Sound the SRS alert, it's time to fuck your frozen peaches.

90  2017-12-06 by CultOfCuck


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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No-platforming refutes nothing, creates a backlash, and gives the false impression that there is something weighty to those ideas that we're afraid of. It is definitely worse than doing nothing.


Giving it a reputable platform seduces weak minded people. Not everyone is ready to fully analyse and understand nuanced topics.


I once looked at a Sargon video and I turned out fine.

I turned out fine.

You're on r/drama.

You're on r/drama.


Not an argument. That's called a falicy. An ad homomin. Try again, my friend, I'm well versed in the art of the argument.


Try again, my friend, I'm well versed in the art of the argument.



Good point.

Couldn’t be. That guy is dead.

That’s why I have the AdHominumBlock chrome extension.

I prefer ublock origin tbh

No you aren't.

"If you provide proof, I'll make like u/chillAFsysadmin and lie about giving you gold"

You realize the person I bet never responded right?

You turned out better than fine. You turned out woke.

How on Earth is talking about Nazi shit nuanced?

It's been like 80 years, people are slowly coming to the realization that they might have done nothing wrong

There is nothing wrong with the Nazis.

It's true, though. The masses are too retarded to resist the siren call of bad ideologies. Nuanced arguments don't matter to them, so if a movement has nice aesthetics (fascism, communism) they will embrace it. Colleges used to be places for the elites, who could use reason, but that is no longer the case.

Neither facism or communism have good aesthetics anymore.

Ralph Lauren just doesn't have the appeal of Hugo boss.

Then the solution is A E S T H E T I C _ L I B E R A L I S M clearly.

Chilled peaches are actually really good. There was this place on ubereatstm a while back that would serve cold peaches on a stick that were covered in hot fudge.

Tasty. Sounds like strawberries dipped in chocolate.

Nobody said shit about some strawberries

They're both fruit alright!

u/sarah_cisneros u/agreatgreendragon What if the conservative side abandons principle and does the same shit you guys to you? You wouldn't like that very much would you. The idea that your side will hold dominion over politics is so damn stupid in the age of Trump.

Rights exist for a reason. If you start violating too many of them, especially of large political groups, things starts getting violent. Let conservatives say their spiel and don't violently disrupt them or they will begin to respond in kind.

Let conservatives say their spiel ...

That's how we got creationism back on the school curriculum.

There's a difference between allowing people to say creationist stuff in public and putting it in school curriculums, but it's true there's no easy answer to free speech issues.

If I can say creationist stuff in public because of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, why can't I teach creationist stuff because of freedom of religion and freedom of speech?

If I can say that African American are subhumans because of freedom of speech, why can't I teach a class are subhumans because of freedom of speech?

It's a fine line and a difficult one.

farts loudly

Because schools have a curriculum wow that was easy

Are you literally 9 years old? These are questions a child would ask.

In about three days.

It's a fine line and a difficult one.

No, it really isn't.

Public schools are government funded and thus we can set a curriculum and say what is or isn't okay. You can teach that shit all you want in private schools because it's your choice in that situation to attend.

Well you should have the right to teach either of those things using your own funds, to people who want to listen to you. But it shouldn't be your right to teach those views in state run/supported schools I guess.

Again, I agree it's often a fine line.

Really? Because from the looks of it creationism is consistently getting utterly btfo in just about every state [1]

This guy came of age in the 90s or something, when this was an actual political issue.

yeah, because they don't allow teachers to teach it in classrooms.

Is creationism actually worse than the psycho-feminism you lot try to put into the curriculum.

Let's teach 12 year old boys not to rape! I'm sure letting a feminazi scream 'rapist!' at them for half a year will make them plenty well adjusted and make them feel perfectly welcome in an educational environment.

letting a feminazi scream 'rapist!' at them for half a year will make them plenty well adjusted and make them feel perfectly welcome in an educational environment.

Way too short. I should be from grade 4 till they get their HS diploma.

The idea that your side will hold dominion over politics is so damn stupid in the age of Trump and Brexit.

Both are total disasters and both have done more to expose the retardation of conservatism/hyper-nationalism to the rest of the (normal) world than any leftist smear campaign/MSM propaganda could ever hope to. What are you on about?

He's saying that the culture is changing and soon enough it could be those fags against the wall

What if the conservative side abandons principle and does the same shit you guys do to you?

"Free speech" was historically a liberal principle. Liberals read books, conservatives burn them.

At least that's how it used to be. I imagine if conservatives had any power at all on universities they'd be banning speech all over the place. Hell that probably does happen, but because it's at Bumblefuck-Yearlong University nobody cares.

"Free speech" was historically a liberal principle.

Yeah, and conservatism used to promote slavery, and the Monarchy, and socialism in the USSR in the 1980s. Conservatism is a learned ideology in the sense that mouth drooling retards (you) try all these new things and experiments and conservatism takes and preserves what actually has value

"Free speech" was historically a liberal principle. Liberals read books, conservatives burn them.

