What ever douchbag

3  2017-12-05 by SDIHTD

What ever douchbag. You found me and decided to be the ass first. I need not your shite. Will happily block you and move along. Have a nice self hating life you got there.


You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

What ever douchbag. You found me and decided to be the ass first. I need not your shite. Will happily block you and move along. Have a nice self hating life you got there.

This user is threatening to rape me. Please report his profile to help have him banned

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

Victim identified

We've gone over this. You don't think any experience I have had is truth. Truth can only be found in scientific research. Science! In fact, you think science is so great you don't want me to vote or reproduce. What a fuckhead thing to say. Want to talk violent? Tell the next person to their face you don't think they should vote because their views are so bad. What a dickhead. That's what's wrong with you people.

That's violent. It may not be physically violent, but it's violent. It's toxic. It's whats wrong with America. I don't give a shit anymore. You are blocked. You are wrong. You are categorically and statistically wrong. Government can only take money from people and give it to others. They don't produce anything tangible. Nothing. You don't know that. You don't have to interact with government in any meaningful way. You sit in an armchair and discuss the ideals of your world that doesn't exist and then tell people how they are wrong by reading things other armchair researchers talk about.

Get out there and clean the fucking streets. Wait 2 hours with a burglary in progress in pursuit of a suspect that may be armed for police to arrive. Then get told "sorry". Then have a judge say "they have no duty to protect it's citizens". Then come back and talk to me about what government does. Have a gun pointed at you and then hold those stupid fucking views. You won't anymore.

But that's just it. You won't have a gun pointed at you by anyone actually dangerous. You will never get into the pits of society and try to make change. You will make other people do it and most likely try to take money from others in the form of a tax to pay for it. It's not charity. It's not some kind of haughty views.

Your view in life is to take money from other people to back a government to do what you, the majority, think is best for society. Put your money where your mouth is. Go provide low-cost healthcare to people. Have you ever volunteered at a clinic or medical mission? Nope. I have. Have you ever provided affordable housing to anyone to help fight off homelessness? Nope. I have. I've built multiple houses for the poor. Have you ever even fucking done anything? Liberals by and large do not volunteer their time as much as conservatives. Welcome to the real fuckin world.

In the mean time I don't even have to worry about you teaching your kids anything. You probably aren't married and probably don't have any. For me? I'm going to teach my many future children the joys of dealing with dickheads like you.

You are blocked. Fuck you.