August Ames killed herself

176  2017-12-07 by xXBreezy


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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RIP to the only pornstar who's videos I'd watch more than once.

I think this means her first edition downloads are valuable now.

Why? There's way hotter girls than her.

No. Just no.

She fucked up her face years ago.

Go out in public for once and you'll see a dozen hotter women than her

Lmao you're a dumbass

How not to react when you're losing an argument 101

It wasn't an argument until you tried to make it one, that's why you're a dumbass

If you're gonna downvote me over losing then I'll downvote you too cunt

Haha you're pathetic

You can't really call people pathetic when you spend your time trying to convince people a dead whore is the hottest woman ever

I just did. Here I'll do it again for ya, you're pathetic

I just did. Here I'll do it again for ya, you're pathetic

Adult movie star August Ames, 23, found dead after being accused of homophobia for refusing to do a scene with an actor who had appeared in gay porn


'NOT homophobic,' she said in response to the accusations. 'Most girls don't shoot with guys who have shot gay porn, for safety. That's just how it is with me. I'm not putting my body at risk, i don't know what they do in their private lives.'

Well, at least she doesn't need to worry about getting the aids now.

i feel like the "i dont hate fags, i just dont like their promiscuous culture" line loses some of its (already strained) legitimacy when youre literally a porn star

I bet gay pornstars still have more unprotected sex with non-pornstars than straight pornstars.

What porn are you watching? Those chicks have three holes, and boy do they use them.

The gays only have two.

There's a reason I said:

with non-pornstars

She even mentioned not knowing what they do in their private lives. As in, off-set.

How would she know what any of her co-stars are doing in their private lives, off-set? Isn't that why they are called private lives?

The straight porn I see absolutely no one is using protection...

She doesn't know for sure. In fact, her whole point was that she didn't know.

It's much more likely that the gay men were having unprotected sex with strangers off-set than the straight ones. Which is a big part of why they're so much more likely to have HIV.

Unprotected sex is rife in the straight community, its just that the mode (vaginal) is less risky than anal. Vagina's are good at deflecting diseases like HIV. Still, HIV is rising quite fast in the heterosexual community in the US, mostly because you have shit-house prevention programs because your healthcare sucks. Other Western jurisdictions have all but eliminated new cases of HIV in their populations, through safe sex measures, testing and targeted PReP.

So if a chick with a healthy vagina fucks a poz man, she has a 0.5% chance of being infected with HIV. For a man having unprotected anal sex that jumps to 3%.

HIV has torn through straight porn communities, and what stopped it was rigorous testing, not whatever this chick was banging on about.

But I guess you feel all sad because your dream Waifu is gone. Boo hoo, cry me river.

Oh I don't care that much about her, I honestly didn't think she was that hot, and that's basically her only job.

You wouldn't use PReP if you didn't know you had HIV. And it takes 4 weeks minimum for you to show up positive on HIV tests (because your body needs to create the antibodies), but most sources say 3-6 months is much safer.

Most HIV scares in the porn industry are through the gay side of things. Which makes a lot of sense because HIV was and still very much is much more prevalent among gay men.

But please, if you have a source that straight men are as likely to have HIV as gay men - even close - link it.


So its taken as a prophylactic....but I guess would know that if you knew what you were talking about...which you clearly don't.

Your knowledge on this issue seems to be about 5 years out of date.

My stats aren't tho

are condoms even still a thing? Just get flu shot yearly dummies lol

On another sub someone said gay pornstars have lower standards for health or something like that?

Something about them being even more at risk.

I get she was a pornstar but still, working with homosexual men might put her at even more risk.

I also doubt the "homophobia" accusation could be too good, as many others have already said she did plenty of girl on girl which isn't very straight.

Maybe she didn't bring her work home.

More like "i dont hate fags, i just want to completely eliminate any chances i have of getting AIDS".

Are you playing dumb or something? What shes saying is "i dont hate fags, i just dont want to risk getting HIV"

hmm maybe that is it, not like they do any std testing before porn shoots

oh wait

My understanding is that there was some issues with the testing (the guys would not do it or something?) I really dont know its just something i read on reddit.

But lets assume she didnt want to have sex with the gay guy because shes homophobic. Youre still defending someone who told her to swallow a cyanide pill because she didnt have sex with them (my body my choice???? no? Oh ok) Nice man.

porn and suicide encouragement are the only things the internet is good for, and anyone with an active twitter account deserves to die anyways, so i really dont understand what your issue is


"i have no actual argument for my opponent so i'll just muddy the water by baiting them"

where tf do you think you are

lol i cant believe how sensitive you fags are getting over this of all things

anyone with an active twitter account deserves to die anyways

This is correct.

My understanding is that there was some issues with the testing (the guys would not do it or something?)

I've read that it takes a couple of weeks after infection with HIV to actually show on tests, so you wouldn't know if, say, someone got it 5 days earlier.

Yeah that was exactly it. Another person mentioned that here.

Maybe if she didn’t want HIG, not being a porn star at all would have been the smart choice.

wow. What a stupid comment. Congratz.

The logic is sound. 🖖

It’s like saying if you value your life you wear a helmet while on a motorcycle. No, if you value your life you wear a seatbelt with a steel cage around you.

Straight porn requires more STD testing than gay porn, thats why she didn't want to shoot with a gay performer. Pornstarts fuck alot but in straight porn, they are all tested every few weeks so they are all clean and stay that way. Gay performers ONLY use condoms and don't get tested as often.

I don't think she was as worried about their promiscuity and more about the different STI testing protocols for gay performers.

