Social Justice Warriors Bully Porn Star August Ames To Suicide

316  2017-12-07 by almuric_the_king


Imagine being such a weak cunt that you kill yourself because people on Twitter said things you thought were mean.

Also: "wtf I love sjws now."

How can you be so heartless?



really makes u think

Sorry friend, I don't come to every sub and know their culture. I just wanted to find the threads on this.

Post bussy

Give me gold.

You should hang out for a bit. Not the way August did ofc

No no, exactly that way

For masturbatory purposes? Me too

Newbicide when?

im edgy do i fit in now lol dont forgive dont forget

Thats what you sound like, like dumb cunt.

I think this is where someone calls you a white knight for a corpse.

Meh, i been called worse.


That one did hurt.

how will i ever recover

Idk, go drink tea or something. What do i know.

Cus that hypocritical literal jizzbag was trying to act better than the gay porn stars who get paid more than her.

She looks (looked) down on gay people like were all diseased, fuck her, hope burns in he'll too

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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le fuck nigga


what is this place it looks fun

You do this every time

I like bringing new friends in.

Thank mr gary

What the fuck is that place?

imagine purgatory

I had my imagination drilles out of me because they were afraid of my ideas.


who is this wsgy

he is fat

You can feel sympathy for her since her mind was weak enough to kill itself over an online tweet, but at the same time realize people who take the internet seriously are also idiots.

As Tyler the Creator has said.

I post on r/drama.

This is a very tame subreddit, which is why it's allowed to exist.

SRD pls go

Imagine siding with faggots over a girl with big tits...

You telling me you are not a fan of bussy?

TBH fam, I am more of a catcher than a pitcher. It's something I've come to terms with. I dreamed I was a taker of bussy but instead I am the bussy: I now accept that you, all of you reading're the top!

You're the Coliseum.

You're the top!

You're the Louver Museum.

You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss

You're a Bendel bonnet,

A Shakespeare's sonnet,

You're Mickey Mouse.

You're the Nile,

You're the Tower of Pisa,

You're the smile on the Mona Lisa

I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,

But if, baby, I'm the bottom you're the top!

Imagine typing all of this but unironically.

Cut, copy, and paste

In human–computer interaction, cut, copy and paste are related commands that offer a user-interface interprocess communication technique for transferring data. The cut command removes the selected data from its original position, while the copy command creates a duplicate; in both cases the selected data is kept in a temporary storage tool called the clipboard. The data in the clipboard is later inserted in the position where the paste command is issued. The data is available to any application supporting the feature, thus allowing easy data transfer between applications.

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You must've misinterpreted my meaning.

I operate in two modes: drunk and hungover.

I cannot process complex messages.

Understood, godspeed.

They weren't being ironic just a moment of self awareness

Daily Mail Article, can't believe in linking a tabloid like DailyMail. Yet it's better than whatever trash article written by captain retarded.

Not anymore she won't.

can't believe I'm linking a tabloid like DailyMail

Oh please do fuck off

Oh please do fuck off

Nah belongs on a grocery store checkout with the rest. They only redeeming quality is they buy good pictures.

Someone needs to get laid


Are you offering up your bussy?

Nah, I'm a giver not a taker.

I'm down :3

Cool, I'll print out several pages from the Daily Mail and roll them up so we can use them for foreplay

I'm not really into reading about people being chucked off buildings because of their love of bussy but hey if that's what you're into

Okay I'm incredibly confused now are you a fan of the Daily Trash or are you critical of them?

Just because I love hearing about people (you) getting chucked off buildings doesn't mean I want to read it for foreplay

Well I live in America so I have no worries about that ever happening to me or anyone I know. What exactly is it that makes you dislike me occasionally sleeping with or dating dude's uncomfortable though? I've never really understood homophobia, it seems like a huge waste of time.

I'm not homophobic, I just love want to see you chucked off a building to some funky middle eastern music. Mind your kinkshaming thx

Well I hope you have a nice day/evening and maybe change your mind about that.

Buggery should be outlawed.

Hahaha, the absolute srdine-tier voting on your posts in this thread.

The guy that pushed her over the edge Lmao:

So that Jackson Wheeler fellow isn't getting a lot of love right now on twitter.

What a piece of shit this guy is.

Eat cyanide and Keep Yourself Safe fam.

inb4 he kills himself after getting mercilessly e-bullied.

But it's different this time because he did something I disagree with.


I don't consider myself a bully either.

lol, he should really just own it at this point

To be fair, I don't how I would respond if I told someone to off themselves and they went home and did it

I imagine it would be awkward

You'd get sympathy if it was a drama user who an hero'd at least

Check the guys twitter, looks like he's doubling down.

It’s locked now.

Lol. There was actually a stickied post in/r/nsfw_gif that reached r/all with a few hundred comments jerking over how kind she was, gay porn stars are filthy HIV monkeys so of course she won't shoot scenes with them, and so on.

With how many pornstars called her out for being stupid (apparently gay porn stars get tested just as often, wow who would have guessed she was a misinformed retard/homo hater?) Its not surprising.

Today, friends performers and fans are attributing blame to myself and others who weighed in. FTR, I’m sorry for her loss of life and whatever personal struggles caused her to choose to end her own life when faced with confrontation, accountability, and education

A gay dude on twitter said this earlier. Imagine being this much of a smug cunt, Jesus Christ

Ahh, the gay agenda slowly becomes clear. This is a war on gussy and that aggression will not stand.

Didn't Trump promise to repeal Obergefell v. Hodges? Get him his executive order pen!

This is a war on gussy

There are still degenerates out there who think that gussy>bussy. They must see the error of their ways.

Its not a war, its a slaughter

GTSD man. Nearly killed a person today because of the flashbacks

>Stand to the war on gussy. >Post in /r/drama

Pick one.

Bussy or death.


Every time something like this happens an (((R))) gets a couple of more votes

Fuck this shit. People shouldn't be shamed for not wanting to have sex with someone. This is fucked up.

It's all just awful.

im sorry i thought we were on /r/drama? a bitchy gay guy encouraging some dumb slut to off herself over porn twitter drama and her actually doing it sounds great, but half this thread seems to be white knighting and culture warring?

Only we're able to push people to suicide in an acceptable manner and that's only through user pinging

Lot of new booties in here

More like you're just a piece of shit that thinks "I'm smarter than everyone because my mommy told me I am" gtfo with your r/imverysmart shit. A woman was bullied into suicide, this shit shouldn't stand. Especially coming from SJW's, this political bullshit really needs to come to an end. People are getting hurt because some teenager that knows all the right buttons to push just happens to have a device that allows mass communication. They really shouldn't have gotten rid of r/incels because now you cucks are on every other subreddit spreading your malignant cancer to the rest of the world.

Post bussy.

lmfao eat cyanide

This but unironically

id say consider suicide but im sure you already have if youre this much of a whiny bitch

but not before you take some dick on camera

come on man, nobody makes anyone kill themselves but the person who chooses to do it. I know depression and mental illness are complicated but people being mean doesn't force someone to commit suicide.

If my girlfriend tomorrow says "ur a retard cunt and I hope you die you ugly idiot piece of shit btw I've been banging 60 dudes" I'd be pretty upset (probably a huge understatement) but it wouldn't be her fault if I killed myself.

come on man, nobody makes anyone kill themselves

The CIA beg to differ

Some random gay dude on Twitter is NOT the CIA though you morons.

you would be rock hard dont lie feg


come on man, nobody makes anyone kill themselves

The Clintons beg to differ

"Not content with 'full retard' some incel rando decides it is time to invoke a level of retarded only previously seen on T_D."

Are you kidding me? I'm a rando who has sex. As for the problematic retard comment, I'd say you are projecting.

I'm not projecting, I'm precluding your next comment, something along the lines of "SETH RICH!!!11!" PIZZAGATE!!!"

Isn't that who the Clintons had killed? Wait no that was a couple months back, we've got a new "Clinton scandal" now right? Something about fuck Hillary because Bill cheated on her or some shit? Just please, nothing as pants on head retarded as "The Clintons have people killed" I mean jesus fuck.

