GamerGhazi devastated by equality: 'since when the fuck did men, especially white men = "a protected group"?'

188  2017-12-07 by starship_litterbox


Christ, people in that thread wondering who would be so thin-skinned to think a little name-calling constitutes a hate crime - do these people own mirrors?

do these people own mirrors?

mirrors are fat shaming machines invented by men.

Man, Men are scum!

Literally Hitler.

Hitler was a man. Even his mom was a man.

mirrors are fat shaming machines invented by men.


If you try reading Ghazi like it's a parody instead of serious, it's actually pretty funny, instead of funny in a "I can't believe people are this retarded" kind of way.

Is that not what I'm supposed to do for this whole site? I only read /r/drama and /r/WeHaveSeenTheButthole unironically.

If you try reading Ghazi like it's a parody instead of serious

Been waay ahead of you there. All of their dialogue immediately jumped at me that way.

Honestly. I never read up on how the whole gamer gate shit works, but I know enough to know this is an offspring from that cancer. I legit didn't know if this was satirical or not.

Men are scum.

Unironically having a soyboy flare also. Peak degeneracy.

That is degenerate yes but there wasn't really need for that one up. You the kinda guy to interrupt someone when they're having a bad day and remind them of Africa or 9/11.

Tupac and JFK did 911

Porsche was behind 911

The holocaust was worse

It would be if it actually happened.

Genghis Khan was worse.

Talking shit about my boi Temüjin

You're probably a fucking Khazar mad his wife's baby canon got pillaged by BMC

as fun as it is to piss furries and bronies off by going "hey aren't you guys the nazi community i saw in the news...?", careful not to fall for that. nazifurs and the like are manufactured outrage to draw in clicks, i started looking at the namesof the journalists pumping out this kind of garbage and they echoed so loudly my eardrums burst

All furries should be gassed

Furrycide when?


A gas that can cut through neckbeard fursuit BO levels is yet to be invented.

Getting a furry convention cancelled is the opposite of degeneracy.

May they all yiff in hell.

May they all yiff in hell.

It is known.

you linked the wrong site (?)

your link shows just a regular news about furries.

We MUST track one of these people down and make them a mod.


So... they're complaining about losing a privilege. Talk about irony.

"The path to equality always feels likes oppression to the privileged."

The best part of 2018 will be when white people wake up to SJW buzzwords and suddenly all the skinny hipsters goes nuts.

"Wha-what do you mean I'm dog whistling?! I HAVE TWENTY BLM T-SHIRTS!!!"

Replace "men" with any color of your choice except mayo and you got a community sperging harder then stormfront, lol


Rude. Please don't english shame me.


What the fuck is wrong with 2017? And since when the fuck did men, especially white men = "a protected group"?

imagine being concerned about hate speech 24/7 and not even knowing the basics of hate speech laws. Just imagine being this retarded!

it's "protected class", and the relevant classes are:

  • race

  • gender

I know this is painful for ghazi dwellers to hear, but yes, even you have to follow the stupid hate speech rules on FB that you've been campaigning for so hard.

buuuuuuuuuut, /u/prettymuchamess, if you join the mayocide at least one of those issues will be solved

Punch down, not up!

/u/onejobtorulethemall you need to read this

even you have to follow the stupid hate speech rules

No I don’t.


Weren't these the anti-harassment rules that they were campaigning for all throughout GamerGate?

Did they not think they'd have to follow their own rules?

No, they did not.

Narrator: "They did not."

Shining example of it’s only ok when we do it, which is bullshit no matter what “team” the person saying it is on.

Muh freeze peach

It's better when you blank post.

ur moms better when she blank posts


Like if owned

They are allowed to hate on men almost all of the time but the one time they get told they throw a fit about it. OH WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD WHEN SOMEONE DOESN'T TOLERATE ME BEING A CUNT FOR ONCE.

You don't understand, if they can't blame white men for all their problems they might have to face the horrifying prospect that it's their own fault.

if they can't blame ______ for all their problems they might have to face the horrifying prospect that it's their own fault.

This is the foundation of every fucking political subreddit.

Not south park neutrals, we believe the current stste of the world was created in God's world's image and is thus perfect.

Well that's true.

We are the only reasonable ones tbh.

The legbeards there are almost melting down in tears.

The only kind of women in Ghazi are the ones with penises.

