Chinamen are upset with mayos YASS QUEENing their history

88  2017-12-06 by WorldStarCroCop


desu if I were the artist responsible for the queen and that was the best way I could depict a korean I would just off myself.

my kpop waifus look nothing like it

It's kinda funny because the diversity people were giving a Korean cosplayer mountains of shit last year for wearing "brownface" when she cosplayed as Sombra.

Some of the best comments are actually in Korean of course. With this one asking in reference to the odd character design choice “Is this Queen from Africa?”

Good question, lol. What artist was like "Shit, what does a Korean look like? Chubby and dark, right?"



Not so sure APM matters in a turn-based game

More clicking = more better

Almost all monarchs are fatties so thats excusable.

Really the whole problem is with Civ 6's graphics in general. Its the whole reason I didn't even pirate it. It looks like a flash game.

No, it really doesn't. It has stylized art, but the animations and map, etc are far from looking like any flash game.

Whatever you say , corporate whore.

lol, Okay. If you look at my post history, I've been actively exposing advertising and the like on Reddit for years now, including with regards to my own employer.

So, if you're gong to insult me -- let's argue. Show me a flash game that looks even tentatively close to Civ 6.

Disclosure, since I've basically been insulted for something I'm not: I've never played, nor owned Civ 6. Civ 4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I do not work for Firaxis, or 2k, nor have literally ANY affiliation with them or reason to promote them.

I wouldn't even pirate you

This is a hate crime!

Really the whole problem is with Civ 6's graphics in general. Its the whole reason I didn't even pirate it. It looks like a flash game.

Yeah they had massive backlash to it when it was first revealed. I guess the angry people were right after all.

Depends on which rub and tug parlor you go to TBH.

The character doesn't look that dark tbh. I was expecting someone black, but this just looks like a slightly tanned Asian.

She looks Latina. As East Asians go, I don't think they can get much tanner than that.

slightly tanned Asian

Lol no, she looks Filipina or South East Asian. Doesn't look much Korean at all. Makes even less sense for Korean royalty to be tanned.

Chubby and dark, right

also known as the r/drama dating profile

Koreacide when

Google says their fertility rate is 1.24 children per woman and their population is ~50 million. So in about 30 or 40 generations, the problem should solve itself.

But that means their population will go up? That's no good.

No, 1.24 children per woman, assuming half the population is female, is below replacement rate ('cos, you know, you need two children, one to replace the woman herself and one to replace her sperm donor) and means the next generation would be about 5/8 of this one.

Haha, my white brain can't do math

You need more than 2 to make up for the selfish slackers from /r/childfree who prefer to sleep in on the weekend instead of doing their part by having children to pay for pensions and do senior healthcare.

True, but statistically that's still 2 per woman over the whole population. r/theydidthemath

Dunno why everyone is shitting on her. Reading the Wikipedia, she seems like a pretty decent ruler. I mean, she made the Cheomseongdae!!

Looks up Cheomseongdae

Oh... uh....

But yeah, I don't see why people are flippin' out about her. Seems like a interesting historical character.


Looks unimpressive but apparently: "Cheomseongdae is the oldest surviving astronomical observatory in Asia, and possibly even the world". So it actually sounds pretty dope.

I guess that by 7 century standards that's pretty cool.


You should be the Korean empress in the next Civilization game tbh

It's literally just a 10m tall tower though lmao, it's an observatory like my fucking beach chair is an observatory

I guess that by 7th century standards that's pretty cool.

I guess what primitive technology makes in a day is an achievement in the 7th century.


Now we just play SC2 and fail at LoL

Oh, white people.

Why would anyone play a new Civ game when Alpha Centauri exists?

Why would anyone play Sid Meier games when Paradox exists?

Why would anyone play a paradox game when RPG-maker hentai games exists?

Weeks are first to the wall, tbh.

Refractory periods.

Have you seen btw? Pretty interesting.

It looks like this may be fake news.

"They also have a ridiculous article using skewed stats that show men are raped by women at an equal rate as women. Overall, this is an extreme right wing biased website that promotes propaganda and conspiracy. (8/10/2017)"

It's a bunch of people bitching about SJW and using youtube comments as a news source.

It's not just agentaposting, it's agendaposting of agendaposting.

OP, kill yourself or post bussy to atone for your sins.

Preferably both

it might be fake news, but the comments are real apparently

unless they made shill accounts to post the comments

I don't know much about Korean history, but they're YouTube comments, YouTube is where people with extreme political views circlejerk. It's likely they were extremely selective and I'm skeptical that the Korean comments say what they say in the article when translated.

The "이 여와은 아프리카 출신인가" is correct, "이" is like "this", "여와은" is queen, "아프리카" is Africa spelled in Hangul and "출신인가" is "to come from" with grammar I don't understand



Who cares?

