under the previous admin fyi


fucking hilarious.

not neccessarily leftist but definitely gullible

says the moron defending a pseudo-populist monty card dealer. lol gullible. WAAA FLYNN"S PLEA NOTHING BURGER!!! CERNOVICH TOLD ME!!!. Yea, Im gullible. jfc

i bet youre in your early twenties lol

wrong again...older than you "say" you are. Can you get anything right?

I didnt say there will be charges one way or another YOU UTTER MORON because I dont have a crystal ball and im not some fucking diphsit teenager who thinks he knows what will happen with 100% certainty. You got triggered because I pointed out that Flynn's plea is very bad news for the Trump admin and most likely will lead to far more shit. The problem here is that you cant follow a basic argument and feel the need to lump everyone who criticizes daddy into one monolithic the teenage tard you are.

Ill take your apology for repeatedly misstating what I said off-air.

god, youre dumb

ahaha youre so angry at literally nothing what a faggot

omfg you're this invested (shakes head and types empty bullshit i doing this rite? lol)

youre personally invested though, you think being angry at trump is important or accomplishes something where in real life youre just embarrassing

oh so you're a libertarian.

lol what how does being in my thirties make me a libertarian

how am i part of a cult?

youre angry at trump because you were told to be

im not the tard stereotyping everyone who disagrees with me politically

ahahahahah what have you done in this post so far

You actually think you're informing somebody of this?

yep, you, you didnt know it

Your daddy told you to get angry and so you get angry at his critics

lol how could i possibly be angry at someone like you, itd be like getting angry at a baby or an animal

you still havent specified why I hate Trump BTW. Its a very specific reason.

probably dumb enough to believe conspiracies about russia LOL

lololol....DADDY TOLD ME TO SAY THIS!!!! DADDY DID I DO GOOD? fucking hilarious.

no thats in the official documentation, which youd also be aware of if you stopped flailing around like a spastic


what do you think will happen with flynn lol

You got triggered because I pointed out that Flynn's plea is very bad news for the Trump admin


The problem here is that you cant follow a basic argument and feel the need to lump everyone who criticizes daddy into one monolithic the teenage tard you are.

nigga your literal entire argument is that im a trump supporter for some reason, youre actual retarded

ahaha youre so angry at literally nothing what a faggot

says the faggot crying over daddy. stop projecting

youre personally invested though, you think being angry at trump is important or accomplishes something where in real life youre just embarrassing

lol this is what I mean when I call you a fucking teen. little faggot sitting there psychoanalyzing me because your arguments are so fucking retarded. YOURE LIKE THIS AND YOU THINK THIS AND YOU THINK THAT. Ive repeatedly pointed out how fucking childish this is and that I could come back and just say the same thing at you...but even when I did that you couldnt absorb it, because youre a fucking moron. you're a reddit clichè. YOU have it all figured out, everyone else is just some clueless puppet being strung along by the elites and they don't know it, right? lol fucking moron jfc

I criticize trump just like bush and obama and the clintons, etc., for actual policies and decisions theyve made that I disagree with. Unlike your little faggot ass crying over any criticism of daddy.

lol what how does being in my thirties make me a libertarian

again you're too stupid to understand basic points. you're a libertarian because you have a childish view of the world and the people in it. I know I still dont get it.

ahahahahah what have you done in this post so far

oh god you're so fucking dumb...i stereotyped you to show you what a clueless faggot you were and how stupid that tactic was. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU, YOU MONGOLOID? How do you fucking get through life.

yep, you, you didnt know it

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. he types after licking the cheetos stains off his fingers.

lol how could i possibly be angry at someone like you, itd be like getting angry at a baby or an animal

stop projecting, its embarrassing

probably dumb enough to believe conspiracies about russia LOL

says the dumb fuck whose entire philosophy is based around a conspiracy of the media.

I like how you ignore how you didnt get a single thing right about me or my politics, mister "i got you pegged cause im a teen genius." Im sorry daddy's troubles got you in such a tizzy you cant deal with reality. It'll be OK.

So what happened? You were right about my views and what I watched or not, you little angry faggot? I know, you wont answer. faggot

Whats the daddy defense force squad team gonna do when daddy is gone?

This pretty much means that Mueller had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to charge him with.

Lmao, you have no idea how witnesses are flipped do you? If you stack the charges against a conspirator they have zero reason to testify against their fellows. Offer a few of the rats an easy prison term and they'll sing and sing and sing.