Shitting Elder Things, you'd think these "men" would be made of tougher stuff right and yet here they are, being fragile little shits over the slightest insult and so proving that men are indeed scum.

u/prettymuchamess I don't know what's better, your toxic masculinity, the irony of you calling anyone else "fragile" in the middle of your spittle-flecked breakdown over some women being told they have to be a tiny bit less miserably hateful, or the absolute perfect aptness of your username.

Tell me: which cluster-b disorder have you been diagnosed with?

"You can't hurt people's feelings!" -idiots

"We are we not allowed to hurt these people's feelings?" -the same idiots

>implying men are people

What are you even doing here

big if true

true if true

big if big



u/failureman why do people who hate men always call them "dudes"? It's very weird.

Too also: why do so many people in ghazi have incredibly apt username like yours?

Idk homeskillet

I think you should call them homies instead. That would make for a much more lighthearted discussion.

It’s not tubular enough tho.

So what do you suggest? We both know that dude is so played out. Let's reach across the aisle here and see if we can come up with a great solution.



Dudes is the ghazi equivalent of neckbeards using females.

That’s an interesting thought guy. 🤔

I’ve rethought my ways. Sorry gentlesir.

this guy retards ^

u/failureman why do people who hate men always call them "dudes"?

The answer to your question is the answer to every question you could possibly ask about hipsters: because they want people online to think they're black

The protected group isn't "white men." The protected groups are "gender" and "race."

You can't discriminate against anyone by race or by gender. It doesn't matter if they're icky mayos or strong POC.

This is facebook we're talking about, not the government, they make almost any kind of rules they want. But I'm not going to feel any sympathy for people who were banned for being hateful sexist assholes.

It's almost like accepting and normalizing censorship and speech restrictions for "unpopular" speech means that your speech can also be censored.

It's almost like Free Speech is such an important right to defend that its Number 1 on the Bill of Rights. Too bad these morons have been fucking "freeze peach" in the ass for the better part of the last 5 years and now it's directly fucking them right back.



Do you like to diddle your own reality this much? You guys wanted hate speech gone from FB. Now its going and your pissed about it. Why ? Because you can't promote your own personal brand of racism and bigotry.

You will be a perfect example for showing just how hypocritical, racist and power hungry progressives are. You are the perfect display how rotten your ideology is.

It makes me sooo happy to piss you off.

Lol your the one making raging posts on ghazi because you can’t be sexist on Facebook anymore. I’m just thanking you for the active undermining of “Social Justice”.

Awwww "but what about muh mans" you're adorable. What woman hurt you?

Wait do you only complain about sexism because you got hurt by a man? Which one, and tell us the details

Careful. Don't try to understand complex social issues. I'm not sure your little broflake mind could take it. Just stay in your bubble.

Lol, no wonder you're 33 years old, utterly alone, and whining about issues beyond your control on reddit. You're a walking stereotype dude.

Awww you read my post history? Did I rustle your jimmies or something?

No, I just like pointing out people's insecurities. Now it's your turn; you try to say something witty, then I ignore everything you said and remind you that you're an unfuckable hate troll and women smell your desperation from miles away no matter how many "ally" posts you make on some obscure nerdreddit.

Wow I really upset you didn't I? This is fucking awesome.

You nazi scum sure are a lot of fun!

Lol, I campaigned for Hillary. Nice try though.

How's the dating life going? Do women still get "put off by [your] getting too close" or have you finally decided to take the plunge and sign up for PlentyOfFish account?

HAHAHAHA awww you want to think of yourself as liberal or progressive and not a knuckle-dragging fascist scumbag.

Whatever it takes to sleep at night dude.

As for your pathetic attempt to hurt my feelings, please do waste more time pouring through everything I've ever posted to try to get some fucking leverage. Its fucking comedy gold!

Lol I don't give a shit what you think of my politics. Call me a fascist. It doesn't hurt my feelings, it's not true.

Here's something that is true. You know how you said your parents hated each other growing up? It's because they were raising you.

Anyway, you keep dodging the question, so I'm assuming the answer is no, you haven't found a woman who has found you less than objectionable yet. Sad. Check out this article for the offchance that you do:

Do women still get "put off by [your] getting too close"

That's what restraining orders are for.

Lol, I campaigned for Hillary.

thats actually worse tbh

I campaigned for Hillary.