What conservative books have you read?

Reading? I learned everything I need to know in life from tumblr gifs and YouTube videos.

Modern conservatism is a branch of liberalism my dude.

It's a modern myth of the left that conservatives are all low-class mouth breathers, while leftists are all erudite wine-sippers.

Truth is, historically you've found intellectuals all over the ideological map. It's only because modern leftists refuse to hire anyone who thinks differently from them, that colleges are left-wing shitholes. It's not some natural and immutable fact of the universe. It's just hiring biases and gatekeeping.

liberal principle

Historically liberal people, classical liberals, are basically libertarians who vote republican you uneducated numnut.

Todays "liberals" are not liberals, they are authoritarians.

Liberal still fits that definition where yank vernacular hasn't ruined it.

You can totally eat bullets dipshit. From the sounds of it, you could use some lead in your diet.

/u/sarah_cisneros /u/greatgreendragon

Remember how Westboro Baptist Church membership skyrocketed after being ignored? You don't? Oh that's right it didn't happen, because they want and need attention.

Maybe you're less like a cat and a laser pointer, and more like an idiot with one of those Chinese finger traps.


You advertise these guys and make them look great. Without you, it'd look like no one cares. With you, it looks like they matter because they're vehemently opposed by the weirdos who wear black masks and look like criminals and hassle people with cameras. Talk about willful avoidance of reality! They ought to be paying you.

The WBC was widely misunderstood. Rather than being seen as a church, they are better seen as a shakedown organization, who would picket private funerals and other events unless paid off, and if they did picket, would attempt to provoke the protested into violence so that they could sue for damages or violations of civil rights.

IT was basically one family of scamming christian gypsies. IT never had significant membership. It was mostly a boogeyman, and is only widely known because both the left and right hated it for fairly different reasons (hating fags on the left, protesting soldier's funerals on the right).

What about the surge in Naziism after Skokie?!?!

why are you wasting my time with this shit

What's your time worth? What do you do for a living? Is fighting against Nazis in current year Canada the most important part of your life? If not what is?

begin to respond in kind.

And we are much better shots.

aaand you're historically illiterate. back in the 30's, no-platforming kept nazism from taking over England. people like you turned a blind eye while they took over Italy and Germany.

this is literally one of the most dangerous positions you could take on nazism.


This mongoloid syrup-sucking bimbo doesn't realise Cable Street was a laughable failure that led to a large increase in BUF membership and saw most of its antifa violence directed against police, not fascists.

Meanwhile, Nick Griffin's Question Time appearance was the death knell for the BNP.

Even for a Canadian, that's a lot of retardation.

Just like Milo's Maher appearance was for his career

And why should it have been?

Not everyone that annoys you is a nazi.

Are you sure about that one? I mean I hate all holocaust deniers, therefore if I hate somebody they must deny the holocaust. I mean its simple logic

To these people, it's impossible that Milo is simply a fame-seeking cunt. No, he must be a Nazi, because otherwise it would be impossible to justify how angry he makes them.

The rest of us can shake our head, laugh and say 'what a retard' to ourselves. It's only the people filled with inchoate rage that need to convince themselves that a dick-fondling half-Jew retard is the next fuhrer.

How dare you, the politically correct term is "race-mixing kikefaggot"!

I'm pretty sure the reason the NSDAP took over was because they incorporated a 100k man paramillitary organization

That was explicitly formed in response to violence from commies, yeah.

They couldn't be more wrong if they tried.

The average redditor has no idea what the Freikorps really were, why they were formed or why they were considered a fairly respectable thing to be associated with back in the day.

Almost like the average redditors tenuous grasp on history stems from reading bullet points and titles on articles?

Almost like the public education system is fake and gay.

False, if it was gay it would be fabulous

Hmmm. Maybe it is fabulous.

Na it was because too many people thought the Swastika was a woke symbol

It is

Meh, anyone who was anyone in late 1920's Germany had a paramilitary arm. The communist RFB also had more than 100k paramilitary fighters. The NSDAP got popular in 1929-1930 because the SPD and Zentrum couldn't do shit in the face of the Great Depression and because Germans didn't have a lot of faith in democracy to begin with.

What the fuck is a neofascist

They know kung-fu?

The new breed of fascist that is so ineffectual they have no social or political power but people need to pretend they're going to begin the fourth reich any day now so they put neo in there to make it sound scary

It's when a Jewish kid gets caught spray-painting swastikas on the Student Union at Swarthmore.

These people are incredible. When you've reached the point you think the ACLU are supporting fascism, you should make like a Buddhist and set yourself on fire.

Found the brocialist. If you're not willing to kill someone other than yourself you're no better than a Trump voter.

