Drama as JK Rowling reveals herself as an MRA and backs the decision to cast famous wife beater to her new kids movie that's not for kids

89  2017-12-07 by saint2e


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Bonus drama also developing in the /r/harrypotter thread for this:


And of course it's all over Twitter as well.

coming from an exploitative and abusive family myself, it's easy to relate to Amber

/u/d4wnbreaker confirmed for gold digging whore who faked their own abuse.

Guess you didn't read the whole thing, eh?

I don’t hear a denial, you trollop.

not denying it

Well, that proves it then.

Show us ur tits love

This isn't 4chan

Oh fuck, it's not?


u/man_with_known_name u/SetBrainInCmplxPlane

wtf that is not beaten the fuck up. That is a slight discoloring with no apparent swelling that could've easily been done with make-up or self inflicted see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZyaU7ih2u8






I'd like to discuss the real issue here: how terrible bthat site is on mobile.

Life isn't It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Uh yes. That is being hit very hard by a fist. There is clearly swelling too. And here the fuck we are! Right exactly the fuck back where I predicted we'd be back at. "She either applied make up and then lied and filed a police report or hired someone to hit her in the face and then filed a police report". You will sink to any depth to protect a powerful man. You literally just did. You, not me, independently postulated and suggested that Amber actually applied make up to simulate being beaten up or had someone else hit her in the face repeatedly and hard for.. some purpose? You a stupid cunt and a dumb, impotently vicious one at that.

You're a piece of shit. You don't matter and you're a fucking pitiable reactionary defender of all abusers and violent criminals and you don't matter in the long run and every day you lose just a little bit more, both personally and more generally. The great joy of humanity is that people like you will age out and just... die... and leave the rest of us alone.

This is spicy pasta.

You're a piece of shit. You don't matter and you're a fucking pitiable reactionary defender of all abusers and violent criminals and you don't matter in the long run and every day you lose just a little bit more, both personally and more generally. The great joy of humanity is that people like you will age out and just... die... and leave the rest of us alone.

Yes idiot. Ignore all the actual substance and evidence and just skip right to the end and snap the relevant quote as if there was no discussion or consequence surrounding it and I just proclaimed this verdict over nothing and no discussion where both parties revealed what they ultimately care about. Like, this guy simply expressed some doubt or skepticism over the accusations and I just pounced on him with the words you quoted and that's all that happened. Not that there was an actual dialogue where this moron descended from "it's only allegations" and I predicted "this will end with you saying she faked it with make up or having someone beat her in the face" to "people saw her the next day with no bruises" to "that is literally a common and predictable and expected thing with abuse victims" to "Let me look at the pictures of Amber Heard with bruises all over her face including a picture from later where the same bruise are there but more healed with the time passed and use my non-expertise to point out why the bruises are probably fake" to "oh fuck here we are as I predicted, with you claiming there was evidence on Depp's innocence and serious holes in Heard's story to resorting to saying she faked her beaten up bruised face with make up".

But yeah, see, if you just ignore all that shit and take a screen shot of me calling him an impotent pathetic moron, then it will be a big hit on your safe space women hating forums! So yeah! Snappy quote plz! I'm sure it will get upvote and lulz if you just leave everything else out like a pathetic coward.

Yes idiot. Ignore all the actual substance and evidence

Pretty sure the police who looked at the actual substance and evidence didn't find much.


We love you and you are safe here

That is our sign of peace and goodwill

You sound super upset over something that you have zero personal insight or context on. Almost like you are doing this to feel good about yourself? πŸ€”πŸ€”

Always remember that you're valid, and Keep Yourself Safe.

Post bussy.


😍😍😍 You are a jewel! 😍😍😍

Yes an you're a... person.. who uses It's Always Sunny clips to.. make a point?

YOU claimed that this was about there being very many holes in the accusers story. Per my responses, you abandoned that line of reasoning in favor of "it's theoretically possible that she could have conspired to use make up or hired someone to beat her repeatedly in the face to simulate Depp hitting her around the time Depp was seen to be utter out of control and hitting shit", as I predicted you would at the time when you were still claiming this was about "holes in the story". You aren't fucking concerned about the story. You aren't fucking concerned about the details. You aren't fucking concerned about whether he did or did not beat the fuck out of her. You are emotionally wrapped up in defending a class of people "powerful white guys" who you perceive to be unduly under cultural attack.

The only hole in the story is her. haha

There is no story, it's he said crazy bitch said

You are emotionally wrapped up in defending a class of people "powerful white guys" who you perceive to be unduly under cultural attack.

You sweet summerchild, what do you know.

