Al Franken resigns

97  2017-12-07 by The_Reason_Trump_Won


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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literally who?

Europoors get out

some radio host or smth

Can I just say I love that movie? It's actually really moving and good, just terribly marketed.

Jordan losing it during one of the SNL skits was the highlight of Franken's career I think.

Can I just say I love that movie?

no, got dayum coal burning aids magnet

had a look over the thread and apparently he is a "woman's right champion", thanks /u/theactiveactor

Elder Mayo

Some shitty comedian.

Bonus r/Minnesota thread. Muh right wing smear job

Is it a vast right wing conspiracy?? AGAIN??

We saw how well it turned out after they called it that last time.

The r/news thread was the biggest case of "whataboutism" I've seen on Reddit.

"The groping on the plane was just a PRANK! It's a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT! SEE LOOK AT THE CAMERAS?????"

All I saw in that thread was a lot of


did I miss anything?


There was juicy drama the other day when those senator posts were spammed all over the front page, the OP posted Franken and joked about the harassment claims, then spammed the allegations against Trump whenever anyone complained.

Unbelievable. The smear job by the right worked. Not saying he was innocent but heโ€™s not in the same league as Moore or fuckface trump

When you take out the trash, you donโ€™t get to pick and choose

/u/VentureHacker I agree with you - I think this is an extremely proud day for Minnesota. I think this shows Al Franken's true character . He f'd up, his peers call for him to resign, and he did so, rather than being an egomaniac and drawing our state further down a hole.

We are very fortunate to have politicians who are honorable and...although there was some back and fourth, ultimately Franken did the right thing, because he is a good man.

Imagine if Minnesota had a Roy Moore as a Senator, still running, still denying things which were much worse, with much more evidence against him, rather than Al Franken who, although after some initial back and fourth, ultimately did the right thing...that would be a dark, sad day in Minnesota history. While the entire situation sucks, and while those with progressive views now have to fight a lot harder...ultimately more good will come out of this than bad, because Al Franken did what was best to represent the entire State of Minnesota...not just his own political group or personal aspirations.

The type of people who support Moore and Trump are perfectly OK with America and their States becoming a despotic, nationalist and patronage-driven states where individual leaders personalities' outweigh the violence committed by said leaders (or they just don't see any parallel). The real way to run a State should be to have zero tolerance for even perceived bad action. People are supporting Trump today in the same way that some people in Uganda still wistfully support Idi Amin...he essentially can do no wrong by definition, because he supports, "my tribe." There should be no tribalism in America...Franken, unlike a despot, resigned rather than holding power. He did not have to do this.

this, but ironically

So what is it that you actually believe which is contrary to what I stated?

nah, sorry man this is neither the time nor the place for a discussion like this. just know that i think you're wrong and that i believe senator franken should not have resigned over this.

OK, sure, I respect that. I had no idea what it was that you thought was over the top with what I wrote. In my mind, you could have been referring to anything from my reference to comparing the political climates to other states, to respecting Al Franken's actions, to whatever. There are tons of opinions on this.

"Frankly" (no pun intended) I am not convinced that he did anything wrong either...I just saw him resigning as trying to err on the side of what he thought should be the right action. If they would have actually went through the ethics investigation, that may have come out further.

I'm from Minnesota, so I may see it different than someone who is not.

This is some fresh pasta! ๐Ÿ

Let's be real, the fact that this guy is being run out of the US Senate because he maybe honked a titty once in 1973 and grabbed a couple of oversensitive women by the fucking waist is a fucking joke, irrespective of any political position he has.

Of course. But seeing liberals eat their own is hilarious.

Men that supported and fostered this kind of "women are perpetual victims" shit for the last 2 decades never dreamed of being caught in their own booby traps.

They were warned, however.

Seems to be working on the general stage? Min will get a new democrat and republicans hemorrhage more members.

I'm talking about society/culture. Not elections.

Seems like the only liberals that are taking the fall here are boomers. And of course upper middle class yuppie socialists. Society/culture continues to proceed in a cosmopolitan direction.

Society/culture continues to proceed in a cosmopolitan direction.

