/r/MensLib poster hasn't reached his final form yet! But soon he'll get chemical castration and rid himself of toxic masculinity.

41  2017-12-12 by IAintThatGuy



Not an argument

Don't kinkshame me

Probably submitted right about the same time, didn't see the other.

It's ok! The more the merrier <3

There's no way that's real. I refuse to believe it.

Hi, you must be new to male feminism. Allow me to introduce myself: former male, non-binary because binary = icky ew gross yuck. Maleness is a toxic construct and I am laden with guilt for being who I am, because I live in a society that considers bussy to be toxic. Toxic toxic privilege. Masculinity is ew yucky ick gross. I will never get over the guilt of knowing that I have defiled women's bodies by gazing at them with interest. I need feminism because not being feminist = ew gross icky yuck. I stand with women.

Hrrm. I do have a low t-count. Please, tell me more.

You work at buzzed?

Pfft. I only wish.

Then you have more t than you think.

I stand with women.

I stand behind them (with them bent over).

Because sometimes even a 100% soy diet isn't enough.

Soy. The other OTHER other white meat.

Male Feminists: not even once.

Peak r/MensLib

Can we start a GoFundMe to for a /r/menslib castration fund?

I know farmers, I can get used shears (the ones used for sheep wool) for cheap. Sure they're rusty and kind of dull, but they have long enough handles to get good leverage (so even if you don't cut the balls right off you still crush them).

Those are all good ideas. If we want it to hurt for an extra long time, we could use one of those o-ring rubber band castrators. If we're going the humane route, we could just let Mike Rowe bite them off. Let's just start with the rusty shears and go from there.

I've always considered male feminism equivalent to self-castration. But I didn't mean it literally that poor emasculated fuck.

He's a true believer.