Redditor's Muslim parents are convinced their child is gay after finding his bussy pics on his laptop

67  2017-12-05 by shallowm


Am I the only one on this website without either some kind of sexual or mental disorder?

You're posting on /r/drama, do you really think you're neurotypical? That delusion might be an illness by itself.

Fucking excuse me. The term is neuronormative.

Neuronormative actually describes the attitude of holding neurotypicals to be "normal".

See? Maybe you're dyslexic or something.

I'm pretty normal I think most drama posters are friendly normal guys.

Keep in mind most of this shit is self diagnosed by people who think a personality is a disorder. But I totes am divergent dude.

tbh if you're taking pics of yourself in a sari to share in an 8chan discord channel, your personality definitely is a disorder

But traps arn't trannies. Traps are cute femboi twinks crossdressing for sexual kink. Trannies are girls in the wrong body etc etc mental illness.

Birds of a feather flock together.

I am also a little bit of a jokester and I go on 4chan and 8chan quite a bit.

The best part.

Well, I'm not sure what he meant by jokester, but he's also an incel (just look through the comments).

Well, I'm not sure what he meant by jokester, but he's also an incel (just look through the whole comment section).

His parents shouldn't worry about him being gay, they should worry about how someone that retarded will manage after they pass away.

We already established he goes on 4chan

He's the joker known as 4chan idiots

Haha yeah that's why I stick to /r/Drama where the real jokesters are haha post bussy and mayocide xD

...right guys?

This but unironically

Currycel, possible homosexual, Muslim, sucks at sports he should probably neck himself.

There's also a bit of removed drama when ancap soldier /u/rammingparu3 comes along to root out degeneracy.

I image u/rammingparu3 probably achieved his climax somewhere near the end of that comment chain.

He's a Paki. What could be more degenerated than that?

I bought makeup and being a curry I sometimes even wore a Sari.

No homo.

It was just a prank bro. Haha jokes on you I was only pretending to be gay.

So first things first I am not gay.

If you have to start with this, you are absolutely gay.

Jesus fucking Christ on a popsicle stick! He just likes to dress like a trap and take it up the ass like a man. How the fuck does that make you gay!?!

It's just a prank bro

Just having some laughs with my fellow jokesters on the chans

I hope you didn't take my comment seriously. Seriousness is against my religion.

lulz "Being gay is against my religion so I'm totally not gay! I'm just doing a bunch of very gay things, but let me reiterate, me=not gay"

He's not Muslim, his parents are. The whole sub is for former Muslims.


He's still an odd duck though

Brojob brojob Choooo Choooo!

Well, technically, it's only gay if you're sexually attracted to another man. For example, being pegged by a woman isn't gay, and there's nothing really inherently gay about cross-dressing.

Well, technically

I stopped reading after that. Anything following the word "technically" requires effort to understand. I don't do effort.

He was getting his trap on for autistic 4channers who are like 90% males. That would imply he is at least happy he's getting sexual attention from boys which makes him 90% gay. If he was trapping for cash not attention he might be straight.

Honestly, you're only gay if you identify as gay. There's MSMs (Men Who Have Sex With Men) who don't identify as gay.

It's not gay if there isn't video of you doing it. Why do you the depicting the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is taboo?

Are they posting about their joy about him being a true Muslim now?

He calls himself a curry.

Feels like a troll effort

He's just an incel, they've always referred to themselves with things like "currycel" and "ricecel".

His name is even a reference to Elliot Rodger. Isla Vista is the place where ER took his revenge.

The second I read "females" shit took a turn for the worst

This anti-Ferengi sentiment is unacceptable.

I guess you weren't a part of the Voyager crew.

Plot twist, the parents are gay and he's adopted.

So first things first I am not gay.

So being 4chanfags there are talks about traps and sometimes we dress up as traps for the lolz. I participated in this, I bought makeup and being a curry I sometimes even wore a Sari.

it was just a prank bro

That dude is gayer than rollerblades.

And fannypacks.

there are talks about traps and sometimes we dress up as traps for the lolz

Totally not gay tho guys

Idk, isn't cross dressing more of a straight guys fetish? Like autogynephilia or whatever it's called - at least on the internet it seems straight men are way more into it.

isn't cross dressing more of a straight guys fetish?

You know, you're right. Just like getting bussy fucked by a dozen guys is most definitely a straight guy fetish.

Never said anything about gay sex, just that it seems that men into dressing up as a woman seem to be sexually interested in woman more often.


They are all extremely gay.

Speaking from experience?

It's literally the manliest thing you can do.

/u/HolidayIslaVista are you just gonna be a faggot and not post those trap pics?


go away

No. I want that brown bussy

Bussy sounds disgusting. Stick with boipucci.

