Some Starcraft nerds are upset after a Korean player beats a Chinese player while playing the game with his foot

102  2017-12-04 by BroodwarDrama


Additional drama on Teamliquid (starcraft forum), the Chinese are mad:

Why would you make a throwaway to post on /r/drama? Are you that ashamed?

I don't have an account, I'm not a loser who posts on Reddit (normally)

Yet you know about this obscure shithole board and what kind of shit we want to see.

You don't have to hide your /r/cuckolding account from us bro. We agree that mayos should be breeded out of existence.


Just because we're here to shitpost doesn't mean we should let our communication skills turn to shit. Have some class.

literally autocorrect fucked me

Is your username a 1guy1jar homage?


As a proud mayo you disgust me. Reported for hate speech.

omg your username 😂


>unironically caring about a game from 1998

I will lay odds that fewer than five posters in that thread were even alive at that point.



The younger starcraft fans are playing or watching starcraft 2, so no.

Not enough drama. He should have thrown in something nationalist, like turning toward the camera and saying "The Kingdom of Koguryeo was 100% Korean and not Chinese at all."

The Chinese are taking it very personally if you look at the Teamliquid thread

Chinese people are some of the most thin-skinned people on the planet.

Oh shit, you were not kidding:

Well, this is a competitive world, and I hope you will say the same thing when Beijing nukes Seoul or Copenhagen.



Hm I guess after they nuke Seoul it is straight on to Copenhagen for some reason.

Why Denmark? I mean they have it coming, but surely Sweden comes first?

Many people don't know this but Copenhagen is actually the capital of Europe.

If anyone wants to see true racist hatred, look no further then China, Korea, and Japan.

Idk Malay vs Chinese Malay racism is pretty intense.

I'm not offended at all.

"The Kingdom of Koguryeo was 100% Korean and not Chinese at all."

Holy shit, even I would rage at that and i'm Jewish and don't read ching-chong.



The best part is that the guy he did it to is SUPER SALTY.

Thing is, there's this thing in chinese culture called "face". Been learning about it lately. Basically, chinese culture is hypersentive about humiliation and not being shown respect.

That's a thing in all of east Asia

I thought we're also pretty sensitive about this as well? Family honor and all that.

What "we"?

We, as in the Western Civilization.

At least the people I know around me would not be happy if they are not shown proper respect.

It's not that respect is a chinese only trait. It's that 'face' is much more than just respect.

Imagine you are playing against a top professional baskbetball player. Lebron James or someone. And he decides to play one handed. Sure, it makes you look bad that you can get beat one handed, but you'd suck it up.

Well a Chinese can suck that one up, too. It's just two "pros" going at each other, and it happens one side is much better than the other side.

"Face" is not really an East Asian thing. You are correct that Chinese are super sensitive about this kind of thing, though. However, it's due to their inflated national pride.

Oh, hell, no. Chinese people will lose their shit over this kind of stuff, as in full-blown public temper tantrums. The concept is prevalent in all East Asian cultures, but for some reason Chinese people take the cake when it comes to being salty about perceived slights in public.

I think there's a difference between le increased sodium levels and recognizing when someone's being a dick. The only reason to excuse asshole behavior is because you follow a starcraft player like a goddamn loser.

"The Kingdom of Koguryeo was 100% Korean and not Chinese at all."

I don't see a problem with this phrase. Chinese would get really pissed if you say Confucius is Korean, though.

What about the k-drama where Hua Tuo is a time-traveling Korean plastic surgeon from the future? Come on, let the hate flow through you.

That's really on a K-Drama? Can't say I'm surprised since I saw one of their drama claimed their ancient medical practice was 100% original and not Chinese at all.

Now I feel a bit triggered.

Koguryeo was not Korean, nor was it Chinese.

Long story short, it was a very powerful kingkom in North East Asia with Fuyu people as the dominant ethnicty, after it was defeated by Tang Dynasty and Silla, it collapesd and many people especially the royal family assimilated into Han Chinese, and some assililated into Korean. Chinese people dont actually give a fuck about this defeated kingdom, but tbh, thats the most glorious ancestor Korean can remotely related to, so they are pretty sensitive about it.

I'm going to guess you're chinese

Why did the Chinese guy give the Korean his foot?

You made my day

One word: dwarffortress

did you just make an account to post this lol

Yeah I was watching the tournament and it was the funniest thing, and then people were getting super upset about it on Reddit and TL - figured it belonged here.

lol if the other guy sucked so bad that the guy could beat him by using his feet on the keyboard I say it was deserved.

It's less that the opponent sucked and more that this player is one of the Michael Jordans of this game and very few people are on his level.

Also the game was pretty much over by that time.

lol where is the drama. there's like 1, 2 comments max bitching about the guy using his foot, and then like 12 comments of "omg you guys need to lighten up he's just having fun"

i don't think you're reading the same comment section

Check out the teamliquid thread

It's pretty mixed.

Is it just me or do the Chinese very easily feel offended?

Gaming drama posts should earn you the rope™

True athletes have a better sense of sportsmanship.

tbh starcraft is too polite. no chat ingame during tournaments, only gg on the defeat/win. it's boring to watch. throw some visceral bm in there to spice it up a bit.

Show me when he does it with the mouse hand and then we'll talk.

He did it with the mouse hand as a matter of fact.