2020 presidential election drama ALREADY? "Guys, I found a way Bernie can still win!"

135  2017-12-03 by S994


Some fun stuff:

Your IQ is showing

Change one victem of neuro degeneration for another.

Politics aside, the amount of drama generated if he runs again might literally break the internet, so I'm obviously for it.

Putting their weight behind Commie McTaxFace is probably the only way dems could throw 2020.

They could run Shrieky Fauxcahontas

they should just say "fuck it" and run Franken under the slogan "he's probably assaulted less people!"

Warren could win. Why? Because she's not Clinton.

Name Clinton Not Clinton
Barack Obama 2008
John McCain 2008
Mitt Romney 2012
Bernie Sanders 2016
Elizabeth Warren 2020
Hillary Clinton
Donald fucking Trump
Kanye West 2020
Gary Busey 2024


I keep looking for shit on Warren, and if all we've got is a Fauxcahontas and "le liberal shrieking" ..... shit man that's a much shorter list of sins than .... well .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hillary_Clinton_controversies

her biggest sin is pissing off most of her fans by not backing bernie and then her being a rich white woman who pretended to be another race won't help either

I guarentee that the fuaxcahontas thing would prevent her from winning the primary against a non white person

Warren and Sanders are the most likely to beat Trump, because their ideas are genuinely popular in large sections of the rust belt, whereas the typical neoliberal Democratic claptrap simply isn't.

Honestly, all the Dems need to do to win next time, is run someone who isn't associated with ID politics or Big Banking. But I expect them to run someone all-in on both, like Gillibrand or Cuomo, and to lose a close election because of it.

Bush wasn't popular in 2004. Obama wasn't popular in 2012. If you want to beat a sitting President, you have to present an acceptable alternative. You can't just hope that unpopularity will sink them.

Having popular ideas in the rust belt only matters in the general election, though. To win the primary, a candidate has to appeal to the pajama boys on the coasts.

Bush was so awful that a moldy sack of potatoes could beat him in 2004, so Democrats ran a war hero who still ended up losing.

They did a great job shooting themselves in the foot even by Democratic Party standards. Out of all the war heroes they could pick, it had to be one who was ashamed of it and wouldn't use it in his campaign.

it had to be one who was ashamed of it and wouldn't use it in his campaign

I mean if he was proud of the war he wouldn't be a Dem. i don't actually remember the 2004 election much expect Dems did the same shit they did in 2000 and what republicans did in 2008 and 2012. made sure to chose someone closely resembling the opposition. John Kerry was an old white guy from yale, and so was Bush. they had too similar of views. plus Bush gave everyone like $300 in that tax surplus, so he won without even trying.

In the first 2016 debate, Jim Webb made a joke about one time when he killed a commie. Imagine Trump trying to run against that. But of course the party wouldn't ever dream of nominating him.

to be fair, back in the 90s, that was regular democrat speak

His campaign used it. A lot. You're forgetting the part where the Bush campaign got someone to lie and make up stories about how Kerry wasn't really a hero and claim he was lying about his service. At the time I think a large portion of Americans actually believed Kerry was liar. Crazy how much damage one dude was Abe to do.

Well, one guy willingly abetted by a large portion of the media. Swift Boat-gate was the moment when FOX News really became a kingmaker in conservative politics.

In all fairness, it's really hard to loose re-election. There are only a handful of 1 term presidents

There's a pattern you'll notice with Dems as you get older. They declare every election unlosable...and then go on to lose it.

I'm sure if there's a way to lose to Trump again the dems will find it

I fully expect them to go all in on the identity politics and tax hiking policy that lost rhem the rust belt in the first place. Why? Because they're too stupid and afraid to risk alienating coastal progressives who will vote Democrat anyways no matter what candidate they choose.

It would be fun seeing the retarded Bernie Bros who somehow switched to becoming Trump fans try to deal with their cognitive dissonance for once.

Well it's a chance to shove it down another enoughXspam's throat, so let's bring it.

Like, how can we ban all Bernie subs? It's so problematic to see him all over the front page, while people ignore the suffering of straight, white women.

I actually want Clinton to come back. Just imagine the drama she could bring to all of us.

Another Clint v Sanders primary would be enough drama to fuel a spaceship.

He will put Kim Kardashian's ass to shame.

I want to see a Bernie vs Trump debate. More than that I want to see a Bernie subreddit vs t_d post-debate debate, where both claim their god completely annihilated the other, then go brigading into each others' posts talking about how stupid each would have to be to believe the wrong things etc etc.

It would be really fun to watch him go up against Trump and lose.

Plus it seems like Americans are literally incapable of supporting someone younger than the Civil Rights Act

Goddammit, George Lucas doesn't even own the rights to Star Wars anymore. In 2017 there's no excuse for pretending it was called "A New Hope" and part of his secret master plan.

Yeah, if you didn't see it in theaters in May of '77 you didn't see the real movie.

2012- Dindu Nuffin

Heck yeah! This is why I left the Bernie stickers on the car! The Arc of history is long but it bends towards justice!

This but unironically.

Return of the jew

"With jews you lose".

they still do fucking Bernie rallies? I kinda get why Trump does them, because he obviously plans to run for re-election, but has Bernie even indicated he plans to run in 2020?

lotta kids out there that dont realize he didnt invent being a socdem

I look forward to him turning to dust during a debate.

If bernie can maintain his popularity and still tries to remain in the limelight, I really wouldn't be surprised if he does try again.

Fucking GallowBoob.

Bernie did better than anyone had the right to expect - but that was it guys. He's fucking ancient.

You are delusional, Trump is the greatest President in history

We made such a big deal about the USA having a first half black president, but what they really need is the first native american president. If only for justice. And then because he'd probably be drunk and on meth, which would give him the courage and energy to face all the current disasters in the world.

LOL, 'Hope'.

I can't wait for these kids to grow up, and learn that Obama basically sold the country to Goldman Sachs during his tenure.

does this make Obama's second term the Holiday Special?

Good eye

There is no way Bernie isn't going to die of old by 2020.

Why does nobody care what economists have to say about this guy?