/r/subredditdrama turns into /r/menlibs when the subject of cuckoldry comes up

63  2017-12-01 by The_Reason_Trump_Won


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Something I always thought was funny was how people used "pussy" to refer to someone weak or timid, when in reality, a vagina is much stronger than a penis. It can take a lot more abuse, and it's much more flexible. Penises are fragile and have to be carefully protected and kept away from the dangers of the world. Pussies take a pounding and bounce right back for more. Why on earth hasn't the role been reversed when it comes to insults? We should be calling timid, delicate people dicks, and tough, flexible people pussies, lol.

u/Drama_Dairy , what's it like to have a head like a hole, black as your soul? I'd rather die than give your cunt troll.

They were featured here for something else recently.

Polyamorous relationships can not only work really well, but even have some advantages over monogamous ones.

Are therapists giving discounts based on how many you can bring into a group session?

More like therapist see it as Mo Problems, Mo Money.

More like therapist see it as Mo Problems, Mo Money.

One of the benefits of polyamory is that it keeps therapists in business. Instead of giving bipolar girls lithium, you can just tell them that they need to take more dick.


My bipolar med does no damage to my liver or kidneys, that's a stupid idea.

Long-term lithium use actually has documented effects on kidney histology and water resorbtion, and is associated with diabetes insipidus.

I take trileptal.

oh ok, then you'll be alright. This only applies to lithium.

Depakote is more common than lithium for bipolar

You need to get this published.

Polyamorous relationships can not only work really well

Thing is, polyamory (in the actual sense, rather than 'Chad fucks multiple women at once who don't complain much because he's alpha as fuck') is mostly restricted to university educated, 120+ IQ people with a low tendency to smash other people over the head with bricks. Drawing conclusions from the current sample would be like saying cocaine is just fine because it's not really debilitating for millionaire music producers, the main problem is if the general population takes it up.

It's also mostly restricted to borderline girls who cannot seem to hold a relationship for very long.

Polyamory- that’s just another way of saying “ugly people having sex with other ugly people”.

That's called masturbation

Polyarmory only works if your partner doesn't know that she/he is in such a relationship, see /r/adultery.

Think men should be able to have normal sexual relationships with women without being called predators?

Well what about the right of men to let other men fuck their wives, huh? You hypocrites?

u/smegsymeg literally.

He’s definetly r/menslib caliber.

It's the most personal example I've got, beyond maybe being asexual.

An asexual person giving advice to people about sexual relationships, is probably as trustworthy as an incel's advice on woman.

I mean, thats classic SRD, thats what becomes of left-wing incels.

It's the same as calling someone gay as an insult. Gay people are also into it, that doesn't take away the insult.

Holy shit is 2018 going to be the year of cuckolding being a new sexual orientation? Are celebrities gonna start coming out as literal cucks and we're gonna have cuck pride parades as weak mayos march down the street on leashes pulled along by their wife's bull?

Behold the modern world.

Time to nuke it

Mayocide isn't enough, we need complete genocide of the human race



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!


The entire basis of the fetish is shame and self-loathing, but SRD is convinced there is nothing shameful about it.

They are being smug assholes about it by removing the humiliation these cucks are after.

That's the real funny part.

God I hope so. Wonder what the cuck flag would be?

Apparently this is the polyamory flag so I imagine it would be this only on the pi symbol, a woman is bent over it being fucked by a large black man while a short mayo man is in the corner of the flag masturbating

That has got to be the ugliest flag ever conceived

A thin white bar adjacent to a thick black one.

The thick black line.


Here's what I've never understood about using "cuck" as an insult: cuckolding is a male fetish. A man who is being cucked is, by definition, into it and getting turned on by it. It's nonsensical on its face to use as an insult.

/u/GhostofJeffGoldblum - That is literally the reason why it is used as an insult. It is a fetish of a man that has so little self respect that that they not only cannot please their wife, but they get turned on by that fact. "Why do people call people pedophiles like its a bad thing? I mean they are into it and get turned on by it". I know you people are really into normalizing moral degeneracy these days but is defending literal cucks the hill you want to die on?

It's also just not fucking true at all. Othello certainly didn't seem to find it a 'positive', 'kinky' term when his response to the word was "I will chop her into messes: cuckold me!"

The terms has been used as a (very serious) insult for centuries, and as a porn tag for rather less than that. u/GhostofJeffGoldblum - what's it like to be so desperate to defend cucks you outright lie to do it?

using 500 year old literature in an argument about the meaning of a word in modern language

Not really firing on all cylinders, there, are we my dude?

Y-you're aware it's continued to mean that, yes? As evidenced by -- for instance -- the people in the thread you SRD retards are bitching about using it that way.

There is literally an unbroken, documentable history of the word being used for centuries in the way you claim it's not.

Go suck your bull's dick harder, phaggot.

Did you just try to say a long documented history of something is a negative?

It's like you've never spoken to a feminist before.

