HPV in the gussy. She assumes she got it from his bussy. She could be wrong, could've wrapped up his schlong, but Matt is to blame not the hussy

118  2017-12-09 by starship_litterbox


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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bussy > gussy: the poem

Dat username, in this thread....just wow.

i have the best of both worlds, tuts 😘

You sure do bby 😉

Now get suckin' on those dicks boy

Listen here dweeb, don't interrupt this conversation, I was fucking flirting and now you just ruined it for mw

r/drama girls don't put out for anything :'(


I got news for you buddy

It's bussy allll the way down

Yeah no one ever gets STDs from bussy...

Wtf I hate childfree now.

Holy shit that picture could undermine her point any more than it does. "I hate you for what you did to me, so here is an adorable butterfly bear and a line about Jesus".

Hey u/my_name_is, Jesus man!

Oh, I know about this "film"...and based on plot and this clip, it looks like someone wants Scotty all to himself...

"In 201X ( help me with the year, please🙈) when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited.

These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group .

Today, they are commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING.

If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I meanThe Trollx Team."

" cue The A-Team theme"


I just love this.


In AD 2101, war was beginning.

Cats did this!

u take that back, my Fluffers is innocent.

I'm sowwy 🙊🙉🙈. Let's be friends!

how r u gentlemen :^)

"In 201X ( help me with the year, please🙈), when twox became a default sub

Spring/summer of 2014. Source: I was there when it happened.

Well done otherwise. 💯

" I was there when it happened" - soooooooo, what where you doing in twox?

TrollX. I used to be a regular there. I never spent much time in TwoX before the Great Defaulting. Believe it or not, TrollX used to be a genuinely fun and enjoyable community with pretty good content and a refreshing lack of asshattery, partly because it served as a refugee sub for people who didn't want to deal with TwoX's bullshit.

Then TwoX went default and TrollX took in the second wave of refugees that you described above. It took about a year for them to get established and drive the old regulars out. 2015 was the real cull year, with a lot of drama burbling underneath the surface, and by 2016 I and most of the old folks had pretty much all left. Kinda sad, but I guess that's what happens on the internet.

Fun fact: up until earlier this year, you used to be able to see traffic stats for certain subreddits if that feature happened to be public, which it was for TrollX, so I kept an eye on it even after I left. The number of monthly page hits and monthly unique visitors alike dropped precipitously between 2014 and 2016, even though the subscription count was technically growing. TrollX has been in a death spiral for a while now and it's eventually just going to fuse into a neutron star of their most hardcore extremist users as more and more people leave or get excommunicated. Should make for some good dramaviewing.

Anyways, sorry for seriousposting. Post bussy?

Damn.....next you will tell me that you're a woman!...Just joking..☺

For real though, when I was linked to that sub about 3 months ago I found lots and lots of shitty captions of tumblr posts about "teh evil men", then I sorted by top all time and saw very different array of posts. Other people gave me descriptions that are very similar to your on why this happened, so I used those for my post which will become a copypasta (I hope).

LOL, I actually became a dramaposter because this was one of the only places on Reddit where you could call out TrollX for its increasingly frequent idiocy without having to go to one of the hard right subs. SRD should have been doing that but they jerk to the left pretty consistently so they tend to look the other way when the people on "their side" have a meltdown (as people all do, I suppose).

I consider myself a lefty but there are precious few places on leftreddit where you can call out other liberals/leftists for their circlejerky BS and find a receptive audience. Drama has been moving further to the right than I would like but god sometimes it's nice to spend time with other people who have functioning bullshit detectors and actually use them. Is everybody getting more stupid as time goes on, or am I just getting old?

so they tend to look the other way when the people on "their side" have a meltdown (as people all do, I suppose).

Eh, I'm every bit a tree-hugging hippie peacenik, and the shitty progressives piss me off so much more than the shitty conservatives because they undermine my side of things. I don't get the SRD/TrollX/Ghazi approach of embracing horrible people because they say the right things.

