When I can't git gud at vidya, that's when government needs to step in and take everyone else down a notch. This is why we pay taxes, so that online gaming experiences can be homogenized.

13  2017-12-06 by Eat_Some_Beer


So much fucking reeee in those comments... Holy hell

It's a fucking videogame

It's amazing to me how much power these people would simply hand over to the government every time they experience a slight inconvenience.

For people that call themselves progressives and liberals, they sure seem to be a bunch of authoritarian bootlickers.

These people are genuinely fucking insane

I would 100% rather pay more for a fair and enjoyable gaming experience rather than getting milked for my money just to stay competitive

Lol. Except the law is to prevent children from gambling (which is fine) not to make it so that games are more fair.

Simply don't buy p2w games, shit isn't that hard.

Why do we need government intervention on video games.

This is getting ridiculous.

Because millenials

Why do we need government intervention on video games.

For the same reason the children's social services and Child Protective Services exist in all developed countries..... because there are too many parents out there who don't do it for themselves.

Too many parents are allowing "the internet" and video games to be a babysitter for their children. Allowing WAY too much screen time instead of making their children do things other than video games that they should be.

Wtf I love BF2 now.

I can't wait for the next EA game for this cycle to repeat again.

i like when they try and disguise their outrage by wanting to protect this kiddos from dangerous gambling.

they are just fucking pissed because they can't be a digital darth vader before some teen with their moms credit card. chill the fuck out why are they writing congressman