It's the whole reason why I had friction with my mom over my collection of Pokemon plushes. She was trying to protect me by making me conform more to the standard of how men should act, and my response was basically "lmao fuck that noise, it isn't harming anyone so imma do what i want".

Literally tropical island level of degeneracy.

Mate, you have no idea.

it isn't harming anyone so

Literally the only criteria for deciding how to be.

Doesnt violate NAP

DAE Horseshoe theory

Self-harm is still harming someone, honey.

He's right though. I too had friction back in the day with my parents over my lewd loli dakimakura collection. Of course they have since seen the error of their ways and now I get a nice daki cover every year for my birthday and christmas.

I feel like this was a very recent story.

Fucking /u/zachums deleting the thread before it fills more srdine hilarity 😡😡😤😤😡

I actually found out about the SRD thread because it was linked here. HUEHUE


I've been called worse things.

Someone called a belieber?

Someone called a belieber? How dare they.

One time in 5th grade someone called me a smelly doodoo head and I still haven't gotten over it.

Hey, if anyone is mean to you or your friends, you should hit them multiple times with an expandable baton.

Well it's only been a week.

/r/Drama poster?

Cuckolding-the-fetish is on the rise because men watch too much porn and get used to getting sexual satisfaction seeing a woman get fucked by another man.

Cuckolding-the-raising-someone-else's-kid is on the rise because porn has created a generation of passive deflated weaklings with no motivation.

It's all porn's fault.

That's why I only watch lesbian porn

Getting cucked by women is even more pathetic than getting cucked by men tho

cucked by women

Not a thing.

Says some cuck cucked by women lol

As long as she doesn't get my wife pregnant, you know?

A MtF lesbian can get your wife pregnant tho

Yeah, because that's a dude.


Someone has never had an fmf I see.

That's pretty gay, you know.

o rly

You don't believe in sexual freedom if you are into monogamy. It's very very icky. You can't control a person like that. It's like saying you are only capable of being friends with one person at a time. Gross. Only losers don't have many friends. Only losers don't have many relationships. If you want to learn more, there are adult playtime sessions at The Binky from 4-5 on Fridays and Mondays. You are only allowed one blanket and please do not bring any snacks with nuts or gluten in them. Therapy pets are allowed but please, please keep cishet visitors to a minimum. We believe very strongly in representation. This is a community for loving relationships from all walks of life, but please also keep in mind we do not want to foster an environment of hetero-cis-normativity. So we will be applying the progressive stack to hug sessions although cis men and hetero men in general will be asked to refrain from participating due to the recent development of predatory sexual activity by members of those groups. Also there will be a yiff session afterparty for those interested and we will be doing a manga-loli themed sleepover so don't forget to bring incontinence and hygiene products as well. See you all there, sweeties!

In this respect, cuckolding attracts "the very highly educated," Paul says, adding that it’s “truly intellectual in its enterprise because it replaces sexual touch with humiliation and emotional pain, both of which are psychological. Most of what gives me physical pleasure has to go on in my brain. I'm totally being classist, but this isn't like people in redneck bars asking each other, 'You wanna fuck my wife?' It's much more complex. It's pleasure on a different level."

When, after years of pleading, he finally convinced Sally, whom he describes as "dignified and proper," to cuckold him, Paul posted a notice at AdultFriendFinder.com that began: "Seeking an intelligent man to be my wife's lover." He picked the four smartest candidates. That was 12 years ago. Watching Sally having sex with another man, "I realize how bad I am at it. And this is really hard for me to say"—at this point, his voice cracks—"but I get off on it."

I'm totally being classist, but this isn't like people in redneck bars asking each other, 'You wanna fuck my wife?' It's much more complex. It's pleasure on a different level."

The modern liberal in a nutshell.

I am encuckened by my own intelligence.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying watching a man smash your wife provided she's happy.

Is this really where we’re at right now.

Which flavor do I need to convert to so I can get memriTV at home?

At the very least you wouldn't run out of memes, so that's nice. The ideology is just a plus.

Would you rather be governed by (A) ISIS, or (B) 100 randomly chosen students from Oberlin College?

. . . . Is a surprisingly hard question.

B, overthrowing them would probably take just a stern look from any random woman.

A stern look from anyone

Unironicaly advicating cuckoldry might be my favorite liberal mental illness

"you called me a shiteater? Jokes on you, pal, I'm German!"

Then someone comes along and talks about what basically amounts to being cheated on, but with more steps, where the guy even willingly agrees to it and does nothing at all about it.

If both partners agree with having sex with other people then that doesn't "basically amounts to being cheated on". If I study really hard for an exam and get the same grade as somebody who cheated, then that doesn't mean that basically I cheated. I followed the rules, and the other person didn't which makes all the difference.