You're not going to last long in our ironic caliphate.

our ironic caliphate

When you clearly spend too much time online.

I post on a metasub so that's not really debatable.

And then it all bursts at the seams and you get trump.

GOP will have a problem surviving Trump, but at least they will have the Senate.

So what you're saying is Bernie still has a chance?


lol you think I'm a berniebro?

No I think you're a retard. But you're implying Bernie can still win!


Lol imagine actually thinking that... This is easily a win for Republicans and the Dems will shed more blood for this and Repubs won't give a fuck about any allegations against their guys, as always.

Min will get a new democrat and republicans hemorrhage more members

This is easily verifiable. I don't "think" this, because it's in the data.

You sure about that?

And the Governor's seat is up for election too. Last time all three were up at the same time was 1978. They called it the "Minnesota Massacre." The DFL candidates were predicted to win all the seats, but the GOP took them all.

From the /r/minnesota thread.

Yes, D+8 nationally. If you take a single datapoint and go with it, be my guest.

How could they possibly GAIN a seat here? They can only just not lose it, and they might actually lose it if their candidate sucks, the Repub candidate is good, or if the stain of Franken resigning poisons the well for voters. Voters either believe the allegations = dem harasser OR don't believe the allegations justify resigning = Dems are the party of overreacting to harassment allegations.

There is no good spin on this. This is just Dems imploding their party.

I didn't say they would gain a seat. They would get a new D-MN.

Dem's look principled as the GOP elects a child molester. R's run from the party and start becoming independents.

R's aren't running from the party for this, that is stupid. The only voters who think this makes Dems look principled are people who were already going to vote Dem. For independents it's just another resignation. For Republicans they think he allegations against their guys are fake and the allegations against the Dems are all real and that this is all a validation of the "fake news" narrative.

GOP: Gropey Old Pedophiles.

The attack ads literally write themselves.

Yea and they'll play well with Dem voters but not with independents who just saw a Dem pol resign for groping allegations and Republicans who see it as "fake news."

Moore is going to win his election, that should say it all.

There's plenty of suburban lean-GOP women voters who don't like old creepers. They may even tell everyone they're Republican, but in the privacy of the voting booth, they may well pull the lever for the less-harassers.

It's the opposite, they'll talk about how disapproving they are and wonder where the honest men are but when push comes to shove they'll figure that all men are dogs and it won't change their vote... Same as happened with Trump.

R's aren't running from the party for this, that is stupid.

Absolutely they are. Like I said this is easily verifiable. Tons of polls based on party affiliation. Trump's approval sinks yet he remains extremely high with R's. People are leaving in droves.

Oh yeah the polls. Just like the polls that said Clinton had a 98.5% of winning the election and had double digit leads in the swing states.

My favorite poll ever is the one that happened ONE WEEK before the election that had her FOURTEEN POINTS ahead.

Don't stop believin.

Clinton was +3 average and got +2.1.

But muh narrative, stats don't real.

"all the polls that were wrong I ignore"


How many times does it have to be explained to you subhuman mouth-breathers that all the big name polling companies were actually pretty spott on with their predictions?

The foresaw Clinton ending up with more votes, and she did.

Is that the story we're going with now? They just "foresaw Clinton ending up with more votes" but not winning?

Winning was up in the air, E.C. but almost all reliable polls placed her ahead in terms of voting %.

Just because Breitbart didn't bother report on it doesn't mean it didn't happen, Cleetus.


Why are you a literal nazi?

Trump doesn't have to be liked, just liked more than his opponent

I'm talking mid-late game here.

As an independent this is more of a "oh shit the other cult is starting to perform ritualistic sacrifice" moment

Yeah basically. Good for them and all but if someone comes away from Franken's resignation as motivated they were already a Dem voter.

You are detached from reality...after just accusing someone else of spending too much time online.

R voters don't care about the allegations against Moore. In fact, the more liberals berate them and insult Alabama and all the other elitist shit, the more people are going to make a point to go out and vote.

You don't "look principled" to anyone that exists in the real world. You look like a party that just lost one of their superstars to a sex scandal...that's it.