So is it wrong to watch her videos still? Asking for a friend

I'd wait a month or two.


5 minutes later

long enough!

That's her life's work. If anything, it's right.

Don't know which is sadder, her death or the fact that this is her life's work.

Absolutely not. Those videos are her legacy and neckbeards must fap to her so she'll live forever and ever in our hearts and dreams. such a bright light lost too early.

since she was probably proud of it, I think it honors her in a strange way

if anything it makes it hotter

They say a person dies twice on this planet. The day they cease living, and the last time someone jerks off to a video of them.

RIP in peace. She was an hero.

Fuck off loser, you need to have your internet access revoked.

An hero yourself.

I would recommend professional help, but I realize that at this state in the course of human evolution, even the best psychiatrists can't help the chan people.

It's a lost cause.

I missed a good comment here, didn't I?

It wasn't my best, but keep an eye out, there'll be better.

Your best would be like a botchlings fart rbh

I'd hate to see your best.

Fuck off


No u.

wat wuz r3al cmnt m8?

Get help.

Why'd you delete your other comment? Too similar to your alt?

I don't have or use alts. But since I answered your question, how about you answer mine.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

My wet dream of western degeneracy is suddenly given a new fruit of fapping material.

Oh my god, this exploded into hilarious kinkshaming kneejerk, thank you! The Reddit Platinum Trifecta of accidentally triggering SJWs, sexshamers and retards at the same time? That's Xmas come early. Fuck you, Fuck her, Fuck the gay dude who harassed her, and all those who enable them.

I am not trolling you; trolling is being two-faced (saying something you don't believe to rile up others), this is coming straight from the heart: your hatred is like a fresh breeze on my summer brow.

I don't hate you, I just feel sorry for you.

Seriously, what the fuck has my mental state got to do with the kind of content I contribute to this sub?? You should be ashamed of yourselves for even trying to draw that parallel. It's shit like this that will eventually lead to another holocaust. Oh, you wanna round up all the bitter autists and send them off to a labor camp? Can't see how that could possibly wrong. How do you think that's gonna impact the quality in the sub after awhile. Who's gonna write retarded agendaposts if we're gone? You think the normies are gonna step up man? Normies are the parasites of the internet and you know this. They will never have a single original idea for this sub and much less take the time to present it in an interesting fashion. The normies are gonna fuck off right back to the defaults or SRD and here you'll be sat stranded without any content at all. Good going there buddy.

My job here is done.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Interesting. I've only ever blocked one person on reddit in all my 11 years around (and since blocking was an option).

That was that retarded ed toast idiot. Fucking emojis. Not even a language. I will always, unquestionably and without remorse downvote all emojis, copypasta, internet slang and regurgitated nonsense.

He's totally reformed you should unblock him, quality poster 100% of the time, no emojis or copypasta - no bamboozle.

3 fucking weeks Ed. This is quite the necro, do you have a new fetish?

/U/Chromebookbitches led me here. He's sperging about against me. Plus there's a lot of delicious OC unironic pasta in his comments.

Also your comments were hilarious :D

You may have meant /u/Chromebookbitches instead of /U/Chromebookbitches.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


Shut up baby, I know it.


Is this copypasta?

Looks like OC.



👩‍💻 🤷🤺👎🖖✊💋🖤🦄🔪


jesus, the butthurt is off the charts!

I'm not him but: lel. Being a troll is the only way to be on the interweb.

Not only is it not "the only way to be", it is a very clear indicator of failed parenting and failed human development.

Failed? I win here and I win there, I'm winning all over the place.

Get laid

You're the fucked up one here bud

Who the fuck buys a chromebook? friggin fag

Underrated comment

Asking the real questions ITT

Chromebooks are a great value and dont seem to break down as quick as windows laptops. When my last computer broke, I got a chromebook instead and spent the money I saved on coke.

Question: Do you think being a condescending moralizing ass makes you less of an asshole than the person you're responding to?

Follow up question: Do you think the people who drove August Ames to suicide feel the same way about themselves?

  1. Don't care, and besides, I didn't call anyone an asshole.

  2. Very complicated question, but in short it is obvious that she had personal childhood problems/issues that shouldn't necessarily be blamed on people on the internet.

That doesn't excuse people acting like morons on the internet, but really shines a spotlight on the problem of the younger crowd taking the "social" side of the internet too seriously.

This is absolutely beautiful.

I've been contacted by her estate, for use as a possible epitaph for her gravestone. I'm strongly considering it.

It was a waste of some very nice tits.

Hmm...I'll be dead before I die...


An hero.

She's dead dude, have some decency.

Nigga wut

But she was obviously literally a nazi or something.

No she was not.

Yes she was was

No she was not.



Kys mayo



I'm going to bust a nut tonight with a noose around my dick. Celebrate her passing in style.

I can understand the sentiment, but if you walk into an /r/Drama thread about someone recently dead you really should have an idea of what to expect.

Truly profound.

I don't think I can jerk off to any of her videos anymore.

It sounds like you're not even trying smdh

Legit. When chyna the wrestler died i jacked off to her porno just outta curiosity.

There's a sub that's just for videos of pornstars that are dead, I'll post if I can remember it

Please do. My dick will thank you.

3 deaths....

“There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time.”

  • David M. Eagleman

Yeah no shit that's what I was referencing but the time when gretzky said it.

That's why I posted! I was not being /r/Iamverysmart. I was just realizing what you are saying, and it's an incredibly beautiful and moving quote.