I want to say that's just good old tribal lizard-brain behavior at work, but it's been exacerbated by this weird strain of anti-critical thinking where any difference of opinion receives an allergic reaction. I think the culture of social media plays into that as well - when I go on Facebook these days it seems like everyone is just kissing ass and throwing these gushy, over-the-top compliments around on each other's posts. It's not just the internet either - I work at a very liberal organization with a similar office culture. How is any kind of serious critical thinking going to survive in that kind of environment?

How is any kind of serious critical thinking going to survive in that kind of environment?

I have clients that range from a CPA firm (where everyone just kicks ass) to a couple of schools. I am amazed at the intellectual laziness of the teachers at the schools. No curiosity, wanting things to be done for them. My mother was a teacher for years, and she and her friends are so engaged and just bright. I don't know what happened.

Damn.....next you will tell me that you're a woman!...Just joking..☺

For real though, when I was linked to that sub about 3 months ago I found lots and lots of shitty captions of tumblr posts about "teh evil men", then I sorted by top all time and saw very different array of posts. Other people gave me descriptions that are very similar to your on why this happened, so I used those for my post which will become a copypasta (I hope).

A woman has a misunderstanding about how the world works and blames everyone but herself?

color me shocked

You could literally write this about every single post on TrollX and be correct. Good thing women in the real world aren't like this.

What you talkin bout Willis?!? Women in the real world? Says who? Where are these “women” in the real world you speak of? That’s just crazy talk.


it’s one of the things I love about this community, TrollX has always been unbelievably supportive and is my go-to place for a good laugh with some amazing women.

Instead of circle jerking in your echo chamber, you could have just not raw dogged. Oh well.

To be fair, you can spread herpes and warts even with a condom. It only requires skin to skin contact.

If hope my wife never wises up and dumps me.

You use condoms when you fuck your wife?

No just the pool boy.

Maybe it's one of Eurasian tiger's alts and he has to pay her for sex so she makes him wear a rubber

If hope my wife never wises up and dumps me.


Also, HPV isn't just warts. This woman, in fact, had a type of HPV that does not cause warts - the most common kind.

The types that can cause warts don't always cause warts and don't cause cancer.

The types that can cause cancer, don't always cause cancer and don't cause warts.

This woman, in fact, had a type of HPV that does not cause warts

This woman, in fact, is making shit up.

Well, given that you're all bashing her for being ignorant about how ubiquitous it is and why, I thought I'd do a little bashing of my own right back atcha. ;-)

They high risk types that cause cervical cancer to the tune of half million women per year, don't cause warts.

Myths about HPV

1) Men are carriers only. Nope. Men get cancer from high risk strains of HPV too.

2) If I didn't get genital warts then I didn't catch the virus. Nope. If you slept with someone that had genital warts but you didn't get warts, you probably still got the virus.

3) If you had a STD screening and asked for everything, you're clear of HPV and herpes. Nope. Neither one are part of a standard STD screening.

It actually is possible to figure out who you got HPV from to some degree of certainty if you've been in a monogamous relationship for as long as it takes to have about two Pap smears.

Paps are given 3 years apart. If you're with the same person during 2 Pap smears and the first is clear but the second shows irregular cell growth, then you probably picked up an infection from your current relationship.

It's the only reason I didn't immediately question her.

We're bashing her because she's a dumbshit who can't even be responsible in her own made-up story. However much myth-busting you think you're doing (it's none), it doesn't mean some lonely failure crying out for attention is any less sad.

Well as long as you have a perfectly legitimate reason for bashing her then I should go ahead and let you be ignorant while y'all carry on your better-than-thou screed.

'wouldn't want to put a hitch in yer git along.

let you be ignorant

I love the fact that you think you're educating people.

Reasons I may not be education people:

1) You know everything

2) I'm wrong

3) You're too dumb to be educated/read/remember/care

So which one is it?

It would be 1 in this case, ma'am. But good on you for trying, you just need to pick your audience (and maybe not stick up for TrollX fiction).


Instead of circle jerking in your echo chamber, you could have just not raw dogged. Oh well.

oops. That's ignorance.