Nah, you're even worse. People who willingly let Nazis take over by not killing them now are worse than Nazis

They are too ignorant of history to have learned anything.

"We have to jail people for saying things we don't like, or fascists will take over like Nazi Germany." - Idiots

Hitler and most of his inner circle were jailed for various politicla crimes. Didn't work out so well.

"We have to jail people for saying things we don't like, or fascists will take over like Nazi Germany."

I agree this is nonsensical. Really, what we should do is force all of those who disagree with "leftism" to wear a big star on their clothes, deny them jobs and smash up all their properties. Then we arrest them all, put them in forced labour camps and either work them to death or kill them in gas chambers. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO STOP NAZIS.

okay you faggot nerd

I want a new holocaust so fucking much.

only if the targets were liberals

and women

Top zozzle

And conservatives. Radical centrists only left behind.

24/7 reruns of south park on every channel is what the true people wants

I used to identify as a Radical Centrist, now I feel more Southpark Neutral.

And conservatives.

You can guillotine the RINOs.

aaand you're historically illiterate. [...]

/u/sarah_cisneros do the world a favour and stop posting proof of your mental retardation. Simply stop.

Her twitter is pretty fun too.

u/sarah_cisneros u/agreatgreendragon

I don't like you. Please go to Russia and try to discuss Chechnya, homosexuality and Putin over there. I want both of you to get beaten close to death in a small holding room.

close to death

Half measure

Aww I hope you become a nice person some day for your own sake until then byeee

You're pathetic.



how do you even live when youre basic?

take lots of acid duh

if you can't argue against a nazi, the nazi isn't the one that needs to be "no platformed"

If you can't argue against a Nazi, how the hell did you get into university in the first place?


They literally let anyone in.

Especially if you fit the good demographics.

University is the new high school, now that high school means you've managed to sit in a chair for four years without beating someone to death with it.

Thing is they are not arguing against "Nazis" - they are arguing against knowledgeable and perfectly reasonable people who they disagree with.

"What if the nazi has good points though?"

Well, if a National Socialist has better ideas than you, you had better come up with some new ideas!

I know, right?

"Hey guys, this weirdo says that he wants to kill off almost everyone!" is a pretty effective counterpoint.

It's so nice of all these people to volunteer to decide what is and isn't dangerous speech for the plebes to hear.

One of the phrases that annoys me more than anything is status quo warrior and associating it with Nazis. Nothing works better than saying any normal person that doesn't jump to extremes is literally a defender of genocide.

Also subtely implying that the Nazis won WWII which is just, wat

The Nazis were defeated by Woke Snowflakes with social anxiety.

Yes. It's a gaping hole that needs filling.

Like your mom's, /u/disintegore.

what the hell is this board even

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

it's basically Reddit's version of Springer

No. We just highlight all of reddit is the millennial version of Springer.

The best sub on reddit, tbqh.

This but unironically. But also ironically.

A place where we point and laugh at retards, and often each other, which is really just the same thing, isn't it?

self-aware circle jerks are fine I guess

a shitty sub for hurt people. Stare at a wall instead

a shitty sub for hurt people

You're not wrong about that.

Stare at a wall instead

That's pretty transphobic tbqh



here is a good explanation of why we shouldn't tolerate intolerance

You literally don't see the irony, do you?

Oh hey buddo, that's why it's literally called the paradox of tolerance, did you purposely cherry pick only half my comment?

did you purposely cherry pick only half my comment?

What do you think?

Cool, just making sure we're all on the same page. Cheers.

I'm going to downplatform you.

Natzees everywhere!!

I did natzee that coming.

Is GearyDigit Canadian or just brigading from some lefty sub? Xem being a Leaf would explain a lot.

A notorious brigader. One of the ghazi mods, but xer got there through SRS I'm certain.

That freak literally leaps all over Reddit for greater social justice when he isn't jerking off to dragons.

jerking off to dragons

Oh, it's more fucked up than that.

Kobolds are reptilian humanoids. A kobold stands between 2' and 2'6" (60cm – 75cm) tall, weighing 35 to 45 pounds (16 – 20kg).

They are childlike dragons.


Ok lets have a discussion about abortion at right wing universities and have pro choice speakers and films


Lol, yes they can be mighty hypocrites.

That said, abortion should be mandatory for mayos. I see no problem with your suggestion.

You are referencing private colleges, correct?

Nazi's refuse to accept logic or reasonable arguments, refuse to listen to others opinions, and refuse to budge from their hate.

u/CloudFlute sounds a lot like you're describing the left, to me.

How would you know if anyone refuses to accept logic or reasonable arguments? Have you ever tried making any?

/u/sarah_cisneros please explain why you are a slave owner

u/sarah_cisneros u/agreatgreendragon Have you noticed that nobody wants to be spanked by someone dressed as a commie?

I've noticed quite the opposite tbh

Jesus Christ, that rabbit hole went fucking deep.