r/drama has a serious cuck problem.

60  2017-12-07 by Chromebookbitches

The problem is far too many little kids (and mental midget "adults") who probably identify as altrightish, chan losers, and/or "gamers".

I wonder if many of them, themselves aren't the offspring of a real life cuck, so therefore try to overcompensate for lack of proper parental authority experience that lashing out and making a fool out of themselves online the way they do might help heal their inner wounds?


Do real-life cucks have offspring?

Surely that's an oxymoron.

Of course. Keeping the little bitch where you need him is priority number one and children are an effective measure.

Yeah but it's not his offspring.

There's a reason that kid is black.

Don’t talk to me or my wife’s son ever again.

There's a reason that kid is black.

Yeah, bruises.

Is this copypasta?

I dunno, the grammar is far too poor. I think it was written by a Europoor from one of those garbage eastern bloc "countries".

fuck you - dont put this on us.

If he is European he is definitely Western faggot.

we still have to figure out how to put potato on the table, before we start think8ng about someone's "feelings"

Nah, it’s just bait for dumb people.

“Buh-but I’m alt-right and I’m not a cuck!”

Anyone who types that should self-helicopter.

I'm helicoptering myself right now, baby.

If that was the goal u/Chromebookbitches failed pretty hard.

I just have a brain disorder

And we love you for it

And we love are ambivalent towards you for it

Speak for yourself. I love /u/Ultrashitpost <3

I was a promising college student until I got hit by that big rig.

Now I post here and I'm too dumb to even care.

I'm not alt right I just like to laugh a retards when I'm drunk.

I hope youre ok btw, with the drinking u know, under control all that 😗

Its not im looking to go to rehab when i find one, my daughter deserves to grow up without a drunkin dad who sluts his words and posts on r/drama.

Rehab is for quitters. And quitters never win!

Good honey

And tbh pm if you ever want to talk I grew up with an alchy dad that recovered and I struggle wiith alcohol myself goddess bless you

Thanks for the support


And I'm serious PM me whenever about it 😚


subreddit not found

Seems about right

I feel like this is bait, so keep going.

She'd be more embarassed by the posting on r/drama tbh

Are you trying to quit or just slow down? You sound kind of like me but I'm quite at your level yet. I really don't want to give it up altogether so I'm just trying to get a handle on it now before it becomes a real problem.

I want to quit, compulsive as fuck with things and I cant handle moderation, I tried its just never enough.

That sucks especially because I just really like getting drunk. But I get it, moderation is tough. Good luck.

Everything in moderation, especially moderation.

Drinking is only out of control when booze hits the floor

I once managed to give myself a blowjob in my friend's closet. I swallowed all of my cum.

I can lick my tip but i felt gay doing it.

I feel gay just thinking about trying to lick my tip

Um, how else did it feel?

More like sucking a dick than getting a blowjob. Just like you can't tickle yourself.

jokes on you I like sucking dick

Is that why you joined ISIS?

jokes on you I like sucking dick

Can confirm. His jokes also suck.

So get some benzocaine. It just won't numb your soul.

Both of you are disgusting

Yeah wtf sucking your own dick is pretty selfish when there is this much unblasted bussy in the world

I am a cuckold, to the core. I have, unfortunately, eaten cum out of my wife's beautiful blond-haired pussy, only once (and it was 4 years ago, but I still cum to it today of course). We had a drunken party with another couple and we all ended up in bed, but things didn't work out and my wife, still miffed over a yoga teacher I'd been caught screwing a year or so before, kicked me out of the bed and seeing a fight was coming, I drove off to sleep in my office, which was a couple of miles away.

Well, while I was away, his wife, a hot little fireball, went to bed and he took my wife into our bedroom and ****ed her for, well, I'm not sure how long. I got a call at 3-something in the morning and my wife said, "Mark just came in me three times, you can come home now."

I broke the law (lived in the country thank goodness) to get home fast -and there she was, a pile on the bed, hair a mess, and looking freshly ****ed. I literally dove between her legs and licked her to the best of my ability (she put one firm hand on the back of my head).

When I entered her (loose, wet) I came in under 30 seconds (embarrassing, telling). I came again a few minutes after that and would have tried for a couple more if she hadn't pushed me away.

