A real-life example of why you shouldn't downvote lolcows: it discourages other lolcows from participating through word of mouth

136  2017-12-03 by shallowm


but i'm yelling at assholes that have it coming

LMAO. Literally "it's okay when I do it".

u/Novelcheek I know you're physically incapable of doing ever doing this, but really: consider the possibility that you're the asshole.

I've considered it.. and... you're right!. sob And yes, yes it is ok, when i do it.

The first step towards becoming a r/drama poster is realising you're an asshole.

yeeea, but i'm a unabashed left-wing asshole. This.. ain't exactly my kinda clique.

The second step to becoming a r/drama poster is realising that you can be an asshole to anyone.

Like here , or here , or here...

You probably think that r/drama is purely reactionary because people milked you whenever you came in here.

"Only a right-winger would treat me like an asshole!"

I think it's more that a left leaning locow gets milked by the right and vice versa, most of the time.

Yes both the left and the right get shit on equally.

We have /u/botchlings yin to u/pizzashill yang

I ain't reading all that, but yea, seems pretty lefitish in what it's making fun of. Doesn't stop this sub from being filled with liberals and reactionaries. sooooo shrug

So you aren't participating because it isn't an echo chamber?

Hm. Maybe so, maybe. I just avoid shit that goes full "MY FREEZE PEACH THO", and is obviously just right-wing echo chambers. I'm still going to be butting heads with most of this sub, i feel, tho. Still neat that i'm suddenly getting summoned here, tho. It's new to me.

In all seriousness, I hope you stick around /r/drama desperately needs more funny, angry left-wing assholes. The problem is that the alt-right contingent here have the unfortunate combination of being both unfunny agendaposters and desperately stupid (this means you, /u/biglordshigot and /u/botchlings alts). This means that they shit up threads and drive away better posters because no matter what funny insults you throw at them, they never deviate from their idiot meme talking points.

/r/drama only works if it's a bastion of Radical Centrism (not the individual posters, but the whole sub nets out to near-netural).

If /r/drama becomes /r/the_donald2, it will become shit. Like real, actual boring monotonous shit ("DAE hate feminizm"???), as opposed to raucous nonsensical autistic shitheap it is today.

Well... thanks. Hm, that was pleasant. Yea, right wingers tend to agenda push non-fucking-stop and aren't particularly funny (quick someone hit me with a fucking pepe\helicopter meme!). I'm actually kind of having a kick here, tho. People respond and i don't know what's about to come through my inbox. Kinda fun. I'll try to drop by sometimes.

I'll try to drop by sometimes.

Please do!

Thanks hun, be sure to keep yourself safe!

que ominous music.. that i promptly ignore

no matter what funny insults you throw at them

I'm meltiiiing, meltiiiiing!

A question, why do communists complain about liberals more than reactionaries? It's like complaining more about someone who committed assault and less about a murderer.

Eh, i'm going on a limb and saying many lefties would disagree with me, but i do see a difference between liberals and reactionaries. For me, reactionary comes with a couple other flavors, usually social conservatism, whereas just plain ol' liberals are generally ok with gay pride parades, trans people being left to their thing, equality for minorities, etc etc etc. Reactionaries are liberals that really double-down on how society should be and are too deep into ideology, while just regular day to day, or "progressive" liberals are more open to some change. Made sense, i hope.

this sub from being filled with liberals and reactionaries

You sound far too tender and silly to make it here, but I will upvote you anyway.

lol You think SRS doesn't have a ton of liberals?

Of course it does, just not shitty liberals with reactionary tendencies. I was also surprised how upvoted my commie talk tends to be there, so there are comrades around the sub, too.

So... you’re poor and have a worthless degree in “the social sciences”? That’s alright, we can make room for you anyway.

Poor: check
Degree, as if i've been to college: No check.

Yea, people really love Trump here...

You act like i'm paying attention. I just know reactionaries post here to shittalk lefties a lot and are.. apparently fine. Liberalism: not a huge fan of it.

Everyone shit talks everyone here.

Liberalism: not a huge fan of it.

Me English no good. Please explain.

You are not a fan of liberalism, or you think everybody here have the audacity to criticize (and to be criticized about) anything is not liberalism?