Holy shit the left is so fucking retarded.

Get back to me when Flynn opens up the whole Russia collusion bullshit that doesn't even exist.

Not an argument.

Neither was your opinionated scenario for why Mueller charged him you fucking moron.

Literally everyone who has watched a single episode of even the most generic cop show can tell you dropping charges is a common tactic in the course of a larger investigation. That you could only respond with "ugh ur so retarded!" is disappointing.

Literally everyone who has watched a single episode of even the most generic cop show

>Bases his opinions on the justice system through Law and Order

I urge you to keep yourself safe

>Not understanding where cliches come from.


you have to talk to them in a language they understand.

I’d like to see a meme, anyway...

Look in a mirror🤣


Ugh! Ilk flam ningo pinga!

So about that...

Get back to me when Flynn opens up the whole Russia collusion bullshit that doesn't even exist.

You'd better not delete this comment when shit goes down.

Stop being retarded.

theres a handful of people in this sub that really want to post like its /r/politics, its best to just laugh and be secure in the knowledge that they dont know what theyre talking about

But an aussie can tell American niggas about American politics. Smh

yeah i can actually


buy into the muh Russia collusion nonsense were expecting a charge for his arrest that related with Russia.

I'm not a huge muh Russia guy but he literally pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI about his meeting with the Russian ambassador. Explain to me how that is not "related to Russia."

He lied to the Trump admin about the meeting in which he was promptly fired.

Tell me again how this means there was Russian collusion?

He was fired as damage control. Daddy didn't want to and regreted firing him. Also, the fact he has one charge means he flipped genius.

the fact he has one charge means he flipped genius.

or it means there was literally nothing else to charge him with.

muh Russias are worse than pizzagaters tbqh

u/polddit fake news right?

Please wait for /u/polddit and friends to relocate offices on the heels of today's news.

I hear office space in mother Russia is relatively cheap these days


make contact with Russians

/> Trump asked Flynn to ask Russians to Veto the UN circlejerking about how bad the Jews were because Obama didn't feel like sticking up for our closest Ally in the middle east for some reason.

> Muh Evangelical vote

> This will be the end of Trump

Did you guys already write out your exit plan talking points in case he does actually go down? Is it deny til you die or is this conspiracy a conspiracy?

No, I read the article you fucking retard.

delay the vote on or defeat a pending United Nations Security Council resolution"

saying Wahhh don't get mad we are being mean to you isn't a reason to impeach Trump rofl.

this conspiracy a conspiracy

Dude you believe in a conspiracy that Facebook ads bought by Americans in 2015 hacked the election.

Did you read that he is rumored to testify against Trump?

See this is good for Bitcoin. Also Shillary is guilty too somehow.


Dude you believe in a conspiracy that Facebook ads bought by Americans in 2015 hacked the election.

This is what kills me about the whole thing. That's the absolute worst assuming the conspiracy is real. Fucking Facebook ads. If the public is manipulated that easily we deserve it.

I'm all for telling Russia to fuck off, but this is Bill Clinton levels of "I hate him SO MUCH there has to be a way to bring him down no matter how stupid or meaningless REEEEE!"

Potentially hiring Ruskies to hack American government servers. No biggie.

Radical Centerism, all these idiots are as bad as the idiots who were sure Obama was going to be impeached for stealing our guns with about as much proof.

You know you don't get to conduct foreign policy as a candidate, right?

> 29 December 2016

> Talking to other countries is grounds for impeachment.

Let me know if you still are so certain this is going to be something in 2 weeks like all those other scandals that were going to impeach Trump that you've already forgotten about.

Specifically making foreign policy deals with other countries is not just "talking to other countries".

Imagine being so up daddy's bussy that you get super upset at any criticism that isn't a clearly impeachable offense.

29 December 2016

making foreign policy deals with other countries

I'm sure you were so upset when Obama did the same thing and stepped on Bush's Heels too rofl.

Like I get you you think Flynn was arrested for talking to the russians not for what he was actually arrested for, maybe go march in the streets again.

maybe go march in the streets again.

Nah, that's not my bag. I'm more interested in watching where the investigation goes.

Well once you figure out how dates work I'm sure it will make meeting up possible to march instead of being months off.

Shut up, hippie

Fake News, one source. Rube who fell for it, you've only fallen for outrage bait how many times?

