In what is a great development for r/Drama, Daddy gets his phone back, much backpedalling ensues.

87  2017-12-13 by Matues49


Daddy Offense Force REEEEEporting for duty!

That's only slightly more creative than mommy defense forces. Feel like you can do better tbh

This sub is so low effort, the top posts every day are tweets from Trump. And you're whining about creativity? Go drink bleach and die in a gas station bathroom, faggot.

Why U mad?

No tolerance for heroin babies like you.

Now that's just plain rude

Why? Is there an existing sense of rivalry between them and the meth baby community?

Lol u mad?

Is Reee the sound you make when someone ass fucks you?

Here we go. Gotta protect that ego.

Lol Anderson Cooper is mad.

Beep boop I'm a bot!

♿️ Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!

3:22 AM - 13 Dec 2017 | 4,098 Retweets 17,317 Likes

I see you've got another "day off from work", ed.

Account age 3 min.

Mainstream Meadia


You forgot the best part:


Ed, tell the truth, is u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu your Trumpist split personality?

Hey don't interrupt out romance mmmm k? We've a special something going on expressed in our own special way! My boo <3

I'm disappointed I am waking up in a world where homosexual love is still illegal.

MOORE 2018

And pedophilia is still looked down upon! SAD!

Imagine being this retarded


Roy Moore didn't have to :p

I'm sure he'd be fuckin' retarded if she was young enough

homosexual love is still legal

Thankfully Moore lost, so pedophilia is still illegal.

Good shit post

On a scale of 1-10 how open are you to the idea of hate fucking with u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu, preferably filming it for our enjoyment?

On a scale of 1-10


Roy Moore is getting cucked harder than the average r/drama user on a Saturday night.

Reported for doxxing.

Reported for doxxing.

Doxxing retards is my kink.

If anyone wants to dox him, his IP is

No, that's mine.

don't like my war heroes captured

Don't like losing politicians too so that's hardly surprising ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Being cucked still requires being in some sort of intimate relationship with another human being.

Question from non-American. How were you guys so retarded that you managed to elect a rich attention-seeking reality TV show host as your fucking president? Over a year later and it still gives me a WTF moment whenever the phrase "President Trump" is mentioned.

Serious answer?

  • treating politics like sports

  • conservative ideology

This is all you need to know

  • treating politics like sports

I'd sooo enjoy watching another

america is a shithole and only going to get worse. may as well make its decline funny.

We haven't implemented a one child policy for white trash yet.

I'm new but I thought drama was about mayocide so that's all whites then.

The rest of the Mayos will cuck themselves out of existence, but this way we can let heroin meth and inbreeding take care of the white trash.

What kind of fucking half measure is that?

Did Hitler decide he'd let the Jewish question solve itself? If you're going to solve the white question,have enough balls to see it through properly.

We gotta save the big booty'd white chicks for the basketball americans tho.

Get rid of the men and keep the women. Can't argue with some good old fashioned chattel slavery so I'll get on board with the idea.

It’s fucked how many of /r/dramas ideas I’m on board with tonight

Raperations. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Oh I’ve tried it. I’m street shitter brown. I keep my own harem

There ya go. Every struggle snuggle is a step in the right direction.

PAWGs are honorary non-mayos.


A Red Sox fan saying this is like a downie asking for eugenics.

Please I'm from Maine, the part between North Massachusetts and North Alabama. Almost 8% of my town isn't white.

There's a part of Maine that isn't North Alabama?

At least you're from the Northeast, unlike most RS fans.

Those are all ex Yankees fans lol

Serious post: The democrats platformed a remarkably gone deaf candidate and campaigned like a bunch of idiots.

The other candidate, Bernie can still win Sanders, was pretty far left by American standards, and the democrats decided the platforming a self avowed Jewish socialist probably would look bad for them, but this sucked the air out of any actually motivated voters for the dems.

On the other hand Trump said a lot of things that sounded good to the poor white people here, and was always in people’s heads due to the media coverage.

For a lot of establishment republicans, who hated Hillary and bill, it was a choice between Trump and Hillary and they chose Trump, and for a lot of democrats, any energy that they had died when they realized Hillary was probably the worst candidate to put up that year and she was a totally unlikeable insider, so people just didn’t vote.

In reality, the DNC shot themselves in the foot by running a candidate who’d platform was essentially “I’m not as bad as the other guy”. The reason Obama won was because he gave people a reason to vote for him.

  • tone deaf. Didn’t read past that, fuck srsposting

In reality, the DNC shot themselves in the foot by running a candidate who’s platform was essentially “I’m not as bad as the other guy”.

That wasn't the platform. The platform was "4 more years of boring normality!" And people prefer drama, apparently.

This is pretty good drama, youve got to admit.

this is also the first election where social media played a massive role. cambridge analytics help trumpy nail in on how to cut up the market and nail down votes.

They ran an even more unlikable candidate against him. Plus rural people like trolling coastal elites. Yes it's very dumb.

They ran an even more unlikable candidate against him.

Say what you want about HRC, but she was more liked than Trump by a small margin.

She was voted for slightly more but I don't think her voters liked her more than Trump voters did. She's boring, and seems like kind of a bitch.

There are polls about the subject (if you trust them, of course).