While I am inclined to believe you just want a place to "circlequeef" not serious discussion, I would like to pretend there is still some hope for honest discussions. So please enlighten me.

Nope! Discussion is fine. I do enjoy my circlequeefs and left-jerks, it's just that right wing scum will take the first opportunity at free speech tho and turn a sub to utter garbage, filled with their nonsense, no discussion to be had. So i'm wary of that kind of shit. Not sure if you were serious about the english thing (sorry if i am) but i don't understand your sentence about liberalism.

circlequeefs and left-jerks, it's just that right wing scum will take the first opportunity at free speech tho and turn a sub to utter garbage, filled with their nonsense, no discussion to be had.

So left-jerk is okay, but right-jerk is not. I don't think I agree with that.

i don't understand your sentence about liberalism.

I don't understand your sentence about liberalism, either.

What is "Liberalism: not a huge fan of it" supposed to mean?

I'm a commie, i use "liberalism" in it's original definition, meaning the philosophical backing for the rise of capitalism and private property. If you defend the rules\philosophy that defends rights to private property, you a liberal.

As far as "left-jerk is ok, right-jerk is not"... yea, basically. I don't want capitalism, i want socialism, a complete shift in the relation of humanity to the means of productions, i was social liberation of the LGBTQ+ community, liberation of oppressed minorities everywhere, of all stripes and right wing, conservative philosophy doesn't like that stuff, so it's something i'm fundamentally opposed against... sorry, but i dislike things i'm against, as alien as that may sound to you, apparently.


Jesus Christ.

it's [sic] original definition

That is two strikes so far.

sorry, but i dislike things i'm against, as alien as that may sound to you, apparently.

Yeah, because I have common sense to entertain an idea even if I disagree with it. This is what our freedom is all about.

What you want is not liberation, it is a social revolution and the subjugation of the so-called "oppressors." Communism will not bring salvation to mankind. It will doom us all.

Yeah, because I have common sense to entertain an idea even if I disagree with it. This is what our freedom is all about.

My person, i grew up in a capitalist country. I grew up being fed the liberalism that retroactively justifies it. I've already entertained an idea i disagree with. I chose another one. I'm fucking 32. Ya think i just teened my way into this? Get a grip, you should know better.

And you choose the ideology that wants to line up the opposition to be executed?

I'm fucking 32. Ya think i just teened my way into this? Get a grip, you should know better.

I didn't make any assumptions in my comments. I just think you have issues when you are using the word "reactionary" unironically.

Liberalism is the greatest thing to happen in human history.

Wew, staring into that abyss.

We like to trash Trumpettes and conspiratards too so that might be more of your taste

Well yeah, that's cool and all, but yall still harbor reactionaries and crypto-fascists, so ehh.

We harbour everyone here, even retards who use the word reactionary to mean "someone who pointed and laughed at me."

Yeeeah, using "retards" and saying reaction to mean "some random dickhead i don't care about said something on some nothing sub." That's the stuff.

Wait, I thought you were a commie?

Commies hate tards.

Yea, this is literally 1980 Soviet Union and absolutely nothing has changed since then, you goddamned genius, you. And again, tossing around "retards" and "tards" and trying to throw that on me. Project your worst traits onto your opponent. Classic "i have nothing of importance to say and am just gonna keep on reactin', because not being an edgy fuck makes me feel not cool" bullshit, from posters on this site. Feck awf.

Haha, what, you want to talk about how they are treated right now in Laos or North Korea?

I don't know shit about either, so whatever. Wanna talk about how they're treated here?

In drama? Treated exactly how everyone else is treated.

Here, as in the west, not some sub.

Fuck you and your west-centric narcissism . There's a hell of a lot more world out there.

Are you seriously trying to turn that around on me?? I fucking have never been outside the US. I don't know a goddamn thing about Laos and NK is just a fucking mystery to me, unless i swallow western propaganda without any compunction to wonder if there might be an agenda in what i hear from about it. I said "treated here" and you thought i was talking about some random fucking sub you dickhead! Nobody cares about this fucking sub. I don't care about this sub. But if we're going to shittalk how countries treat the mentally ill, guess where i'ma fucking start questioning?? Maybe, just maybe my own fucking country. You just strike me as one of the brightest bulbs in the room, you know that?