Why is Jack a girl?

I asked my Korean gf about this and she said "I don't exist I'm just a figment of your imagination." So, pretty unpopular move, it seems.

You are the wind beneath my wings.

One time I had a kid come over to my house and tell me that my house was small and boring. So then I told him that my house was small because I had an amazing secret basement full of games and toys that I never tell anyone about. This kid wanted to see it really badly at that point, so I told him to wait outside the basement door so I could get the games and toys ready for him. I took a bucket of glitter mixed in with super glue and set it up on the top of the basement door. I gave the kid the cue to come inside, and when he opened the door, I stabbed him.

Serves him right tbh. Little fucking punk.

This is art

Living in America where our entertainment is increasingly pandering to the tastes of self-proclaimed Social Justice Warriors

Who the fuck is the faggot writing this article? Because I don't think he knows what words mean.

Seriously, this is bottom-rung garbage, I hope the author and '''''editors''''''' of this trash are in high school.

at least its an archive link

On the left is an image of the Queen as she is portrayed in modern Korean made media, the left is the version the Western game developer came up with.

After I saw that, I decided it probably wasn't a top-tier news source, and checked the front page of the website, where they unironically have a "culture wars" section. Probably not the most unbiased source of news.

This is the /r/korea thread someone made about it, apparently the general population's opinion of her is that she was a good leader (and academics think she was a bad leader, as in, bad decisions, not tyrannical, or at least that's what I'm getting from the thread).

People unironically call themselves that.

Yaas queen slay.

Yaas queen slay

You're pissing off needles and the rest of the SJWshere, so have an upvote!

lmao since when is /u/neon_needles an sjw

😬Shit Poster Lives Matter😬

In civilization 5 the actual Chinese were led by the infamous psycho Empress-Regnant Wu Zetian. A woman who cut off the previous Empress’s arms and legs and dipped her in a vat of wine, killed her own first two children with poison for political gain, and killed every cat in the imperial palace because she believed one of her kills was going to reincarnate as a cat to murder her. Koreans should take a chill pill.

Yeah she was pretty great.

Was that the same empress who made foreign ambassadors give her cunnilingus? She seems like a very nice and friendly lady.

I’m pretty sure that was said of Cixi, not Empress Wu. And also I don’t think that was true.

That was Empress Lü Zhi you dumb goofy

No, it was Wu Zetian. Lu Zhi was cruel and also killed her children but I'm pretty sure she didn't kill all the cats.

I thought the torture was done by Lu Zhi.

Really it may all be bullshit made up 1000 years ago by butthurt courtiers.

See, Lu Zhi cut off Lady Qi's limbs, gouged out her eyes, cut off her tongue, and imprisoned her in a pigsty. But to Empress Wang, Wu Zetian only made so that her hands and feet were cut off and imprisoned her in a vat of wine.

Empress Wu does have an issue with her family members, but other than that she promoted many, and also enlisted many through the national exam, competent administrators. So it is generally deemed acceptable enough.

Well, she had to find administrators somewhere, given how often she had the scions of the scholar-nobility class executed. Moreover, she never showed any will to find a lasting solution to China's currency crisis, preferring to win the loyalty of the people through unsustainable handouts and ridiculous proclamations of being a Bodhisattva.

ridiculous proclamations of being a Bodhisattva.

That one ain't so bad since many Tang emperors died of mercury poisoning.

And her administrators were the ones who brought her son back to the throne. That sort of canceled out her bad deeds, somewhat.

They brought her son back to the throne because she was outsourcing the empire to two hot incestuous brothers who were willing to rattle the septuagenarian empress.

See, working as intended. The officials step in when the liege is working against the ruling dynasty's interest.

The old officials would have done it much sooner. In fact the only reason the new officials were able to put Zhongzong back on the throne for his second term was because Empress Wu was really sick.

I can't argue with this one. I guess you may be right over here.

So I just looked at the actual character and...she looks like a generic East Asian.

Are the chinks so deranged that having a slight tan makes you African?

Chinese women, especially empresses were notorious for being pale as fuck. It was a status symbol and still is.

So yeah a slight tan on an empress is like If you decided to depict Angela Merkel in homeless clothes.

If they were dark, they'd cake on the makeup like a 12 year-old Saigon whore, like my mother did when she first met my dad.

well at least one of you met him

No, he took her home to his pig farm in Georgia. Claimed she was medical equipment.

we should bring back chinaman and jap as colloquial terms. they're fun to say.

"whatup chinaman, ll take a chink fried rice and two eggrolls to go"

Gas all gamers, tbh. Gas the Koreans too, bunch of dog munching psychopaths.