Pedophile /r/the_donald poster in a green card marriage, /u/WahmenRespekter, seeks advice on how to conceal her visa fraud in /r/immigration and avoid getting deported; promptly harassed out of the sub.

42  2017-12-09 by princessCuck


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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/u/wahmenrespekter you're also a fucking pewdiepie fan aren't you?

hey lets keep it family friendy #christianchannel

Why did she call you a pedophile? I'm curious, because the post is deleted. And I'm too lazy to cruise your comments.

Also, I fail to see why posting to the_donald matters. Isn't that just a Pro Trump page? I know a lot of people who voted for Trump who are neither pedophiles nor bad people.

Not sure if thats a she but i wont assume genders. He/she/it creeped on my account and apparantly HATES everything conservative.

As far as the pedophile joke, it was on a comment about australia passing same sex marriage, someone commented pedophelia would be next i said maybe in 5 years.

These are my honest opinions.

Regardless, its super creepy that this user made a post about me on another sub. Kinda like 100 cats in her bedroom person, yknow?

Yeah I really don't understand people who go on subs and attack a poster, then go on another sub and post about it. But to each their own, I guess.

As for your opinion on same sex marriage, I actually sort of agree with you. I don't disagree with same sex marriage, but I definitely see the potential for people to make it a slippery slope. Not because of gay people. Because that's human nature.

And if it helps, I lean conservative as well. I catch a lot of shit for it, being a woman and all. You have no idea how many self proclaimed "feminists" (male AND female) have taken issue with my opinions and slipped in my DMs to let me know they hope I get raped. I got one a few months ago that hoped I got raped AND got pregnant, and Donald Trump wouldn't allow me to get an abortion so I was stuck with the product of my rape for life. Classy.

I've never actually been on /r/the_donald myself, but it's bizarre to me that it's become the norm to sling such awful accusations at people purely because of who they voted for. I am a woman, college educated, gainfully employed and I even write. I may not be like an extreme supporter of Trump, but I definitely see some of the positive things he's done. Evidently that makes me a gender traitor, a racist, a homophobe, trashy, self loathing, a Nazi, etc, etc.

I think people don't realize how offensive it is to misuse and overuse these phrases. It's akin to my biggest issue with radical feminism, which is when women run around saying everything is rape or sexual assault. Everything is not rape. Cat calling isn't rape. Having your ass grabbed isn't rape. Being hit on isn't rape. I assure these people that if they were raped, they'd know it. I sure do.

Haha, shhhh, conservative is a bad word! You evil pedophillic nazi you.

Are you two done circlejerking?

You know circlejerks require a circle of people to jerk each other off. Kinda like what youre doin.

Not exactly a circle, but given how each of you diabeetus-stricken lardass inbreds counts for 3 normal people, it counts.

Lol, you have a sickness. A dangerous one at that. I can see you becoming violent (unless you already are) towards others you do not agree with. I dont even know what in the living fuck youre disagreeing with me about.

We're just violent towards crackers, cleetus

1st of all, youre racist. 2nd, im asian.



"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

What happenned? Wheres that social justice warrior in you?

Have you ever stopped to think maybe the whole world doesn't hate you because they're social justice warriors, maybe the whole world hates you because you're such an insufferable cunt

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

I wonder who would ever call you that.

Lol. You guys need help, really.

smh making mayos look good hurry up and leave so we can maga

Wow you are genuinely an enormous faggot. Hope your wife enjoys scaling trumps wall conservatard.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Wow the homohobic comments on this sub are astounding, especially knowing they all come from liberals. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.

I prefer libtard. Get it right you inbred

Haha, i try not to dabble in sides. I just point out hipocrisy on any side when I see it.

No we aren’t.

Stop jerking each other off and fuck already.

As did this one apparently. It’s good to know I’m fat and a dude and a pedophile though. Here I thought I was in fairly good shape, with a fairy good career, and a college education, who walks 4-6 miles a day and is planning her wedding, with a vagina...I never realized how WRONG I was.

What were your posts in /r/incels about? Just wondering.

I asked them questions because as a woman I didn’t understand their mentality.


He's Roy Moore-ing it!

Why does it matter if this person posts on /r/the_donald?

I think the pedophile part is far more pertinent.

Because pedophilia is deeply connected to social conservatism. In fact, the former implies the latter.

This but unironically

Really? I'm socially conservative and I'm not a pedophile.

Are you sure?

Exactly, I'm a male feminist and not a rapist.

Why don't ya take a seat over there?

By socially conservative do you mean "i want legislate my lifestyle into law" ?

Just curious because there's no rationalization for that unless you're a muslim

No. I don’t.

Epapophilia or whatever isn't a difference

I thought they were synonymous?