You my friend are an idiot. Two reasons as to why: first, this post. Second, your belief that Channing Tatum has a mastery of the Cajun accent. If you believe that is a Cajun accent, you have never been south of Delaware.

Trust me dude, if you meet Amber once you will not doubt Johnny's innocense. Biggest stuck up cunt I've ever had the displeasure of talking to.

Uh yes. That is being hit very hard by a fist. There is clearly swelling too. And here the fuck we are! Right exactly the fuck back where I predicted we'd be back at. "She either applied make up and then lied and filed a police report or hired someone to hit her in the face and then filed a police report". You will sink to any depth to

She got caught the day after by paparazzi with no bruises.

And then she took some selfies the day after that and the bruises had moved. Including one on a completely different eye.

You feminists are morons.

You will sink to any depth to protect a powerful man. You literally just did.

as if you wouldn't sink to any depth to protect a powerful woman(as long as they stay in their lane and act as you wish)

or maybe i'm wrong. maybe you don't even belive in the concept of a powerful woman... as if women could ever achive power am i right?

I don't know why nobody's listening to you. Like you, I frequently have to defend myself against powerful foes and I know what high velocity strike impact looks like. Furthermore, like you, I am a good boy and would never accuse a strong independent woman of lying for something as trivial as a very very very very large sum of money.

Hit me up on twitter, I've blocked like 20 racists this week so you know I'm right about everything I believe.

so only hilary loving democrats like you matter?

how did her "bruise" wander from the left eye to the right eye within two days? she's too dumb to even fake her bruises properly. unfortunately, people like you are even dumber.

You, not me, independently postulated and suggested that Amber actually applied make up to simulate being beaten up or had someone else hit her in the face repeatedly and hard for.. some purpose?

My grandmother did crazy shit like that. Once I hit my teen years my mom stopped letting me be around her alone.

Some people are just crazy.

She faked it homie

This unironically

yasss qweeen slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

oh wait wrong day

burn the witch!

Yes, yes, well done Rowling, well done Rowling... HOWEVER

Did he actually did shit to her?

I don't care enough to do my own research but enough to ask the astustic detectives of reddit.

Nope. She had some photos of bruises (the bruises disappeared the next day), and she has a history of domestic abuse and lying herself. She was cashing in.


Agreed. The video she released documenting her "abuse" was basically her antagonizing him by recording video without his consent and him trying to grab the phone from her.

Did he actually did shit to her?

Nope. And she was stupid enough to go out in public for sympathy the day after she claimed to have been beaten up and got paparazzied coming from the gym with no bruises at all.

Then mysteriously she had the same bruises again the day after that when called out on it...but they had moved and one was even on the wrong eye.

She is a moron.

But No Bullshit believes her photos; he's a smart man - that settles it.

Not enough listening and believing going on tbh.

lol that basically every comment is along the lines of

For me, it's not just about the domestic allegations, though those are very serious and should be considered. No, it's just that he's not really that right for the role. He doesn't even try to disappear in the character and it's just Johnny Depp up screen. It breaks the immersion of the movie.

i don't give a SHIT about beating women, let's focus on the real issue: the movie about a children's book might be bad

/u/Rosebunse unironic

muh immersion

you need to attend a personal safety course immediately

You know, people can worry about multiple things.

tbh they are just allegations so you're not wrong

i don't give a SHIT about beating women, let's focus on the real issue: the movie about a children's book might be bad

Quit virtue signalling you poof, you act exactly the same when it comes to movies you're a fan of.

Another case of a bad social media manager making drama for us

Hmm I didin't read any of the media articles about Depp, but Doug Stanhope is good friends with him and not the kind of guy to bullshit. He says he was warning Depp that Amber was gonna pull something like that for a while before it happened and basically she's just a cunt who likes to get angry and make shit up.

I 1000% trust the guys friend any website that was reporting it.

Wasn't Gary Oldman once also accused by his ex-wife of beating her, and then it turned out she was an unstable alcoholic and the charges were dropped or something?

Don't remember the details so not vouching for anything - however, for those who don't know, these sorts of claims have been around for a very long while before Steingate, just a bit more in the background.

Others who've been accused of beating women were Josh Brolin, Gerard Butler, Sean Bean, Wesley Snipes (Halle Berry), and Jack Nicholson (a while ago) and Michael Fassbender (fairly) recently alledgedly beat up a hooker in a hotel room.

Michael Fox was confirmed, Wesley Snipes I think kind of as well, and the others for all I know might as well be complete bullshite - don't know either way; but before this scandal chain reaction, an easy mindset to fall back on was "well that stuff in the fringe background is kind of barely real isn't it", and now people are eager to jump on every accusation and consider/believe it.

So we'll see what comes out.