Drama in r/pics when Drumpf stole my land might be a lie

11  2017-12-05 by wazzupnerds


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Suck my clit

Damn. Trump stole federal lands? Holy shit the audacity!

I know! It's so weird.

Where were you when Daddy literally became Carmen Sandiego?

It's a lie because it's probably going to be in legal hell until the next president gets elected and reverses it.

you’re forgetting that the next election will have drumpf winning

Regardless, it might still be in court then. A president hasn't tried this yet, so they are going to take their sweet time.

i like how nobody mentions obama acquired more land for the feds than any president in history

Don't worry, they do.

For conservation. I finished your sentence.

That already belonged to the feds. Are people who talk about this obliged to say something retarded?

for the feds

Yes, because the feds draw power from national monuments. God, you people are insufferable.

Bear's Ears tapped for 1 red mana, allowing Obama to lightning bolt drone strike his enemies.

My mom always said to me that if someone steals something, you should report it to the police.

Have you called them yet?

I think they have blocked my number after I reported the IRS for the 6th time.

Scooby, where is Old Man Drumphf hiding the federal lands he stole?