It's weird.... how many years will her name cross lips, vs mine? She'll live on in a bizarre way, to be sure. It's quite sad, though.

What is dead may never die

A human being is dead due to harassment, and just because she did porn, people are going to pretend it doesn't matter.

They'll also pretend it doesn't matter because she supposedly said something homophobic. So much for my body my choice I guess, you MUST fuck who they demand you fuck.

brb, bragging to Twitter about not fucking the Indian chick who works in accounting


Why would you not bang the Indian chick who works in accounting? I promise you that you can indeed get the curry smell off of your dick. It just takes a while.

Tell her to show you some bobs.

Hey retard, they weren't demanding she fuck him, they were calling her a hypocritical jizzbag for insinuating all gay porn stars are diseased even though they go through the same testing she does.

They didn't need to jump on her like a pack of hyenas. Fuck that, people shouldn't be shamed for not wanting sex with someone.

She wasn't wrong for making the decision, but she was a moron for Tweeting publicly about it on a platform that her industry peers use.

They are though.

gay porn stars are diseased

They aren't all diseased, they're just diseased at a much, much higher rate.

Possibly because of all the gay porn. Possibly.

It is a puzzle.


HIV was originally called GRID for a reason. Men who have sex with men cannot donate blood for a reason.

source on the second statement?

I dont know if it's changed but you can google that yourself. I can cosign he OP's point tho when I donated blood. No blood from homos or people who got tattoos within a year and I think in my case if I'd traveled to certain (third world) countries

They actually don't go through the same testing. Which is why she said what she said

Is the medical community homophobic for their rules on blood donation from gay men?

they were calling her a hypocritical jizzbag for insinuating all gay porn stars are diseased even though they go through the same testing she does.

I'm pretty sure she didn't say that, and they don't go through the same testing, hence why a lot of female pornstars won't work with male pornstars who work both sides of the street.

I mean it’s statistically accurate that the chances of her getting HIV from a gay porn Star are exponentially higher

why do you hate freedom of speech

You seem confused. She should've been free to say she doesn't want aids from the aids gods.

and we should have been free to call her a dumbass because of it

And you were, Twitter let you bully her to death. Nobody was criticizing freedom of speech, simply the outstandingly retarded leftists who say it's women's choice who they let in their snatch then get triggered when a woman sees the ridiculously high rate of aids in the lbgp community and decides she doesn't want a pozzed up dick inside her.

so you dont see the problem with workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation? how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

Lol, you actually said "how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history".

You're seriously taking the position that a woman doesn't have the right to decide what dick enters her pussy?

im taking the position that a professional doesnt get to discriminate against legally protected classes in her business transactions. if you have such a problem with queer folx having rights, take it up with the supreme court, they just might take your side thanks to drumpf.

WE GOT A DRUMPF TOO! You're my favorite lefty lolcow from this day forward.

"Queer folx" now have a right to sex with straight women, do deny it is discrimination. Get ready for those poz loads ladies!

Wow white knight harder lol

There are other pornstars, you can relax

Oh I'm just basking in the glory of watching the left struggle between respecting wymyn(HASHTAGmewtwo) and supporting the lbgtpbbq crowd. I'd never heard of her before today.

I'm sorry for your waifu, the good news there's plenty of damaged women for you to watch get assfucked. Give it time, is the best advice I can give

You're duller than a pozzed up autoimmune system.

Immune system*

If my autoimmune system was "pozzed up" it'd be more like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmune diseases are much less sexy

Close enough. Lupus sounds pretty terrible though from what I've heard about it.

Fortunately, it's never lupus.

The only reason I'm even posting with you reactionaries on reddit because my mom banned tumblr at home this monday after what happened at school. I wore booty short and a white T-shirt that read “Friendzone the Patriarchy” on it. Yes my butt was hanging out, yes people could see a little bit of my tummy. Yes it was sexy, but I have no desire to be sexy to cis men (especially white ones) so it was by no means intended to be “Distracting”. I am also really beautiful and I just love myself so I feel sexy all the time. But NO there was no reason to prioritize my outfit as a “distraction” when the actions of other have nothing to do with my body. In a way I’m glad I did it because it was a meaningful protest that drew attention to a serious cause. But I’m still getting shit for it.

Before second period even came around, one of the principal’s aides came into my classroom and reported that in first period some people had made complaints. My second period teacher agreed (of course) and said what I was wearing was inappropriate. I can’t help but think that if I didn’t have such a curvaceous waist, big boobs and thick booty that nobody would have said anything. AFAB people who are conventionally feminine and attractive terrify the patriarchy more than anyone. We can basically do anything if given free reign and they wanted to take my freedom away. The only other time it got this bad was when they gave me detention when I wrote “genderfuck” on the standardized test sheet for gender (although, it’s important to note I no longer identify as genderfuck).

My mom was called into school (I wonder why not my DAD? They just kind of assumed my mom wasn’t working, which she isn’t, but that’s beside the point) to take me home. On the way home my mom kept going, “I am serious, Madison, I am serious, no more of this.” I told her that her internalized misogyny and slut shaming is toxic and actually abusive. Then she told me I “don’t know what abuse is.” Like I’m going to let a cis white woman gendersplain everything to me and experience-police me. She is abusive, end of story.

So the minute we got home she set up parental controls on the computers so now basically all i can do is homework and reddit and nothing meaningful. So this is what happens when a nb genderkitten dares to express sexuality. Her LITERAL FREEDOM OF SPEECH is removed.

