Teaching evolution causes drive-by shooting

26  2017-12-08 by newcomer_ts


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Well, he's not wrong. If we taught kids the truth, which is that humanity was seeded by a dying race of female wizards from another universe, then we'd have no guns and only consensual sex would occur.

I’d wager such shootings are perpetrated by those who don’t accept God’s love into their hearts.

Roy Moore perfected trolling years before our time.

Being retarded isn't trolling.

It's hard to tell at that point. But he's probably not smart (or at least he'd have left less evidence of his interest in younger girls).

Alabama truly is the seventh layer of hell

I hate my state

What's wrong with Michigan?

Do you have a source?

Hmm, strange that a god fearing state like Alabama that has a larger population of creationists than a normal states like New York has a higher murder rate..

Tbf, if you spent all day around people from Alabama, you’d be more likely to commit murder, too.

Some day I hope to meet a person from Alabama who isn't retarded.

Elevated maglev between the coasts, no ingress or egress from Middle America.