Drama featuring me, about r/Drama's favorite athlete Colin Kaepernic

27  2017-12-05 by Randydandy69


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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That's true snappy.

It's okay to be racist.

Tut tut, I expected better from you

I'm sorry OP. 😔

Addendum: against mayos

In that case, carry on

Nobody even knows whose Colin Kaepernic's bio dad is besides his estranged bio mother. If he told me he was part Latino and White and got a perm cause he liked the way Afros looked I'd believe him. Shoot, he should've claimed to be part Latino, could've been big with the Latino NFL fans, much better marketability their than as a Black NFL player, especially when your bio mom and adopted family are all Mayos.

The whole situation is dumb, you gotta a bunch of dumb mayos upset at him kneeling for no good reason, and a whole bunch of people acting like he's the return of Muhammad Ali when he's not even from the Black community and is a slightly below average starting NFL QB. He's doesn't have a job because no one wants a starting QB who takes any political stances, since starting QBs are a big part of marketing an NFL team, and as a backup the incumbent starter would have his every move critiqued. And the only reason he's popular with these various Social Justice organisations is that the 49ers payed him way too much money and he shown he's willing to give it away because of retarded Mayo haters, and his residual Mayo guilt from his adopted family.

From a purely scientific position, you're a waste of a salt.

wow 10/10 burn from that man.

Before he grew out the fro he always reminded me of Jafar from Aladdin. That would make him half Agrabahian and not black at all.

upset at him kneeling for no good reason

no one wants a starting QB who takes any political stances

It's one thing to think they have no reason, it's another to state the reason in the next sentence.

I don't think his political stance is a good reason to be upset over.

His stance is "Fuck the police, fuck the flag, fuck the anthem, fuck America." Pretty easy to upset anyone with a shred of patriotism, so no wonder you are confused.

Police: 78.7% Mayo
Flag: 40.9% Mayo
Anthem: IDK % Mayo
America: 73.6% Mayo

I'm not the one confused, Boy, you're in r/Drama country son. Maybe you best get on get.

Pretty easy to upset anyone with a shred of patriotism


Imagine if Americucks got upset at real issues as much as they get upset at some D-list athlete not standing up for a shitty song.

Imagine how effeminate these SRDines are. I bet there's some prime twink cuck booty on that sub.

Genetically, race doesn’t exist.

/u/flippyfloppityfloop You are incorrect.

>Nazi blog

>a research paper that doesn’t say what you want it to

>clickbait article that’s misinterpreting and overstating previously linked research

Try harder racist

So you can't read, that's terrible I'm sorry for you.

Fuck off bigot we don't want you hear

Too bad! I get to post, just like you. Why does it chap your bussy so much to think that people with manifest physical differences have slightly different genetics? Every physical trait has a genetic difference, so if there are obvious physical differences, then there are going to be genetic differences. To say anything else is illogical.

Not an argument

he didn’t write anything that required an argument to rebut

not an argument

If race doesn't exist, why are the Irish always drunk?

You’d drink too if you had to survive on a diet of potatoes and hatred for the English.

Wow, the username is accurate.

Fuck off racist

How am I racist? For acknowledging that humans that developed in different parts of the world developed differently?

ur racist, you admit it in your username

No I don't. My username points out how touchy people are on reddit. So touchy in fact that pointing out that there are genetic differences between certain races is scientific and not a bad thing is deemed racist.

just admit it, ur racist

Nope, not at all racist. I don't judge people based on their skin color.





See, it’s no more forceful in caps


Hopefully you get a solid punch fucking Nazi

I'm not a nazi. Just because someone has different opinions doesn't make them a nazi.

Not according to the internet, Nazi.

True, we should believe all the things the internet has told us. I’ll go say 10 hail Pepe’s and 10 bless Anita’s before I flog myself.

ur gay lol

I thought this was posted by lilp cause she has a black man as her discord pic but it was a different black man you can tell by the pixels and shieeet