“Shut your fucking face, brotherfucker” or: “My brother who went to prison and molested my niece makes me wet”

18  2017-12-02 by menslib_is_alpha_af


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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A book I’d read before getting on the train, The Adoption Triangle, had prepared me for those sorts of feelings. Of the many stories of adoption reunions, there were a few of brothers and sisters, and mothers and sons, who fell headlong in love, intoxicated by “deep, unrestrained love” and “intense, incestual feelings.” This didn’t surprise or disgust me when I read about it, or even when I experienced it myself. After all, it’s easy to confuse love with sex and sex with love.

I’d devoured stories of brother-sister incest all of my life: Wuthering Heights, Ada, The God of Small Things, Game of Thrones. It wasn’t me who’d turned those stories into bestsellers and critically-acclaimed classics. The attraction I felt wasn’t a sign of deviance, but I didn’t plan to act on it.

My uncle’s redheaded wife was the person in our family who most often told it like it was. When Johnny was released, and it looked like he would make it to the fifth beach-house reunion, she took me aside to tell me to watch him around children, and to explain why her husband – my uncle – didn’t want to be around my brother. When their daughter was three years old, they’d left her in then fourteen-year-old Johnny’s care and had come home to him with his pants down, his penis in the little girl’s mouth, and him saying “Just suck on it like it’s a bottle.”

Back in the 1990s, I came across some 'literature' about this and I was disgusted then as I am now.

Banging my actual sister is gross, but a fictional sister seems pretty hot as a fantasy.

To each their own...

I mean, if we're going Fictional, why stop at the sister? Why not just go full Furry?

Because that would be gross.

Furry is always wrong.

Well, a sister still has human tits and a human cunt, for one.

That particularly slope doesn't seem too slipper, tbh. And I don't even have a sister.

Dons't most of those incest stories portray incest as a sign that things have gone horribly wrong or that the person who is interested in them is a massive deviant?

Jon Snow and Daenerys is portrayed positively.

Yeah, but Martin is creepy.

It is known

Where's the drama? That was actually pretty well writtn

It was a dramatic story. Sure it has no business being posted in here but it was kind of neat, no?

I enjoyed it

Good ☺️

Well there is some evidence that suggests people are often attracted to facial features that resemble those of their parents.

Which is interesting because it would directly contradict the potential existence of the Westmarck Effect, which would be another potential explanation though completely opposite to that of your and my articles and was itself essentially proposed as a refutation of Freud's Oedipus Complex. Which if the research in our articles is accurate would surprisingly suggest Freud was on to something. An achievement he's not usually accorded anymore

Which is interesting because it would directly contradict the potential existence of the Westmarck Effect

The Westermarck effect has to do with people growing up in close proximity to each other, not with the phenotypes of your parents though, so it wouldn't be contradicting.

Good point, I just meant the Westmarck Effect could explain her being attracted to the brother she'd never met despite him being related as opposed to because of it