Bussy sounds disgusting


Pix fam show us teh bussy

All pix are deleted


Also if you want to convince ur fundie parents you don't like bussy (why you wouldn't like that sweet bussy idk) hire a beard. Prozzies are legal down under hire a decent one take her to ur next family gathering get all touchy feely with her you win both ways firstly you get to touch a girl secondly ur fundie parents see you with the Gussy. Then you can go back to your degenerate trappy ways.

Move out of home, you fucking loser. Stand on your own two feet and stop letting mummy clean your room an do your laundry.

That's how you show people you're a man, and not a little snivelling tranny pussy.

So you would move out of a 12 bedroom mansion with a home theatre room, swimming pool and the low crime rate of an affluent community to live in a shitty apartment? Also it's culture to live with your parents until you are married.

Lol, you are a fantasist as well.

I pretty much doubt that the two first cousins you call your parents can afford all that, seeing as how they probably slum it in some shit hole in Western Sydney.

What is? Punchbowl? Lakemba?

Enjoy your El Jannah.

da hillz, good blue ribbon area, still western sydney though

nice to see that social justice warriors are racist as well these days.

Its more classist than racist, and what made you think I give a fuck about your plight in life?

You are too much of a pussy to move out of home and become an adult. You are a pathetic manchild hiding behind your parents and your shitty 'culture'.

You've been dressing in drag and wanking to gay porn, I think you are pretty much done for being a 'good' Muslim....

Why the fuck are you replying to me then if you don't give a fuck about my life?

You misinterpreted me. I don't care about your lot in life, your social position. I don't care if you 'suffer' discrimination, I don't give a fuck if society treats you wrong. So, yeah not a SJW with regards to YOU.

I do care if you live or die, so do us all a favour and Keep Yourself Safe.

and you went out of your way to click the thread related to me (while browsing a shitty sjw subreddit) and reply to me when you should probably be at work now (assuming you have a job)

You think Drama is what now?

oh deary, what have I done. I insulted your precious subreddit. I'm going to get it now.

Lol, no one cares.

You seem confused though....probably chromosomal due to first cousin inbreeding on your parents part.

Fuck, I must be unlucky to have chromosomal inbreeding when I am mixed race.


dw, I envy your centrelink neetbux


shitty sjw subreddit

Let me tell you this—/r/Drama is one of the most welcoming, lovely, caring online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would attack such a wholesome, sweet hub of comprehension and understanding. You think /r/rarepuppers was awesome? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that—say want you want about Cats), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most heartwarming dog lovers, allies, milfs, and bff. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as welcoming as possible. That's intentional. They encourage hugs in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Love (it's from this underrated book "How to be a good person", give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of passionate love so they continue to adore every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these good feelings. They share love from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of voluntary workers spanning hundreds of communities, sharing lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown love movement. They've loved hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Bob Ross and Tom Hankses, and I highly suggest that everybody dares visit that awesome subreddit, for potentially falling victim to its loving spell.

Whatever, I'm pretty sure the whole subreddit was hyperventilating when they saw I wrote "female" instead of "woman"

calling r/drama'ers SJWs


I've seen some real lolworthy triggering here.

A question for you though. Did you fuck goats before you became an ex-muslim? Genuine question.

Why else would you become an exmuslim if you aren't satisfied by the goats?

I'm a great fan of wojak but I mostly go on r9k, /b/ and /pol/

Unironically going on /r9k/. Humanity was a mistake.

Traps are 100% not gay

/u/looking4maria traps are gay as fuck. just because you have a fetish for faggots doesnt mean it isnt true

Lol I was updating this sub to see if I'd get posted again, happy to be back

I got a boner for equality

you get a boner from transvestites like yourself

Y so edgy?

nd youre a fucking socialist lmaoo look @ any country that’s tried communism

Russia = no homos allowed, patriotism, strong men, beautiful women, Muslims and Christians live together in peace and love for the betterment of the motherland, strong leader who was a former super agent, all Russians are chaste and virtuous.

American = degeneracy, mass shootings, terrorism, race wars, weak leader, sexual assault and pedophilia scandals.

I rest my case.

I dont like the way you used "no homos allowed" and chiseled gender roles but other than that yup good point

I appreciate your work done in the thread.

By the way, how'd you come across it? Do you lurk /r/drama?

Nah I got posted here a few times for triggering bigots and getting mass donvoted so I come on here now and then to see if Ive been posted again. This thread interested me and I knew I could be supportive to the OP

You should post here more often.

By the way, you know OP is an incel, right? His username is even a reference to Elliot Rodger. Not that him being an incel means that you can't support him regarding his decision to cross-dress, but I just thought I'd let you know.

yikes... thanks for letting me know

He admits to being a ugly one, but a trap nonetheless.

I have it on good authority that traps aren't gay.

Don't reply to old comments, newfriend