PSA: Keep Yourself Safe, Don't Cyber-Bully Yourself

72  2017-12-08 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome




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Anyone who's been on Tumblr for at least a month for anything other than porn has figured this out.

You literally cannot stop me from cyber-bulling god

I watch big bang theory every night and choke myself with a belt and you can't stop me nigger.

That's ummm that's pretty hot!

Only if you use your imagination instead of HD camera.

What about my HD imagination? ?>?

u/SAC-Lawn_Gnome is a hypocrite.

You misspelled faggot.

So, according to this, 10-20% of teens are bullied online.

But according to this article, 6% of teens bully themselves online. Making 30% of cyberbullying of teenagers fake/false bullying.

30% of accusations of bullying are false. I wonder how much "sexual harassment" is included in that fake/false bullying?

Listen and believe (yourself)

Now everyone knows my alt.

Digital penetration IS A CRIME

I'd like to see a geographical breakdown for these numbers.

I bet one million Shrute bucks the majority (if not all) of the self bullying comes from effete city kids growing up in progressive homes with fathers who squat to pee after drinking white wine spritzers.

I sit when I pee if that's what you mean

What we really need to be worried about is our cats cyberbullying us. They're gonna have a pussy riot.

You should have been aborted.

^ Cat person detected.

I have a pet kitty but I don't want you to be aborted m<m

We need a war.

we've had a war going since before most of these kids were born fam, clearly that doesnt cut it anymore

Until we draft it doesn't count.

As if they wouldn't suddenly have bone spurs body dysphoria and get out of it.

These limp wristed losers would never be involved anyway.

Draft. This time we should start with the least fit and able

while victims of cyberbullying were 12 times more likely to cyberbully themselves.

why though

Peer pressure. All of the cool kids are bullying you, so you should too.

gives reddit gold

Don't you dare tell me what to do.

You're a fucking piece of shit. Fuck you.

Yes you are, please kill your self.

I'm going through a rough time. How dare you asshole?

Not my problem. Just end it.

I'm going through a rough time right now.

Not my problem, do yourself a favor and KYS.

r/drama user commits suicide after self cyber bullying for refusing to sleep with gay man

I would say too soon, but this place is already hell

pls no bully urself

Interesting article

Oh go fuck yourself

pls no bully

MODS!!!!! HELP!!!!

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Doesn't apply in case of self-bullying tho.

Arrest yourself.

This issue was brought to researchers' attention by the death of Hannah Smith, a 14 year old from Leicestershire, England, who hanged herself after months of apparent online harassment.

After her death, officials from, a social media site where users can ask each other anonymous questions, found that 98% of the messages sent to Smith came from the same IP address as the computer she used.

Many other sites like Tumblr and the now defunct Formspring also have had an anonymous question feature, which could allow teens to anonymously send themselves hurtful messages and then publicly respond.

Researchers are calling this behavior "digital self-harm." Teens who identified as non-heterosexual were three times more likely to bully themselves online, while victims of cyberbullying were 12 times more likely to cyberbully themselves.

Holy shit, these people are retarded.

First off, there are two (relevant) IP addresses at work here. There's your local IP address and your external, public IP address.

Your local IP address is the IP address associated with devices (such as your router, your TV box, your phone, your laptop, etc.) and they're usually like 192.168.x.y. You can see a bunch of these if you go check your list of devices in your router settings, or if you do ipconfig in Command Prompt (if you have Windows). As far as I know, the only purpose these IP addresses have is within the network itself.

Your external IP address is what shows up when you google "What is my IP" and it's the IP address websites see (and log, if they keep that information). If you're using the same network, then it doesn't matter whether you use your phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet to google "What is my IP"—they'll all turn up the same result, because they're on the same network. The way the article worded it, "the same IP address as the computer she used", misconstrues this, because the external IP address is not specific to the computer itself.

This means that the messages she supposedly sent to herself could have just been someone using the same network. It could have been someone else in the house, or someone leeching off their WiFi.

I'm not saying that it's definitely not her, but it's certainly a possibility. I'm not sure how many people were living there, so I can't really say who are the potential suspects.

Warning: everything else beyond this is pure speculation and retardation, but I'll just follow the rules of the sub to blow everything out of proportion and continue.

From this article:

Hannah Smith, of Lutterworth, Leicestershire, was found hanged in her bedroom, by her older sister.

