Alleged convicted murderer does an AMA, various associates call OP out for various reasons

21  2017-12-10 by snallygaster


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Kent and Puccio had experimented with making homosexual porn movies, hoping to distribute them to local shops. Neither Kent nor Puccio actually participated in these movies, but rather allegedly directed them and coaxed a Florida man in his 40s to perform on camera. Kent tried to peddle a movie, titled Rough Boys, to porn shops across South Florida. None took him up on the offer, due to the poor audio and video quality as well as the lack of any sexual activities in the film beyond the man dancing nude and playing with a dildo.

This is (supposedly) the chick that the movie Bully was about? Weird sort of thing to fake being involved with.

Did you know the fat guy who played the arcade game in that movie would later go on to be the faggot in Mean Girls?

That was fascinating. I have no idea who to believe. There was a Dutch, then someone claiming to be a friend of Lisa's. The AMA was obviously not the real Lisa otherwise she would have addressed the people talking to her so familiarly. I wish there was a part 2.

Wait... how can you be an alleged convicted murderer? You're either an alleged murder, or a convicted one, not both.

fuck you and your high horse logic