Have muh upvote lolcow :)

Blah blah blah stop virtue signalling

Keep Yourself Safe! Wouldn't want some edgy keyboard warriors to drive you to do anything silly like drinking bleach that would be super sad.

They really shouldn't have gotten rid of r/incels

Unfortunately, I agree. Crushing the cockroach haven just made them spread and infect other places.

No u.

No. u.

Hey you should probably keep yourself safe you whiny virgin

Hahaha you win shittiest insult of 2017. That's impressive, you had to compete with Trump and Moore.

I don't really have an issue with your insult other than it sucks. Up you're game bro

I do what I want

You just got wooshed I feel bad for you son.

Holy shit, she's not gonna fuck you, especially not now

im sorry i thought we were on /r/drama?

Found the new guy.

Fag war now

We're actually about maximum safety for mayos here.

Do you write shit like that because you'll be joining her by the age of 40, or is it just because you're low on your anti-anxiety meds? Either way, shut up nerd.

Because the title is bullshit lol she didn't even mention that it had to do with anyone online bullying her. OP just wants to blame LEFTISTS REEEEEEEEE

Correction, that is homophobia.

Not wanting to have sex with someone because they don't have the same standards of testing as you does not make you homophobic.

Not taking any sides here, but they do have the same standards of testing.

Seeing as the porn star disagreed with you. Source?

If we're basing it off tweets, this article (don't know much about how legit the site is) links tweets from girls in the industry that say testing is NOT the same on both sides. What gives


We're posting in a thread that links to, Even the Daily Mail is coming out on top here.

need a hot minute to reevaluate my life

And as we all know, pornstars are renowned for their encyclopedic minds

Read the tweets retard, other pornstars were calling her out on Twitter for this exact shit.

Seeing as one retarded porn star* disagreed, and many other porn stars called her out for lying on Twitter

FTFY newfriend

But that's not true, and other pornstars called out her homophobia and pointed out that gay stars have just as rigorous testing you retard.

how is not wanting the AIDS "homophobia"

That is a question to ask the twitter leftists that killed her

Who held the rope?

I guess the twitter bullies.

Tbh both of them should have hung themselves

Hanged, dipshit. If you're going to be an edgelord at least get your crummy joke right.

Oh, sorry, both of them should have tied a noose around their necks, stood on a chair and kicked it away from them, choking and retching as the last vestiges of breath is torn from their lungs. Better now?

If the reasons are garbage is fine to mock them too.

she just didn't want the AIDS

that's a good reason ain't it?

People said that the risk for AIDS is greater for people that do gay porn, but I haven't seen the evidence yet.

So I won't take sides right now, I will amuse myself at people mocking leftwingers in bad faith and left wingers being left wingers.

are you serious? You know aids was known as the Gay Plague, but was rebranded because that just made people think it was a good thing? Gays own anal, the numbers don't even compare. Take your paltry occasional het anal numbers per month, multiply by a large number for frequency of sex, then with another large number for different sex partners, and congratulations, you got the aids.

AIDS was called the gay plague by the religious right trying to scare gullible idiots into voting for Reagan. Good job idiot.

It was literally called GRIDs for a few months, you sanctimonious dipshit.

One reason for the use of "gay" in the disease name was that the first recognized cases of AIDS were restricted to gay men, who represented a marginalized group that could be easily further stigmatized.

Your own fucking link agrees that it was called shit like that to scare people. I don't know who is more gullible, the idiots that believed that shit or you.

Just take a look at patient zero and tell me the disease isn’t tied to gay people. Dumbfuck.

well I like it. It's descriptive, got a nice ring to it, sounds epic, promotes wholesome living... I also love the religious rights, all religions deserve them. This reagan dude seems like a straight shooter. Do you know if he's still in politics?

AIDS has also been called 'gay cancer'.

We are talking about porn, and to my understanding anal is not hte only way to have gay sex.

But then again, what year is this, 1985?

That doesnt make any of this excusable, if im dating a guy and i refuse to have sex with him am i a bigot?

Refusing people is ok. Having bad reasons it's not. Complaining about bad reasons is ok.

You are not a bigot for refusing sex basically. Just by having shitty beliefs.

In this case its to due with the safety standards around gay porn, that is not a bad reason.

I could never have say with anyone male or female that has acted in porn due to my hypochondria.

As I wrote above, it's an anal sex thing. It's seems like a double standard if you single out only gay people with that in the porn industry.

The problem is more wrong beliefs than having standards.

Having bad reasons it's not

There are no bad reasons to not fuck someone.

There are no bad reasons to not fuck someone.

There are.

Ultimately "my body my choice" does trump all.

Let me put it this way, even if there are no good reasons not to sleep with someone, there shouldn't be pressure to do it anyways. If we want to solve societal issues there are other avenues to do so that don't go down potentially dark paths. We don't need to do anything that resembles coercion to get people to not be shitty.

What is a bad reason?

There was this guy that fucked dogs because he thought women are impure, for example.

I know this place loves bussy too much and it may not care about gussy, but it sounds truly stupid.

75% of the new diagnosis each year are gay

Dude. FUck your AIDSphobia.

The cake bakery gay cake supreme court case will establish whether a business person has the right to refuse full service to someone based on the person's personal preference.

If they do, then this porn star was violating the constitutional rights of gay people by not getting fucked by them. Lock her up.

It's problematic, icky, and downright GROSS

This is why we need gay bashing.

oh, go throw a homo off a roof or something

not naming it "This_is_why_islam_wins" or something


You don't need Islam, you just need Christians to start following their religion again. No more of this 'MUH JEEZUS PREACHED PEACE AND TOLERANCE.' Jesus was a Roman rebel who catapulted pigs off of a cliff and beat the fuck out of Jewish bankers.

Let's go back to that.

why beat jews if you can gas them

He also wasn't the son of God.

You edge lords are so funny lol

  1. Impeach Trump

  2. President Pence

  3. ??????

  4. No gays.

No way. Our electricity bills would be through the roof.

No they won't. Sith lords have unlimited power

And he told her to swallow a cyanide pill before she killed herself because she wouldn't fuck a gay dude. And now he's defending himself, what a fuck face

The "best" of all is the guy that said what i commented was a different person, it was not the "lol take cyanide you bitch". The dude is called bruce Beckham and the cyanide one is called jackson "i have a chinstrap instead of a beard" wheeler. Both of them locked their twitter and are deleting old tweets about this, etc. What a bunch of hateful fags

I would of told her to drink bleach much easier to obtain than caps of cyanide.

Do very frugal of you

Lol no he didn't he just had an old tweet about cyanide and disagreements, he never told her to swallow a cyanide pill. It was never about 'fucking a gay dude'. You're misrepresenting this. Expect to hear from my lawyers

Eh, I'd give more of a fuck if she was just honest about not wanting to fuck a gay guy, but she and another made the weird lie that gay stars don't get tested.

If she killed herself bc she was revealed as a retard for thinking that, when apparently they get tested just as rigorously, then lmao.

Eh, I'd give more of a fuck if she was just honest about not wanting to fuck a gay guy, but she and another made the weird lie that gay stars don't get tested.

I dont give too much fuck about this whole matter - but she said that they dont get tested as often as pornstars in regular porn (or whatever the straight porn calls themselves)

The last AIDS scandal in the porn industry was about guy going to Brazil to shoot gay porn, contracting AIDS doing it, and then coming back to the US and exposing a lot of US porn actresses because it takes a week or so after you contract AIDS to actually test positive.

Isn't it great when people can be so outraged and self righteous as you are yet absolutely fuck up details so fucking badly?

The last "scandal" was 2014 when sex actors filming in NEVADA contracted AIDS, BECAUSE NEVADA HAS LESS STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS, not Brazil, and neither actor was gay.

Not only do you not remember correctly, you're very nearly 100% wrong with all your facts and yet you have no problem taking a side?

By the way, just because you're so god damn ignorant yet want to push your opinion so badly I'll clue you the fuck in so you can at least be slightly less stupid at some point when you inevitably just make shit up again later at someone else to stroke your own ego- You're thinking of Darren James, the shoot was in Rio in 2004, he was fucking a chick so it wasn't gay porn, and the "scandal" forced the entire industry both gay and straight to set MUCH more strict testing/scheduling guidelines to avoid something like this happening again.

