Right wing cry babies cry over internet abuse

0  2017-12-12 by Eatsnotalot


u/aoide12 you get abused because no one likes you not because youre a tory

Shoo shoo, slimy limeys 😷

Everyone receives death threats on the internet. It might be the epitome of manliness telling you to keep yourself safe, like we thundercocks on /r/drama, or some edgelord describing at length what he's going to do to you because he trawled your comment history for hours on end and found a no-no word.

There's no drama, we're not your personal army, and you should unironically kill yourself u/eatsnotalot

I was trying to cause drama... So you should go cause unironically KYS

I was trying to cause drama... So you should go cause unironically KYS

Do you want to try that again?

No, do you?

Good edit, I'm glad you decided to try it again.

Then go get into it in that thread and then link it here you fucking retard. I just think you don't want to get downvoted in there so you brought it here hoping it would be a safe space for you.

You and hubbertp getting upset is even more funny.

Well you certainly failed at least bringing any drama so I guess we'll justice use you as the lolcow.

I was trying to cause drama

You're not cut out for this line of work. kys

Wtf is a Tory?

Are you employed?

I'm certain you already know the answer to that question

Person in the Conservative Party in Britain.

So, retarded? Got it!

Judging by how they are handling Brexit that sounds about right.

Wow OP got cucked hard I'd delete this tbh


Rape is illegal, you have nothing to worry about.

Pathetic agendapost tbh, go back to /r/unitedkingdom lmao

What's my agenda?

heh, le right wingers are shit

Maybe that?

From this post you're clearly a little bitch lol

Its hilarious listening to morons like you whinge and cry... You're no better than the people you try and mock.. Youre just as fucking pathetic....

the people you try and mock

You're the person that agendaposted to mock a group of people, what a fucking dumb thing to say. What are you on about? Keep Yourself Safe

Christ... i know you're fucking stupid... But seriously can you be any more fucking retarded... I mock both sides I dont care about left or right..

You would look less... dumb if you... didn't write... like a retard...

This is the standard internetard position; Lose the argument so whine about grammar even though you don't know your subjunctive from preposition..

Okay... go ahead and... agendapost my... friend...

Keep... Yourself safe...

Cry more it makes me laugh

Cry more it makes me laugh