/r/politics : Cutting off Ajit Pai's head would be good for America

111  2017-12-09 by nameuser4321


If it wasn't him it would be some other corporate stooge, you can legally bribe politicians now so of course big business is gonna serve their self interests.

Ajit is a super smug cunt though. I'm conflicted between calling for him to gain mod status and calling for him to be disemboweled with a plastic spork.

u mad af

calling for him to be disemboweled with a plastic spork.

i think we say that about the rest of our mods too, so no big issue there

Binary choices are an illusion.

Why not both? We can make him a mod while disembowling him.

our first openly disemboweled mod !

The other are just disemboweled on the inside.

Why? Pai is exactly what redditors desverve.

*holds up spork *

They've been able to do this my entire life, so I have no idea what you mean by 'now'.

Ajit Pai needs to do a Reddit AMA.

I would get so rock hard at the drama it would unleash

Well yeah, but if we start killing corporate stooges others will be scared to step up and take their place. Right now it's millions of dollars in corporate largesse vs. making people mad on the internet; effective political violence might change that calculation. (Or it might not; anarchist "propaganda of the deed" whacked a lot of people who deserved it, but didn't seem to lead to that much in the way of actual change.)

are they wrong, though

agenda fag gtfo

i have no agenda im only a fag. bussy or leave, fuckboi

lol u mad

u triggered

oooh call me a snowflake next. There’s no recovering from that one. It will rebelled me powerless.

u mad


shh bby is ok

Keep Yourself Safe with that weak ass banter

how dare you

That was for your own good, my son. You can do better.


this is outrageous



It's the weekend. Every weekend, a bunch of fags from SRD come here to try to make this sub into SRS3.

i didn't realize sucking comcast's dick was the new anti-SRS move

/r/MDE was very confused about this. Sometimes it's hard justify your ideas when you only have them to spite the libs.

"Let's suck corporate dick to pwn the libs!"

I'm not sure that's a fair way to represent this situation. It's more like taking corporate dick up the ass.


It is a fight between Facebook and Comcast. And you taking sides.

Imagine being such a retarded cuckold chocking on ISP cock that you want to give them even more money when they average 90% profit on internet services.

Imagine being that fucking pathetic.

Imagine being such a retarded cuckold

OK, paint me a picture. What is it like being a retarded cuckold?

Idk, you can tell me once your mouth is off your wife's boyfriend's dick.

I'm not a leftist, bby

It’s almost 2018! You can be a tremendous faggot no matter what your politics are. 😘 free yourself!

I'm no SRDine

Ajit Pai being killed wouldn't help anything and communist countries have worse internet policies. Also, there are much funnier solutions, like setting fire to Comcast's cables for revenge

Hey guys, Reddit, Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Twitter are private companies, so they can do whatever they want on their websites. It's their right to censor wrong opinions.

Except for Comcast though, they're totally evil bad guys with little devil horns on their heads! Join the battle for net neutrality, my le fellow Redditors!

Hey guys, I came up with some bullshit strawman argument because I'm a perpetually asshurt loser

suck it LIEbrals!

I called him angry, therefore I am automatically right and I win the argument!

Go twirl your fidget spinner homie.


conservative inbreds that like to use “biased” as a go to insult for people that are smarter than then. surely we are the only ones with opinions here.

Real talk you know things are bad when your public is seriously considering a violent revolution

He's shit, but they'd just shove in another guy who is worse anyway if he died

Just keep killing them to be quite honest.

Typical /r/politics trying to behead a POC just for doing his job

The racism of mayos in/r/politics is so uuuggggghhh 😤😤😤😤

hmmph all the more reason for mayocide, as if we needed more

He's a Indian like we asians and natives we are really only important when we can be used as a weapon.

Behead those who insult Islam!

He tried to format his joke to John Oliver's delivery. It doesn't work on the internet you fucking retard

Uh oh, I rustled some deplorable Jimmies

Yeah I'm so conservative just look at my comment history. You're actually just retarded that can be a bipartisan agreement.

Don't you know you are either with him or you are with the conservatives?

All I know is I'm with Her

That's ableist

You have to say xir

T h e y 'r e not rong



Well, yeah.

Lobbyists like him have made access to our elected representatives a commodity with a market value that the general public can no longer afford. The legal system is controlled by them through bribery, so legal ways to address the problem are not realistic.

Making examples of them through violence may not be the only measure, but it is a measure, and I haven't heard any realistic alternatives.

We would all like to see somebody have the courage to put the bell on the neck of this cat.

"There doesn't seem to be anything here" as they say on Reddit.

Hahahaha /r/politics spent an entire year slandering Hillary and spreading fake news. I hope Pai fucks tour internet forever

your internet

It’s everyone’s internet tho

No it's not


Lol, you think /r/politics isn't pro Hillary enough. Jesus Christ.

Theres no such thing as pro hillary enough

this but unironically

i would chill in cedar rapids with you /u/glmox

wanna pokemon go to polls with me bb?


Imagine being as retarded as /u/Karmaisforsuckers


>Slandering the name of prophet Mother Clinton

Pick one


there are people here rn who don't want the death of the internet

Gtfo pls

We should get notch to buy r/drama for 2.8 billion dollars.


Death to the internet! Uphold Ajit Pai thought!

"Allahu Akbar!"


Man they are really upset about paying for their shota pornos

Shouldn't this be enough to ban this hate subreddit?

a g e n d a p o s t