I knew I liked you for a reason. I respect this wymyn.

is this post serious, i can never tell w you

sorta. i think she was a retard with a gay panic complex, and i think this manifesting in an explicitly professional context opens her up to types of criticism over it that wouldnt be justifiable otherwise, but i dont actually think it is or should be some sort of workers rights violation for her to not boink the dude, and ultimately it is her decision to make. i have essentially the same attitude towards that cake fundie and other "religious liberty" cases involving luxury industries, btw.

the "drumpf" and "folx" stuff is obviously bait, but /u/Oh_hamburgers_ somehow fell for it anyway

protected classes dont automatically get to fuck lol

There's people who have rights to have sex with a particular person?

Here's a cool porn fact!

When a white porn star fucks a black man for the first time on film their income drops!

Hows that for discrimination in porn!

That's not even what people are kisses about, nice straw man

Are you some kind of autistic pariah or something? Or have you never had a meaningful social interaction?

If you aren't trolling, you are the reason the Republicans control the nation at the moment. You should probably do your party, and family, a favor and off yourself

Her saying “I don’t want to have sex with this person” is workplace discrimination?


Oh you’re just a troll gotcha

wasnt aware supporting workers rights made me a "troll" but ok

No you stating that she should be forced to sleep with someone is what makes you a troll lol

its really cute the way youre trying to mask your bigotry, but im not falling for it

Jesus, calm down.

What about that comment would make you think I'm not calm?

Well, no one here bullied this chick to death for starters. We don't know for sure if she committed suicide and if she did we don't know for sure what the reasons were. I dunno, maybe you are calm.

Do you seriously think porn, especially high end porn that Ames would partake in doesn't have STD testing?

Does it really matter? I'm far from a feminist but I will agree with their radical suggestion that women are allowed to decide who they have sex with.

You used that as part of your argument...

women's choice who they let in their snatch then get triggered when a woman sees the ridiculously high rate of aids in the lbgp community and decides she doesn't want a pozzed up dick inside her.

You were suggesting her reasoning was that she didn't want to catch aids. Professional porn has too much at stake to be spreading aids around.

And I never implied woman don't have that right.

Ok but even if she was wrong or ignorant, so what?

Well I never said she was wrong, or ignorant. All Ames said is that she didn't know what they (being actors who did gay porn) did in private which could be taken a lot of different ways.

My thoughts are you can think her reasoning is stupid, but ultimately she chooses who she works with. Obviously sad someone that young felt the need to end her life.

Go have sex with a gay man then

spoiler alert: thats his thing

It does, but its not like they test every shoot.

It's like once a month or something.

If someone gets tested, then goes and fucks a bunch of gay dudes and then does a scene 2 days later... the test isn't going to do shit.

HIV doesn't even show up on tests for at least a month.


Do you get this mad when a fattie or a transgender is twitterbullied to death? Or in those cases is it "lol snowflake" to you?

Nah, unlike some of the sardonic fuckers around here I'd never cheer a suicide no matter who it is. Unless it was like a child rapist or something of course.

I wish everyone who uses twitter Ameses themselves, tbh

Hey I only use it because sometimes there are leaked photos there I can't find on reddit.

How about everyone stops telling each other to kill themselves tbh. You're all a bunch of idiots.

Are you ok? Keep Yourself Safe! 😘

im just eager to call people hypocrites personally

how retarded would a person hypothetically be if they thought that porn stars don’t get tested?

Dunno, she might have been a 76iq borderline retard, doesn't really matter though. If she doesn't want to fuck someone I'd say that's fine, regardless of her reasoning.

She doesn't get to freely insinuate that men who perform in gay porn are any more at risk of catching a disease than her literal jizzjockey ass

It's a statistical reality, gay men get more STD's and aids diagnoses. She can freely say whatever the fuck she wants, just like you're free to sit here and spout bullshit. Spouting bullshit isn't a crime.

It's also a statistical reality that porn stars of any gender have high rates of Stds too

And a statistical reality that they are pretty safe with all their frequent testing.

They are, dude.

You're free to. And you did. She died as a result. Do you feel no shame? At long last have you sense of decency?

he doesn't...only lispy speech.

listening to hoes

Why do you support bullying women to death?

it’s my god-given right

I'm not an American, but does free speech even cover telling people to commit suicide? I imagine it would fall under harassment.

It's pretty context dependant. It's less a free speech issue here than a "beyond a reasonable doubt" issue. It's hard to prove the connection between speach and action when the victim is dead.

those fags just couldnt let it be and now shes dead

It's just as well she didn't refuse to fuck a trans lesbian, or they would have killed her themselves.

What on earth were you hoping to achieve with such a comment?

It doesnt matter.

A literal jizzbag offing herself before getting old and gross is a reason to celebrate

Well that's also a view i guess.

Gosh you're so cool and edgy


Very, very rude tbh

/u/Invalid_Target says edgy shit like "As a huge fag, other fags should never fuck gay niggers they all have AIDS".

But when one woman says she wouldn't fuck gay porn actors, he flips his shit. Really nudges the neurons tbh 🤔🤔🤔

A human being is dead due to harassment, and just because she did porn, people are going to pretend it doesn't matter.

LOL, imagine white-knighting for a dead cum dumpster. One who kept herself safe from retards on Twitter. LOL.

Are you mentally handicapped? I'm sorry your childhood was such shit.

Oh no, you said something I didn't like, now I'll have to kill myself. /s

I'm sure you are a happy person. Have fun with your shit life

I'm quite happy, indeed. :-)

You know deep down that you aren't. Don't kill yourself, but have a fun life of unhappiness. Bye

I would recommend professional help, but I realize that at this state in the course of human evolution, even the best psychiatrists can't help the chan people.

