7 2017-12-03 by GunsForTards
1 searingsky 2017-12-03
This is the lowest of efforts
1 Neon_needles 2017-12-03
Lol. He wife died 😅👻
1 captainpriapism 2017-12-03
thats what happens when you deliberately kill them
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2017-12-03
Haha yes, his wife is most certainly deceased!
1 liquidm 2017-12-03
1 jubbergun 2017-12-03
Holy shit, that's the kind of burn that smolders for weeks after the flames go out.
1 searingsky 2017-12-03
This is the lowest of efforts
1 Neon_needles 2017-12-03
Lol. He wife died 😅👻
1 captainpriapism 2017-12-03
thats what happens when you deliberately kill them
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2017-12-03
Haha yes, his wife is most certainly deceased!
1 liquidm 2017-12-03
1 jubbergun 2017-12-03
Holy shit, that's the kind of burn that smolders for weeks after the flames go out.