/u/Imwe this is a very bad analogy. In the case of the test you and the other guy are taking the same test and thus following (or not following) the same set of rules. In the case of the cuck, however, they are following a different set of rules than someone would in a normal relationship. It is more akin to a case of two people taking two different tests, one which allows you to bring your notes to the test and one which doesn't. Those two individuals could both bring their notes to the test, i.e., they could both perform the exact same action, but only one of them would be cheating, owing to the different rules governing the two different tests. Thus the wife of the cuck performs the exact same action as the adulterous woman (she fucks another dude), but it is only cheating in the latter case, because their relationships are governed by different rules.

This of course leaves aside the bigger question of whether the cuck can be said to have consented to the rules of the relationship in the first place, and hasn't simply been brainwashed by a pathological feminism into thinking there is something "liberating" about allowing your wife to fuck other dudes.

Sorry if this is pedantic btw, I have autism and it never ceases to amaze me how utterly retarded the SRDine is when it tries to grandstand. I mean, did you give your little example here any thought at all?

This is a good joke. Most people would think that your comment is serious, but I know better so I’ll play along.

The user I quoted focused on the end result, which in his mind is the women having sex with a man other than her partner. To him, that result is “basically cheating”, so the grade in my analogy. What I said is that you could get the same situation without cheating. So about the same what you said but your own example makes more sense to yourself. So feel free to substitute your long example for my short example.

This of course leaves aside the bigger question of whether the cuck can be said to have consented to the rules of the relationship in the first place, and hasn't simply been brainwashed by a pathological feminism into thinking there is something "liberating" about allowing your wife to fuck other dudes.

Feminism! Jazz hands

Sorry if this is pedantic btw, I have autism and it never ceases to amaze me how utterly retarded the SRDine is when it tries to grandstand.

This made me laugh, thank you. If by any chance you are serious, read that last quote again, read what you wrote about feminism, and reflect.

The SRDine is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a smuglord, seriousposter, grandstander, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him his pontificating is not nearly as clever or insightful as he thinks it is and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

All of that and the username mention which made me think you replied to my comment in SRD. But we are in /r/Drama which means I'm even more impressed with your comments, since you typed them with one hand. This is too much jerking yourself off for me though, so I'm out.

I'm even more impressed with your comments, since you typed them with one hand.

Wow. I'm literally speechless. I'm just here making a few light-hearted jokes, and apparently you got so offended by my friendly banter that you decided to look through my post history, discover that I am an amputee, and publicly shame me for being disabled.

That is disgusting. You are truly a terrible human being.

Are all SRDines as bigoted as you are? What makes someone into such a hateful person that they have to go online and make fun of a disabled person just to feel better about themselves?

Dude you're making fun of an amputee. Really?

Funfact, the reason I know I'm not a cuck is that I was once woken by my gf having sex with the other person from a threesome earlier that night, and instead of thinking "oooh, that's hot" or "Oh, she's having sex without me, is something wrong with me" my only thought was "For fuck sake, I just got comfortable and now I gotta fall asleep again".

This is something I notice. The same people who claim to be Men's Rights Activists actively work to keep men stuck to traditions. Granted, this apparently happens with Feminism and BDSM as well, with regards to dictating how people should act because of some "greater good". It's the whole reason why I had friction with my mom over my collection of Pokemon plushes. She was trying to protect me by making me conform more to the standard of how men should act, and my response was basically "lmao fuck that noise, it isn't harming anyone so imma do what i want".

So how did this work out life wise /u/Redd500? Got a happy marriage with healthy kids? A well paying job? A robust network of socially active real life friends?

I mean, certainly refusing to listen to your mom here didn't lead to a sad and unsuccessful life which may or may not involve still living in your mom's house. Right?

I'm pretty much dead on the inside, filling it with all these consumer products made by a Japanese company while my mom brings me my chicken tendies every night. I might have to fling my shit at her a couple times tonight to cope with this revelation.

I fucking hate Pokémon and I have a very dim view of polyamory but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying fun little tchotchkes or plushies like that. Unironically one of the better comments in that thread, fuck the haters.

I'm really just here to mock myself, but thank you. I like to have a sense of humor about myself, and I won't hesitate to mock my quirks when the time comes.

If that's your serious life you're describing then you got more than quirks

You're not wrong.

This is the reason Trump won.

Who cares?

The most disgusting thing about cuckoldry is that it sexualizes gussy.

/r/cuckoldry turns into /r/cuckoldry when the subject of /cuckoldry comes up.


Male sexuality is demonized and under attack! Haha these sissy cuckold fucks.

Literally the same people

Need to clarify a couple of things to you. First cuck in the political sense means you are letting others benefit from your work and getting nothing in the deal. See Muslim immigration into Europe. Thats a political cucking for the average European.

But lets turn to actual cucks.

They GET OFF on being humiliated. They call themselves sissies. Its a very weird fetish and this is coming from a swinger.

Saying sissy cucks turns these guys who's brains seem to be inversely wired on. If you legitimize cuckolding you are in fact getting rid of it.

You are the oppressor.

If a man's smashing ur wife fuck him in the ass to regain the honour

Why is it that the guy fucking the wife is always black?

Because people still believe the black penis myth in 2017