That's male feminists you're thinking of.

No no, they rape of age women. Republicans like underage cooch

No, that's Hollywood you're thinking of. Republicans like perfectly respectable toilet sex.

Ohhh yeah you're right. Unless were talking the third world shithole Alabama, that there's a pedo

I've voted Republican and I don't like any cooch but my own...

I'm sorry for your disability goddess bless

I'm sorry that you and so many others exist in a state of hatred that makes you unable to comprehend that people can disagree with you and not be disabled.

I think the true disability is that women and men who call themselves feminists run around on the internet insulting and threatening women, who you claim to support and believe are equal, simply because they don't share your views.

So, feminism and the right to free speech, what I do with my body, and the right to vote, is only a good thing for women if they agree with you. Got it.

Amen sister

Tbd I didn't read the OP nor doni care to, but I'm glad to have shook you 😗

Who the fuck is taking away your freedom of speech? Who is telling you what to do with your body or telling you you can't vote? Are you literally disabled?

lol you went to the_donald and cried about how r/drama was mean to you. Stick around and see how they talk about women and people who disagree with them.

lol you went to the_donald and cried because /u/LadyVetinari was mean to you.

I am super mean 😈👿 tbf ij don't bake her for seeking refuge from my scathing barbs

Lol /u/MissTawdryHepburn I bet you're a virgin 😏

I so am. My fiancé and I are waiting for marriage, even though we’ve lived together for four years. It’s been tough but god will reward the righteous.

You shake and cry and scream when you don't have benzos. Sorry, God doesn't reward drug addicts. Try an NA meeting and try going to a Christian church.

I popped my cherry there.

But people in pain and with other mental defects have to fight for every single pill. Take me, I have anxiety associated with a trauma, and I cannot be a passenger in a vehicle without literally having a total breakdown and I even faint sometimes. I have been in therapy for years. I've done everything right, and the only thing that makes me capable of getting out of my house in a vehicle, is some type of benzo. I don't abuse it. I've never had an addiction problem ever. I have to fight tooth and nail to get that medicine, and I've been refused. It renders me literally trapped in my home. I shake and cry and scream and faint without it, so if I don't need that medicine, who the fuck does??

This is the true disability per your words. Quit sitting at home all day worrying about an extreme minority who use pronouns you don't like and learn to not literally shake over the dumbest shit. Move to NYC if you can't be in cars and unlike your home in KY I've never had someone say I was misgendering them in NY. So it should be a win-win for you.

Lol. I have PTSD and that’s not a disability.. I work and maintain a normal life. Try again my friend.

Being trapped inside your home by your mind isn't a disability? Like I said, if years of crippling benzo addiction and therapy haven't worked, maybe you should try moving somewhere with great public transit. It's better advice than whatever medicaid doctors you've been shopping around for will give you. Sitting home every day, having no idea what the world is like except what fox & friends tell you to be outraged over is seriously depressing. Best of luck.

When did I say that I sit at home everyday? I go out all the time. I drive myself though. Clearly you didn’t read my post, which is fine. But it’s sad that people like yourself would just make inane presumptions about my life based on a handful of comments. As for an addiction to anything, I haven’t been taking any benzos in well over six months, and I haven’t drank alcohol in years because I don’t like it. The only addiction I have is the one where I bother with people like you on the internet. Oh and I’m addicted to my right to form my own opinions and not be a fucking sheep who thinks because I have a vagina, I’m a victim of the patriarchy. But that’s cool, you and your gender fluid friends who should all be on medication realistically can judge me all you want. I’m good with it.

Omg wtf are you talking about. I'm startung to doubt you have a vaginal just because of the sheer number of times you've mentioned it. I have zero gender fluid friends, you bar brain. Maybe out in kentucky they run rampant, but I've legit never met someone who's gender fluid in libtarded ny lol.

I don't blame you cuz memory loss is a main side effect of benzos but you made that comment in the last 48 hours fam. Nobody mentioned alcohol. Nobody mentioned the patriarchy except you. You want to be outraged. It's okay. It's a side effect of your druggie lifestyle. I'll pray for you.

This but ironically

is this a pasta or are you just leaqin

Anti gamer gate guys mostly.

They are. 100% of /r/the_donald posts are made within view of a preschool or playground.

Honestly one is more annoying and we all know which

I mean, I feel like that's kind of ignorant and awful. People who have really been assaulted, be it by a pedophile or a person their own age, would disagree.

I was being (((sarcastic)))

Because he's attacking r/immigration as a centopedophile and not just a pedophile. He's against immigrants because they're raping all the white girls before he can. Jeez.

I didn't see the post so I don't know how he was attacking immigration. That's why I asked.