This is drama for all gentleman and gentlewoman who love little girls!

60  2017-12-11 by GoldenMonkeyPox


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Fuck you, shitlord.

Did you just call snapy a shitlord? kafir's like yourself will be the first to be struck down in the coming mayocide.

Are you kidding me you little piece of shit i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo


u/SuuLoliForm just tell them all that the characters are really just ancient 5000 year old vampires or dragons or some shit

Well damn, aren't i just popular today?

You honestly can't be surprised to get this kind of attention, right? You dived into a hornet's nest and dared them to sting you.

Also, I'd recommend joining team Miia. Just saying.

I see, you too, are a man of culture

You honestly can't be surprised to get this kind of attention, right?

Well, honestly at first i just expected to get downvoted for stating my opinion (Equating lolicon to "murder simulators" and how, if one's bad, then both are bad) then all of a sudden all hell broke loose and that's when i realized i opened pandoras box and just went further in.

Also, I'd recommend joining team Miia

Miias' all right, but i personally like her mother more.

"murder simulators"

Wanting to murder people is normal and healthy. Wanting to fuck children is not.

Wanting to murder people is normal and healthy. Wanting to fuck children is not.

Oh shit, yeah you're right.

Here's the thing. You said ephebophilia is pedophilia.

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a diddler who studies children, I am telling you, specifically, in diddling, no one calls ephebophilia pedophilia. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pedophile family" you're referring to the paraphilia grouping of chronophilia, which includes things from nepiophibilia to hebepohilia to gerontophilia.

So your reasoning for calling ephebophilia pedophilia is because random people "call the ephebopophile ones pedophiles?" Let's get teleiophiles and mesophiles in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. An ephebophile is an ephebophile and a member of the chronophilia classification. But that's not what you said. You said ephebophilia is pedophilia, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the chronophilia class ephebophiles, which means you'd call nepiophiles, teliophiles, and other sexual attractions pedophilia, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

Did... Did you just admit to being a kid diddler?

plate of pasta

Pedophilia is beneficial to societies as it ensures reproduction starts at a young age and women are able to have their children around the prime of their breeding age (which is generally the late teens). This means that societies would replaced themselves rapidly, replacing losses suffered during war and disease, along with high-quality offspring produced via early breeding.

TBH if steam wasn't breaking the law pandering to you childfuckers I'm sure they would continue to disturbute your how to manual to rape little girls. However in many jurisdictions that they operate selling kiddy rape how to visual novels is classed as distribution of cheese pizza even if no loli was harmed in the production of said rapey how to book. Sometimes I question this as it seems a lot like thought crime then I remember your thoughts involve raping children.

Steam has presumably broken enough laws already, a loli doujin which apparently has no rape is low key...

Man PC always gets the best games 😭😭😭

Get a load of this console peasant. He can't even molest kids in his games. What a loser.

“(because)we think this novel’s core audience is pedophiles”.

and people say Steam is shifty

that's a damn honest answer

The deleted Steam page

Tens of millions of yen hidden in an Elementary school!? Lies, secrets, and underhanded tactics... Students and teachers struggle against one another. This is a mystery visual novel for every gentlemen and gentlewomen who love little girls!

An incompetent school teacher who is looked down on by both colleagues and students alike. He has a severe case of Lolita complex and has even gone as far as to set up hidden cameras in the school bathrooms. 

Lol wtf

I probably should have realised I'd be added to yet another fucking list before clicking that

At this point they're just adding little * next to your name.

One more and you have to wear a colored cloth * on your clothes IRL.

Anime was a mistake.

Japan was a mistake. We should have dropped more atom bombs.

A person can masturbate to anything. I personally masturbate to softcore erotic photography, mostly. It could be just women in swimsuits. A pedophile could pick up a home shopping catalogue which has pictures of children in swimsuits and get off on those. How are we going to stop him doing that? A stylized cartoon character of an underage person showing their underwear can be equated to the aforementioned swimsuit advertisement? Neither of them aren’t meant to be sexualized, but that won’t stop a sick mind. I remember in Grave of the Fireflies, there’s a scene where the little boy and toddler are taking a bath together. Saw movie adaptions of Astrid Lindgren’s books made in Sweden of Six Bullerby Children and Ronia The Robber’s Daughter and if you want some full frontal underage nudity, then these are the movies for you. They are not holding anything back, but at the same time they are not sexualized, but one can clearly see, how a pedo can definitely fap to these. Pretty shocking when I saw these on daytime TV once. What I can tell that this game wasn’t anything that bad. Where do we draw the line for artistic freedom and illegality?