Look man, this is in the data. I think you're uncharitably characterizing R's as one type of person.

I mean, maybe.

But Moore's numbers are going up. As SNL and Hollywood pile on the Alabama stereotypes, his numbers keep rising.

It's almost like something very similar happened during the presidential election.

Moore is winning Alabama, but not as well as a normal R. He should be +25 but he's more like +1.5 and Moore winning Alabama is not so much a win for the GOP

Fair enough point.

Men that supported and fostered this kind of "women are perpetual victims" shit

...are most often beta orbiters trying to creep on chicks. Chads grab them by the pussy and they let you do it.

being caught in their own booby traps.


titty entanglements

Sounds like a hl1 level name.

As much as I enjoy seeing these morons eat themselves, I really wish they would wait to self destruct until someone less retarded than Trump will be left in charge

True. But, that's what you get for hanging out with liberals.

I honk at /u/Honk4tits daily and you don't see me resigning 'n shit! Al-Frankenstein needs to grow a spine!!! Btw

๐ŸŽบ๐ŸŽบ #(. )( .) ิ„(โ‰–โ€ฟโ‰–ิ…)

For the love of God Ed, why can't you find your way to a mass shooting?

Are we being serious this time

Yes I am pretty sure /u/Ed_ButteredToast isn't funny anymore and has gone to 100% sad territory now

implying I was funny at some point

kek <--- this one




Well we were actually laughing at you, but I mean at least we were laughing


Awwww my lil boo mad at me? :(

I mean you made an ass of yourself just the other day, am I mad? No.... did I lose respect when you went from a pasta machine to seriousposting? Yeah

One out of 100 of his comments are worth reading. He's the worst.

He uses 3 alts to downovte any comment you make about him too it's hilarious you can respond to him on posts that are 4 days old (no one in their right mind would be reading) and instantly you're downvoted to -2 the SECOND he hits reply. It's so obvious, I'm considering asking the admins to investigate. He's been suspended for vote manipulation at least once now.

Jesus how embarrassing. I vote report him. This can only bring about tastey drama. The ed wars are beginning.

I'm a little gun shy about reporting people after the u/aluzky drama. I reported that dog fucking asshole to the admins and they banned him for good. I figured he'd pop back on an alt,but so far we haven't seen him

You'll feel better. Inshallah.

What happened the other day? Obviously only the latest time Ed is embarrassing.

He started refering to Trump as "dada" or something, the cringe level was off the charts. He's so butthurt about Trump that he literally regressed to the point of a 2 year old

Ed is like pizzashill but was a fetus born addicted to fentanyl.

Pizzashill at least sperged out from time to time with full diatribes. When ed's retardism gets himself painted into a corner he just responds with pasta and then pulls the whole "jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded" act.

Didn't think I could hate you more but here it is.


You fucking leave /u/Ed_ButteredToast alone. He/she is like our own version of /u/BasicallyADoctor before he caught a case of the normies.

If it wasn't for that picture, it wouldn't have gone anywhere.

The hover hands picture? That bit is baffling to me.

HR would destroy you over a picture like that.

I can't wait until the generation that posted pictures of everything on social media becomes the dominant political age. Do you vote for the woman who had a blackface costume for Halloween, or the guy who drew dicks all over his buddies face when he passed out?

Were they black dicks?

Aint enough room on a face to draw a proper black dick.

Some say we had to reinvent pants to accommodate proper bbc

You probably vote for the people who were smart enough to carefully cultivate what they put online.

But, I don't think it'll be an issue by then. Hopefully by then we'll be living under God's law.


But, I don't think it'll be an issue by then. Hopefully by then we'll be living under God's law.

So you're saying that there won't be any women candidates?

I'm saying there won't be any candidates.

I'm saying there won't be any candidates.

Is that a joke about invisible jesus, or dead mohammed? I'm not clear.

I can't wait until the generation that posted pictures of everything on social media becomes the dominant political age. Do you vote for the woman who had a blackface costume for Halloween, or the guy who drew dicks all over his buddies face when he passed out?