Logan act baybay you might want to read up. Not like you can actually read though..

Haha you're actually serious, you actually know so little you think say Sessions talking to "Russians" or Flynn talking to "Russians" falls under the Logan act.

Okay so why didn't they use the Logan Act on Flynn then, they got him right?

Without googling explaim to me the Logan act? Also post your Donald trump branded bussy fleshlight pls.

You actually are so assblasted you expect me to inform you of something on /r/Drama amazing.

Why wouldn't I just google the Wolverine Movie plot and tell it to you.

The Logan Act is so applicable, that's why the team of lawyers and investigators used it on Flynn right.

Fucking Idiot.

"Russians" "Russians"

Do you really need to put Russian Ambassador in quotes? You can at least spit facts when you are trying hard to be contrarian, or whatever you are doing.

Lodge a complaint with ABC

CORRECTION of ABC News Special Report: Flynn prepared to testify that President-elect Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians during the transition -- initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant now says

As if we didn't already know he was getting heat for involving himself with the Russian ambassador...

How about we let this story develop more before you buy this horse... I mean do you think Muller is complete incompetent or he is corrupt?

I am so confused how anyone can think this is 100% going no where.

he was getting heat for involving himself with the Russian ambassador...

Yea well you're the one who was upset I didn't say Russian Ambassador so sounds like you have a problem with yourself doesn't it?

before you buy this horse

The Horse everyone jacked off about in this thread besides the Hillbilly Australian about a story ABC retracted because they had one source that they put words in his mouth for the story?

I mean do you think Muller is completely incompetent

I don't know the man do I? With how fucked the FBI has with everything it touched in my state lately why should I trust them to handle anything when they can't even handle a group who's chief security is their informant and 8 others.

Why would he be so determined to get a testimony from him that is useless?

If only we had a recent case where the FBI was determined to get testimony that was useless.

I am so confused how anyone can think this is 100% going no where.

How many times have you heard this is going to be the end of Trump? Obama? Bush? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Carter? Ford? Nixon?

Guy lying to the FBI isn't the same as some conspiracy to help the russians hack the election and everyone who isn't a triggered pussyhat wearer knows it.

( I'm saying Flynn talked Russia after Trump won, butthurt leftists downvoted me because REEE I'm just contrarian. I mean unless you also think the Logan Act applies because we all know now Flynn had authority to do what he did**)

So your argument is always trust the president and never the FBI. Woke.

So your argument is always trust the president

Oh honey, my point was that every single president has a group of idiots who say talked about how Bush was going to be impeached for his warcrimes any day now.

I guess you are too young to remember the Democratic Reps trying to impeach Bush with actual articles of impeachment.

If this is everything, then yeah, it's nothing. But we don't know that, and it would be very strange to make all this hubbub over shit so minor.

Wow, so you don't know the plan? Everyone knows the plan. I guess you need to talk to some democratic leadership sometime, after all Hillary only lost because the scandal dragged on so long it ruined her election chances there's no way it won't work against Trump.

And your recent example of the FBI getting a useless testimony was a case where the executive branch got away with extremely illegal shit by being completely dishonorable cowards abusing legal loopholes so

You live in a reality where the Executive Branch had something to do with the Bundy Case? How intriguing, it's not making you seem like a raving lunatic at all, why wouldn't I be whipped up into a tisy like you.

I thought your example was Oliver North.

I thought your example was Oliver North.

So there are so many examples of the FBI being shit then.

But here you are sucking their dick, do you think Criminal Minds is a documentary?

bad attempts to insult me.

That's what we do here famalam. It's not like i'm actually being mean to you are dislike you/yourposts, you think this is the end of Trump for literally the what 8th time now and I don't, I don't blame you for asking why

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

I guess because most presidents

More like Russia hacking the DNC isn't hacking the Election and if the DNC was sooo worried about democracy being hacked they prob should have given the FBI their server, sure Trump could have asked them to do it ( Because a New York Businessmen doesn't know better people then this? Casinos people for example)

Of course it's all kinda Moot because ABC News was Fake News and Flynn just got in trouble for lying to the FBI about something everyone knew he did.

You might want to read up on Oliver North.

But now it sounds like you are apologizing for any crime being committed, if there was any. That's what I was trying to get out of you. You just don't care. Hiring foreign agents for espionage should be fair game.

You should think about what this means in the long run. Keep on being apathetic to whatever the executive branch wants to do.