Genital ulcer diseases and HPV infections can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. Consistent and correct use of latex condoms reduces the risk of genital herpes, syphilis, and chancroid only when the infected area or site of potential exposure is protected. Condom use may reduce the risk for HPV infection and HPV-associated diseases.


But user/Onitan tries to correct the foible here:

To be fair, you can spread herpes and warts even with a condom. It only requires skin to skin contact.

But that's a little ignorance too.

So we're two for two in getting it wrong so far.

But I'm sure YOU wouldn't have made any of those mistakes! You're probably the smartest person I've even met. That's just a guess.

You are the cutest thing.

Aw. Thank you!

Merry Christmas!

let you be ignorant

I love the fact that you think you're educating people.

I should go ahead and let you be ignorant

I was going to be ignorant regardless, but thank you anyway.

So do you let guys shoot their loads in you?


Have you fucked anyone since your ex husband? Did you get your cervix removed?

If hurting people is scratching some itch for you, you don't need to try that hard. You're so pathetic it breaks my heart.

No, I'm genuinely curious. You decided to tell people online about getting HPV from your ex and how it's spread. Why is asking for details an insult?

No, I'm genuinely curious.

All the details are already out there, which you know because you were stalking my reddit history. So it must not be curiosity.

Checking what you publicly posted is "stalking"? Anyway, I only went up to the first page.

Are you avoiding fucking guys because you don't want to spread it?

I literally don't have time for your fuckery. If you're willing to go digging through my history looking for something titillating, just keep digging. Maybe you'll learn something along the way.

Bitch, you're posting on /r/drama. There's always time for fuckery.

You can post huge paragraphs of research but not say how many cocks have been in you since you got divorced?

Good to see that nice lady has stopped posting on every one of your comments about you threatening to love her or something.

She deleted her account.

But I thought she was "better at this than you" and "This is going to be fun"??!?

Women are weak. Get over it.

Don't you know pings are macro-aggressions?

She got it in her cervix. I'm not sure HPV travels that much (seeing that when it causes throat cancer it's mostly people who were into oral, same for fags getting rectal cancer from HPV).

Well rawdog it then all the way baby yeah

It’s not so much the condoms but the fact that the vast majority of the population has some form of HPV not to mention cervical dysphasia typically takes decades after infection. It’s literally impossible to point fingers.

It’s not so much the condoms but the fact that the vast majority of the population has some form of HPV not to mention cervical dysphasia typically takes decades after infection. It’s literally impossible to point fingers.

I agree except for the "decades"

Dysplasia can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. Actual cancer takes about a decade after that so the whole thing from infection to invasive cancer ends up being around 10 - 15 years. 20 years is a stretch. 3 or 5 years is possible for neuroendocrine cervical cancer but that's a rare type.

It’s literally impossible to point fingers.

Don’t be a dumb ass. Of course it’s possible to point fingers. Since when does being right become a requirement for blaming people for stuff that happens to you? Besides, she’s a woman and something bad happened to her. Obviously it’s the fault of some man somewhere. Jesus man - listen and believe.

Thank you gals for circlejerking with me in this time of need. :)

HPV is notoriously unreliably preventable by condoms as is herpes.

They are both viruses that live in epithelial tissue and are transferred by contact. The condom only covers the shaft. That leaves so much unprotected area that it is estimated a couple using condoms will end up spreading HPV within a few months of regular sexual activity.

/u/Banana_Splyt why don't you just get knocked then have your cunt cut out after you have the kid?

A hysterectomy is the removal of a uterus, what you're suggesting would be the equivalent of planting a seed in a pot and then throwing the pot out.

Actually, what I suggested is planting the seed, letting the plant grow, harvesting the fruit, then throwing out the pot.

Oh, you're right, I read it wrong.

Her hysterectomy is in a week though, and I'm pretty sure doctors want to get rid of the cancer as soon as possible to prevent it from metastasizing.

But if she wants her only chance at a biological kid she'd have to put it off for 9 months and take that risk.

They don't believe me when I say I don't want kids


You wrote that a year ago, you say you are mid 30's, you said a year ago you were in a committed relationship. So whats not adding up here?