Jesus christ you're cocky for someone that is 100% wrong.

Darren James,

as I said I do not care much for the whole matter but quick search gave this :

tldr dude was shooting both gay and straight porn and he says that in gay porn rules and how they are applied are not as strict as in heterosexual porn - long story short he ended up with testing positive


I'm sure nothing has changes in the 7 years since that article.

apparently not - since the issue still causes some porn stars (top porns stars who can afford to do so) to reject working with male performers who do both gay and straight porn.

Most of them probably make up some BS excuse not to face backlash - August Ames was honest and outspoken about her reason and look what happened.

Big if tru

another made the weird lie that gay stars don't get tested.

No, she said they have different testing protocols, which is true. Then a bunch of screeching faggots said it was fake news because they totally know a gay porn star who gets tested before every shoot.

I mean, check this shit out:

The gay porn industry has always had HIV-positive performers. A self-regulating policy of condoms and no testing -- the inverse of the straight porn world, which prefers testing and no condoms -- has allowed it ... An online poll of gay porn performers by found that 30 percent of respondents were either positive or didn’t know their status.

There's also this interview from the faggotry experts at

I do gay and straight porn, which makes me a little bit of a unicorn (screwnicorn?). In my industry, I'm what they call a "crossover," which can be a bad thing. Since I'm a crossover, I'm on a "never work with that dude" list for many female porn models. It's all because the straight side and the gay side have different standards of STI testing. Models in straight porn often do not wear condoms, but the STI testing is rigorous and provides a safety net around our genitals. In gay porn, we always wear condoms for anal scenes. Any productions that film anal without condoms are in their own super extra separate world of gay porn with their own extremely rigorous STI testing methods (also very safe, but separate from the rest of the gay porn biz).

So they definitely have different standards, and it sounds like this guy only has to get tested if it's a condomless anal scene.

All I know is if I was doing straight or gay porn and regardless of my gender I'd be on PrEP. What I wouldn't do is take such drastic action such as to anhero. I do have to admit it's an effective anti HIV strategy.

Homosexuality is a very self-centered lifestyle.

And there it is.

I’m not judging it, just making an observation.

"Reeee why do faggots get laid, I wanna get laid too"


Nah he’s right. Gays are sinners, as we all are.

More like why do sjw’s promote womens empowerment etc. then flip out when she excercises her right to say no i dont want to fuck a dude who has fucked lots of other dudes for my own safety.

There what is

realizing the groundbreaking conclusion that people who fuck on camera for a buck tend not have the best morals

Gee Willickers Batman!

Gay Mayo's are super smug. It's a sight to behold

Rightfully so.

oh god they're here

Gay mayo Master race they are just proactive in promoting mayocide.

alright I did and I have a few corrections

um like confrontation?


and uhh EDucation? omg samantha how have you like been?

Bussy stampeding to victory as foretold.

Today, friends performers and fans are attributing blame to myself and others who weighed in. FTR, I’m sorry for his loss of life and whatever personal struggles caused him to choose to end his own life when faced with confrontation, accountability, and education

-Abdullah Mohammad Mohamabdullahjafar Al- Goato Bomboexplodo, squad leader of the Islamic Rooftop Suicide Prevention Squad on a recent tragic homosexual death

Humankind gonna remember pretty soon why homosexuality was kept in check for millenium until this day.

Why can't people just be chill? Too many people are delving into the whole left vs right bullshit.

It's just the louder ones. The true believers on both sides are cancer and will be gassed without mercy once the radical centrists seize control.

Thank Yahweh

The true believers on both sides are cancer and will be gassed without mercy once the radical centrists seize control.

Cleansing when?

Once the relatively normal and well-adjusted 66.6% of the population absolutely loathe the partisans. Be patient, my brethren.

Mod that man.

can we get some muslims to throw this guy of a rooftop somewhere? then we can all say how sad it is he died afterwards.

Soon, insh'allah.

Look at his earlier tweets. There was one saying how he hoped she changed or her mind or swallowed a cyanide pill. Fucking disgusting.

what the fuck is ""

another desperate attempt to be edgy

go on.

I think their about tells you what you need to know:

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” — George Orwell Captain WrongThink is an alternative media website that is antithetical towards extreme leftist ideologies, Social Justice Warrior insanity, and rabid third-wave feminism. We provide commentary on world events through an acerbic and satirical lens from a Classical Liberal/Libertarian point of view, valuing freedom of speech and freedom of expression above all else.

Quotes gorge Orwell rails against leftists 🤔 I wonder if these kids know gorge actually fought with the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification during the Spanish civil war he was actual antifa.. like with real guns and bombs..

The alt right is full are tards.

Their remedy for late stage capitalism is to put a rich con guy in charge.

Not to say the authoritarian left isnt a big thing right now, they are just mean spirited people that have found a moral cause that enables them to essentially be cruel to people while feeling morally superior.

a c c e l e r a t e

late stage capitalism

/r/latestagecapitalism lol

I'd love to see Zizek in power, really accelerate this shitshow.

That was before he wrote Animal Farm and 1984. Amazingly enough, being a part of that war is what helped him learn what the left was truly about more than anything.


Orwell wrote Homage to Catalonia after that war you fucktard.

Unironically gas yourself.

Both Animal Farm and 1984 were written after Spanish Civil War, is that factually wrong?

And if you had really read Homage to Catalonia you'll see he exposed the ugly side of Communism as well.

communism isn't the entirety of "the left" though, which was what OP was trying to imply

How does that contradict what I said? He wrote his criticisms of the left, AF and 1984, after his time in the Spanish Civil War. Sheesh, imagine being this aggressively obtuse.

everyone who isn't SJW is an alt-right nazi

Okay bruh, I'm sure I remember the parts of 1984 where Orwell went on about how anti-free-speech hatemobs were the only way to prevent tyrrany.

If you look up 'tea' in the first cookery book that comes to hand you will probably find that it is unmentioned; or at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions which give no ruling on several of the most important points.

This is curious, not only because tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country, as well as in Eire, Australia and New Zealand, but because the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes.

When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no fewer than eleven outstanding points. On perhaps two of them there would be pretty general agreement, but at least four others are acutely controversial. Here are my own eleven rules, every one of which I regard as golden:

First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays — it is economical, and one can drink it without milk — but there is not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Anyone who has used that comforting phrase 'a nice cup of tea' invariably means Indian tea.

Secondly, tea should be made in small quantities — that is, in a teapot. Tea out of an urn is always tasteless, while army tea, made in a cauldron, tastes of grease and whitewash. The teapot should be made of china or earthenware. Silver or Britanniaware teapots produce inferior tea and enamel pots are worse; though curiously enough a pewter teapot (a rarity nowadays) is not so bad.

Thirdly, the pot should be warmed beforehand. This is better done by placing it on the hob than by the usual method of swilling it out with hot water.

Fourthly, the tea should be strong. For a pot holding a quart, if you are going to fill it nearly to the brim, six heaped teaspoons would be about right. In a time of rationing, this is not an idea that can be realized on every day of the week, but I maintain that one strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones. All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes — a fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old-age pensioners.

Fifthly, the tea should be put straight into the pot. No strainers, muslin bags or other devices to imprison the tea. In some countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under the spout to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be harmful. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect, and if the tea is not loose in the pot it never infuses properly.

Sixthly, one should take the teapot to the kettle and not the other way about. The water should be actually boiling at the moment of impact, which means that one should keep it on the flame while one pours. Some people add that one should only use water that has been freshly brought to the boil, but I have never noticed that it makes any difference.

Seventhly, after making the tea, one should stir it, or better, give the pot a good shake, afterwards allowing the leaves to settle.

Eighthly, one should drink out of a good breakfast cup — that is, the cylindrical type of cup, not the flat, shallow type. The breakfast cup holds more, and with the other kind one's tea is always half cold before one has well started on it.

Ninthly, one should pour the cream off the milk before using it for tea. Milk that is too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste.