I know who Oliver North is lol Jesus my simple point is that when I say FBI fucked up by handing out slaps on the hand for witness to "work their way up the chain" there are so many examples you thought of so many.

But now it sounds like you are apologizing for any crime being committed, if there was any.

That's what I was trying to get out of you.

Oh fuck you caught me, you only had to put words in my mouth.

Hiring foreign agents for espionage should be fair game.

"Espionage" like what? Trump hired a Russian to copy the DNC server with a usb because we know know that's the only way to account for the downloadspeed?

If such a huge crime was committed why didn't the FBI investigate? The FBI we now know covered for their "boss"'s secret meeting with Bill Clinton? the Same FBI that just fired Peter Strzok?

More like Russia hacking the DNC isn't hacking the Election

"Espionage" like what? Trump hired a Russian to copy the DNC server with a usb

Which one is it?

That is what they investigating numb nuts. They are trying to figure out if there was any coordination between the Russian hacking and propaganda and Americans.

I'm not even saying I am completely confident that it did happen, but shit certainly seems strange.

We probably won't know the full extent for decades.

It's going to at the minimum go until the reelection race

Wow would you look at that

Hasn't even been 2 weeks yet.

You know it helps to be critical of things you read on the internet, it helps to make you not look like a complete idiot.

President-elect's still don't get to conduct foreign policy. Nice try tho.

Wow would you look at that

Hasn't even been 2 weeks yet.

Wow, that Totally Real News Tweet has disappeared.

How euphoric were you in that moment?

muh Russias are worse than pizzagaters tbqh

This is your brain om fluoridated water.

If theres nothing to hide why was daddy begging senators to stop it? Why did he get pissed at Sessions for removing himself from the probe? Why did he tell Mueller that going after Trump' s finances was a "red line?" Why has basically every member of his cabinet been caught lying about Russian contact?

There's no reason for any of their antics if there's nothing to hide but here we are nonetheless.

But what if the russianers are right? Will you post video of eating hat on drama?


Why? This is r/drama. Im loving it

I prefer locally grown, natural drama. Not this forced bs. Plenty of actual tards startinf plenty of real drama elsewhere in this thread.

dont be a hipster

Fite me bruh

lemme guess...queensbury rules and handlebar mustaches?

As part of the transition team, aka after the election, aka standard diplomacy.

What kind of moron purgers themselves as a part of standard diplomacy?

i assume one who was trying to downplay everything Russia related because even innocuous shit like this gets the fake news pitchforks out

What will you do when you realize you're dumber than pizzashill?

become king of /r/drama you filthy peasant

The (((admins))) would never let that happen

Lie to the FBI because you’re concerned about fake news? ROFL smart plan

This administration is packed with experts like this.

So Flynn had 2 choices:

  1. Lie to the FBI, lose your job, go the jail

  2. Be made the subject of a nyt think piece, do not lose your job, stay out of jail

And this guy chose 1. I may not understand Flynn but I damn sure respect him.

the best kind

Go read the constitution dipshit. That kind of thing is illegal. It's not 'diplomacy ' when you're not in office yet, it's illegal interference with a sitting government. If Obama had done that to Bush he would have been crucified.

Are you . . . are you actually retarded or is this some meme? You understand that Obama was president of the United States at the time that video was taken? What part about this whole thing are you not getting?

actually retarded

I'm getting at: Muh Russia is totally faked, the only people ever making shady deals with Putin was the Obama administration and the DNC, and this entire thing has been classic leftist projection, not unlike what we're seeing with all the male feminists who are now outed as rapists.

It's a classic play of theirs and the fact that it still fools some people is hilariously sad.

Aren't you a rabid /r/the_donald poster? I'm not sure I buy the 'only meming' excuse.

He's also Canadian

How th fuck do Canadians care this much about American politics

Cucks tbh

what other politics would they care about


Why are foreigners always the generals in the daddy defense force?

They're just following in the steps of Daddy.

Maybe, but I'm still right, and you know it.

how old are you

old enough to party


Still better check some ID before tryin' to slide into that bussy


Making dirty deals with Russia is a time honored tradition of American politics no matter which party you choose.

Thanks for working to make drama Reddit's dumbest sub! It's posts like this that keep us at the top!

And why did he lie, exactly?

My dude, he got caught telling the Russians to delay a UN vote. That is not standard diplomacy. They weren't in power yet.

