Drink the fucking jizz, lol.

27  2017-12-07 by CultOfCuck


Cool story, bro


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/u/Google_hammer, I hope you brushed your teeth.

u/google_hammer do you not have a toilet??

Fuck you OP

Now what?

Actually you should blow your load whenever you have the chance to. That is what I have done and that is what true power really comes to.

There is magnificent power in the wealth of cum and of the act of cumming.

I have found that it is better to let it consume you, retaining it only hinders yourself and serves evil.

When I say evil I mean the moral busybodies who try to shame you for pleasure.

I engage in astral orgies practically every night where the possibilities are endless.

I've held orgies with many extraterrestrial and extradimensional entities alike.

השבח לאל


Now THIS is distilled autism.

People are downboating it :(((((((((((

Every day we stray further from Allah's light.