This user is threatening to gape me. Please report her profile to help have her banned

14  2017-12-02 by WarSanchez


Jews did this


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Didn't know Jews were so kinky. I thought they only fucked through a hole in a sheet?

Ignorant ass goy smdh

implying you don't want to be gaped


Gape Ape.

"I hope there's not a gapiest ape!"

They call him that because he weilds a gapier.

/u/T0FUHUNTR threatening to have me raped by her friend.

You did threaten to rape me. You said you hope I'm on birth control because you don't plan on pulling out. Please report this user, threats of sexual assault should be taken seriously

You can't rape the willing, and you obviously want his cock.

He's obviously gonna rape you, no lube, run while you can it's the no-consent man.

Threats of rape are serious and I absolutely will be reporting this to local law enforcement. I have a friend in homicide that works on internet crimes like this. I'm going to see if she can help me.

I have a friend in homicide


if she can help me

Getting coffee for the male cops doesn't mean she's in homicide.

She works in internet crimes, like this one. These threats are being taken seriously. I am contacting you my lawyer as well.

internet crimes

Intercops are going to get /u/OniTan for shitposting.

Consequences will never be the same

lmao "i reported you to the CYBER POLICE"

No, no, not the innernet police! Please, have mercy on us!

Aww, did you get your fee-fees hurt?

I am contacting you my lawyer as well.

I'm not your lawyer but I can pretend to be. Here's my legal advice: delete ur account and hide in the closet. Call the local emergency number on your phone over and over and tell them you're scared of the internet man

"Internet crimes". I'm dead.

Also: "threats of rape" + "friend in homicide". I'm calling it. The trolled has become the troll.

You do know that I've seen people get banned from reddit for this site-wide harassment and stalking, right?

How big is the gape, though?

It's exit only.

No need to lie, just say it’s personal.

This user is threatening to rape me. He downloaded my photos and I'm worried he will try to actually assault me. He told me he hopes I'm on birth control because he won't pull out. Please help me by reporting him

This user has absolutely threatened to rape and murder before. If you think this is a joke you're insane.

not sure you should be talking about who is and isnt insane

Well she sure has first hand knowledge on the topic.

Please help me by reporting him and preventing him from sexually assaulting women

TIL People with suspended reddit accounts can't sexually assault people.

The elasticity of the sphincter is truly one of mother nature's greatest miracles

  • David Attenborough

Craving bussy! They'll fit right in.

Why don't any redditors threaten to gape me? Is my personality not good enough?

I wouldn't even gape you.