Drama in chicago as people argue over saving parking spots during winter

26  2017-12-09 by Popecockandballs


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"They're public streets!"

"You damn OUTSIDER. Respect our tradishuns!"


I ❤️ reddit.

What do you guys think the ratio of users in that thread who have sucked dick for crack vs non-dick-suck-for-crackers are? I'm going with 1 dick sucker for crack for every 11 non-dick suckers for crack.

This has got to be the mayoest argument to ever take place

Nah, black folk in Chicago will also fuck up your car if you disrespect dibs.

"Even in Chicago people cannot resist the urge to act like Republicans."

/u/wheresbicki on a scale of Forrest Gump to Sloth how retarded are you?

Sounds like you are butthurt. Go back to your cave

Your so slow to replying it shows how fucking retarded you are.

Pro tip: To call dibs, park your car there.

I know, I know; it's a bit out there, but it works in a pinch.

TIL: People over the age of 12 still use Dibs.