It's a lost cause.

Have fun crying over spilt jizz

My life > Dumb and dead pornstar

Good for you. Dat edge


another happy person

I'm only happy when I say mean things desu

Pretty sure she still made a lot more than you.

Most pornstars make notoriously little actually. The top earners barely make 6 digits.

Keep yourself safe

mentally handicapped

I'm not even sure how that user can even manage to use a computing device.

They certainly shouldn't be being allowed to by their parents.

What is up with pussies like you on /r/drama getting all serious when some thot becomes an hero?

you are so hardcore. I wish I could be like you

You are on a sub dedicated to mayocide, bussy jokes, and constant threats of calling for suicide. Strange time to suddently grow a conscience over the death of a pornstar.

You are on a sub dedicated to mayocide, bussy jokes, and constant threats of calling for suicide.

So these are things to be proud of? What a life. Carry on

Yes, yes are they are things to be proud of. This isn't a convent, pussy. For the sake of everyone here, pull an August Ames

Another happy person. I love living life not being miserable as you losers. Have a good one

So happy you stumble onto /r/drama to concern troll? Get real, you are about as happy as August was minutes before she offed herself

haha, such a tough guy. I'll go on living my life being a happy person. I hope that makes you even more angry knowing I'm going to bed knowing my life is great while you sit there knowing your life sucks. You know it's true. There is zero chance a successful person acts this way. Buh bye

Thanks for the pasta.

If obsessivley watching Big Brother constitues a great life, you're better just killing yourself now

go play halo. Haha. I know who I am. And I'm smiling knowing I've gotten you all riled up. Thinking about how much of a loser you are. ;)

haha, such a tough guy. I'll go on living my life being a happy person. I hope that makes you even more angry knowing I'm going to bed knowing my life is great while you sit there knowing your life sucks. You know it's true. There is zero chance a successful person acts this way. Buh bye

Lol how did you even get here?

Lol "happy life" fucking nerd

another happy person happy with their life. Hi

Lol I hate my life why else wouild I post in /r/drama? But at leastg I have the integrity to be honest with myself

My life is awful and I want to kill myself. There you go, now find another insult.

LOL, imagine white-knighting for a dead cum dumpster.

People, stop down-voting this quality material!

Incels are sad their imaginary gf offer herself, now cyberbullying is super bad 😢

I thought Melania was supposed to be on this? Wtf where is melania??

One of the saddest things about this thread is that there are people in it who consider themselves porn 'fans', know this girls 'back-catalogue', and seem genuinely hurt that the world has lost a great practitioner of the art of "having a cock in your ass and pussy at the time time".

having a cock in your ass and pussy at the same time

Tbh, that's quite a skill

Frankly, it appears to be quite a common skill in the biz.

That's like saying being able to dunk is a common skill in the NBA.

More of an achievement of the cock tbqh.

If your donger isn't big enough to fill every hole at once, why even live?

She may have been a dirty crack addicted whore... but she was my dirty crack addicted whore

Actually she was pure and chaste and only did vanilla porn, therefore making this more tragic.

When did /r/drama get filled with a bunch of pussies

It's on Reddit. You shouldn't be surprised

please don't pretend that some online harrassment made her kill herself. people face much worse harassment daily and they don't take it to the extremes like this.

rip tho

I agree. There had to be something else going on. I can't imagine killing myself over Twitter comments. I'd just disable my Twitter and move on. She was so young and it's such a tragedy. She must not have had any supportive people around her or maybe she was suffering from depression.

You've obviously never suffered from depression. While the bullying isn't what directly caused her to experience depression, it is what pushed her over the edge to kill herself. So saying the bullying had zero effect is just 100% wrong.

"You don't know half as much as you think you do....Shitter"

She shouldn't have taken the internet so seriously. Keep Yourself Safe.

Definitely. fuvk all these squares on the internet

I don't understand when people say "don't take the internet so seriously".... its real people saying real things in reply to what you said? Are things suddenly invalid and not real unless they're said to your face?

It's kids like you that have ruined the internet for the rest of us Keep Yourself Safe.

Happy to do it

To me, it's like the same thing as having someone who I've never met or interacted with in real life coming up to me and saying a bunch of mean shit to my face and bullying me verbally. It has literally no effect on me and I don't see why it has an effect on anyone. How are you gonna be upset or offended by somebody who doesn't know the first thing about you? They don't know what your experiences or beliefs or struggles are so why would you let their comments have any sort of substance to them? The only people who can affect me with their words are people who I care about and look up to. Everyone else is completely irrelevant. That's why I can't really understand when people talk about internet bullying, unless it's on Facebook or something coming from someone you personally know. You're giving random ass internet scumbags too much power when you let their words affect you.

That's definitely the right mindset to have and I'm glad that you do, but that doesn't make someone else's pain invalid

I just don't know man, being upset by it is literally the thing that drives internet trolls to do what they do. Getting upset by it is the thing that will cause you to get more upset by it just by its nature. Having thicker skin will not only let you ignore the people being shitty towards you, it'll actually make them stop being shitty. If you legitimately can't handle being insulted by random people on line then the best thing you can do is not have social media. You will never convince people to stop being shit heads online as long as they get a response from it.

I already told you I do agree that you've got the right mindset to have, I just think the people doing the wrong thing are the trolls. Some people are just sensitive to the opinions of others, it's wrong to prey on that. I'm sure if she could've just turned off the part of her that was bothered by it, she would've.