Maybe you should have said your own fucking country, instead of using "here" to mean the West, as if that's self-evident? Of course I thought "here" meant the sub, because I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't so totally solipsistic. My mistake.

You brought up two countries, meaning the conversation was about countries, because you were obviously about to try my ass on them being socialist or whatever (dropping NK kind of gives that away, ya know!), so why would i think you'd get "this fucking subreddit nobody cares about" from that comment. And throwing out solipsistic! Holds for applause.. Anyway, this country treats the mentally ill like human fucking garbage, so throwing out countries you consider "socialist" or whatever doesn't matter, they're treated like shit everywhere and here you are just tossing "tard" around, trying to be edgy, while acting like you have some moral fucking high-ground or some shit. You are an edge among less edge. All my congrats to you, you reactionary little shit.

What's "this country"?


Haha, of course you think "here" means "the West", and "the West" means "America." Silly, self-centered commie who doesn't know the first thing about communistic countries.

Anyways, America treats tards great. They marry supermodels and become president.

Did you really just accuse him of being a tard? Fucking ableist.

No, of just being a jackass.

Crypto fascists being harbored in MY drama?!?!?! We're supposed to be crypto hate.

clique? Keep yourself safe.

u/novelcheek I don't think you know what the word reactionary means.

It just means you react to things lol

/u/novercheek "reactionay" just means "people who want equal rights for everyone."

Naw, it means people that think "white genocide" is a thing.

you're not in favor of mayocide? what the fuck is wrong with you!

Yeah, we aren't talking about the dumb kind of "white genocide" that /pol/ talks about, where whites spread their inferior genes around through miscegeny.

We're talking about an actual Mayocide: the involuntary and immediate physical removal of all Caucasoids. It's the only way to put an end to white people nonsense once and for all and fix Yakub's mistake.

Dunno who yakub is, but fuck it, mayocide it is.

Yakub is the guy who made the world worse by inventing white people. Here's what happened:

Yakub is said to have been born in Mecca at a time when 30% of original black people were "dissatisfied". He was a member of the Meccan branch of the Tribe of Shabazz. Yakub acquired the nickname "big head", because of his unusually large head and his arrogance. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel. This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man." By the age of 18, he had exhausted all knowledge in the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the "original black man" contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers, he went to an "isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan", which Muhammad identifies with Patmos. Once there, he established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies, and created a brown race after 200 years. Yakub died at the age of 152, but his followers carried on his work. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics, the white race was created. The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them — or made by nature a liar and murderer".

The new race traveled to Mecca where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language....Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise....The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing." For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite. However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process; however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."

👏ONE 👏 OF 👏 US 👏

We can always hope!

Fuckin' for real. Crackering crackers gotta go, already. Whitey ruins fucking everything.

If I say in SRS that I am participating in the mayocide by nailing every blonde chick I see would I get banned?

Don't know, don't care.

Here at /r/drama, we believe that the elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

...I can't tell if this is satire or what. I'm too tired for this.

It's something I wrote up to trigger white nationalists with whenever they appear on the sub.

...i like your style

/u/Wild_Enkidu is dating a girl (dating is haram, by the way) which leaves two possibilities:

  1. They're a non-heterosexual Muslim

  2. They're a guy unironically posting on /r/ShitRedditSays

Which one is worse? You decide.


Edit: Ayy got username summoned into Drama for the second time.

Please give us the attention we desperately need.

u/Novelcheek, I’m brigading your sub by upvoting everything in that thread. How are you going to repay my generosity?

I'm going to spread class consciousness on your behalf! There will be broken windows and overturned trashcans, in your name!

There will be broken windows and overturned trashcans, in your name!

Are you fit enough to do that though? When you see the doctor about how many times does he say "morbidly"?

Underweight, unfortunately. :(

Skinny white guy reppin black blok? Poor little guy

Out of curiosity.. what would you prefer i do? Rather than being a leftist, being cool with everything from black-bloc tactics, to ML insurrection or Protracted People's War.. what do you want that i should advocate?

Why do people think that black bloc tactics like property damage and violence work if they're on a totally small scale? It does nothing against the big bad government, unless you're full-on revolting and overthrowing the government.

You're actually not off, in that assessment!

"Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin." -Lenin

Where people get lost in left politics is trying to understand the material conditions of the now. This absolutely is not 1917, peasant filled, backwards Russia, it's the modern world; the internet and mass\instant communication alone has completely changed the name of the game. So, where does that leave us with the question of black-bloc, the rising tide of antifa in the west? We have to keep in mind, the working class of america was militant as all hell, but was squelched with the red-scare and McCarthy era. We have had no significant class consciousness in the States since.. then fascists tried to make moves.. now the left is feeling more moved to actually act and coalesce. While it brings negative attention, from some, it's also brought a rise. The inherent contradictions of that capitalist system are harming to many and the people are waiting for answers. For the first time, in a long time, "leftism" and the words 'socialism' and 'communism' are being uttered, again. So you tell me, what use is it.

Lol black blok has been around since the late 70s... And y'all just seem to always attack GAP stores.

Black bloc

A black bloc is a name given to groups of protesters who wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items. The clothing is used to conceal marchers' identities, and hinder criminal prosecution, by making it difficult to distinguish between participants. It is also used to protect their faces and eyes from items, such as pepper-spray, which law enforcement often use. The tactic allows the group to appear as one large unified mass.

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You never answered my question, reactionary.

Yeah, but like fuck GAP stores tho

We have to keep in mind, the working class of america was militant as all hell, but was squelched with the red-scare and McCarthy era. We have had no significant class consciousness in the States since

I remember reading about strikes that turned violent and stuff like this, but I feel like for the most part, the average person now is not motivated enough to engage in revolt/join a militant movement, because living conditions have gotten better for them. Perhaps if there was mass employment or another motivating factor which isn't there right now, or at least it doesn't seem like it's there to me.

While it brings negative attention, from some, it's also brought a rise. The inherent contradictions of that capitalist system are harming to many and the people are waiting for answers. For the first time, in a long time, "leftism" and the words 'socialism' and 'communism' are being uttered, again. So you tell me, what use is it.

From what I can understand, are you saying that these are the first steps in making class consciousness spread and (eventually) bringing about a revolution?

Battle of Blair Mountain

The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest labor uprising in United States history and one of the largest, best-organized, and most well-armed uprisings since the American Civil War. For five days in late August and early September 1921, in Logan County, West Virginia, some 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3,000 lawmen and strikebreakers, called the Logan Defenders, who were backed by coal mine operators during an attempt by the miners to unionize the southwestern West Virginia coalfields. The battle ended after approximately one million rounds were fired, and the United States Army intervened by presidential order.

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I'm not sure where to start, but yeah, living conditions aren't improving, they're going down, across the board and the black community never had it easy. As to your last statement, yeah, that's basically what i'm saying. Class consciousness comes with baby steps, especially in the heart of the black empire, iteself. The left has been thought of as fucking democrats, when it never was that, now crypto-fascisits try to tag hillary fucking clintion and obama to what's going on with left-militancy, but seem confused when met with the reality we dislike them just as much. The more room capital makes for itself, the more narrow room it makes for the actual left and the more aware people become of it, as there is nowhere else to go. When ya say "shit trump sucks, but fuck hillary too" and you hear someone say "fuck yeah" and you later learn they're a commie of some tendancy, you might start to question some shit.

I'd also like to throw this out at you, because i think this is where it's going to get super interesting: Trucking. Semidriver is a decent paying thing, in a super competitive industry, but is open to the regular working person... Google already has self-driving semis on the road. It's going to take one company to go full self-driving semis and the rest are going to have to immediately jump on board. There are entire towns who's main economy revolves around truckers\trucking. Let that shit hit and we're all going to see a bunch of surprising types start having some seriously tough questions for this whole 'capitalism' thing.

Capitalism was one step in the history of humanities relation to the MoP, it was only meant to last so long. To hold onto it as a given is reactionary and shortsighted. And you'd do well to really take in that Blair Mountain link, the wikibot linked below us. Workers organize and there's nothing that can stop that.

I'm not sure where to start, but yeah, living conditions aren't improving, they're going down, across the board

Are you sure? I've heard from a lot of people that poverty is going down, for example.

the black community never had it easy

That's true, but it has undoubtedly gotten better. Is it still bad? Yes, but I think it's still going to get better as time passes. I didn't really specifically mention black people though, are they going to be some instrumental part of the revolution or something?