What about the guy who dresses up as 2005 Prince Harry? OH RIGHT HE'LL BE IN OFFICE.

With out consent it sounds like rape.

Hey, liberals have been pushing this type of shit for awhile now. Hell, franken himself helped create this bullshit.

BUT what he did was wrong and it's good that he's doing something to take responsibility for it.

Just don't have screechy feminists as your constituents.

it's good that he's doing something to take responsibility for it

He didn't do shit until he was given the boot (oh, sorry, 'voluntarily resigning') for being a liability

Oh wait, he said he'd 'fully cooperate' with the same pending investigation he just cited as the reason he's leaving office

It is almost like he could still have a job if he didn't force his tongue down a model's throat and need shoved off. Good for him on committing career suicide but he was the one that loaded that gun in the first place.

You live by the high horse, you die by the high horse. Dems are crazy like that.

Back to r politics

if people start advocating dumb arbitrary standards wherein they can accuse people and get them fired for nothing then both sides are going to take advantage of it

it is what it is

both sides are going to take advantage of it

Yeah, but it only seems to have an effect on liberals.

For example: Newt Gingrich, the serial cheater and former Speaker of the House, lead the campaign to impeach Bill Clinton for getting his dick sucked.

Now Newt is coming out in defense of Al Franken. Politics is fucking nutty!

thats because theyre the ones that fake concern in the first place

republicans are like "fuck you yeah i molest people" so the pearl clutching doesnt work

dems pretend trump saying "grab a pussy" is the worst thing in the world which means they cant excuse a rapist without looking like massive hypocrites

poetic justice really

Its really not. Hypocrites like Franken are some of the most dangerous offenders. They're wolves in sheeps clothing.

Besides, its better it came out now then during his presidential campaign.

Yep. One hoverhands picture and Al Franken is literally a rapist, lol. This kind of pussiness is why the left can't do anything.

Especially when the GOP is about to have an ephebophile pedophile senator because they just said "so what, at least he's not fucking guys, stfu and vote for him, stupid cucks."

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Honked a titty?

I think it's great honestly. This mentality from the left is the reason that poor woman was bullied into hanging herself, and the self righteousness of the left means they need to, for once, abide by their own ridiculous rules.

If he can run around saying women should be believed basically no matter what, then he can reap the whirlwind that comes along with that when women accuse him.

As a woman, I find it disgusting that radical feminists on the left are equating cat calling, being hit on, even being kissed, with being raped. They're not the same, I assure everyone. And this mentality that women should just automatically be believed, to the detriment of innocent men accused, is beyond absurd.

If they want to continue to lead witch hunts against every person who looks the wrong way at a woman, then it's only fair their careers tank too. Can't have it both ways.

Irrelevant but Al Fraken reminds me of a middle aged version of that curly haired fat kid from Stranger Things.

Hmmm. You're right.

Oh wow it actually happened lol

Can the Alabama pedo get gassed next?

As soon as he's elected.

Sure. That will happen as soon as right-traditionalists start giving a damn what HuffPo readers think.

nothing says "right-traditionalism" like creeping on middle-schoolers at the mall, you do have a point there

Its a game, chief. If you an hero over someone's character assassination, you lose. And Democrats are losers.

this is why the country is fucked. You dumbass inbreds think running and directing the country is a contest to be won rather than a very important task that should be treated with the utmost seriousness. This is also why the GOP can't come up with any new ideas, just scrap old ones cause "the other side came up with it"

For you.

Is this pasta, or are you legit this fucktarded?

Because if you are... man, sincerely kill yourself. You may not realise it now, but your family & friends will be better off without you.


If you ain't calling for gays to lose their rights and then getting some bussy action in your office on the side then you ain't being a real republican.

nothing says "right-traditionalism" spic like creeping on middle-schoolers at the mall, you do have a point there

its like you were born yesterday and have never experienced america

I'm an alabama **** and I wanna be free!!!!

Real talk, I thought he was gay up until the pics came out. #grabherbythetitties


learn what google is you lazy shitlord

Wonder if Franken will go back to comedy.

