Obama circlejerk goes haywire, gets locked

46  2017-12-06 by 102938475601


Rarely is any president "a swell guy". But I mean he wasn't retarded as trump and could actually pronounce words so ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Ed, you're like the lefty version of an idiot birther.

Hurr durr, Drumpf is fat?

Hurr durr Obummer is Kenyan?

Hurr durr Drumpf has small hands?

Hurr durr Obummer doesn't know 50 states?

I'm glad idiots like you exist to concentrate on this shit, someone has to.

Inb4 "account age"

3 mins


See I wanted to tell you i'd be away for a while and apparently now it's gonna be on and off like this for a few months. If I just said it to you, you wouldn't believe me :p

Between this and the shitty discord app that tanks my battery plus 3 chat groups on messenger and telegram, shit gets weird for me and my phone lol. So sorry! :( maybe somewhere in the near future? Plus 2 other guys also PM'd me so sorry to those dudes too.

Also WTF!!! Holy shit the cringey af post and comments here https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/796hwk/it_appears_as_though_ed_butteredpuppets_has_been/

and the cringey comments here https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/79bv43/with_the_object_of_his_obsession_gone_one_rdrama/

Like it was fun for a while but now it's all r/sadcringe material tbh. r/drama is already shitty enough. I'm gonna mute him just so he can stop sperging. Lol. It's embarrassing. ¯_(ツ) _/¯

Pizzashill!!!!!!!!! Your back!

I think you mean typical liberal, not typical Trump supporter. There seems to be video of the shooter attending an anti-Trump rally and wearing a "pussy" hat.

My guess is that as more and more information is uncovered we'll find out that the shooter's behavior became more and more erratic, starting around November. Anti-Trump all the way but the shift in behavior likely went undetected because the guy's friends likely shared the same sentiments on one level or another.

I also predict that the media will probably never really fully report on a motive for the shooting because they will want to downplay the "angry liberal shooting up Trump supporters" angle. We saw sort of the same thing with the baseball shooter. His motives were discussed but not at length. We certainly didn't see the in depth reporting that we would have seen had the shooter been conservative. If they do report on motive I'm willing to bet it will be at a later date, after the news cycle as moved on to another event.

The size of the Las Vegas shooting will ensure that there is a lot of news coverage but I doubt that we'll see the in depth coverage we've seen with other similar events whose targets weren't mostly white, middle class, country music fans.

0/10 copypasta game ed. You can do better.

It's a botchlings classic before he went away.

So you admit that's shit tier pasta.

Come on ed, you can do better. You should be ashamed

It's the opposite.

"IF if if if if if if if, okie doke!"


"no major scandals"


Where's the long form birth certificate?


Doesn't exist and quit asking the last person who investigated got "plane crashed'

The funniest part is, even if he wasn’t physically born here, he would still be a citizen because of his mom. Kinda like the pointless criticism McCain & Cruz had also gotten.

Being a citizen isn't the issue. You have to be born on US soil, and there is some leeway for military birth, though I don't know the law.

Then why was Ted Cruz in the Republican primary, he was born in Canada and neither of his parents were military.

Technically he could have been challenged, and McCain even got a resolution in his case.

Just like Seth Rich in the basement of Comet Ping Pong!


You literally think Obama likes drone striking schools and killing innocent children? If so, you're either crazy or stupid. Just because you do something as President does not mean you like it.

Not just a circlejerk – it’s war crime apologia.

They're like centrist tankies

Obama didn't like killing school kids, so it's a-ok that he did!

But Mr. Gruppenfuehrer he did win the Noble Peace Prize

So did Yasser Arafat

Since you like killing grandma's, I'll assume any opinion you have on killing children is invalid.

That's what woke people are, though


I'd say war crime apologia is a pretty alright thing to do.


I'd say war crime apologia is a pretty alright thing to do.

Lol, I just glanced at your profile. Drama queen much? Thanks for the mention though, I'll surely take to heart someone of your "caliber" having a low opinion of Obama. Run along now, go make fun of some more people just to make yourself feel better about your shitty little life. And hey, make sure to use the word "retard" a few more times tonight, I'm sure you don't want to miss your quota.

