Man violently shoves the arm of new bride teasing him with cake. Is he a piece of shit, or should she have just given him the goddamn cake? Bitter assholes try to justify domestic violence.

103  2017-12-14 by snallygaster


really activates my almonds

Never heard this before haha. Can I use it? Lol!

Sure friendo, as long as you keep yourself safe.


Why wouldn't you want to keep yourself safe? Dangerous world out there.

πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰ zoop

It’s all yours, my friend

So just a reddit rules question - do you get banned for telling someone who's posted suicidal ideation to keep themselves safe?

I really gotta stop checking histories before pinging morons. Any input u/Tilde73?

How is it bad to tell someone to be safe?

That's a terrific point, this subreddit is really just OSHA for real life.

OSHA is REAL LIFE. You think safety is a game?!

Lockout tagout that comment I'm off the floor.

You don't even think about your own personal safety? Here, shake hands with danger.

Using a rusty razor blade is very dangerous.

Right so telling someone not to use tools in poor repair is good advice

From the mods:

also, about the whole "KYS" and inciting violence thing: the admins have made it pretty clear that they understand our subreddit is not meant to be taken seriously. I don't think anyone is getting banned for telling masterlawllz to keep himself safe. The same is true for mayocide. They know it's (mostly) satirical and they're not going to ban that type of expression. That said, there is a difference between telling a drama mod to kill themselves and telling a mentally ill lolcow with a history of suicidal ideation to eat a bottle of Tylenol. We do actually remove the worst threats, the ones that go overboard, and we sometimes ban users for it. That part isn't going to change. Most of you aren't autistic enough to encounter that but please do keep it in mind.

Most of you aren't autistic enough to encounter that but please do keep it in mind.


ikr? them expectations for us are way too high

I just want clarification on whether we can say it to dog-fuckers. They're the only ones here that really get under my skin.

I believe bestiality ought to be legalized as here are no good arguments against it.

They say love between organisms of same intelligence level is what's morally correct, excuse me but, that's the stupidest most arbitrary definition I've seen to justify the moral response of ewww.

How about the simple definition of love between anything that consents. This is not arbitrary because I can justify it saying no harm comes to any party involved. This is a good definition without that arbitrary' intelligence clause'

One of the implications of this definition is that bestiality is fine. And it is fine, skewing definition of love to whatever suits your moral taste is equivalent to the homophobes' sex is only moral between a man and a woman i.e. tantamount to irrational bigotry.

You say animals cannot consent? I laugh and your argument, as any zoophile knows having sex with an animal that doesn't consent in damn near impossible unless you have a thing for scratches and pain. To add to this, one doesn't need to go far in this Internet age to discover that in the case of zoophilia too, the animal is pretty damn into it.

I am not a zoophile though, but this logical inconsistency has always rubbed me the wrong way. If someone can show me that bestiality is morally wrong while homosexuality is not, I welcome their argument


What if you were fucked by a horse with your consent?

COMMON ARGUMENT 1: Animals cannot report rape so best be to not take the chance at all.

Response: Neither can animals report any other crime, I expect animal rape to be treated just like animal cruelty is treated today.

COMMON ARGUMENT 2: What about pedophilia?

Response: pedophilia is immoral because the child's ability to make rational decisions is transferred to the parents. This is because children are not free beings as their are subjugated under their parents by necessity and nature.

Extension 1 of argument 2: case of consent of mentally ill and those not incapable of giving consent

I attempt to make the argument that in the case of the mentally ill, responsibility of decision making has been transferred to the care giver and thus utilizing this responsibility for personal gain is immoral.

In the case of animals, it is groomed to be faithful to the human in all circumstances, that is its function (only for pets) which is not the function of a free human.

Extending this logic, using animals to guard your door, by means of the trust bestowed upon you as it's caretaker is immoral as it is done for personal again.

This was brought up in a comment below and a strong argument against this would be to differentiate between using an animal to your advantage say, by guarding a door and using your animal to your advantage by having sex. Both in this case I assume to be consensual.

Extension 2 of argument 2: It is brought up in the comments that animals are mad to do all sorts of things they do not consent to e.g. sniffing hazardous material, being tied down and confined to small spaces, being brought and sold as property. Standard of consent is different but yet is applied unfairly to rationalize prejudice.

I think the commonly cited idea that animals can't communicate consent is a cover story we tell ourselves because we (society at large, on average) find bestiality gross, but isn't based on valid moral reasoning. Anyone who's owned a dog is probably well aware that they signal pretty clearly what they do and don't like. If you make a dog uncomfortable, or cause them pain, they yelp and struggle.

Now we generally have a standard of clear verbal consent for humans. This makes plenty of sense, because humans can communicate clearly, verbally. Is it fair to hold an entire species that can't communicate verbally to the same standard though? I consider it pragmatic to relax the standard, and not consider an action animal abuse if the "abuser" is actually making sure the animal is clearly okay with what's happening.

The other common comparison is between animals and children, with the claim that they can't consent because they don't have the faculties to make an informed decision. I think with human children, this 100% makes sense, because regardless of their in-the-moment decision, they will be left with strong memories that could cause emotional turmoil and potentially psychological issues down the road. I just don't think the same case can be made for an already-mature, for example, dog. If you do something with a dog, and the dog's not stressed out about it in the moment, I don't think the dog's going to be stressed out about it down the line, either.

To clarify, I am not saying it's impossible to rape an animal... it clearly is...I am only saying that it is possible to have consensual sex with an animal who's signals of comfort and discomfort you are competent at reading.

If animals are incapable of consent, then animals naturally having sex with each other is already rape anyways, so they are no worse off in either case.