Daddy said he would make campus’s safe for sweet white bussy, again.

Leave Daddy alone!

retarded liberals were expecting a charge for his arrest that related with Russia.

lol what do you think he lied to the FBI about you illiterate

Did you look at the story? He lied about meeting a Russian diplomat, and lied about asking him to change Russia's policy in the UN.

Report: Local Special Counsel accused of scraping bottom of barrel for his arrests, yet, the bottom of the barrel seemingly does not run out of things to be scraped.

How do daddy's boot heels taste?














Someone doesn't understand how plea deals work

You drop the more serious charges for a slap on the wrist and cooperation on bringing down the next target

Basically a drug Pusher gets arrested and has most of his serious felony charges dropped and agreeance to turn over his supplier.

And then you come along and think oh this guy is not so bad he was only hit with a minor offense

I too have watched the wire.


He's obviously copping a plea. Copping a plea means he's ratting out someone bigger. Which means someone else in the administration (probably multiple other people) are about to get shat on for connections with Russia.

He lied to the FBI then he should serve time.

This is only what he's being charged with because he entered a plea deal.

Rumors on twitter are that this is the big one, hes turned on Trump and is ready to talk. This whole thing is insane.

I like to tell myself it's not happening so that if it does, the drama is a surprise.

This is gonna be fun

dude spoilers

Could you imagine though? Trump getting arrested by the FBI? The resulting spergout would be unprecedented.


I doubt he has that much to actually say about Trump. This has been expected for a while. He's just saving his own skin. They'll give him immunity and he'll testify about a bunch of slimey bullshit we already knew about.

I would like to think that our government is more competent than getting Ollie Northed again, so yeah probably.

What's an ollie

Oliver North

Oliver Laurence North (born October 7, 1943) is an American political commentator and television host, military historian, New York Times best-selling author, and former United States Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel. He was convicted in the Iran–Contra affair of the late 1980s but his convictions were vacated and reversed, and all charges against him dismissed in 1991.

North is primarily remembered for his term as a National Security Council staff member during the Iran–Contra affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s. The scandal involved the illegal sale of weapons to Iran to encourage the release of U.S. hostages then held in Lebanon.

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I meant in context, was his info that useless?

He was granted immunity to testify and worded things in such a way that only he was implicated in any crime, which he can't be charged for because they gave him immunity.

Later Regan admitted he committed the crimes and did whatever he wanted no matter what laws congress made.

Thanks fam, where'd u learn all this? Drama is surprisingly well read on politics/history/culture

A lot of people here are actually only pretending to be retarded/more autistic than they really are.

I guess, the power users who show up in every thread usually look like they don't know shit though.

Also correct.

user reports:
1: uses the term "power users" to refer to people on /r/drama unironically

I was drinking with a random Somalian war vet who I think might have PTSD and he was telling me about all the fucked up shit the government made him do and how incompetent they are at trying to influence every dumb country and this is something else he talked about.

I started reading up on it cause he had a lot of interesting things to say.

Here's a pretty good article on the Iran-Contra Affair and its aftermath from 10 years ago.

huh. whats that mean. Guess I'll go read up on that

Is pretty intrinsic with being a voyeur and reading convo's that rely heavily on context.

I apologize for the wall of text, but I'm copy pasting a break down by Seth Abramson who has analyzed the situation well. 1/ First, it's important to understand that Mueller has entered into a plea deal with Flynn in which Flynn pleads guilty to far less than the available evidence suggests he could be charged with. This indicates that he has cut a deal with Mueller to cooperate in the Russia probe.

2/ We've already seen Mueller do this once before in the probe, with George Papadopoulos—who was charged with the same crime as Flynn, Making False Statements, to secure his cooperation with the Russia probe. The Papadopoulos plea affidavit emphasized facts were being left out. 3/ Flynn is widely regarded as dead-to-rights on more charges than Making False Statements—notably, FARA violations (failing to register as a foreign agent of Turkey under the Foreign Agent Registration Act). There's recently been evidence he was part of a kidnapping plot, too.

4/ Getting charged with just one count of Making False Statements is a great deal for Mike Flynn—it doesn't necessarily mean he'll escape incarceration, but a) it makes that a possibility (depending on what the parties and judge say and do), and b) any time served may be minimal.

Like 5/ What this suggests is Flynn brings substantial inculpatory info (info tending to incriminate others) to the table. Unlike Papadopoulos, Flynn was going to be—because of his position in the administration—a primary target of the probe. So he had to offer a lot to get this deal.

