this was good for drama no matter what if mr.ephebophilia got elected then pretty much everyone would REEEEEE and inbred memes would intensify and if jones won... well its fucking Alabama going blue i dont think thats happened since the dems were pro slavery
/u/Markco23: You can't be racist against white "people."
Also why do you even give a shit about racism? What are you, an SJW?
/u/ThanksInnAdvance: Is there irony complaining about videogame degenerates while LARPing on an online forum that's lost so many brain cells that EVERY other WORD is CAPITALIZED like THIS?
Jones didn't realize that if he kept raping 14yo girls over the years, at some point there would be enough of his victims reaching voting age to get him out of office.
They’re just so delusional... there are maybe one or two things you could actually like about Trump but Im still just convinced that sub is a meme taken too far
1 hlary 2017-12-13
this was good for drama no matter what if mr.ephebophilia got elected then pretty much everyone would REEEEEE and inbred memes would intensify and if jones won... well its fucking Alabama going blue i dont think thats happened since the dems were pro slavery
1 scatmunchies 2017-12-13
Since 1997, when Sessions won the seat. Holy crap.
1 incineratechicken 2017-12-13
u/filtered_Rays, doing god's work
1 filtered_Rays 2017-12-13
i got banned from participating in t_d almost immediately and i have absolutely 0 regrets
1 hlary 2017-12-13
1 imguralbumbot 2017-12-13
Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image
Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2017-12-13
/u/Markco23: You can't be racist against white "people."
Also why do you even give a shit about racism? What are you, an SJW?
/u/ThanksInnAdvance: Is there irony complaining about videogame degenerates while LARPing on an online forum that's lost so many brain cells that EVERY other WORD is CAPITALIZED like THIS?
/u/Feanor22: You're alright
1 Markco23 2017-12-13
Wow what a fascist
1 uniqueguy263 2017-12-13
1 fucknazimodzzz 2017-12-13
I feel bad for the people who missed the last moments of the T_D thread.
Holy shit that was a massive brigade
1 Karma-Means-Nothing 2017-12-13
Surely some nation is to blame for all of this.
1 j1l1l1 2017-12-13
1 IAintThatGuy 2017-12-13
Jones didn't realize that if he kept raping 14yo girls over the years, at some point there would be enough of his victims reaching voting age to get him out of office.
1 SnackBier 2017-12-13
really makes you think
1 ademonlikeyou 2017-12-13
They’re just so delusional... there are maybe one or two things you could actually like about Trump but Im still just convinced that sub is a meme taken too far
1 jupiter_jane 2017-12-13
Can someone tell me why happened and what's going on?