A note on Waco.

18  2017-12-10 by imnotagayboy

Koresh shot first, the waco whackos set themselves on fire.

"There Is No Future But What We Make Of Of It" - /u/imnotagayboy


As a "woke" redpiller I would like to let you know that you are wrong, and that through Wikileaks it's has been proved that the libtard government killed all the innocent peaceful souls in that compound.

You ain't fucking woke asshole. Waco was a false flag to make gay Lima beans. They were all actors, nobody died and the building that was "burned down", that was just a car accident in the everglades that was super imposed in Idaho by Eleanor Rigby. The song was Ringo Star telling everyone that it was going to happen. He made John Lennon and Paul McCartney take credit for the song so the CIA would kill them both. They killed John Lennon as a lesson for them all. Elvis was in on it also, but he was killed because he knew about 9/11.

Where's the proof that Waco, Texas even exists. It's a lie by map makers to fool people into thinking that everything they hear about is real.

Shut the fuck up libtard, I spend over 20 hours a day on The_Donald and /pol/. I know sharablue, you Soros cuck

If you knew what was really going on, you would know that the CIA level 6 has infiltrated both places. How do I know if you aren't a part of the CIA plot.

I have a list of people who are a part of the CIA level 6's program. They give out key phrases in their posts to signal other people's actions. Most people aren't aware that they have been brainwashed by the fluoride in the water supply. Stanley Kubrick knew about it and warned everyone in the movie Dr. Strangelove. He would know a lot about the plots the government was planning because he dropped filming of Dr. Strangelove for a time to film the JFK "assassination". He was their go to guy to fake film events in a way that made them seem real.

You are both idiots. Waco was a false flag by the Lizard-human hybrids because David knew too much.

Dumb fucking goys.

me hoy minoy

Cuck Compound 1958-1993

Low Effort