He used to run a childrens gaming channel until he made a video begging children to draw swastikas for five dollars prompted some journalists to look closer at his work and found he'd been dabbling in a little Nazism himself.
Pewds, as they all do, blamed the media.
"All I did was sprinkle holocaust denial and pro-nazi memes in your childrens media and those DARN DIRTY JOURNALISTS ruined it for me!"
Ole Pewds is now "doing his time" by failing to go for FIVE FUCKING SECONDS without dropping hard R-N words before his live audience of 13 year old boys.
edit 'a' letter
Felix is also responsible for the Holodomor and the Congolese Genocide in the 19th century. Fuck Family Friendly Felix!! 😡
Holodomor happened and jewish controlled communists are responsible for it, holocaust never happened, this is just the beginning of investigating holohoax, dive deeper. :)
In my experience these these are the kind of people who dont actually care that much, they just want to be able to be raging belligerant douche bags without any social repurcussions, and teh nat sees provide the perfect excuse
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-12
/u/BrothermanBill_KKONA have you tried drinking and driving? I've heard it's an amazing experience! Pls do consider it! <3
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-12
Felix is also responsible for the Holodomor and the Congolese Genocide in the 19th century. Fuck Family Friendly Felix!! 😡
1 Zero5urvivers 2017-12-12
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-12-12
1 Geodudler1-hehe-xd 2017-12-12
Holodomor happened and jewish controlled communists are responsible for it, holocaust never happened, this is just the beginning of investigating holohoax, dive deeper. :)
https://cigpapers.wordpress.com/2013/11/16/holocaust-or-holohoax-21-amazing-facts/ http://balder.org/judea/Six-Million-140-Occurrences-Of-The-Word-Holocaust-And-The-Number-6,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php
1 newprofile15 2017-12-12
Lol holohoax retards are truly a special breed.
1 newprofile15 2017-12-12
Used to? Isn't he still the most subscribed to youtuber by a wide margin? Or did he quit?
1 headasplodes 2017-12-12
It's actually impressive that every single thing he wrote is wrong
1 King_Drumpf 2017-12-12
1 bishlasagna 2017-12-12
I do wonder what's going through some people's heads when someone saying a no-no word is justification enough to ruin them.
1 ineedmorealts 2017-12-12
u/DrippingYellowMadnes Are you on your meds?
1 Ace4929 2017-12-12
In my experience these these are the kind of people who dont actually care that much, they just want to be able to be raging belligerant douche bags without any social repurcussions, and teh nat sees provide the perfect excuse
1 ineedmorealts 2017-12-12
wtf did PDP even do? Say nigger once and then immediately apologize for it? Stop getting so butthurt
1 better_bot 2017-12-12
Imagine whiteknighting for pewdiepie.
1 FreeDory 2017-12-12
Actually you can't. Racism and Bigotry are (power + prejudice). Swedes can't be racist because their country is worthlessly inept.
1 pepperouchau 2017-12-12
What does Sweden have to do with anything? The guy in the photo looks white.
1 CultOfCuck 2017-12-12
PDP is a Swede.