The left has been thought of as fucking democrats, when it never was that, now crypto-fascisits try to tag hillary fucking clintion and obama to what's going on with left-militancy, but seem confused when met with the reality we dislike them just as much.

I've been called a Marxist SJW while discussing politics before (which I really don't like discussing anyway), so I know what you mean.

I know you hate both of them because you're a communist, but Democrats are a better choice than reactionary Republicans, no? Who did you vote for last election?

I'd also like to throw this out at you, because i think this is where it's going to get super interesting: Trucking. Semidriver is a decent paying thing, in a super competitive industry, but is open to the regular working person... Google already has self-driving semis on the road. It's going to take one company to go full self-driving semis and the rest are going to have to immediately jump on board. There are entire towns who's main economy revolves around truckers\trucking. Let that shit hit and we're all going to see a bunch of surprising types start having some seriously tough questions for this whole 'capitalism' thing.

Yeah, advances in technology have me wondering about the impact they're going to have on the world and stuff like employment. I don't know how people are going to react though, so I can't really say, but I'll just have to wait and see.

And you'd do well to really take in that Blair Mountain link, the wikibot linked below us. Workers organize and there's nothing that can stop that.

Well, the government and other parties ended up stopping them. It just seems like that's what would happen again, if people tried to revolt. Even if somehow a revolution takes places, there's going to a lot of bloodshed and instability, it's not going to be a smooth transition to fully automated communism.

I laid down for a bit before getting ready to finally sleep and had 6 comments directed at my commie ass, yours is the only one i feel is worth responding to. Look, you seem to be pretty clear that there is a problem both economically and socially, which is more than i can say for just so many people. You just seem to be confused on two things: the role of the revolutionary black community and a kind of defeatist attitude, with that last comment.

Arguably (i guess) the most successful revolutionary movement was the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (i leave you with some words from one of their chairmenj Fred Hampton). The black community historically played a role in revolutionary action and i'm positive, it will continue to be.

Secondly, that last comment, like i said, is so defeatist. You think this state of affairs is just how it's gonna keep rollin'? Marx, Engles, Lenin, nor the anarchists Kropotkin, Lucy Parsons or Bakunin ever thought there was going to be some smooth transition into socialism. I'd like a smooth, peaceful transition, Engels himself says so in The Principles of Communism, but we have no illusions it's going to be that simple, it's already been shown, historically, that it ain't gonna be that simple. Don't want violence, if i did, i'd be just fine with the way things are.

Secondly, that last comment, like i said, is so defeatist. You think this state of affairs is just how it's gonna keep rollin'? Marx, Engles, Lenin, nor the anarchists Kropotkin, Lucy Parsons or Bakunin ever thought there was going to be some smooth transition into socialism. I'd like a smooth, peaceful transition, Engels himself says so in The Principles of Communism, but we have no illusions it's going to be that simple, it's already been shown, historically, that it ain't gonna be that simple. Don't want violence, if i did, i'd be just fine with the way things are.

What about a Critical Theory approach through subverting the subject? Pretty peaceful to me. And IMO some Frankfurt Schüle thinkers (pretty sure either Adorno and/or Horkheimer) made a pretty solid case for how adaptable/fluid capitalism is and how that is a problem for communism as "the real movement that abolishes the present state of things... et cetera".

Did you grow up poor? Are you going to kill your parents because they own land when the revolution comes? Or are they the good ones?

My family is working poor. What little bit we have, we're lucky to have. And i've never said anything about even middle class people. Even Lenin wasn't overly concerned with middle class business folks that worked next to their workers (from what i've heard), if that's what you're talking about.

I don't really give a shit what you do but if you try to knock over or burn my shit I would hurt you you patchoolie dick fuck noodle.


There is a tendency of leftist to destroy everything in site when they protest.

There will be broken windows and overturned trashcans, in your name!

these ones don't count tbh because srsters aren't even fun ones to have around

Well, two of the three in that comment chain weren't summoned from /r/ShitRedditSays, they were summoned in this thread.

The other one's pinging is explained here.

Well, none of the people in that comment chain were summoned from /r/ShitRedditSays. Two of the three were summoned in this thread.