Tenthly, one should pour tea into the cup first. This is one of the most controversial points of all; indeed in every family in Britain there are probably two schools of thought on the subject. The milk-first school can bring forward some fairly strong arguments, but I maintain that my own argument is unanswerable. This is that, by putting the tea in first and stirring as one pours, one can exactly regulate the amount of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does it the other way round.

Lastly, tea — unless one is drinking it in the Russian style — should be drunk without sugar. I know very well that I am in a minority here. But still, how can you call yourself a true tealover if you destroy the flavour of your tea by putting sugar in it? It would be equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt. Tea is meant to be bitter, just as beer is meant to be bitter. If you sweeten it, you are no longer tasting the tea, you are merely tasting the sugar; you could make a very similar drink by dissolving sugar in plain hot water.

Some people would answer that they don't like tea in itself, that they only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated, and they need sugar to take the taste away. To those misguided people I would say: Try drinking tea without sugar for, say, a fortnight and it is very unlikely that you will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it again.

These are not the only controversial points to arise in connexion with tea drinking, but they are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become. There is also the mysterious social etiquette surrounding the teapot (why is it considered vulgar to drink out of your saucer, for instance?) and much might be written about the subsidiary uses of tealeaves, such as telling fortunes, predicting the arrival of visitors, feeding rabbits, healing burns and sweeping the carpet. It is worth paying attention to such details as warming the pot and using water that is really boiling, so as to make quite sure of wringing out of one's ration the twenty good, strong cups of that two ounces, properly handled, ought to represent

I'll settle for cafes that don't stick the milk in before removing the tea bag.

And that's when Orwell started to see ugly side of Communism International movement

The best part is them going full Derrida on interpretation, and then condemning post-modernism in the next few articles

Yeah, we all did lots of dumb gay shit when we were young

Remember that tankies view Orwell as a "filthy liberal who collaborated with British authorities".

Orwell ended up not liking tankies specifically stalinists (who the fuck doesn't hold disdain for tankies) but that doesn't make him at all right wing he variously described himself as everything from a democratic socialist to Troy anarchist he consistently advocated for the left his entire life. What he was first and foremost was anti Totalitarianism.

We provide commentary on world events through an acerbic and satirical lens from a Classical Liberal/Libertarian point of view

lol somebody just got a word of the day calendar

Shallow and pedantic

Committing thoughtcrimes since 1984

Captain WrongThink is an alternative media website that is antithetical towards extreme leftist ideologies, Social Justice Warrior insanity, and rabid third-wave feminism. We provide commentary on world events through an acerbic and satirical lens from a Classical Liberal/Libertarian point of view, valuing freedom of speech and freedom of expression above all else.

"Yeah, we still get carded for cigarettes."

i can practically see the pencil mustache

Classical Liberal/Libertarian

How to make sure everyone knows you are retarded in only 3 words

"Daddy is rich, but I don't hate him enough to wear that 'Che' t-shirt."

The only legitimate political descriptor is "south park neutral"

Meh, governments have never had more power than they do today yet everything they do makes things worse. There is a solid argument for less government.

Meh, governments have never had more power than they do today


yet everything they do makes things worse


There is a solid argument for less government.


U like bernie

Bernie is a retard but if you believe in muh small gubbment you're even more so

And why’s that enlightened one?

Because your republicuck/conservative ""small government"" loses to literally every alternative

So it’s bad because it’s bad? Thank you for the wisdom.

It's bad for a variety of reasons. Since that is not exactly a controversial stance, I really cba to argue about it

The government used to prevent you from owning land at all, and back then life expectancy was half of what it is now, you retarded son?

Classic kill the messenger if he isn't left enough.

Never change Reddit.

It's a website made for edgy teenagers who have nothing better than to whine about SJWs all day

Anyone who lands slightly off center of the political spectrum should be hanged.

Le rational thinker on the internet

I’m very euphoric not because of some phony SJWs cyber bullying, but because I am enlightened by my own classical liberal point of view


Only the dankest memes from you, lol

using le """"""""""""""ironically""""""""""""""""""

le cut your le dick off with le rusty razorblade and le fuck youself with it, you stupid cunt

You seem somewhat agitated friend. Why is your bussy in such a knot?

Because people who use le ironically should literally die of cancerous lou gehrig's disease AIDS, but don't, that is pretty obviously the reason that I am upset, you dense motherfucker.

I'm still not clear on why "le" annoys you so do you really hate the French? (I could understand that fuck the French)


Because people who use le ironically should leterally die of cancerous le lehrig's disease AIDS, but don't, that is pretty obviousle le reason that I am upset, you dense motherfucker.


yfw i kill myself because you suggested it on le internet and I post-hummusly create an r/Drama thread bully-shaming you


At least nail yours to a board.

Like others said an attempt to be edgy and spew your shitty agenda from the dregs og the internet. You can guess his audience just from that first paragraph



I mean if you kill yourself over Twitter you aren't the brightest bulb

porn star

brightest bulb

Wake me up when September ends

Time to cull my porn collection before I fap to a dead bitch.

ngl I had the opposite response.

That's when the real fun begins

Amazing I was just reading her twitter a few hours ago and now this!

What an exciting world we live in

How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Allowing a fag (the lowest form of "thing") to bully you... she deserved it.

I love how you had to really show how edgy you are by adding those parenthesis

You sound butthurt. Did your top go in dry again?


You are all over this post getting butthurt on others behalf


"I'm not offended, YOU'RE offended!!"

Nice quotes.

I jerk off to traps and I'm confused about it

Don't worry, you're safe here.

august ames is that u?

homophobe destroyed like and share

Be careful bro there's broken glass everywhere watch your step around the sharp edges

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like feminism, gay marriage, or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "gender identity" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

Wait, is this really all it takes to get under /r/drama's skin these days?

Well yeah, gaybashing is for faggots.

911/Mr. Lonely is dope. And Tyler is down with bussy. Mod him now?

Naaaaam sayin' an sheeeeeeeeeeeeit? Fo' reeeeel tho naaaamean?

SJWs demand endless empathy and understanding from society at large while giving nothing back in return. This nefarious philosophy is notorious for bullying, shaming, de-platforming, and outright destroying the livelihoods of anyone who crosses them, no matter how minor their perceived “crimes.” These toxic and horrific people are quickly transforming western society into one that is run by MeanGirls, and they have absolutely no remorse for the people they hurt along the way

Woah, whine more, OP don't tell me you read this site unironically

did you enjoy the embedded youtube clip from mean girls, cuz i did

who doesn't enjoy mean girls tho

> read

> OP's only posts are directly to things insufferable website

He must just really like this website, I guess! C'mon, guys, it looks funny!

> implying anyone would actually follow a link for any other reason than to gather names to ping.

Could you not tell from the URL alone?

The porn starlet, born Mercedes (((Grabowski)))

That's a Polish last name, goyim

More like grabasski

Bruh, the jews are the ones who run porn, not star in it

These SJW's on social media don't understand tolerance. Tolerance isn't about everyone accepting your beliefs, it's about getting along with each other despite our differing beliefs. They act like it's a crime if you hold a belief that they don't like.

But you mustn't hold intolerant beliefs!

The word's lost all meaning anyway. You can only "tolerate" something if you think it's wrong but are prepared to put your feelings to one side for the sake of treating people kindly and fairly. If you think there's nothing wrong in three men, one of them dressed as a leprechaun, and two badgers of indeterminate gender, living together in a loving and committed relationship, then your point of view isn't "tolerant". If you did think it was deeply wrong, but said to yourself, "After all, I'm far from perfect myself, and why not let them seek a little happiness", that would be more like being "tolerant". /rant

Waiting for some retard to come post that "the intolerance of tolerance" copypasta.

You can call ed by his name.

please no

They don't really believe the shit they push, they just want to have an excuse to attack and bully people. Years ago these same people would have been in religious groups going after people they deem sinners. I suspect in the future the same type of people will jump on the next thing they can use to bully people. It does not matter what the message is, as long as they can harass and bully others.

>Social Justice Warriors

The preferred nomenclature around here is "leftoids," thank you very much

Ban hate speech

Go fuck yourself

what kind of faggot kills themselves in response to a bunch of gayfags sending tweets? how much of a limp wristed pussy can you be?

gussy is too weak to make it in this world anymore

maybe she didn't want to live in a world where faggots think they're clever cats for using words like soyboy and bussy. don't blame her.

