Cuck defends literal social justice flavored propaganda brought to you by the Gupta family

8  2017-12-03 by CultOfCuck


Damn. The most offensive ads I get are ones encouraging hipsters to go on vacation in Oregon.

Those ads existing offends me.

Who are the Guptas?

A wealthy family of Indian businessmen who are involved with massive amounts of government corruption in SA.

Wait... that's how you're supposed to pronounce "apartheid"???

No it isn't.

The guy doing the voiceover for that reminds me of this guy

Much more subtle, of course, but he has an odd accent and an odd way of pronouncing words. I can't place it (and doesn't sound South African)

(and doesn't sound South African)

That accent is not South African. I guarantee it.

Perhaps it's Chinese propaganda to stir up more hatred towards the whites, while privileged Chinese people continue emigrating to South Africa and living extremely well, with nobody ever pointing out that they're essentially colonising the place and buying out shares of African resources.

I strongly suspect it is Gupta propaganda. They are a family of extremely wealthy Indian "businessmen" already implicated in making propaganda like this.

Biers should abandon ship SA is doomed.