2018, Al Franken and Garrison Keillor headline the Gropey Old Men tour.

Jesus Christ this is good.

ft. Bill Cosby

Promoted and directed by Harvey Weinstein.

And Louis CK

The Molesters of Comedy.

Maybe when Weiner gets out of jail they can start up Gropey and Anthony.

This one is the best.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Thank God, I didn't want him running for president. Give me Hillary again, I don't care.

He didn't resign though? He said he would in the near future. So expect some political grandstanding on the senate floor first.

Aaaaaaaand the dems just handed Trump 2020.

What I love is that the republican sex offenders will spin it into : he resigned because he was guilty, and Moore won't, which proves he's innocent.

One less chosen person in the senate.

I never determined if Al was a tits or ass man.









This but unironically

tbh i just dont understand dudes face he looks like a fuckin alien or something

Senator William Dafoe!

The hypocrisy of some Democrats is astounding. When it's a republican on the chopping block they condem him without a second thought, but when it's good ol' Al suddenly it's a conspiracy and he's probably innocent.

The most asinine thing I keep seeing is Democrats openly crowing about how this will give them the "moral high ground" to condemn Trump and Moore, basically admitting out loud that this is all about political expediency and their loathing for the right.

Too bad it doesn't make Democrats look principled, it makes them look insane and hysterical. Predicting now that the moral panic is going to devour most of the Democrats' best candidates in 2018 and 2020. The Brooklyn twitter shit heads who now make up the media will applaud ever more farcical show trials, but most Americans will look on in disgust and horror. Republicans will continue to not give a shit and will win even more elections against the self-immolating Democrats.

Well, we got some fresh pasta out of this at least

I am so pissed at the Democrats right now. Time and time again they play right into the Republicans' hand. Why do they keep falling for such obvious bullshit? He posed for a tasteless photo? His hand touched my butt? He tried to kiss me but I dodged him?!? Give me a fucking break. Even if these accusations are true they are so minor in the grand scheme of things that they frankly do a disservice to the actual victims and actual systemic harassment and assault being exposed right now. The enemy has successfully weaponized our own movement against us, and we're gleefully pulling the trigger.

This to me is one of the most troubling things about this new "post-truth" era. The death of context. The inability to apply nuance and evaluate things on their own terms. Everything just swings from one extreme to the next. There is no moderation, no compromise. Only zealotry. Liberals like to rag on the conservatives for being ignorant and brainwashed but at least they have that excuse. What's our excuse for continually falling for the much more insidious and less obvious types of propaganda like the dreaded combo of false equivalency and uncompromising purity?

If you can equate an awkward moment of unwarranted sexual attention with rape and child molestation then the conversation is irrevocably muddied and tainted. Chaos wins. We are fighting for the very soul of our country, fighting against literal authoritarians, and we can't stop falling all over ourselves to sacrifice our best and brightest at the slightest hint of impropriety.

We need people like Franken, now more than ever. What good is moral superiority when you can't actually get anything done? What good is doing the right thing when there's a boot stamping on your face, forever? There are a million degrees of separation between the moral standings of Democrats and Republicans at present, we can afford to take the gloves off for a few goddamn punches.

And yes, I realize the irony of me criticizing the Dems for attacking each other. Obviously I will continue to vote for them and encourage everyone to do the same, as we literally have no other reasonable or pragmatic option, but my god do they make it hard sometimes.

Even if these accusations are true they are so minor in the grand scheme of things

Yeah sure he may groped a few women, but he's needed for other things, and we can't let this petty feud slow him down!

He'll be fine: he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone people like him.

We're so close Reddit! Only 193 people now have to be impeached/resign/etc for Bernie to be president!

no drama smh

See for opinion of America's sex crime expert: Linda Fairstein (top of 3rd page). Never 4000 UCR annual rape reports in all NYC, let alone just Manhattan, so Fairstein is lying on multiple levels including she is still lying about having ever said it. >95% to nearly all of student allegations against students are lies. Per RAINN only 2.25% of police reports end with conviction, and as everybody knows, that isn't all the reports police receive.