Why? Trump was obviously the superior drama generator.

probably to find chicks to rape. That's why I did it.

Oh, a male feminist, huh?

Awwwwwww did I hurt ur poor wittle feelings, you fucking NAZI?

Imagine this being the extent of your vocabulary..

How did you get Nazi out of that exchange? I'm genuinely curious as to the thought process there.

A ghazelle finally shows up after getting pinged, proves to be a lame clinical retard.

Just as expected.

The Man is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sexist, misogynist, rapist, pig, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him scum and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Lol this is either utterly pathetic or you're role-playing a stereotype.

Its like you all are exactly the same. You speak the same way. You use the same bizarre language and format, you all talk like babies when confronted, you deflect the same way and you all call everyone racist nazis the moment they differ from your opinions in any way... Leftism is literally a cult now. It's not even about issues or a consistent ideology. It's just about signalling to other cult members that you think and speak the same way they do.

At least we aren't you!

Are you really 33 and posting on Ghazi? Dude.

Do you think a man has ever approached her?

It was me. I grabbed her gussy. It was a big fat mistake.

You or grabbing the gussy?

gussy in general

Muh freeze peach

Do you mean like spanking or through other means of violence? None that particularly come to mind right now, though If I am honest, overall there were properbly around 5-6 Women who have hit with the intention of causing pain, throughout my life.

Since I started lets continue with honesty. You seem to have had a very rough day. Forget about all the other riff-raff here that is teasing you and lets have a heart to heart just you and me.

Why does it make you so angry when you can't shit on a wide and diverse swath of people on facebook? You do realize this group that you hate so much, these evil "men". That includes groups you would seem to want to protect. Like gay men, men of different skin colors, men of other religions, trans-people, bi-men, men with mental diseases , etc. .

Why do you take so much pride in being so prejudiced against all of them?

Is that kind of blanket prejudice and hate not something you would be standing against?

Another thing I was kind of wondering here. Your whole spiel of " men should be able to take it". Aren't men supposed to be more vulnerable? More open, understanding and more feeling? Because I would assume here you would get really mad if someone said women are scum.

I have never really had an honest explanation to that , what looks like on the surface, hypocrisy.

Well you see it's a male feminist, which are rapists, which is mysoginistic.

This is how stupid the left is. Absolutely incoherent jibberish.

They behave exactly like the scientologists in those exposés a few years back when Anonymous was showing the world how fucked up and brainwashed they are. L Ron Hubbard's deflection tactics executed flawlessly

Awwww "but what about muh mans" you're adorable.

It's not that "cute and adorable" with (((Zuckerberg's))) entire power machinery backing the sentiment though is it?

If it were, you wouldn't be crying and whining over at Ghazi - you'd have a very different tone of voice, i.e. the one we're having here instead ;)

Fuck your nazi parentheses.

"you're objectively unattractive. "

Dont try to pretend you dont know (((this))) is a nazi dogwhistle


It makes me sooo happy to piss you off.


Ban this heathen.

Sorry I invaded your safe space.

Well you need to invade someone's safe space, facebook can't house your hate speech and that makes you very sad. How's your day been diddlydee? You been feeling alright?

You dont ban the lolcows

That is very sad

The chances of you ever experiencing joy or happiness for any reason are slim to none.

Said the person upset that they can't be an asshole on Twitter anymore :'(

What? I really mean it. Knowing that I've made a bunch of misogynist pricks upset genuinely does make it all worthwhile.

I was having a bad day today, but you're really out me in a good mood.

I mean, I had a good laugh seeing hateful pricks in Ghazi upset that they couldn't be hateful anymore. It's just a bit too obvious how much you're projecting here. Knowing how male feminists tend to be, I imagine you've sexually assaulted some women in your days. That said, so long dumdum

Glad to know you need men to solve all your problems. Hope I can help you live a long, happy and productive life.

Good, stick around then. Not enough Ghazi people come in here for taunting.

You arent coping very well are you now? Were both your parents involved in your upbringing? If so, to what extent.

The funniest thing is you can’t point out why they are misogynist other then that they disagree with you. How’s your self esteem buddy? Did you fire another counselor today because they called you a narcissist?

What exactly makes you think we're upset? You're the only one screaming and crying here.


