Sharpies of talk about maximizing the attention you get from murder and terrorism, not everyone agrees that propaganda of the deed worked out

16  2017-12-05 by i_need_iron


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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So is raddle the lefty voat? Instead of pedos and nazis its "feminists" and tankies?

So is raddle the lefty voat?


These people evidently don't understand long-term strategy. 

Well duh, if they did they wouldn't be commies

Lol the levelheaded OP tries to steer the stupid rabble in an effective direction, even citing the Reichstag fire and how it was a failed violent action that led to Nazi Germany, and then seconds later the first replies are "yeah what appeasing liberals?? no fucking way, let's just destroy things and fuck what happens afterwards, DSTROY AMERICA" lmao