The people who are aware that they are not capable of handling insults from people online should not present their obviously controversial opinion on a platform where millions can see it and respond. The trolls are the ones in the wrong, 100%, but they don't respond to logic and reasoning, they just wanna piss people off. The people getting hurt should be responsive to logic and reasoning; if you are aware that you can't handle it and you continue to openly put yourself in a position where you're gonna get hurt, then that's just a dumb choice on your part in my opinion.

If the more sensitive people everywhere either 1) thickened their skin up or 2) got off of websites where they're prone to getting bullied or 3) stopped provoking random people on the internet by posting controversial opinions then the world would be a lot more friendly and safe for those types of people.

Obviously that situation is a pipe dream, but it's much less of a pipe dream than trying to convince trolls to stop being assholes online. People need to stop being so sensitive to randoms.

All joking aside, if she killed herself (which she did), it's not because of a few angry SJWs on Twitter.

People don't just kill themselves at the drop of a hat. It'll normally take something more significant, like if you have clinical depression, or if millions of people on the internet have seen videos and photos of you naked -- idk, just different things depending on the person.

Yeah she probably would have anyway, but it’s still pretty amusing to watch all of the back-pedalling and bricks being shat.

This is the kind of shit people spout when they want to deflect the fuck outta some blame for driving someone to suicide, lol.

They didn't put the noose around her neck, did they? Regardless of whether or not she had clinical depression, it was her choice to commit suicide.

Sure; her decision after being targeted by a mob of sociopathic assholes.

I have no sympathy for the people who targeted her. They're all a bunch of retards, but they're no more responsible for her killing herself than any of the shitty life decisions she made leading up to this.

I've never experienced depression, but I believe all the people when they say how terrible it can be. That said, you still have free will, and when you pull the trigger (metaphorically or literally), that is 100% on you.

TBH I don't know how far I care to argue this, I mean I'm pretty sure most pornstars whose lives don't end by suicide die of overdoses, Ames is just shocking cause it happened while she was still young and hot.

I don't think we disagree that much. I won't deny that they pushed her over the edge, but if all it took to make her kill herself was some mean tweets (as well as several tweets agreeing with her), it was only a matter of time.

Also, I'm fine with blaming these idiots for her death as a meme, but only as a meme. In reality, if we're going to blame Person A for the death of Person B just because Person B killed himself after being cyberbullied (aka sent a few mean tweets) by Person A, then we should treat every instance of someone being mean to someone else on the internet as a case of attempted murder.

I've never experienced depression

Then you don't know what she was going through, so shut your fucking mouth. Fucking idiot.

God damn I hate when people give their opinions about things of which they have no clue.

I have depression and I agree with him. What now?

Yeah I dont understand attacking someone who's showing empathy and following it up with a completely factual and rational statement.

You sound like a terrible person.

Mentally stable people can’t get driven to suicide.

That's the kind of shit people say when they wanna place the blame for someone's suicide on people on the internet for ideological reasons and not on, say, her grandpa for molesting her and her dad for denying it.

The bullying was undeniably shitty, but it was the straw that broke the camels back, not a bullet to her face.

I mean if it the implication is that she was probably crazy, then I agree

She was in porn after all. The chances are pretty high.

People don't just kill themselves at the drop of a hat.

They literally do. The amount of time from impulse to action is staggeringly short.

Yeah, but it's not like there's usually nothing leading up to it. It's not like she's living a perfectly happy and normal life and then she's like "oh fuck people are mad at me on Twitter, time for me to die!"

Sure. But let's say a deeply unhappy person get's dogpiled by thousands of people on twitter and kills themself something like 24 hours later, are we really going to say that couldn't have been a contributing factor?

All joking aside, if she killed herself (which she did), it's not because of a few angry SJWs on Twitter.

People don't just kill themselves at the drop of a hat.

Who could say it wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back?

THIS! I lost a very close friend almost 2 years ago because of literally this. He wasnt having a good time and had moved in with his parents to get back on his feet, and because they didnt approve of his job/lifestyle/choices they acted like relentless monsters to him. Saying all kinds of heinous shit (that no human being should say to another let alone it being your parents). Then one day something was said to him, and he couldnt deal with it and made a choice in the moment. Straw that broke the camels back more than likley (based on reporting) what happened here.

Right, so it wasn't just at the drop of a hat. There was lots of shit leading up to his decision.

In the article it says she suffered from depression.

I'm not saying that.

Because God forbid they take responsibility for their shitty actions that caused a suicide. Feminism does no wrong.

I guess the camel shouldn't have let it get to that point.

It very probably was. But if you're one day of cyberbullying away from necking yourself, it probably has more to do with the decades of sexual abuse at the hands of family.

"a few angry SJWs on Twitter" has ruined peoples. that male shelter guy kys-ed after SJW mobs aggroed him

Was this written by a bot?

It doesn't.

and just because she did porn, people are going to pretend it doesn't matter.

It doesn't. Whores are cheap and disposable, it's in their nature.

People are actually making it a huge deal on a certain sub, but the rest of Reddit won't take part because the ones backing her tragic case up are T_D users.

It'd go against their narrative.

I think I just came from that sub.. They had the audacity to call this sub a shithole. LOL as if theyre any modicum of an iota better

people that suicide over harassment probably weren't productive members of society anyways

I mean, maybe also don't openly incite people on social media to attack you, you'd think people would know this by now

Lol you're a horrible person


personally just not crying too many tears over a dead pornstar

Unfortunately she said that to her Twitter audience. No one forced a public announcement that she turned down a gig and the btw for whoever replaced her. It was an attention grab that worked against her.