I don't trust anyone saying that they liked Hilldog, preferred her to Trump sure, but liked her as a person...? Liking politicians is for the birds.

That small margin was not present in the electoral system which has a bias towards rural areas.

I know that. It kind of makes me remember how screwed up was voting in the UK at the 19th century (well, it's not there yet).

It's almost as if the US uses an outdated 18th century voting system.

as a non-american too, he's great. best entertainment ever.

Things got boring since the Cold War ended.

This GWOT stuff really isnt the same.

No one knows

The post 2008 US economy it's shit for maybe 1/3 of the population, great for a third with a middle of 40%, a fairly large section of that 40% fear going downwardly mobile and them or their kids ending up in the lower third. Under these conditions people turn against the establishment who weren't serving them and towards their groups, also hating outgroups more.

The uniquely stupid American political funding system means that all you have to do to be able to run is be rich or have the patronage of some rich people.

Trump exploited these, he is rich so he could pretty much say what he wanted compared the the milky career lackeys in the republican party, he made a massive play for white voters promising them a return to pre NAFTA employment levels and all sorts of other stuff. His narrative was "I'm an asshole but things have gotten so bad that you need an asshole looking out for you" the entire establishment being against him helped him.

The democrats had basically handed the party over to Clinton to get her to drop out early after Obama squeeked a win over her, she raised a huge amount of cash and thought she didn't have to do anything to win because of this and trump was so shit, she misjudged the mood massively and based her campaign on picking g up middle class republicans, trump managed to keep most of those and flip millions of working class white Obama voters.

I mean her strategy almost got her the presidency in a GOP-favored election...

Yeah she played all her cards right in terms of backstage manoeuvring but mugged herself on actually getting support. She lost against arguably the worst candidate put up by one of the two parties in several decades, possibility in modern history.

By every measure she had a shoe in, she raised almost double the amount of cash, had the support of all the big papers and pretty much the whole US establishment, her team was run by highly paid professionals with a huge staff vs one made up of tier 5 flunkeys who's strategy was based on stuffing their candidate full of big Macs and diet Coke.

It has to be the worst result in modern US history.

Don't forget they put in a lot of effort getting Trump selected as a candidate behind the scenes. Two decades of preparation, lost to an opponent she selected herself.

It was either that, or WW3. Russia and USA nuking each other sounds more fun but some retards think otherwise.

Watching the explosions from afar/ a satelite would be fun, but dealing with the radioactive fallout & the nuclear winter would be a real bitch.

We wanted a Daddy, not a robot mommy

Is that the two Julian assange replying with a comforting conspiracy there.

Guest appearance by Trump's personal fluffer Julian Assanage:

I’m just curious as to how many illegal aliens and deceased persons managed to cast votes for #DougJones?

It's hilarious that it took Trump to get college kids on reddit to realize that that guy is a joke.

It's a parody account.

I think you can say that about the guy in general.

And that's why there's literally nothing wrong with FAKE NEWS, fuckboys will literally double down when confronted with facts.



Thank you, I couldn't hear the question the first time either

Can you have a parody of a joke?

that is a fake account not real assange

Julian Assange 🧢 @RealAssange · 4h Replying to @realDonaldTrump I’m just curious as to how many illegal aliens and deceased persons managed to cast votes for #DougJones?

Lol of course Assange was rooting for the pedophile

If there was still any doubt that he's been cucked by daddy vladdy this removes it

Rapist solidarity. Degens gotta stick together or (literally) hanged seperately.

That's a parody account.

@realdonaldtrump is technically a parody account if you think about it

parody account, you got bussy blasted


The deck was stacked against the Alabama Republican?

Yeah. There is widespread discrimination against the pedes.

The reply from Assange is such a nice touch. Especially since it claims the Democrats rigged the election in a state that is more or less run from the top down by the GOP with the exception of a few local governments.

I mean on the surface yeah but open your eyes to the fact that the deep state is controlled by Obama's goons...

Hey, remember when the US president didn't say something dumb every day? Seems like such a distant time.

Honestly I think the GOP rigged this election by not rigging it for the first time in years. Now they can loudly proclaim "SEE LOOK! We don't rig elections because we lost in Alabama!" while rigging every following election.

5D checkmate.

(and his numbers went up mightily)

Based on the amount of overcompensating Donnie does, I'm gonna say... An inch. Around.

I hope that Trump's brain is preserved after his death. I want to see what's in there.

The line has finally been drawn for politics in the deep South: if you openly reminisce about slave times, prey on 14 year olds at age 30 and desire to make homosexuality illegal all at once, only then can you manage to lose an election to a normal Democrat... By around two points.

This is what progress looks like, amigos.

If Moore had not had the pedo allegations dropped on him he would have won regardless of who Trump endorsed. If McConnell hadn't used republican congressional campaign funds to meddle in the primary in an attempt to keep Luther Strange in that senate seat Mo Brooks probably would have won the primary and we would not have had this sideshow. As tough as it is losing a senate seat, Moore losing is probably better for republicans in the long run. Most of the accusations of sexually inappropriate behavior in the political sphere have been against democrats. The democrats will probably end up regretting that they opened this can of worms, because it may have gotten them a senate seat but it's probably going to hurt them in the long run.