Mama bear comes out swinging for the right of her cub to play vidya with the big boys.

16  2017-12-04 by my__name__is



Online cuntery not rated by the ESRB yo.

ESRB can suck my dick

Hey. /r/drama has a teen rating so you better watch it.

Fuck ass damn shit bussy cunt dick

I'm pretty sure we're rated M. The added bussy probably puts it over the T limit.


Ofc her teammates were dumb cunts, it's Overwatch Comp.

But letting an 11 year old play without mute on, you might as well just have them be berated by George Carlin for 20 minutes instead.

Someone needs to learn from their mistakes. Is it the 11yo? Is it her? Is it everybody else?

Is "everyone other than the 11 year old" an option?


The 11 year old is learning a valuable lesson that the rest of us learned from cruel kids in gym class. People are assholes and will turn on the weakest in a hearbeat in any competition.

Well, low intelligence is hereditary..


11 year old girl online in a multiplayer game know for competitive assholes?

What are you insane?

My son is 13 and I have just really unleashed him on the world of online games, I required him to play no chatting and mute before then, and thats in non-competitive games.

Mate i played Tibia when i was 10. And that game players were ruthless as fuck there. I got hunted by a major clan only for saying hi to shopkeeper before he could.


Wow that looks horrible.

Lol if you think this is your 13 year old son's first time playing online.

I fucking guarantee he and his buddies have called someone a faggot ass cocksucking nigger while teabagging the shit out them.

I fucking guarantee he and his buddies have called someone a faggot ass cocksucking nigger while teabagging the shit out them.

You'd actually be wrong here. My son is a born diplomat. Its quite confusing.


There are two kinds of 13 year old boys. Assholes who think spewing insults to random strangers is funny, and pussies who have no friends. Parents love the latter, but it's a miserable existence.

I feel your rape fetish makes you the superior parent, I'll take your word on it.

I'm not giving parenting advice, dumbass.

I'm just telling you that your 13 year old probably isn't a saint.

The fact that he hasn't called someone a raging faggot playing a online game doesn't mean he's a saint or a sinner, it means he doesn't call people raging faggots.

Most people don't do this actually. Its knowing not to lose your cool when someone does. He's very good at that.

Dude, it has nothing to do with "losing your cool" and everything to do with peer pressure and being a preteen feeling your way around social boundaries outside your patent's eyesight.

My son doesn't know I have all of his search history. He's not there yet.

I'm just saying, when i was 11, a buddy of mine showed me on the school computer lab.

By 13, i would wake up after my parents went to sleep, sneak down to the home computer, log in and switch browsers to a hidden netscape navigator install to check out porn sites and play video games. And you bet your ass I called people the filthiest names i could think off while playing. I wasn't even a bratty kid. I got straight As, sang in the goddamn choir, generally was the nerdiest of nerd kids. I even wore slacks and collared shirts to a school with no dress code.

And was I was 13-14 I'd sneak down at 2am to watch Skinamax.

But I built his system, I control the wifi router, I know the connections. I've already caught my daughter, and back in the day I caught my much younger brother.

The fact that you were a little cocksucker online doesn't mean your choice in life is between being a cocksucker or a pussy.

I personally never was such online myself, and found it was the behavior of losers. I'd win, they would rage, I'd laugh and know some poor loser was all mad at me. When you call someone a cocksucker while playing, it just means you well suck.

So you are admitting that at his age, you were able to get around parental restrictions and hang around the dirty internet, but somehow you think you've managed to prevent him from doing the same?

Yuck underage Gussy? In my Vidya? No thank you.

How retarded to you have to be to put your 11 year old kid on a mic in overwatch.

Their parents had to be closer than first cousins AND their childhood home was filled with lead paint AND under power lines AND on top of a nuclear waste dump.

Just naive. I have distinct memories of my 13 year old cousin screaming into a mic playing COD. There should be strict age requirements for online competitive games.

i became a man at age 12 when i first got a headset and played cs 1.5. well actually i was called a faggot baby voiced bitch nigger but i realized i was in a whole new world.


/u/phatalphreak, maybe give her a Switch and Splatoon 2 if she's too much of a pussy for voice chat with adults.

/u/phatalphreak don't listen to anyone criticizing you in any thread. This is a game based on a Chinese cartoon. The people who take it seriously are losers with no lives. Don't even let her talk to anyone online who she doesn't know in real life, they're likely to have mental illness.

/u/enyo25 lol i swear the shit i read on this subreddit

The only not retarded person in that thread.

girls 👏🏻 can't 👏🏼 play 👏🏽 video 👏🏾 games 👏🏿

Always let your kids trash talk some during your games before you let them play for themselves.

She probably got yelled at by other 12 year olds. Not sure what people expect the 'community' to do to fix that, besides yelling at / harassing even more children.

who tf wants to play with an 11 year old lol

or overwatch at all but thats a diff issue

Eh, 11 is a couple of years younger than the average Overwatch player, but at the end of the day, it is a kid's game. Kids can be jerks to each other, and always will be. Like a playground game, but filled with teenagers too, bullying or finding scapegoats for failure is just what happens. The OP knew exactly what she was getting her daughter into. There's a reason Overwatch's community is so notoriously bad - because it took the kids away from games like Call of Duty.