Her loss

It's what I've been saying, but self-important, virtue signalling people be mindlessly spouting political correctness. No one kill themselves over tweets or 'cyberbullying'. No one even kill themselves over physical bullying and psychological torment if it's not chronic. She had issues, period. She was a porn star ffs. This reminds me of nurse who was mother at that who killed herself after someone prankcalled her about royal baby or bunch of cases were they killed themselves after their nudes leak. Only pansies without critical thinking and logic, which was 99% Reddit before, now they touched onto rdrama ugh, believe this.

tbf the nature of depression is to be a pansy with compromised critical thinking and logic. Depression simply isn't rational.

Fragile femininity at work.

RIP Mercedes. You deserved better. Check out our shirt of the day.

Kept Herself Safe

not agreeing with homophobia = being a SJW? Also saying "dont be homophobic" is not bullying, if anything homophobia is the bullying

Hello idiot. She literally said its not about homophobia. Its about her not wanting to catch an STD

Stereotyping homosexuals as having aids is homophobia... Also she was very aware that all performers have medical documentation to prove they are STD free. Also like half of male performers have done same sex work

I guess doctors are racist for checking for sickle cell in black people eh?


Devaluing the word racism is the lefts job.

This is a person pretending to be a stereotypical right wing idiot cause nobody actually thinks this right? It's probably the most important word to the left in the states because of you know racism

If its such an important word maybe they should stop calling throwing it around so casually ("you think its okay to be white? RAYCIIIIST"). Theyre diluting it. Same goes for the word "nazi" along with many others.

You just came up with a fake scenario where the term racism is misused and somehow think you're right. I as a SjW have never misused it, Usually I say it in response to the n word. My example is real, yours is just self deception

Are you... Fucking kidding me? Fake scenario XD putting up posters with those exact words and nothing else has sparkes up hate crime investigations in case you have lived under a fucking rock and havent noticed. How in the fuck is it a fake scenario if its happening every day? Thats just one of the thousands of examples of misusing the word.

Yup it was a fake quote you used. That whole "it's ok to be white" is just race baiting garbage anyway so you're gonna have to come up with real non edgy arguments


Everyone knows it's okay to he white, it's been that way since white people evolved. It's not been okay to be anything except white straight males through, so that whole campaign is just rubbing it in minorities faces. It's self victimisation when real victims exist and don't feel it's okay to be born the way they were in current society

Also Nazi is what we call people with ideologies that Nazis or fascists have and it's not dilluted there are literally more Nazis having rallies and shit now than last year. What should we call them when they have swastikas if not Nazis?

Youre beyond saving

You just responded "your beyond saving" to me talking smack about nazis, have some self awareness. you're on the dark side dude

you're on the dark side dude

Daily reminder that all of leftist ideology is fueled by pop culture brainwashing

No I could just picture a sweaty star wars fan sitting their typing this nonsense and had to dumb it down for them

Oh my, how empowering. Thank you for saving my southeast asian bussy from discrimation, sperglord.

Except you tend to extend it to farthest fringes of their ideologies. Literally, you'll label as nazi whoever agrees with the common Nazi-supported concepts like "you should clothe smartly", "affordable cars benefit the society", or "punctual public transport is important".

Nope, nobody has in the history of humans responded "Nazi" to someone selling cheap cars. You could say "Volkswagen? Oh the Nazi car haha" but that's a joke about it's origins and you're just triggered and overly sensitive about protecting Nazi feelings???

Apparently you don't frequent the more fringe SJW Tumblr blogs enough.

Never been on Tumblr, need to wage war with the uneducated bigots here first

Well, maybe educate yourself about what your side stands for, more thoroughly, first?

My side?? Im from nirway I dont take part in your tribalist division, I stand with whatever minimizes unhappiness for the most people, I stand on the side of morality not of political agenda

So, you label yourself SJW. ...and yet, me calling people "SJW" got me named nazi occasionally.

well dont take it so seriously man, you know in your heart if your ideas could be considered nazi so dont listen to people online who dont know you. Unless you have expressed eugenics or racism or something a long those lines dont listen to people using the term nazi willy nilly

Well, take a look at these concepts:

  • The situation where the gender of the brain mismatches gender of the body is real. Gender change operation helps against these cases. But it's not as common as people claiming to be wrong gender. Meanwhile, Schizophrenia takes many forms, and often leads to various delusions concerning own identity - including own sexual identity. A significant portion of people identifying as transgender are simply suffering a specific form of schizophrenia. Gender change in their case only makes it worse - what they need is psychiatric medication. Regardless, all research into that is completely shunned as transphobic. Let's harm actual victims of schizophrenia, all in the name with fighting the stereotypes.

  • Human body differs on genetic level between races in other ways than just skin color. Just look at sports results, correlating ethnicity and results. But somehow the idea that there may be genetically derived brain differences became a taboo. Nobody dares to touch it with a ten meter stick for fear of stink it will arouse. Normally, scientific process is iterative, errors found and corrected, new research, new advances, new errors, new corrections. Errors are an inevitable part of it. But in this case, errors mean losing your job, and being dragged through the mud with swastika carved into your forehead. This is not how you find truth - this is how you censor it.

  • A man lands a probe on a comet. The whole "progressive" world is totally scandalized about the shirt his (female) friend gave him for birthday. Comet landing in the bylines.

It's all about the collateral damage. You so focus on enforcing the little rules you set, you completely ignore the large image and what big things you damage. I'm pro equality - and that includes being against female supremacism. I am completely awed by acts of Martin Luther King, and ashamed because teachers get fired from work for quoting him - because words he used are now considered racial slurs. Seriously, look under your feet in your proud march towards better world you're trampling someone!

So early on you cant distinguish between sex and gender, it kinda devalues anything you have to say because you dont know what youre talking about. If youre gonna talk about trans issues you need to understand basic biology

"La la la can't hear you", how often do I see this response. Yes, with this sort of arrogance you're not winning anyone over.

I cant be bothered to read that much for my homework let alone from some alt right influenced redditor on fucking r/drama lmao. I mean I still read your comment I just dont want to respond because just as you were wrong about science in your first bullet point you are wrong about the rest.

"ALT"? What made you think I'm "ALT"-right?

I used to be strictly leftist. But you, fucktards, soiled all the ideals of the left, perverted them into special snowflake safe space bullshit.

Now I'm with the regular right. No nazi bullshit, no conspiracy theories. And come next elections I'll make sure your shit is known, and every person who hesitates, lured by catchy slogans of tolerance and open-mindedness understand how extremely narrow-minded and bigoted you really are.

im not from america I dont know how your left and right work dude, I just know youve spouted some shit that the alt right would agree with

Oh. They would definitely agree affordable cars are good to society too, I guess.

idk probably, Id argue its bad because it means more people will be harming the environment

Typical. Instead of finding a compromise, like affordable electric cars, you choose to be contrarian.

There is no compromise with your kind. No "I yield some, you yield some". No dialogue. Just your unending demands, your unwavering sense of moral superiority no matter how wrong you are, and your contempt for anyone who even slightly disagrees,

I have no love for alt-right, but if another Brevik happens to you, I won't even frown.

holy shit dude, Breivik was a full blown racist, dont use our domestic terrorism against us. He was the alt right of my country

Oh, I don't support him. I'm just saying you're completely guilty of driving people to behave like him. You're a full-blown racist just like him, except it's a different race that you shun. It's not an extremist killing innocents. It's an extremist killing other extremists.


I'm having the same problem with this idiot but I barely even tried as hard as you.

Says someone likely devaluing the word Nazi?

shut the fuck up defending the devaluation of nazism you a dumb bitch I highly doubt your university is ranked above mine

Fuck off gay people aren't born with STDs, they are just like straight people and can get STDs just like we can... Wtf is this alt right bullshit

Did you read the fucking article? She didn't want to do scenes with people that are not required to be tested. Gay performers wear condoms, so they aren't required. Condoms do not 100% protect anyone. That was her issue.

Are you being willfully dense?