I don't know when or how long after her sister found her, but if it was her sister that was doing it, she might've been checking to see the results of her cyberbullying. Of course, since they're living in the same house, it's possible that she was just checking how she was doing or maybe just walked in on her, I don't know.

Her sister, Joanne, 17, who discovered her body, said Hannah had been targeted by bullies throughout years 7, 8 and 9. In one incident, months before the party, her coat had been glued to a chair at Lutterworth High School, where she was a pupil. Joanne said on one occasion she had "ripped out the hair" of a person she believed was bullying her sister.

I don't know if other news sources reported a more detailed version of this incident, but if it was her sister that was bullying her, she might've been trying to dispel any suspicion that she would bully her sister by saying she ripped out the hair of one of the bullies. Maybe it really did happen, I don't know.

All I know is the fact that the messages came from the same IP address sure does add a twist to the story.

This issue was brought to researchers' attention by the death of Hannah Smith, a 14 year old from Leicestershire, England, who hanged herself after months of apparent online harassment.

After her death, officials from, a social media site where users can ask each other anonymous questions, found that 98% of the messages sent to Smith came from the same IP address as the computer she used.

Many other sites like Tumblr and the now defunct Formspring also have had an anonymous question feature, which could allow teens to anonymously send themselves hurtful messages and then publicly respond.

Researchers are calling this behavior "digital self-harm." Teens who identified as non-heterosexual were three times more likely to bully themselves online, while victims of cyberbullying were 12 times more likely to cyberbully themselves.

Holy shit.

First off, there are two (relevant) IP addresses. There's your local IP address and there's your external, public IP address.

Your local IP address is the IP address associated with devices (such as your router, your TV box, your phone, your laptop, etc.) and they're usually like 192.168.x.y. You can see a bunch of these if you go check your list of devices in your router settings, or if you do ipconfig in Command Prompt (if you have Windows). As far as I know, the only purpose these IP addresses have is within the network itself.

Your external IP address is what shows up when you google "What is my IP" and it's the IP address websites see (and log, if they keep that information). If you're using the same network, then it doesn't matter whether you use your phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet to google "What is my IP"—they'll all turn up the same result, because they're on the same network. The way the article worded it, "the same IP address as the computer she used", misconstrues this, because the external IP address is not specific to the computer itself.

This means that the messages she supposedly sent to herself could have just been someone using the same network. It could have been someone else in the house, or someone leeching off their WiFi.

I'm not saying that it's definitely wasn't self-bullying, but it's certainly a possibility that it wasn't. I'm not sure how many people were living in the house, so I can't really say who are the potential suspects.

Warning: everything else beyond this is pure speculation and retardation, but I'll just follow the rules of the sub to blow everything out of proportion and continue.

From this article:

Hannah Smith, of Lutterworth, Leicestershire, was found hanged in her bedroom, by her older sister.

I don't know when or how long after her sister found her, but if it was her sister that was doing it, she might've been checking to see the results of her cyberbullying. Of course, since they're living in the same house, it's possible that she was just checking how she was doing or maybe just walked in on her, I don't know.

Her sister, Joanne, 17, who discovered her body, said Hannah had been targeted by bullies throughout years 7, 8 and 9. In one incident, months before the party, her coat had been glued to a chair at Lutterworth High School, where she was a pupil. Joanne said on one occasion she had "ripped out the hair" of a person she believed was bullying her sister.

I don't know if other news sources reported a more detailed version of this incident, but if it was her sister that was bullying her, she might've been trying to dispel any suspicion that she would bully her sister by saying she ripped out the hair of one of the bullies. Maybe it really did happen, I don't know.

All I know is the fact that the messages came from the same IP address certainly raises a few questions.

"/r/TheButtholeOfBravery is a retard brainlet with no life"

Holy Shit!! did you just see what that guy said about me?? I'm so hurt! :'(

When asked why they engaged in digital self-harm, boys were more likely to say they did it as a joke or to get attention, while girls often said they did it because they were struggling with depression.

further evidence that men are the superior gender, as if any were necessary

You should be more honest about your feelings.

Wow that's actually pretty interesting

Fuck me.

Ew, I wouldn't even rape you


This has been going on with edgy college students for years. Don't want to do your mid-terms? Just draw a swastika on your door and claim you are being targeted by Nazis.

No u.