What a glorious night that was.

I had been and have been literally begging my wife to **** around with anyone her little heart desires. Leave me out of it, include me in, make me serve him, tie me up, call me, don't call me, whatever you want my dear.

We've actually come close one other time, but she swears he wasn't home when she went knocking. Too bad!

She told me the other night, which delighted me (two of our 3 kids are in college now), that she was thru with the conventional life and wanted to return to a more uninhibited free person like she was before kids and college and life. She wasn't bitter or unhappy, but just expressed it as a desire.

Of course, being the every-horny, please use me (or don't use me, which in the right context is just as good -or maybe better?), make me lick it kind of guy I've become, I interpreted it like she'd met someone at school and was thinking about making my dreams come true again.

Thanks for giving me a place to go to where I can feed my addiction to cuckolding. You two rock.

This but homosexually

This pasta made me nauseous. Please take it back.

What are your thoughts on emojis?

What's your sign?


Mine is 💃🏼

Nice beginning, poor final delivery. "Proper parental authority" is way too square for bantz.

It's full of right wing cunts who, while not as obnoxious as SJWs, are infinitely more retarded, to the point of not being able to use basic punctuation or spelling.

wht the fk u saying

delet this

punctuation or spellibg on reddit

Why bother

mental midget "adults"

To borrow a phrase from North Korean propaganda, you are a political pygmy.

Irl and on my main account I'm wayyy different than here. This is my account specifically for yelling at people.

Meta alt accounts are for pussies

Most of your posts are here so I guess you're right

Whoa OP, that’s a hot fucking take.

What next? You’re going to tell me that SRD has a big problem with being smug?

If you call me a cuck one more time I will send my wife's boyfriend after you, and he's pretty tough!

I'm not alt-right. I'm a literal Nazi

the alt-right is big tent fam, you have to share a political affiliation with based stickman whether you like it or not


/u/polddit and /u/TheAltrightIsAlright, are you gonna take this soy's shit?

Yes. And then I'm gonna KMS because if I'm in the same category as u/polddit I've spent way too much fuckin time here.

>being in the same category as /u/polddit

Just end it now fam

You're definitely what they call a regular.

Plz no kinkshaming.

Well are you going to help thin the herd and leave?

/u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWifu literally called me a libcuck last night. How is being this much of a faggot not a banable offense?

I agree you should be banned.

Got um

Got um. Sorry your mom got knocked up by the austistic paperboy.

For me, having an autistic little brother can be hard sometimes, but I'm glad our mom was a slut.

I was referring to you. If you were at least high functioning you could have reached that conclusion pretty easily.

Aww thats right scamp, you are perfectly normal. Now go line up your toys the way you like to, I'll check on you in a few.

Mine was better.

Thats right!


Imagine being this retarded

Wanna cracker? Squawk for me.


You don't have to lol

This is probably a pasta, but tbh we only have too many alt-rightfags here on the weekends. We're pretty evenly distributed during the week.

does that mean that the alt-right retards are the only ones here with actual jobs?

christ i hope we're not that degenerate

Judging from the alt-right types that we've had around here, I think they're in high school.

LOL, how can I be a cuck if I can't even get a girlfriend?😅😅😅😅Think before you post, plebs 😂😂😂😂

I'll have you know midget is offensive you faggot. I'm a rationalist who happens to favor the right more because the left is just filled with empathetic morons who refuse to recognize the problems their policies cause.

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

Damn any who says we don't support minorities. This is all proof we need.

sounds like a right wing chad fucked your girlfriend

tru tru rv

Are you a girl?

This is the cuckiest post in all of cuckoldom. They always project.

The only problem I see is that people are using the word cuck

OP you are too fucking old to be using www.reddit.com

maybe facebook is more your speed

Why aren't you a cuck ? Bulls are just brutish and animalistic figures. Their pleasures are basic and momentary. Absolutely anyone with a big dick can be a bull, and fuck tons of girls, but it is so blasé. The cuck is a much more cerebral role that leads to a much richer sexual experience sans the actual sex. You get to be at once the puppeteer of another's carnal pleasures and a master of self denial and repression.