At least calling people retarded isn't defending literal war crimes

It's more like treating someone with respect they deserve.

Drama queen much?

Yea, why else would I be here?

go make fun of some more people just to make yourself feel better about your shitty little life.

Naw that's what you alt righters do.

make sure to use the word "retard" a few more times tonight, I'm sure you don't want to miss your quota.

tbh I do overuse retarded. I need a new go to

Aw I got called an alt righter because I don't think Obama is a terrible person... How adorable. I didn't realize I was in crazy upside down dimension.

Aw I got called an alt righter because I don't think Obama is a terrible person

Yea, so what if he committed war crimes?

/u/cristytoo how did you circlejerk yourself so hard you turned into an ironic shitlord? Asking for a friend

/u/shakypears why would you lock the thread because of natives to your sub discussing the truth? No actual left winger could support the warmongering, domestic surveillance, and corporate cronyism that characterized the administration.

I'm betting you're just another would-be-Bushie neocon like the liars over at /r/neoliberal. You have no right to moderate a revolutionary sub and you should step down.

Lol...how's the revolution going comrade?

Obviously not great, though we have made some recent strides against entrenched authority by exposing the pedophiles and rapists in Hollywood.

It would be going a lot better if not for people like /u/shakypears who are actively trying to turn us in to early 2000s Republicans.

Um. I was the only person awake, a ton of Trumplings were flooding in, and I was not up for dealing with them.

Maybe you should ask what someone was thinking instead of going on a tirade, eh?

Yeah, nah.

I bet you say shit like "T_D is a safe space that bans people for having different opinions".

You're not very good at this betting thing, are you?

Ah, so you're not a hypocrite you're just a snowflake.

What can I say? Cucks belong in coc-a-vin or the coop, not in the living room.

Why are you in your living room?

Sorry boi, Obummer was just a shit president. Accept it!

Shocker but you can dislike both Trump and Obama.


the "drone war horror" critique of Obama is so sloppy and overdone

Your Reddit account is sloppy and overdone

fuark killshot

The Fucker used the IRS to target and harass conservatives, when found out appointed a donor of his to "investigate" and destroyed the evidence.

And thats just one.


Literally uses the FBI to wiretap political opponents


I mean I won’t idolize the guy

He gave telecoms a pass on sharing data to the government

He was unable to close Guantanamo

He drone bombed like they were fidget spinners

Fast and Furious sting was kind of a disaster.

His fudging of the number of civilian deaths from counter terrorism was pretty bad

And yet ALL that is peanuts to what we have now. Peanuts

"Yeah I think Obama committed war crimes but that's nothing compared to trumps stinky tweets :("

trump just hasnt gotten around to coming up with new war crimes of his own, give the boy time

Committing war crimes is like playing golf for presidents.

so it is written

His stewartship has resulted in the Democratic party being decimated, having lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. The Republicans are now more powerful than they have been in over 80 years. Come the 2018 midterms they could win enough seats to have enough power to starting changing the Constitution.

He ran on being "the most transparent administration in history" and went after whistleblowers who had to flee the country to escape him.

He was immediately handed a Nobel Peace Prize after his election for no reason, then proceeded to kill hundreds of innocents with drones while in power.

He spent all the political capital he had on a health care reform law now in the death spiral that critics always said would happen.

He entrusted his foreign policy to Hillary Clinton and it lead to disaster after disaster in the Middle East and the rise of ISIS under his watch.

His Wall Street reforms froze lending and slowed the recovery.

The Russian reset ended with the rise of Vladimir Putin's influence.

His promise of closing Gitmo remains unfulfilled.

His campaigning against Brexit last year failed miserably to make any dent.

His reign lead to the inflammation of racial tensions as he supported BLM, with racial relations sinking to lows we haven't seen in decades as whole cities from Baltimore to Ferguson burned.

The TPP he tried to ram down America's throat awakened a sleeping giant in the working class vote.

...you could go on and on.

What has this actually lead to?

The country gave him the ultimate rebuke by electing not just any Republican as his successor, but his very arch nemesis.

Good points comrade.

Whoever posted that pic of Obama’s is a smart person. Probably incredibly good looking as well!