u/Smacky_Da_Frog announces his intention to genocide all black people, to no one's surprise

11  2017-12-07 by starship_litterbox


What seems "stupid" is the movement of this particular Overton Window, where we seem to have run the gamut of some idiotic spectrum from Tolerance to Acceptance to Self-Abasement to Submissive Urination.

WEW that is pure cringe

this tells you everything you need to know he's basically a lonely waiter from shittsburgh. sad!

I mean I think it would be a bit better if people actually provided him examples instead of just saying "You're not worth arguing with."

I'd posit most of them can't because they themselves don't know.

It seems most of the common ones are:

  • Police violence

  • Criminal Justice reform

He's not wrong ofc that under current law there isn't anything that is transparently racist or discriminatory. But the side effects of things like long processing jail time and high bonds ripple throughout minority communities which are often poorer with few safety nets.

And when they feel the police aren't there to protect them but simply out to get them and lock them up.

Is that good enough for you /u/smack_da_frog? Remember just because a bunch of ivory tower college liberals try to co-opt a movement does not mean it has no legitimate complaints.

That would be a petty decent argument if there weren't so many non-minority people in deep poverty who are living in regions that have the shittiest safety nets in the country. It certainly doesn't seem worthy of a general protest that takes to the streets. Isn't that the sort of thing we're capable of fighting politically, by using petitions and targeted advertisements and ballot measures?

It seems like the civil rights protests of the early Sixties had real deep problems to solve within the System itself, but that the current protests are more about the personal attitudes and prejudices of individual actors within the System. Those aren't the sorts of issues that require protests in the streets, because they are Administrative.

The Freddie Gray incident happened in Baltimore. Baltimore is over 70% African-American, and the city government and police force reflects that demographic reality. Even in a System run by African-Americans we find the System harbors bad actors who violate written policy to harm civilians.

To my way of thinking, we don't really have systemic racial problems in the United States of America, what we have is a systemic lack of individual involvement in and understanding of local politics. The System grows harsh and inimical even when the dreaded "rich white male" isn't even present, because the System is insulated from criticism and reform by a complete lack of interest by the local Electorate in the workings of their own city and county governments.

That is the educational push we need in the USofA: Young people need to be taught how and why to participate in the System, instead of just bitching about it.

It's an honor to be hated by foolish scumbags. So thanks for the compliments!

Pretty damn euphoric.

Nice meme.

Calm down ed, I know there are some big words in there, just remember to sound out the syllables

psuedointellectual phantasms

Dude is out here coming up with card names for the new magic the gathering set

Oh it’s cool, guys. Chunky has, like, a black friend or something. I didn’t get all the way through their boring-ass comment, but it seemed to be headed that way

u/ThisJokeSucks it's p great how you refuted this guy's point about black people being too lazy to learn by... being too lazy to read his short comment

Did I say"refuted"? I meant "illustrated"

When one is arguing with someone as stupid as you’re pretending to be, examples aren’t always necessary.

u/ThisJokeSucks that's the excuse I'd use too if I didn't have any examples