The other one's /r/drama experience is explained here.

You make the arrow blue you deserve worse than Holocaust Jew.


Ayy that happened to me a while back. I just ignored it. Kinda worried me at first then I realized I was being childish. Those guys get their rocks off in some really weird ways.

Says an SRS poster. You are the garbage collector of reddit. Keep collecting garbage. Someday you too will be honoured by being called a rapist.

Anyone who downvotes in this sub should be banned immediately

Its a ridiculous travesty

unless it's Pizzashill

/u/pizzashill is sorely missed

Speak no ill of our lost comrade

oh shit, I forgot he caved in. OP is right, no more downvoting lolcows for me :(

did he died








Feel like pure shit, just want /u/pizzashill back x

ur just saying that because it's true

Disable the downvote button.

Has no effect on mobile, and easy to disable on desktop.

What type of mong uses /r/drama CSS in the current year

>posting on srs in 2k17

wew lad

SRS is so 2012.

literally, tho

I can't remember the last time they've been relevant since I started college.

They're entirely relevant. They were the progenitors (or one of the major ones) that kicked off the entire "culture wars" bullshit that we are currently witnessing today.

Yeah but they're /r/politics and all the default subs now.

You mean, an early experiment by the post-kgb?

It's mostly feminists with a poop fetish considering how much they talk about poop.

But does that mean they have a rape fetish because they talk about it so much? After all that passes the Lena Dunham test.

اذا تنت الامير المتوحدين, فني صار الامير المتخلفين؟

Is this bad Arabic, or some dialect I've never seen before?

اذا تنت الامير المتوحدين, فني صار الامير المتخلفين؟

طبعا! حقق طموحك ولا تخلي شيء يوقف بطريقك

Is this bad Arabic, or some dialect I've never seen before?


لسة انا طالب حبيبي طولي بالك

In japan we don't say 'I love you' we say 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 which doesn't mean anything it just spells out 'Extra Thicc' in japanese symbols.

None of those are Japanese kanas.

Most of them are Chinese characters, and phonetics.

I am so solly.


Too many /r/drama users come from SRD and/or from /r/all. Where the base instinctual reaction to a comment that disagrees with your position in some measure is a downvote.

It's happening in this thread right now. A lolcow is generous enough to help the thread generate over 200 comments, and /r/drama pays them back with downvotes.

/r/drama has jumped the shar

mrw the summons here.

How can a sub mostly made up of radical centrists be reactionary? We even have a token commie, /u/Frank_Tenpenny.

Wtf? You know damn well communism is more interesting than a redditors date.

Either way it never works out

redditors date


Therefore proving that communism is more interesting. Thanks for the back-up, comrade.

Sorry, you mentioned Communism so I got bored and stopped reading.

Admit how much you love me and my attention.

I💓love💞you💓 and💕 your 💋 attention💟

First up(or down)vote i've given in this sub.

Do me next


Ok just touch it a little

I didn't know you people ever ventured out of your blatantly racist safe spaces.

Racist? where ya gettin that one from?

"Whiteness is a disease" and "fuck white people" sounds pretty racist to me. You people upvote it every time, so it's not just some fringe troll.

I have countless examples.

Fuck whitey, whitey.

This but unironically.


u/novelcheek ping



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

I'm #100?!?




u/Mayo_Macerator and u/Zozbot ??? BEST POST EVER

Congratulations on being the chosen one, /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu (pbuh).

Present and accounted for.

is confronted with blatant racism in srs

responds by confirming said racism is in srs

bold strategy, cotton














Stop giving those blatant racists attention.

Mayos aren't a race, silly.

Can someone explain to me what's so fun about being a reactionary and acting like a dick to anonymous people?

This was said on SRS. Let that sink in for a minute.

Zero self awareness. Impressive.

well, i get a kick out of jumping into downvoted chains, to yell at the poop before it's deleted\banned, so i kind of get it, but i'm yelling at assholes that have it coming. I don't get the flip side.

That's some stunning lack of self-awareness there.

Ayy that happened to me a while back. I just ignored it. Kinda worried me at first then I realized I was being childish. Those guys get their rocks off in some really weird ways.

  • u/Wild_Enkidu

Baby you have no idea...