If you don't see the hypocrisy in calling for kindness while also effectively advocating for abuse and hatred then you need to put much more thought into your online persona and the audience you court.

Also from you:

Fat sack of shit.

Why can't I make sexist racist comments?

Who the fuck is downvoting this person?

Goddammit drama, how can we invite people into our warm and welcoming sanctum if you fucking shitholes keep downvoting them?

Now I have to go through every fucking thread in this link and upvote each post from him just to try to accomplish some damage control. You realize downvoting them RESTRICTS their posting ability right?

Fucking retards on this sub man.

We're not pissed off, though. If anything, you threw a shitfit in that thread. We're just happy to see Ghazi being its usual racist and hateful self.

It makes me sooo happy to piss you off.

You right now

You're not fooling anyone. Nice try, sweetie.

Are you trying to make a weak point like the other guy?

/u/Jollyleft I'd love to know why "men are scum" is completely different to "women are scum."

Some vague bullshit about power structures right?

Women can't be scum. Scum = nasty + power. Since women don't have power they can't be scum.

wait I thought nasty + power = Hillary?

well, at least before last November! nyuck nyuck

Where the fuck is the drama?

You know, for a gaming sub they don't talk about gaming very much

GHAZIS. They targeted GHAZIS.

Ghazi stands for "ghey nazi", right?

Ghazi stands for "ghey nazi", right?

Gamer And Yeah.

Woah, dude, that's really harsh. Just because they're ghey nazis doesn't mean they're gamers.

have you never picked up a history book or looked at society?

Seriously though, have you guys never picked up a history book or looked at society?

Shaming agoraphobes and the illiterate, smh.

If only they would look at society.

Or read a book on the subject.

And if you gaze long into society, the society also gazes into you.

This is why trump won. Rad Fem think that its okay for them to call men scum. I hope trump institutes euro hate speech laws, so we can prosecute all of the ghazi shit posters and put them in jail.

user reports:
1: Where is the fucking drama?

there is none, people just like being outraged

there is none

W e w

it's literally just a typical ghazi thread with nothing funny

there's only one meme cross and two deleted comments

its literally a thread of screeching about the rules

do you have trouble laughing at sovereign citizens too

mentally deranged people screeching autistically about legal incantations that will free them from American Corporate Bondage = entertaining

jobless white hipsters droning endlessly to each other about a culture war adults can't be asked to care about = unentertaining

W e w

The drama is their outrage

less than 50 comments with no arguing

this is just a ghazi thread, you could see this every single day if you cared enough about internet culture wars to check in daily

remove the post if you hate it so much

absolutely not

Think of all the drama it'd create.

there's too many culture-war-fighting alt-right people in my /r/drama now. they think anything ghazi is drama worthy.

it has made this place unbearably boring

a woman literally killed herself over bullying but the top post rn is 140 comments droning on about a post with 30ish replies that barely even has a single three comment thread inside it

tbf the porn drama is spread across like 8 different threads idunno how thats not enough for you

Uh that woman literally spawned a giant chain reaction of threads several layers deep in meta level.

which all got individually less attention than this garbage

don't pretend man, this place is 99% less fun now. way too many people care deeply about whatever retarded shit they're posting on. most of the people i interact with aren't even being ironic anymore. it's miserable. there are genuine opinions on politics posted in nearly every thread. it'd be nauseating if i visited any more

which all got individually less attention than this garbage

don't pretend man, this place is 99% less fun now. way too many people care deeply about whatever retarded shit they're posting on. most of the people i interact with aren't even being ironic anymore. it's miserable. there are genuine opinions on politics posted in nearly every thread. it'd be nauseating if i visited any more

I feel like I'm this particular instance you might be wrong. The death got a out of attention rightly so. I don't disagree with your point as a big picture though.

all i said was that any one of those threads being displaced for this snorefest is profoundly retarded

Yeah, fair point.

this but unironically =(

there are genuine opinions on politics posted in nearly every thread. it'd be nauseating if i visited any more

And that's great, that's what I joined! If you don't like that, tough - not your /drama anymore lmao, bye oldfag don't let the door jeopardize your safety on your way out

literally kill yourself

if you ever wonder why nobody of worth enjoys your company, consider these opinions

You've had your run - time to let the new r/drama rule; lots of srs political agendaposts now.