6/ Deals like this are offered only when a witness can incriminate someone "higher up the food-chain" than them. In the case of the nation's former National Security Advisor, the only people above him in the executive-branch hierarchy are the President and the Vice President.

7/ There may be other targets in the Russia probe—such as Attorney General Sessions—at Flynn's same level in the hierarchy, but unless he could incriminate two or more of them, a deal like this would not be offered to him. And there aren't two or more at his level in this case.

8/ What this indicates—beyond any serious doubt—is the following: Special Counsel Bob Mueller, the former Director of the FBI, believes Mike Flynn's testimony will incriminate the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, or both of these two men. 9/ For this reason, what's about to happen in 50 minutes is far and away the biggest development thus far in the Trump-Russia probe, and likely the biggest development in U.S. politics since President Nixon resigned from office during the Watergate scandal. This is historic. 10/ The Papadopoulos plea paled in comparison to this because Papadopoulos was a top national security advisor to Mr. Trump, but still at nothing like Flynn's level of access and authority. The Manafort indictment pales in comparison because it was just an indictment, not a plea.

11/ The range of crimes for which Flynn can incriminate the president is unknown, but we have some sense of what could be involved. The first thing to understand is that Flynn had access to—and influence with—Trump on national security issues beginning in the Summer of 2015.

12/ The last known contact between Trump and Mike Flynn was late April 2017—meaning the two men were in contact for approximately one year and nine months. Given that these twenty-one months make up almost the entirety of Trump's political career, this is a huge swath of time.

13/ During their last known contact—April 2017—we know Trump told Flynn (at a minimum) to "stay strong," after which Flynn stopped cooperating with investigators. So the first thing Flynn can tell Mueller is all Trump said—and if he obstructed justice—during that April 2017 call.

14/ But of course the "story to tell" that Flynn's attorney bragged the ex-NSA had—back in late March of 2017—goes well beyond Obstruction allegations. Flynn was at the center of numerous contacts with Russia that he can report the president knew about and perhaps even ordered.

15/ Flynn met with the Russian ambassador and Jared Kushner in early December 2016 to discuss a "Kremlin back-channel" that some have argued would have constituted an act of espionage. Did Mr. Trump know about this? Did he direct Flynn and/or Kushner to pursue this back-channel?

16/ This December 2016 event underscores that Flynn's a threat not just to Trump but to others. It's easy to forget that, just because Flynn—it appears—can incriminate the president, doesn't mean he can only incriminate the president. Many others are at risk, including Kushner.

17/ Indeed, today's plea coming so close on the heels of Mueller asking Kushner to come in and talk about Flynn suggests Kushner is also a target of the Russia probe. Perhaps Mueller didn't think Kushner would flip on family, so he set him up to Make False Statements about Flynn.

tl;dr big if true

The range of crimes for which Flynn can incriminate the president is unknown


Trump did pizzagate and 3/11

Keep my feet on the ground

Keep my head in the clouds

That was pretty autistic thanks for posting.

Eh, I think Mueller would trade Flynn for Kushner + Sessions.

Honestly if Trump loses Kushner he's done for though. That boy's his entire foreign policy plan, and the fact that he can't get clearance must be hard enough

Don't forget:

  • peace in the Middle East
  • reforming Veteran Affairs
  • reforming criminal justice system
  • solving opiod crisis
  • reinventing the entire Federal government from the ground up

Wouldn't hold my breath on anything big but who knows. Could be wild.

I mean what's he going to say? His payout was from the Turks not from the Russians.

Jared, at the very least, is going down

Erdogan's worse than Putin by any reasonable metric, but the cold war retreads can't spin the same treason hysterics over it, so who knows.

It's been 300 years but I think we can finally make a Logan Act violation stick!

lol twitter

Hey Cap'n, what's your deflection for this tasty development, I wonder?

Go on, tell us today's Daddy Defense script.

twitter is wrong about politics nearly all of the time, remember kurt eichenwald and louise mensch and eric garland

the lol was directed at twitter being a source

other than that i know as little about it as you, im just not jumping to conclusions

im just not jumping to conclusions

Unlike ABC it turns out rofl

im just not jumping to conclusions

You mean you haven't gotten your circlejerk orders yet

Federal "Pound me in the ass" Prison tends to scare most people

A quick glance shows this will prove...absolutely nothing.