Hey they are still tested and need to bring documentation to every job, im not willfully dense I've just watched documentaries on the gay porn industry

Gay people have a MUCH higher chance of catching HIV than a straight person. And in the first 3 months after catching HIV, tests can often show you as negative even if you're positive. Not homophobia, just science and common sense.

Dude it's porn, there's a lot of straight anal sex, the chance of AIDS is the same. Or do you think gays have more aids for another reason?

the chance of AIDS is the same

Wrong. Objectively wrong, de facto wrong, technically wrong. Every single kind of wrong.

If you are an man who has sex with men (MSM) your chance of catching HIV rockets up, not just because gay sex is WAY more risky that vaginal sex (like, basically by an order of magnitude). But because as a result of this, every single person in the 'pool' of people you're having sex with has an increased likelihood of having caught HIV. In a big city, in London for example, if you walk into a gay nightclub 1/6 of the men in there will be HIV positive.

You completely glossed over the fact that we're talking about pornastars. They wear condoms, they get tested.

As of 2009, there had been twenty-two reported HIV cases in the U.S. pornography industry; roughly half were among men who work in gay films, and the other half were men and women working in heterosexual productions.

they get tested

Tests don't work in the 1 month after exposure and often don't work up to 3 months after exposure. THIS IS THE TIME PERIOD YOU ARE MOST INFECTABLE AND YOUR VIRAL LOAD IS THE HIGHEST.

They wear condoms WHEN THEY FILM. If they are fucking guys on set they are STATISTICALLY likely to be fucking guys in their spare time.

So, as I said, it's about trust. Also straight pornstars have anal sex on their spare time, but if they are your colleague you trust them when they tell you that they always have safe sex.

You're thick as shit.

You are a fucking idiot. Even if more gays have aids it would still be idiotic to not worry about straight aids. You need to pretend as if everybody has aids. As i already said two times, trust makes the difference. She even fuckin' said that it's about trust and not the fact that he is gay.

Sitting here wondering how they taught a goblin to type.

Me and my colleagues have a joke. You know what you call a straight man who catches HIV?

A liar.

Go back in your hole Mr Goblin.

Me and my colleagues have a joke. What do you call a straight man who catches HIV?

A dru addict liar.

Hahaha so straight people don't have HIV? what a fucking bigoted idiot you are, keep yourself safe my friend.

I've just watched documentaries on the gay /straight porn industry

Imagine lying about watching porn in 2017




It wasn't actually her who made the testing comment, it was someone else. She did say that it was for safety reasons though.

they are just like straight people

Wrong again, friendo

and can get STDs just like we can

but much more often, thanks to their disgusting disease-prone lifestyle :^)

You might want to look at the statistics on STDs. Gays are much less likely to use any protection and have much much higher rates of infection than straight people. That’s not bigotry it’s a fact.

Well yeah, cause gay men can't get each other pregnant so that makes sense. Doesn't change the fact that if you have HIV you are not allowed to work in porn

That isn't true for gay porn, most studios just won't pair positive actors with negative ones bare (known positive)

God forbid a woman advocate for herself and set her own boundaries regarding sexual activity and health. Sooo alt right of her.

But the man was healthy and had to have proof of this with him to set and casting. She didn't care he was healthy and furthered a stereotype

Testing HIV positive can 1- 6 months after infection.

This best of post explains why gay men cannot donate blood (no, it's not homophobia):

It's completely reasonable for her not want to expose herself to those risks using that same rationale.

this was more reasonable when gay people had to be underground and shy away. this is not the current mentality and she was aware only one person had fooled the system

My source didn't mention gay men "being underground or too shy" as a factor for increasing risk of HIV spreading with blood donations. They said statistics from the population and timelines for detecting infection are.

did you know that this is taken into account my casting agencies? Because it is and if your test is within the ambiguous time period you are not hired for the acting job

but it's always an "ambiguous period" for any gay man who is sexually active.


I don't know what's yikes about that. I'm kinda thinking you're feigning outrage because you can't address the statistics.

"Ambiguous period" is the six months it takes to be sure you're not HIV positive. Any MSM who has sex more regularly than once every six months (aka sexually active) is going to be within the ambiguous period. What are you not getting?

I say yikes to anything I dont need to argue against, the argument lies within the misguided/statement. It would be a waste of time to challenge you on something objectively wrong


No its not.

Even if this is about homophobia what happened to my body my choice??? These people were telling her to kill herself (which shw eventually did) because she didnt sleep with someone she didnt want to sleep with and youre defending this? Fucking A man

Where did anyone tell her to kill herself ? Also if someone did they will be punished, that's the law so what is your complaint???

"swallow a cyanide pill or apologize, either way we will be happy" something along those lines i cant be bothered to link it but im sure someone will.

Ok they will be followed up by police. And this sub says worse shit daily...Next point?

this sub says worse shit daily

Hypocrisy. People will use whatever they can find to push their own views.

I don't think she deserved all that hate though. Perhaps she worded it badly, but if she doesn't want to have sex with gay men for whatever reason, that's her choice.

thats her choice

Right? At the end of thr fucking day this whole thing boils down to : these people bullied her into suicide for not fucking someone she did not want to fuck. Thats fucked up and the fact that people here are defending and making excuses for that is even more fucked up.

Yes and it's my choice to call her justification homophobic

Look at the homophobe he’s never had sex with a dude what a homophobe hahaha fuckin fag

That is bad, so is homophobia

Hold up famalam, are we equating 'kill yourself by swallowing poison' to 'kissing boys who kiss boys is not my thing'?

And this sub says worse shit daily...

That's true, but this sub is so retarded you have to drink a cup of vaccines to enter. The autismal rolling in his feces shouldn't be the golden standard.

No I'm saying both are morally wrong not equally so

Congratulations, you are correct. Just like stubbing your toe and dismemberment are painful.

Im not happy I have to argue with dumdums in this subreddit. Every time I read a dumb alt right comment I feel my soul is stubbing its toe

Well tough tits princess, I'm the best thing you'll get this life. And I'm shit.

Holy shit I didn't realise you unironically post on SRS and just go around the internet calling people racists and homophobes.

I'd love for you to hang around here and visit more often.

Yes I unironically believe in equality... I thought thats how most people were. Its just reddit breeds a lot of alt right people and I dont wanna let that go unchecked and end up with more protesters getting run over

Have you had many succeses?

What's the meanest thing someone has ever said to you?

They dont say mean things to me, they say it about minorities and not only mean but highly misinformed and derogatory. Most of my successes are on trans people where someone thinks its a mental disorder and I link them the most up to date science and they admit fault

how I feel about everyone here except im not ableist so i wont say it

Thinking it is ableist too you fucking ableist

its ableist to say the r word

You're still a racist even if you only think racist thoughts. I don't quite know what to make of you. On one hand you say you hate alt-righters, but on the other hand you hold some deeply disturbing opinions.

please point out my racism and I will revise it, I hold no racist thoughts whatsoever

I'm pointing out the logical conclusion of your deeply concerning ableist thoughts. If you have racist thoughts you're a racist. In the same vein, if you have ableist thoughts, you're an ableist. If you can't see the similarity, then I respectfully ask that we discontinue this conversation, as continuing it would be ableist towards your mental capacity.

eks deeee

You're starting to sound like an alt-righter as well.

Have you fucked a dude before? Because if you haven’t you’re actually a homophobe

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

So let me get this straight: Saying a woman gets to choose who she has sex with makes you part of the alt-right now?


shit i just realised alt right is a label for a person that you disagree with, but you're not smart enough to argue why you disagree. jesus christ

Nope its for someone who has ideas that can only be backed up by hate instead of information

Bro if you think she killed herself because of that comment you are sorely ignorant. She very obviously had some demons she couldn't deal with.

I did not mean to say she killed herself just because of that comment. Just saying its a fucked up thing to say.

Stereotyping homosexuals as having aids is homophobia

she never said he had aids... just that they have an insanely higher % chance of having aids.

Also she was very aware that all performers have medical documentation to prove they are STD free

Do you know how testing works even?

It's not like they get tested every fucking day. There's a reason that even among the straight community of adult actors, there's a stigma over people sleeping around outside the industry when they aren't working. If you get tested one week, and the fuck some random person the next week and catch something, and then shoot a scene, there won't be another test in time to catch that.


