"Keep sucking Arin off, maybe he'll be your friend like Sonic is your friend!" r/GameGrumps has a discussion about Twitter

15  2017-12-09 by AchtungMaybe


The (now deleted) comment that set it all off, sitting at -529 points:

It's getting really fucking old. Arin stalking and harassing Wendy's, and that's exactly what it was, was already so fucking cringe worthy.

It's fucking stupid.

Edit: just like the fanbase I might add. You guys are second only to the RLM fans for your bullshit.

Keep sucking Arin off, maybe he'll be your friend like Sonic is your friend!

Edit 2: c'mon you pussies get me to -1000 let's go c'mon. If you can get Wendy's to tolerate the chin strap wonder you can do this!

"If I can't be the best, I can certainly be the worst."

It's a real TUMS festival in there.

What's wrong with your faaaace

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

i love when people get 😡ANGERY😡 about karma counts and yell at people to downvote them

that's the tastiest breed of lolcow tbh