U/landoflobsters u can suck my cock.

4  2017-12-14 by bailbondshhman3

I ain't tee-hee or Donald

Check your fucking ip logs you jew


Heterofaggot u\landoflobsters

this that lobster nigga: "I know what is best for everybody"

goes home

rapes boys

He's abittcvh

drunkposting? In my /r/Drama?

To be honest It's very unlikely because most of the people here are 14 year old autists.


post bussy


yeah bitch I ain't no eggman or max cherry

fascist jewthug


Get n the ring niggger

You may have meant u/landoflobsters instead of U/landoflobsters.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.