Yo straight anal sex is a big thing in porn. More gays having aids is caused by the anal sex, which straight pornstars do a lot more than the general pooulation, so no it's not the same difference between the gay/straight general population.

You're being purposely dense, they aren't having anal sex with gay men who are having gay sex with other gay men who....

They are having a lot of sex with many other people. What's the difference? You think gayness itself causes more aids do you?

JFC, gay people are far, far more likely to get HIV. Not just because they have anal sex, but because they have lots of casual anal sex with other gay men.

And they get tested

No, in gay porn they wear condoms and don't test, in straight porn they test and don't wear condoms.

Not in my experience no, i saw a lot of gay porn with no condom

You raping your little brother isn't gay porn

So what threshold is acceptable before someone is not allowed to "discriminate" against that difference?

personally one can discriminate every time one wants, but saying that "the gays have aids" is a bad stereotype, in the same way as every other stereotype is just that, a stereotype.

it would be like saying that you don't get near black people because they commit more murders (which is true) or that you don't trust conservatives because they have a lower iq (which is true)

actually August didn't say that it's because "gays have aids" but gave a specific explanation. She said that she doesn't know the guy and so she doesn't trust him saying that he has no unprotected casual anal sex with men.

Stereotyping homosexuals as having aids is homophobia.

Not really.

Shut up

No u.

It is

Stereotyping homosexuals as having aids is homophobia...

Except for all of the homosexuals having AIDS, sure.

If the actor/actress has HIV they choose someone else to do the scene.

Can you link where she said that?

That doesnt say what you think it does tho

You are free to explain what is she saying then. Seems prerty clear to me to be honest.

She's saying gay people are more likely to have STDs than other groupds, because [some reason that is totally not homophobia].

Gay men ARE more likely to have HIV than other groups!!!! Look it up.

♪♫ Oh Maria Maria

She wasn't being homophobic

Growing up in dangerous industry

She's living the life just like a porno star ♪♫

Thanks for serenading me, Maria actually means marijuana and it's a quote from one of my favourite songs :)

♪♫♫ Daddy he once told me,

"Son, you be hard workin' man"

And momma she once told me,

"Son, you do the best you can"

Then one day I meet a man,

He came to me and said,

"Hard work good and hard work fine,

but first take care of head" ♪♫♫

Ok this song kinda sucked but thanks anyway

What you don't like Sublime? Or just that song?

I thought u wrote it right now and I thought that it was poorly written. I only listen to hiphop :(

I thought u wrote it right now and I thought that it was poorly written.


Sublime is a mish mash of genres, rooted in ska punk, but they have a good chunk of hip hop influence in there, so you might enjoy them, tbqh.

Sublime fan? nice brah

They are classics. Respek famrade.

They sample hip hop songs quite a bit, have a whole song about KRS One/BDP!

Is it possible to not like Sublime? 🤔

arent you being songophobic?


I dont want to fuck trans people

But I am not transphobic

Sexual moralism is the most retarded shit ever, it literally does not matter the reasons someone wont fuck someone else, they are not morally wrong for not wanting it.

I don't think not wanting to have sex with trans people makes you transphobic at all. That's a preference. You're not pansexual, so no you prefer sex with cisgendered people. It's fine.

....That's not what pansexual means. Pansexual means that you're attracted all genders, or that gender isn't a defining factor in regards to attraction.

Plenty of straight people are attracted to trans people.

And while it's completely your right to not fuck transpeople, it'd may do you some good to try and understand where that compulsion comes from to make sure it's not from a negative space.

When I looked it up just now, this is what I got: "not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity."

And I was replying to the above comment. That's no indication of my own sexual preferences.

if anything homophobia is the bullying

i agree.

anyone who refuses to have sex with me deserves to die and claiming otherwise means they are the bully.

thank god we can finally get some progressive thoughts in here.

I said homophobia, homophobia doesn't mean not having sex with someone. God some of you are literally so dumb look up the word homophobia

I said homophobia, homophobia doesn't mean not having sex with someone.

well i agree but sadly that's not what you actually said in context.

you're the one defending the very people saying the opposite of this.

In context, her justification for not working with this anon man was homophobic. Her act of not working with him did not need to be homophobia motivated knowing full well the screening process of all adult film performers is the same and she is not at risk of disease. She was a pretty big name on the industry too so she isnt doing back alley shady shoots with no safety procedures.


Even if you're right no one deserves to be hounded into the grave by a horde of morons because a bit of light homophobia.

no but free speesch exists so that bigots can be called out. I dont agree with the death threats or hounding to the grave, I agree with people going "wow fuck you homophobe" or a long those lines. Bigots should be shamed, but obviously not too this point because it wont help them change their mind. A lost life is never worth it, I mean Im the guy that argues murder is wrong in self defense so dont worry

Where's the line in the Sand oh great philosopher?

Your poorly thought through new Utopia of shame won't work. People don't respond well to shame, it makes them defensive and insular. Empathetic dialogue opens minds; my sarcastic opening line won't help you realise this and it's not meant to because I don't care if I change your mind. But just know that you're wrong, and you write like a child.

Its about taking a first step. Helping someone realizing they are being homophobic is the first step and if they cannot recognize that and show a willingness to remain ignorant or uneducated then shame is a good response. Shame helps bad people understand that they are not welcome in egalitarian society and the only remaining option is to change or else be shunned.

You're almost there. Nice job backtracking.

Depending on which way the social and political wind blows gays might be the ones being shamed again. Progress isn't permanent, these social constructs of what is and isn't shameful will change with time. If you find yourself agreeing with a rampaging lunatic,that is the modern witch hunts of Twitter, you're probably not helping anyone you're just satisfying you're own need of fake justice.

No, the fact that everyone is equal will remain, unless ISIS take over the white house, gay people will only feel more and more equal because thats just how it is. homo sapiens are equal and we will not forget that

You're an idiot.

History will repeat itself because of people like you.

Im here to stop it from repeating itself. Nazis tryna come back? not on my fucking watch btfo bigots

and hitler was trying to prevent the indignity germany faced in the wake of world war 1.

wanting to do or be something does not make it reality.


Bigots should be shamed, but obviously not too this point because it wont help them change their mind.

and we're just shameing you for calling refuseing to have sex with someone for whatever reason bigotry.

i mean fairt enough let's give you she was ahomophobe. in that case you're argueing that if you're not a himobhobe you are by default a misoginst who do not belive women are alowed to refuse to sleep with men they do not wish to sleep with.

if i have to be homophobic to belive in "my body my choice" well i guess fuck the gays.

nope shaming her reasoning, not the act

Stop posting here, you’re a bigot because you won’t fuck someone of the same gender.

I'm asexual, I won't fuck anyone

Obviously you just don’t like gay people

fycking L U L

Her disgusting serophobia is what led to this. Better to be dead than homophobic.

So do you just have HIV or the full blown AIDS?

Did you get it through a bllod transfusion or some accident or did you catch it due to your vile lifestyle choices?

Can you please wear these rubber gloves and this face mask before you enter?

Using this type of wording is judgemental, and implies that HIV positive people are dirty and unhealthy.

Goddamn Poe's law.

Right? If you don't want to be homophobic you need to contract HIV, it's the only way to prove your solidarity.

People with HIV are unhealthy. That's not up for debate.

It's a serious disease, and someone who tries to have sex with it is selfish at best.

This is not serophobia. To be a phobia the fear would have to be irrational. Fearing having sex with someone who could have HIV and has not been properly screened is not irrational. And that is exactly what she was complaining about.

What a useless life, even her final act was merely to grab attention.

Tbh if you get bullied by SJW just kys.

To commit Sudoku over some twitter comments, she must have already been batshit.


Yeah while I feel bad she was in a dark place it's not other people's responsibility to refrain from disagreeing with her if they don't like what she said. I don't think telling someone to "kill themselves" is really a good way to disagree but if you listen to some rando on the Internet to kill yourself you already have something going on.

Both sides where in the wrong imo. This was definitely preventable by everyone involved.