A human being is dead due to harassment

Of course, let's not address the fact that she was suffering from severe depression for a long time, or the fact she worked in an industry where women are nothing more than sexual objects. No one, who is of healthy mind, kills themselves because of hate mail and death threats. Unless they're a gigantic pussy, then good riddance, you couldn't figure out how to sign out of Twitter. I'll always live by Tyler's words when it comes to cyber-bullying

and just because she did porn, people are going to pretend it doesn't matter.

No, no one is "pretending". It legitimately doesn't matter. One person taking their life is nothing to get worked up over, doesn't matter who they are. She was one of a million. You want to be outraged, channel it towards improving the institutions that are supposed to be helping these people.

It does matter though, she was a human being who had a personal life outside of what she did for work. Why does someone have to be "relatable" for their death to matter?

We had a lot of mutual friends and she was from the town next to mine. She was a kind, well liked, funny and empathetic human being who didn't deserve what happened to her. Are you always so cynical and cold?

A human being is dead due to harassment

If she wasn't a porn star it likely wouldn't have been reported. People kill themselves and harassment is a part of many of them, most of them don't get reported about.

Or it doesn't matter because another 100,000 people also died that day and no one cares.

I believe that's a logical fallacy

I don’t masturbate, but do you have stop jerking to a chick once she’s dead?

what the fuck is wrong with SJW's and a certain portion of the LGBT community. A person can and refuse to have sex with some for whatever reason they choose. And it was a pretty damn legit reason Fuck. Just pathetic losers these people are.

I don't care if she had previous depression problems. These people basically heckled her odd the bridge. Just disgusting


How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

this, but unironically

She lost work too. She was being blacklisted.

The poor poor prostitute, what a shame it is that no one would fuck her for money

Most women have sex just for dinner, drinks and some smooth lines with men who are not tested for diseases. At least she was tested, stood up for her choices and made a career of what most women do (on some level) every weekend for nearly free.


Wow, way to broadcast your virginity. I bet you were an incel before your creepy asses got hoofed off Reddit.

defending a porn star

not a virgin

Pick one.

Are you implying that other pornstars don’t defend each other? Or couples don’t watch porn together? Lol

I'll certainly imply that couples don't care about exactly which degenerate whore they watch

oh you are just a precious little lamb

She may be a pornstar but she's also a human being shithead.

Have some empathy for fucks sake.

Lol no she's not

Lol I haven no respect for assholes like you.

Fuck you dirtbag.

Love you too :)

Fuck off.

Learn what empathy is.

I have empathy for lots of people. Just not prostitutes.

And I feel no empathy for judgemetal assholes.

That's cool. Keep crying because I disrespected a dead whore, it's funny.

I feel bad for most people, but when something bad happens to someone like you you completely deserve it.

I agree, same with her for being a drug addicted glorified hooker.

Nothing is wrong with her profession. She wasn't addicted to drugs. Everyone who met her talks about how kind she was. Her kindness makes her a person worthy of respect. She was a whole lot better person than you.

You are the complete opposite of kind based on your comments. You seem just a judgemental, nasty jackass who doesn't seem to have a kind bone you're body.

I'm done wasting time and energy talking to a hateful and toxic human like yourself.

Go fuck yourself hater.

She was absolutely addicted to drugs. Just like everyone whose job is to get a train run on them has to be. I bet she killed herself because she went sober and realized she hated her life and found herself disgusting.

And you are absolutely just a bully. A nasty hateful person.

Now you're just making baseless assumptions. You're an idiot and an asshole.

Hateful people like you disgust me.

Go be a judgemental asshole somewhere else.

I'm done wasting time talking to a toxic person like you.

People like you aren't worth acknowledging.

I'm sorry that your life is so bad that you focus on a dead whore and cry about people being mean to her instead of doing something productive.

I'm sorry that you're life is so bad that you're a miserable asshole who judges people and treats them like shit.

The fact that I take 6 hrs every time to respond to you suggests I am being productive

People like you are the worst kinds of people. Seriously. You deserve to get punched really hard in the face for the way you seem to talk about and treat people.

I don't judge people I judge prostitutes. Big difference.

I don't judge people. I judge assholes. Big difference.

Based on how much of an asshole you are it's pretty clear that Ames was a far better person than you.

Hahahaha I don't fuck people on camera because my vagina is the only worthwhile thing about me. You think she killed herself over cyberbullying? Maybe that was the last straw, but all of them secretly want to kill themselves. Imagine sex being the literal only thing you're capable of doing, it must be awful.

The awful thing is having to deal with nasty bitches like you.

She was a kind person. You are obviously not.

I'd much rather be talking to her right now instead of you. You are the worst kind of person to have to deal with. Negative, delusional, mean etc.

How you act and treat people tells what you're like as a person. Your words make you sound like a really nasty bitch.

She was a "kind person" who was addicted to drugs and had no path in life besides fucking on camera until she gets so ugly and worn out that no one will pay her for it. And then, she loses the one thing she ever had.

And you can't talk to her, because fortunately she offed herself.

Since you like to make baseless assumptions about people you don't really know I'll make one about you.

You're a really a really fat bitch who hates on people just because you are miserable about you're own life.

You're just another bully.

And you're a pussy who cries when celebrities die. Boo fucking hoo I'm talking shit about a dead whore, I don't think she minds. Then again I would've been tweeting at her if I hadn't only found out when she had already offed herself.