The less you log in, the less you'll see of them!

how is your real life going, honestly

This is now a centrist-SPN meta sub, might as well rename it r/wingnutcirclejerk - confused outdated faggots complain about "seriousposting" every once in a while, but really there's nothing that can be done about it.

gr8 answer

It's a clear agendapost, I don't know why angry autists downvoted you.

because people really like agendaposts

wypipo really like agendaposts


idk, shits tasty af to me

obviously, you literally post in /r/SargonOfAkkad, you unironically care about internet culture wars

only about 25%, at work mostly, its REALLY easy to piss all sides off.

obviously, you literally post in /r/SargonOfAkkad, you unironically care about internet culture wars

The internet has spread to rl now, in case you hadn't noticed

jesus christ your life must be pathetic

/u/PrettyMuchAMess are you seriously bitching because facebook isnt allowing human beings to insult other human beings? are you for real?

/u/Racecarlock why should bullying and hate be acceptable?

"all insults are violence"

"that racist, sexists is taking my ability to insult people, their just words"

GamerGhazi 2 weeks apart.

Gamerghazi - 90% male, 95& white....smh😒

The podcast, Misandry with Marcia and Rae got deep into this, Eposode: the purge imadjeen mah shawk

Lol since sex and race are protected classes lololol

Some dumbfuck told me yesterday that creed wasn't a protected class. I showed them that it was and they simply quit replying to me lol

Fucking dumbfuck leftist child-minds getting BTFO daily

Were you arguing that political beliefs fall under creed or something?

More or less. And yes, they sure do.

Not under human rights law in any Canadian or American jurisdiction I'm familiar with. Creed almost maps directly onto religion, with maybe a little leeway for something like, say, a secular belief in the sanctity of human life or something similar.

Political beliefs? Not even close, not unless you could cast them into a religious framework.

Words have definitions. The way "creed" is defined, political ideologies are well within.

Here are some other words that have meanings that do not align with common dictionary meaning when used in law:

intent, negligence, consideration, maintenance, assault, moot, standing, causal, costs, action, motion, and now I'm getting bored.

Point is, while dictionary definitions are often helpful in statutory interpretation, they are not determinative. Name the jurisdiction where creed is a protected class, and you think that actually covers political beliefs.

creed is a christian rock band idiot

With butts wide open

I'll show you every thing

Except that one Russian guy

To be fair, it is rather surprising that Facebook is enforcing the rules evenly.

At first I was like "well, glad to see they're being consistent at least." Then I realized GamerGhazi is the opposite of GamerGate. I guess that's how echo chambers work. It's not any principle they uphold, it's just something to hate and get outraged at as an internet hobby.

How about we have no protected minorities in mildly-sane stable countries? This isn't Egypt or Pakistan.

Always, it's just never been applied properly by racists

I only hope that one day I can make people feel as terrible as Ghazi feels about themselves.

for a bunch of white men males you'd ghazi would want to look out for themselves

You can't be serious. Reddit is a majority alt right website. Look at t_d, it's the largest political sub

yes of course

You can't really yell back as a minority, you get down-voted to hell.

1.) How do you yell on reddit? 2.) How do you know who is or isn't a minority on reddit?

This comment is so nonsensical, I almost think they're trolling.


oh wow quiet down. Do you wanna bust someone's eardrums???

. At least on reddit you can respond in kind or post them to SRS,


Are you for real?

Oh no, not being posted to * gasp * SRS!!

Oh, so now /u/PrettyMuchAMess wants their "freeze peach". I think not.

Since 1964. Read a book

And a big part of the problem:

One issue with the way Facebook moderators currently review posts is that many “problematic” posts are viewed individually, without context because of privacy concerns. Facebook moderators also aren’t able to view personal or demographic information about the original poster. This means that they sometimes don’t know whether a piece of content was posted by a black queer woman or a white straight male.

Without context how exactly are moderators meant to be able to make the right decision? Add in the reporting system and you have a recipe for bad decisions being made consistently. It also doesn't make any fucking sense given the comments are usually made publicly visible in the first fucking place which is how these fragile little man-children find them in the first place.

u/PrettyMuchAMess, a good decision would obviously be to if you see it's a black guy posting something racist and abusive, just let it slide.

I don't know how anyone can really think that treating people equally is a good decision - they're making very bad decisions by not letting the black ones slide I completely agree with you there.