/u/MAGAparty... I'm kind of assuming that someone who masturbates into swimwear photos, plays Japanese preteen fetish games and can name several movies featuring full-frontal child nudity has to sign onto some form of register or will have to in the future once he gets his ass convicted.

To answer your question: the line is drawn 500 yards from any school or educational establishment. Make sure you stay on the other side of it.

I’m kind of assuming you actually got my point, but you’re just pretending to be obtuse for trolling purposes. You might not know, becauae you might be uncultured or live in a different cultural sphere, but Lindgren is a well renowned children’s author. We grew up on her books. Nobody batted an eye back then, but looking back at it now 30 years later, it is definitely disturbing. Am I saying that the Swedes are some sort of child fuckers? No, at least not back then. Now, not so sure with all the changing demographics. A certain culture that promotes marrying off very young girls at an early age. I’ll let you guess.

I haven’t played that game. I don’t usually play weeb games. Metal Gear is an exception, I guess.

Yeah but the real question is, do you like loli?

I bet /u/MAGAparty thinks Roy Moore is a role model, too.

I don’t watch anime. I have very limited knowledge of what loli is.

You seem to be well versed in what potential paedophiles can/might jack off to, so your answer is dubious at best.

I'm onto you my guy.

If that’s qekl versed, then I should go work for the FBI. Offer my expertise.

What if someone jacks off to cherubs in renaissance paintings, would you classify that as child pornography? My theory is that the grand masters, who painted them, jerked off to their own drawings. TIL Raphael was a pedo

I'm going to level with you and admit that I saw your username and never actually read anything you wrote.

Let's be plain: we here in the Llama tolerate a lot: we tolerate /u/Ed_ButteredToast and he's from the Special Olympics-style version of the Baader-Meinhof gang. We tolerate /u/Why_We_Need_Islam because... well, because he talks a lot of sense. Don't get me wrong: I fucking hate ragheads, Pakkis and anyone with a skin colour darker than Caramel on the DIY Network paint chart (unless they have springy hair they let me touch) but I cannot argue with his interpretation of things- he is just very convincing. We tolerate /u/AnnoysTheGoys and he's a jew. Not just a "hurr-de-hurr yoose ah joo"... he's an actual JEW. We still tolerate him.

We don't tolerate pedophiles.

Now fuck off.

You lost me there at "I'm".

Never said I tolerate pedophiles, dumbass

And I never said you tolerate pedophiles.

I said you are a pedophile.

Now show us how little toleration you have for pedos by kys.

Fuck yourself. You’re a pedophile.

Fuck yourself. You’re a pedophile.

What the fuck kind of response is that? I mean, I know you want to fuck children, but now you're going to act like one too?

You admitted in your own comment that you watch movies featuring child nudity. You admit to playing a computer game with pederastic content. When someone on a dumb sub calls you out, you get all angry and defensive like you're expecting that Chris Hansen to walk in the room and ask you to have a seat.

I was kind of shitting with you before but, son: I'm beginning to think I might have hit the nail right on the head.

You’re as dumb as they come. Re-read my shit, idiot. I never play any weeb games. I haven’t played the one in question. I gave examples of innocent movies (you have never heard of Grave of the Fireflies ?) that can be used by a pedophile to be used as soft core porn. How do you guard against that? Where do you draw the line? Should children in swimsuits be allowed in movies?

I only read the comments about this weeb game in question and they say it is not sexualizing anybody. My question how much is needed for the pedo to start sexualizing the content, even though the authors didn’t intend it that way?

I have no intention of reading the filth spouted by a self confessed pedophile.

Go take your advocacy for child pornography elsewhere, human scum.

No puppet. You're the puppet.

Don't downvote the lolicows.

A person can masturbate to anything.

/u/MAGAParty Have you ever tried with a Better Homes & Gardens magazine? It's not easy.