Where the fuck is my commie flair.

13  2017-12-04 by Novelcheek

An anarchist A\O, a hammer and sickle? No? Nothing? Drama at me, nerds.


This is reddit, a commie flair is not nearly offensive enough to filter out the normies.

This is reddit commie flair is not nearly offensive enough


We don’t care who you are, or if you’re running game. We just care if you make good jokes, or if your bussy is clean and lickable, like the kid from seaQuest.

You can take the pacifier and pretend that you're a leftcom, i suppose.

Got 'em.

This is a nazi sub

Ban me, then. If not, i'ma keep fucking around here as it's kinda fun to poke around reactionary shitholes.

This is a Christian subreddit. Please watch your profanity or you will be kindly asked to leave, friend :)


It’s in that helicopter over there

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Goddamned creative bunch, if there ever was one.

I’m one guy

Sign in at the Гла́вное управле́ние исправи́тельно-трудовы́х лагере́й и коло́ний, Glavnoye upravleniye ispravityelno-trudovykh lagerey i koloniy. Leave your phone. You won't be needing it.

There's a hammer and sickle one already I'm sure.

You might be thinking of the tran-com-anarchist one, which i'll take. I just wanted a regular a\o or hammer\sickle.

Well now you're also an ally which is good.

We're all allies in r/drama

Oh is that what that is. I was looking for a good commie flair this weekend

You flirt with us, who really have no affiliation, truly none, and you ask why this seems absurd to you? What about your life is this absurd?

Well probably, because you are a white american LARPer, from a middle-class family who should technically be one of the first victims of the Class war🤔

Your comment just makes no sense tho



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

Commies aren't welcome in /r/drama

There are more of us here than you think.

So like 3 left since PK got butt hurt and stopped posting here?

Almost enough to form a vanguard party.

I think that’s enough to start burning people. In fact, I’m sure of it

You're thinking of witches.

The Devil is precise; the marks of his presence are definite as stone, and I must tell you all that I shall not proceed unless you are prepared to believe me if I should find no bruise of Hell upon her.

"I am a satellite and disciple of Satan and was for a long time door-man in Hell. But for some years past, along with eleven companions, I have been ravaging this kingdom of France. Grain and wine, and all the other fruits which come of the Earth for the use of mankind, we have destroyed as we were bidden. The devastation was due to the wickedness of this people and the many iniquities of its rulers. Rari sunt qui fideliter ac devote decimas dent."

The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing

You have to deny genocides commies commited like a good little Party member.

Ask /u/Kellen_der_heide

/u/ComedicSans I accidentally reset my flair of أمير المتوحدين, could you give me it back again? I promise I won't do it again.

I guess /u/Novelcheek could get ☭, since he wants it.