On Twitter its been:

  2. THIS ISNT COLLUSION!!! (no shit, he's charged with lying to the FBI)
  3. TRUMP FIRED HIM FOR LYING SO THIS LOOKS GOOD FOR TRUMP (ignoring that Flynn cut this deal in exchange for testifying the admin directed him to do so)

The only kind of sort of salient point is 5. Looks like someone a member of Obama's incoming admin contacted Assad's team. Well OK, go after him. And there has always been hanky panky of this kind through history...the Soviet Union probably did this with Carter when he won and definitely did with Teddy when he ran against Carter. And everyone knows about Reagan and the Iranian regime's contact (the Khamenei wanted to humiliate Carter and release the hostages they day after he left office).

OK. Well, doesnt change the fact that what this dipshit did was illegal and that they have him on tape telling Kislyak to delay a UN vote and then lying about it to the FBI. You'd think a former head of the DIA would know how SIGINT worked and that the NSA tapes EVERYTHING and EVERYONE who contacts obvious spying targets. They have him on tape. If theyre so concerned about Obama's contacts, set up a special counsel and go through the same ordeal. Still doesn't change what Flynn did and what a colossal dumb fuck he is.

Number of days between when Michael Flynn led a “Lock her up!” chant at the 2016 Republican Convention and pleading guilty of lying to the FBI: 499

Flynn did that too? thought that was just Corpulus Christie

Chris crisco and Flynn both did it at the RNC. It was like performing at a more retarded American idol where the only judge was daddy.

He did, although it was very awkward and looked very forced. All song and dance.

turns out his schtoile wasn’t so unblockable after all

Lolololololol, I love happy endings.

dude cant even close out on a nice round number, what a loser

nah just count day one

This is truly the best timeline.

Is it just me or does he sound exactly like Jordan Peterson?

Don't even TRY to debate me.

You see, I have a very particular set of rhetorical skills, skills acquired over a long period of DESTROYING SJWs and l e f t i s t s on the internet.

My iq of 178 grants me a reasoning speed that utterly confuses, bamboozles and incapacitates my adversaries.

I've probably watched over half of ALL Dr.Jordan B Peterson's youtube videos and most of Ben Shapiro's truth bombs against stupid college liberals.

I am an undefeated and undisputed amateur debater. You cannot stop me. Go ahead, challenge me if you must(at your own peril) on any topic and I'll show you what true sheer brainpower and SUPERIOR i n t e l l e c t can do.

Not an argument.

I think Peterson lost half his fanbase earlier in the week when he said only losers without personal accomplishments are racist. The meltdown going on in the replies as hilarious.


edited and put in my comment.



I've added it to my comment.

Oh boy how did I miss this drama

I, too, take pride in the accomplishments of a bunch of people who had no idea I would exist. The airplane? Yeah, I invented that. Plumbing? #metoo Slavery and segregation? Well, we didn't invent that, just perfected it. Wypipo! That's me!

In Lothal all houses had their own private toilet which was connected to a covered sewer network constructed of brickwork held together with a gypsum-based mortar that emptied either into the surrounding water bodies or alternatively into cesspits, the latter of which were regularly emptied and cleaned.

Sewage was disposed through underground drains built with precisely laid bricks, and a sophisticated water management system with numerous reservoirs was established. In the drainage systems, drains from houses were connected to wider public drains.

Amazing how they forgot all about that for 4000 years.

all houses had their own private toilet

You're just not reading at this point

And this was in 2000 BCE

You’re not comprehending at this point.


yeah the point is it's past tense


I like all the losers going "being proud of your race is being proud of your ancestors!" Cause if you're some scotch-irish you totes share the same history as some unibrows from romania

race = ancestors

"You there! You're white too, we're both descended from Caesar! Join our crusade!"

man, I swear the short one from Key & Peele used to be funnier

You’re just worried the leftists will call you names, so you’re signaling a PC meme. Unfortunately it won’t help you score any leftist brownie points.

How the fuck do people think that Jordan Peterson, out of all people, cares about being politically correct?

lol Peterson is basically the Yoda of radical centrism.

I love how the alt-right crowd latches onto to anyone who rails against far-left racial collectivism but completely loses their shit when those same figures criticize THEIR flavor of racial collectivism.

Alt-right/SJW are just two sides of the same coin, tbh.


This reads like the alt-lite version of Destiny.