She's pretty consistent about being old and in university. She's also consistent that she's fat and most guys don't want to have sex with her. Maybe she got dumped for being fat and this is the first guy to have sex with her since then.

I think it's more likely that she doesn't want kids, but saying she can't have kids in the title will garner more sympathy. Or maybe being told there's something she can't have just made her want it more idk

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Stop following me. I'm not interested in you.

We're in the same thread you jack ass

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Again, I don't want to jack hammer your ass.

Sounds like she's about to lose a few points. How much does a cervix weigh?

nice meme

Omg I'm so sorry

That's awful sweetie. Wish I could give you a hug (with your permission of course) !


u ok hun xx

PM me

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Xoxo 😍😍😍😘

Yass girl share the love. And the HPV. Don't STD shame, spread it baby

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

She got HPV and nearly got raped by a stranger on an internet forum? This poor woman...

Unsolicited internet hugs are rape.

/u/Banana_Splyt, you’d think someone who posts to female echo chambers would have a rudimentary understanding of women’s health. Next time, instead of going for the easy pat on the back from other retards, go open up a book and better yourself.

stop STD shaming and slut shaming her, her body to do what she wants, even having unprotected sex on one night stands

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

oh my god I am so unbelievably sorry. I swear to god if I knew where to find this guy well probably best not said because ya know the government watches everything

Thank you, you unbelievably kind person. ❤️❤️❤️ it’s one of the things I love about this community

Thank you for kindly offering to kill someone who probably didn't give me HPV ❤️❤️❤️

[/u/flyersneversaydie my neighbours won't stop blasting their shitty music at all hours. Could you.... well ya know?

On it. Got the Irish mob behind me haha

There was this old lady in the supermarket earlier who took way too long at the till. Could you dismember her for me?

Anything you need. Premium Irish hitwoman at your service 😉

Did OP ever give you the whereabouts of your man Matt?

I just know it's the UK. I'm in the States but I got connections overseas

Oh, so you're not Irish.

Irish descent officially. But I have a ton of family still over there

Ok, so you're American.

Fuckin plastic paddies smh


Having actual connections is still a step up from 1/16-Irish Americans.

Hell, there's a decent chance she gave it to him. So it could be giving someone an STD then having them murdered.

It can take from a few months to years for symptoms to show, so if Matt wasn't a long-term partner (and it doesn't seem like it, given how he went no-contact pretty easily), then yeah, she could have had it from way before. That's quite ironic.


u/Banana_Splyt That's literally the antithesis of how every doctor for the past several hundred years has operated.

You're a lying fucking cow and I'm glad you have cancer. Die horribly you filthy lying whore.

this, but unironically

So much talk about "STI shaming" in that thread. Maybe if you didn't go around having unprotected sex and sucking 5 dicks a week, people wouldn't shame you for being the walking disease vectors that you now are.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

You have more problems than OP.

Just keeping it real friendo. When your lust for cock ends with you having a disease that can be passed by touching skin maybe you're not exactly the pinnacle of society free and independent woman you thought.

I'll concede they shouldn't be treated like lepers, maybe only 20% as harshly.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

When your lust for cock ends with you having a disease that can be passed by touching skin maybe you're not exactly the pinnacle of society you thought.

You know that HPV is so common, almost every person who is sexually active will get HPV at some time in their life if they don’t get the HPV vaccine? It's just that most people never develop any symptoms.

lol. We all know what "sexually active" means to these specimens when in the context of getting infected with STDs.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like gay marriage or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "gender identity" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!


"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - u/imnotagayboy


That title is 😘👌

Ahaha she has zero understanding of HPV

Omg I'm so sorry

That's awful sweetie. Wish I could give you a hug (with your permission of course) !

What the fuck?

TRIGGER WARNING: possible hugs

Too lazy to read through, but has anyone tagged /u/smoogy before being a moron yet?

10/10 premium limerick. Also glad this vapid cunt won't be able to bring a kid into this shitty world.

I don’t want to diminish your experiences or pain

I know you're almost certainly falsely accusing someone of giving you cancer, but you're still somehow the victim...

fantastic title.