It's her decision to get help in the first place. And if she was getting help, she wouldn't be in porn because her psychiatrist would have told her it was bad for her mental health.

So, if she wasn't getting help for her issues, I don't gaf. Less people in the world. I'm not really against suicide.

Not wanting to risk catching an std from untested people = homophobia

TIL I'm homophobic....Wonder what my gay friends will think.

As long as you continue fucking them I'm sure they won't care.

That they will sly poz you next time you get drunk and horny.

other pornstars were saying that gay stars are held to the same health tests so it is a little more nuanced

IIRC it takes a long time to get an HIV result back. It's not totally unreasonable to be worried.

If doesn't though, usually you can get them within an hour of the test

I'm a professional gay porn star look me up on Bebo

Sorry I was wrong. The issue is that even if you're HIV positive, you might test negative for several weeks.

This. That’s why they tell you to get HIV checks the week after, the month after, and even six months after getting bussy blasted.

One pornstar on twitter said that gay actors wear condoms so they don't get tested unless they're forced to.

I don't know, but you had better let them all use your asshole as a sperm receptacle or you are a fucking HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT!!!1!

he is a fucking pozzie thats the problem.

Lot of newfriends in here 🤔

Bullying newfriends is part of the appeal.

This whole fiasco has brought an influx of newfriends upset that we're bullying their precious plastic whore

Most of these new friends seem to be the homos.

Only r/drama could get brigaded by angry faggots.

lol no they aren't, you sensitive sally.

I realise that as a mod of r/drama your job entirely revolves around making the sub go private should any thread reach r/all but do you really think this subject deserves the half-dozen threads it's currently recieving?

Of course it doesn't.

You're all free to abuse everyone you see.

Everyone a potential lolcow but keep that trigger finger on the zoz if it comes to it.

More bussy for /r/Drama.

It's almost like you've all let this sub go to shit for years and attracted a bunch of altright children as the only people that bother with it anymore

Ppl who start comments with "it's almost like" should issue a public apology or swallow a cyanide pill.

Does the Ru Paul sub really have enough drama in it to warrant a separate drama sub?

It's not exclusively about the sub.

The queens over there in tgat sub? Yes they do

I actually did this once on this sub, I apologize for my past transgression.

You should've just pulled the trigger and replace you've all with y'all. Ya faggot.


go to shit

Oh,’s always been shit

It was fun the first year or so it was around after the split from SRD

Don't you have some obviously fake race baiting stories to lock on your mod queue?

A moderator of /r/BlackPeopleTwitter and /r/AgainstHateSubreddits is crying about shitty subs

Go shoot some hoops ma niqqa

everyone on bpt is white and white niggas cant ball

umad kid

Okay friend

It's almost like you should do an August Ames. I think that rope looks attractive, what about you?

its almost like the altright is just pushing this story over faux outrage and to have an excuse to hate on the LGBT community

Faux outrage? Who needs to fake outrage here dude, a woman committed suicide over being bullied for not wanting to fuck a gay guy. That's pretty fucked but you don't really give a shit - in contrast, if /r/the_donald pushed a woman to death with death threats, you'd probably be compiling a 25 page report to the admins.

le altright

lol, dude, you're a fucking joke. Your imaginary alt right, if they even exist, are pushing this story because this is fucked up. Of course, if you'd like the story of this woman's unjust bullying silence because it gives your side bad optics, go ahead and say it. Fucking loser.

Oh, so you're the hysterical for real?

Sorry, is this English? Try not to breathe through your mouth next time.

Which part are you struggling with? I'm sure your minder can help you sound out the bigger words.

I'm struggling with the entire sentence since it reads like the monkeys banging out Macbeth on typewriters can write more coherently individually than the retarded mess you shat out.

Nice run on sentence

It does more running than you've ever have.

What a belter.

Your father cradles you, naked like a baby with semen running down your leg from your asshole, whispering apologies for how you made him so angry and how sorry he is while he rubs your fresh belt marks and red buttocks.

Not likely.

Reconsider your keyboard use.

Your garbage literary skills hurt my brain.

You mean made your pee pee hurt, obviously.

Because I think with my genitals?

What am I supposed to infer from that.

God you suck

Because I think with my genitals? What am I supposed to infer from that.

That it made you throbbingly hard.

Sucking costs extra

I get hard because of my own weird specific perversions.

I think I might have permanently lost a few inches from interacting with you.

see what I mean famalam

these are the idiots you've attracted here

Imagine caring about that tho.

It's not entertaining when they just felate eachother for being edgelords

Are you asking me to mod this sub to cater exclusively to your sensibilities?

you just told me to kill myself, but you are outraged at others for making similar comments?

okay bud

It's different when I do it.

Plus, you don't have big tits so you're practically worthless.

Faux outrage

lmao, so people can't legitimately be concerned about someone committing suicide if your buddies do it. You're a caricature.

So your saying you were buddies with this woman or knew her?

Can you read English? I'm saying you don't give a fuck about her suicide because your political side caused it..

lol shut up nerd

shut up nigga

shut up faggot

shut up dweeb

lol A woman was bullied until she killed herself because she didn't want to fuck someone. What's fake about that?

Why do people so willingly use media terminology? Keep yourself safe!

I like how these are the sort of stories that get /r/drama attention

Her husband was a cool dude. Used to do ama's on SomethingAwful before the progressives wiped that place out. I feel bad for him.

I remember that dude

"fuck ya'll" was her final tweet

Hey at least she went out with a bang

Fuck y'all

Fixed that for you.

C'mon, she's dead. Literally the least you can do is not make her last words sound SRD levels of retarded.

her last words before killing herself was about the life she had, brilliant

Actually, this was her last tweet, she was replying to another porn star.

Can we ban almuric_the_king for spamming his shitty, unfunny mess of a website? Literally /r/

One dead whore is not enough. All of those sick animals should be put to sleep.


I upvoted, mayocide now!

Goddamn...she is one year younger than me...and she is dead...Goddamn that fking hurts

She is so many years younger than me that it would have been almost creepy for us to be in the same room, even, and it's a tragedy, said in all seriousness.

THe fuckkkk, August Ames committed suicide? WTF?

Hmm. Maybe this while internet thing is harder than I thought. I'm gonna have to try extra hard from now on not to kill myself.

Her name was Mercedes, being a suicidal pornstar was basically her destiny. Who the fuck names their child Mercedes.

Oddly I knew a Mercedes a few years back - nice girl, at least twenty years too young for me even if I weren't a married man. Not even close to being a pornstar. Even so, you're probably right most of the time, statistically speaking.

If I recall Mercedes is a legit Spanish language name

Its the name of a character in count of monte cristo

Shame on her for not wanting dicks that have been in asses in her pussy. /s

Remember folks that consent is everything. You can refuse sex to anybody, at any time, for any reason, or no reason. Well, unless youre a guy. Or the other person is LGBT. Then they get to rape you. Sorry.

lol OP is a sperglord that only posts links to his own shitball website. Unironically kill yourself my man

I can't wait to hear Philip DeFranco talking about this before shilling SquareSpace

A woman has a choice if she wants to remain pregnant. A woman has no choice on who's inside of their body. People decry rape for good reasons because a woman isn't making a choice of who's inside of their body. Forcing or in this case, attempting to coerce someone to have sex with another person against their wants and will is rape.

This is alright though, It's in the name of diversity. Should lesbians be forced to have sex with former straight women? No. Nobody should ever be forced to do anything sexually, or be forced to do something sexually with someone they don't want to.

But who will I jerk off to now?

It's 2017 and people are this upset, on multiple different sides, about a pornstar keeping yourself safe. Everyone should keep yourself safe in this thread tbqhfam.

Everybody's talking about whether or not what she did is discrimination, and whether or not she has the right to choose who she sleeps with, but how about we talk about whether or not it's ok to bully someone to the point of suicide? Can we talk about that, maybe?

coalburning bitch.

This drama is fucking amazing. It's not even confirmed that she killed herself and yet it's thrown this way and that that she was cyber-bullied to suicide after a very poorly worded tweet.

Like holy fuck could you be more reactionary?

Woah! I just read an article about how disgusting she was yesterday

I dont really understand why she tweeted about the whole thing in the first place.