This shit is not good for my depression and anxiety. I already struggle to understand how I'm ever going to live a functional life with things being as bad as they are right now...if they get much much worse, I don't know if I will ever be able to work hard enough just to keep my head above water, and they're going to gut the already laughably insufficient and bare disability/support systems.
Everything feels hopeless and I don't really understand what the point of doing all this shit anymore is...
1 SnapshillBot 2017-12-02
Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-12-02
This shit is not good for my depression and anxiety. I already struggle to understand how I'm ever going to live a functional life with things being as bad as they are right now...if they get much much worse, I don't know if I will ever be able to work hard enough just to keep my head above water, and they're going to gut the already laughably insufficient and bare disability/support systems.
Everything feels hopeless and I don't really understand what the point of doing all this shit anymore is...
1 niggerpenis 2017-12-02
where have I heard that before? 🤔
1 Matues49 2017-12-02
u/botchlings pls go
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-12-02
I'm not botchlings. I'm YourGayOpinion, silly boy.
1 SDIHTD 2017-12-02
Stfu pizzashill
1 toynbeeidea16 2017-12-02