Actually I haven't cried in decades.

I'm talking to a really shitty person. A completely apathetic loser who talks shit and bullies people over the internet. Pathetic.

Your words make you sound like a total pussy who cares about prostitutes. And since women don't like total pussies I'm guessing you have a lot of experience with prostitutes, that's probably why you care so much about a dead one.

You really are just a completely terrible person.

Having empathy doesn't make me a pussy. It makes me a decent person.

You on the other hand are not a decent person.

Bullies like you deserve no respect or happiness. Your attitude makes you deserve every miserable thing in your life.

Since I can't respect a bully like you there's really no point in acknowledging that you exist or responding to anymore of you're hate comments.

You really are just a completely terrible person.

Yeah so you've said

I only judge people on their words or actions. Being a pornstar or a prostitute doesn't make you a bad person.

If they were such good people they wouldn't need to sell their bodies. These women do this because they fucked up their whole lives and it's their only option until they kill themselves, not because their passion is making fat neckbeards like you horny.

Some pornstars seem like really good decent people.

Only for the 15 minutes it takes me to cum.

Having empathy doesn't make me a pussy. It makes me a decent person. If you were male I'd gladly beat the shit out of you if you said any of this to my face in person. However you're probably to much of a pussy to do that.

Oo what a tough guy I'm sure August will thank you for standing up for her. OH WAIT.

Look folks. Its just another pathetic loser who has nothing better to do other than bullying people on the internet.

See there you go again calling it a "person". Whores aren't people, they're vending machines. Put in a dollar and get a blowjob.

I have trouble consider something like you as a person.

You're just an ugly hostile miserable wretch.

The most pathetic kind of "person" is someone who failed so much in life that their only prospect is getting a train run on them on camera. Second place is people who defend them, like you.

Where does it say that?

She said it. Look on her twitter. It was reported in the main article that was written about her too. I'm not going to go searching for it but you'll see if if you look on twitter.


How The Fuck Is Hanging Real Hahahaha Nigga Breathe Walk Away From The Rope Like Nigga Open Your Lungs Haha

glad to see this finally being reported on by a reputable and serious news source

She offed herself because of fringe leftists mob "bullied" someone who may have already had depression or suicidal tendencies. Reddit won't give a shit about this one.

see? twitter is good for something after all

When the left does it it's fine, when the right does it it's Nazism and needs to be stopped!

reddit won't care about a hot chick with big titties who died tragically in a way that gives it an excuse to bash lefties


Lol, fringe leftist mob? Sounds like a /r/the_cheeto poster.... yep.

So predictable. Sad.

oh no I posted a few times in td the humanity!

the humanity

TDers believe in humanity now? I tought you guys only believed in mayo.


Daily Mail

Pick one

I feel sad over this. What is right with me?

You must have just finished masturbating.

Nothing. Keep in mind, if you follow her it'll be just like What Dreams May Come.

Get off the Internet to can't handle the internet 01010011 01110100 01110101 01110000 01101001 01100100 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101000

Ban free speech

rip, I'll spank one out to her memory

She is finally safe forever!

Hang on, she can fuck or not fuck whoever she wants for whatever damnreason. It's her body, her reasons may be muddled (or true, I don't know enough about the porn industry) damn I wish people would stop slamming women for saying no.

Hahhaha holy shit what a future hahaha


Jaxton Wheeler told her to take a cyanide pill. Has remained remorseless about her death.

Bruce Beckham and Nick Capra are two more names you can look up.

Hey /u/blackjack_bot deal me in

A truly brave woman who took was on the forefront of the mayocide. May all white people follow in her steps.

Glad to see the mayocide is coming along nicely.

That's good. I hate mayo.

r/drama is upset a cumdumpster for hire kicked it.

Act accordingly.

I happened to jack it to that cumdumpster. Well presurgery. You never forget your 276th, you know?

What's on a MirMurderPizza?

Unfortunately she said that to her Twitter audience. No one forced a public announcement that she turned down a gig and the btw for whoever replaced her. It was an attention grab that worked against her.

This is a whore who had already destroyed her body with copious amounts of terrible plastic surgery, so it is clear that she already had severe mental illness. No sympy, she shouldn't have been on social media if she couldn't handle it.

Lmao @ a bunch of people who have undoubtedly on multiple occasions quoted the "Haha how is cyberbullying real" meme suddenly giving a shit about cyberbullying the second it can be used as ammo in the dumb internet culture war they are soldiers in.

All irony aside, what happened to her was pretty fucked up, she got way too much hate for a complete non issue. But she had also been dealing with depression abs suicidal thoughts her whole life she didn't just decide to off herself because a few people were mean on Twitter. If you wanna blame someone, blame her grandpa for molesting her and her dad for not believing it, not some rando on Twitter.

Bullied to death for non-consensual sex. SJW's are reaching levels of both lunacy and hypocrisy that shouldn't be possible

The LGBT community leaders like Bruce Beckham are tweeting this :"None of those words killed her. She killed herself. And she did not go from a strong positive woman to depths of despair like that in a couple days of dealing with internet trolls. As you yourself said, we don't know the fullness of what was going on with her."

Okay I guess gay bashing isn't real then. Nobody made those gay young teens kill themselves. We don't know the full extent of what was going on with them. We can't be sure....


Fuck all the haters man. She was in my top 15 but now she's gone. She had some good and rememerable scenes, I selfishly wanted more of those in the future, but now she's gone. I'm sure I'm not the only dude that feels this loss

more news: She hung herself in a public park. This story just gets more and more dark.