He has the uncensored, unrated version of the trump russian water sports porn, right? That's why he's getting a slap on the wrist, right?

^ ^ ^ Imagine being this retarded

noice, cant wait to see that on pornhub

Not as much as Ted "time for a little porn-a-rooni" Cruz.

cant wait to crank my yak to an orange boy getting covered in gold

i pray to lord Kek every night that this is true

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot)

President Donald Trump's ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has been charged with making a false statement to the FBI in January.

That's bad news for Mr Flynn, but it could be even worse news for Donald Trump, who reportedly directly lobbied former FBI Director James Comey to back off the Flynn investigation before firing the top law man.

Mr Flynn lost his role as national security adviser after only 23 days in the post, when it emerged he had misled Vice President Mike Pence over his discussions with the then Russian ambassador over lifting US sanctions on Russia.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Flynn#1 Trump#2 FBI#3 Kislyak#4 former#5

I can't wait for T_D zealots to pile in and screech "BUT HER EMAILS" like they've done for the past year.

By this time next week we will have entered "yeah, but who cares?" territory.

By this time tomorrow

I think it's gonna be something like "look how honest the Trump administration is! Even if the criminals on his side, he prosecutes him" or say he was just a low level employee

Already happening lol. Just browse the comments here

I don't really know if this is really decisive. In how many days we'll know if Mueller get the smoking gun?

We should focus on the emails and SJWs. They are the real threat to the US not Russia.

I hate when I can't tell when people are ironic or not on this sub. Do I upvote for being witty or do I upvote for being retarded?

I am semi retarded.

buy buy buy

There’s a new Daddy in impeachment Daddy

This is good for dramacoin

This is good for MAGACoin.


DRAMAcoin when?

its already a thing! ive got some you can buy! cc details pls

My social security number is 420-69-1337

reported for doxxing


This is fucking crazy. No skeletons this time, for real, serious post activate, history is happening.

I can't wait for nothing to happen

Oh he might get a finger wave. I really hope something happens because the salt that would fall could ruin the world's crops but we all know there's going to be someone else who will take the fall.

And just like with Papadopolous, Daddy Defence Force pretends to not know how plea deals work. At least, I hope they are pretending.

How is it collusion if this was after Trump won the nomination?

How is it that youre so fucking stupid youre asking this question, lol?

lol lets all get excited again because its totally going to happen now

love you guys but youre so easily manipulated cmon now

what do you mean it’s going to happen? Michael Flynn already pleaded guilty. Did you click on the article or did you actually think this was about hillary lol

what do you think any of this implies though? you seem pretty confident just like all the other times you got your hopes up for nothing

You realize that the investigation is ongoing right? Muller never said he's finished yet. So lube up bitch.

Do you guys honestly not get that investigating the executive branch takes a long time? Like, you think it's a 2-weekend contractor job and that's it or what

seems like they keep investigating a bunch of random assorted things with no connection to each other and declaring them to be the next big happening

You're looking at the outside of a complicated machine and declaring to be a coffee maker. I think that I trust Mueller and a large team of veteran prosecutors to know how to put together a case, over random internet dudes who have zero experience in prosecution

I think that I trust Mueller and a large team of veteran prosecutors to know how to put together a case

theres your problem

you dont even know whats being investigated, youre just trusting the word of people that have lied continually for years

Haha, as opposed to who? Some random internet dude who says 'there's nothing there?'

Mueller isn't getting guilty pleas based on there being 'nothing there'

im not actually trusting anyone by saying "lets wait before jumping to conclusions like idiot dems have for the past year"

Mueller isn't getting guilty pleas based on there being 'nothing there'

lol theyre after literally anything they can get because they know the whole omg russia collusion thing isnt real

they dont want to leave empty handed and americans will believe anything they tell them

Sure buddy. I'll save this comment for later on, you'll either be lauded for your foresight or ridiculed, it'll be fun either way

did you know flynns plea bargain only offers immunity for any crimes committed under the previous adminstration?

what do you think that implies

This is it. Hillary is done for sure this time.


both hillary and trump are immune to prison how has nobody figured that out yet

Kinda seems like you’re jumping to a conclusion that nothing is going to happen Captain, My Captain.


just assuming based on precedent and how much hot air theres been so far

Lmao I got banned from the Donald for saying maybe this administration might have fucked up.

/u/Pizzashill we both know you can't resist this