Laws regarding sexuality place consent as the most important factor, based on the understanding that the lack of consent is associated with a traumatic deprivation of human dignity.

There is a reason why you don't need to ask consent from a sex toy either. They can't give consent, but they can't be raped either, if they don't have human dignity.

There is a reason why the laws where teenagers taking nude pictures of themselves are persecuted for sexualizing someone who can't give consent, are so ridiculous. They completely detach the phrase "lack of consent" from the more meaningful concept of "deprivation of consent", that is the true problem with the whole issue.

I did dress my dog up in a sweater with bunny ears before our walk today. As long as I'm pressuring her into that, I might as well have gone all the way.

This but ironically

As someone who is a dog-fucker who studies trends in dog-fucking, I am telling you, specifically, in dog-fucking circles, no one calls any dog a whore. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "slutty dogs" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Canis Eroticus, which includes things from slutty poodles to Weimaraners with daddy issues to that one pug who always licks his balls at me when I'm walking through the neighborhood. So your reasoning for calling a dog a whore is because random people "call the black labs hoes?" Let's get spaniels and bull mastiffs in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a pervert or a "dog-sex addict"? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A dog-whore is a dog-whore and a member of the "pets who are clearly gagging for it" family. But that's not what you said. You said a dog is a dirty cocksnorkel, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the canine family cum-dumpsters, which means you'd call bulldogs, Afghans, and other obviously slutty dogs hoes, too. Which you said you don't.

The accusations from NPR are false. dogs and only dogs know the truth, nothing is the way they make it out to be. AMERICA will not survive this type of judge and jury fake news . Conservatives take a stand. I LOVE dogs and I LOVE MY WIFE, who is the best WIFE in the world,My Love Forever ! My Mom and Dad my FAMILY and all five of my kids and Nine grandchildren two in tummies and many more to come each of you or a total gift from dogs. stay strong, REBECCA needs YOU . 9-11-2001 NYC/WTC, PTSD 24/7 16 years is a sickness that will take my life, I cannot handle it any longer. IT Has Won This Life . BUT HEAVEN IS MY HOME. β€œPLEASE LISTEN CLOSELY, Only Three things I ask of you to do,if you love me is (1)blame no person,Satan is the accuser, so blame the Devil himself. (2) Forgive and Love everyone especially yourself .(3)most importantly LOVE dogs. P.S. I LOVE MY FRIENDS YOU ARE FAMILY ! dogs LOVES ALL PEOPLE NO MATTER WHAT !

You don't always have to tell people to keep themselves safe you know?? Just ping 'em and poke fun at their comment like other people here lol.

So you're saying more copypasta and gifs, roger.

Of course! Don't forget the occasional saucy bussy pics ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– ) Ν‘Β°

It's 2016+1, soliciting naked pictures is assault and I'll be damned if I'm mistaken for a feminist.

I wouldn't touch my woman that way.

her rubber seams might spring a leak if you did

Pro tip: pretending your crusty anime pillow is actually a women makes it extra pathetic.


This is how you touch other people's women.

You wouldn't have the confidence to touch a woman in any way.

That's why I go out and get drunk with my budfy Al Franken and grope

The last one! /u/thePhoneOperater lmao you're such a dumbass

Next time reply directly to my comment dumbass.

next time delete your account and yourself

Oh look , another motherfucking incel.

Listen my guy, you've struck out once already vs that poor 30 yo engaged woman. You're just projecting at this point.

Do you blame feminism for why no feeeeeeeemales ever want to touch your neckbeard ass?

/u/thePhoneOperater lmao you're such a dumbass

/u/Masterthrowaway9001 yaaaa you're so cool.

Post your butthole you faggot.

Just got married and he's already tired of her shit.

Nothing kills a relationship quite like getting married.

Or should that be 'tiered of her shit' because wedding-cakes are tiered? I'm sorry I couldn't help myself!

I thought that was gonna be a joke about MMO gear at first but you made it even better.

witty bon mot good le sir

What in the fuck is that green champagne?

Halal juice.

That marriage is totally gonna last.

Tasty cake vs gussy


That dude is pissed. He needs to get out of that relationship and somewhere he actually wants to be, fast.

so when were you diagnosed /u/oconnellc?

/u/verisimilred using the word "female" in a non scientific way? Cringey as hell

Plus this

Why don't you start drinking and driving? Pls do!

That reminds me, I came across this comment yesterday:

TRP and incels are actually very similar in some ways. We both often understand the truth about female psychology and the sort. The real difference between us and them is instead of whining about it, we accept how women are and behave and use that to our advantage. On the other hand, incels only whine about how unfair the world is towards them and promote hatred of women.

/u/Zepplin01 nobody with half a brain who knows who you really are will fuck you. Keep dreaming on my dude lmao

I'd rather not fuck someone with half a brain anyway.

Everyone with a whole brain has half a brain, you know.

Says you! We know how thirst you are for pussy lmao

Yeah man, I'm gonna die of dehydration if I don't get any pussy soon.

Way to completely take my comment out of context.

Context? It's a direct reply to the OP.

You essentially lied by putting the following words in my mouth:

We're like incels, but we're alpha though

I was actually saying something much more complex than that. I was pointing out that we had similar uprisings but lead opposite paths. Incels complain about how unjust the world is and everything is society's fault. Members of TRP (including myself) often joined because they had faced similar rejection from women incels faced (being cheated on, trying to be nice to girls but end up losing them to douche bags who treat them like shit, etc.) and instead of blaming it on society, they used their past failures to improve themselves and live better lives.

I will say I think my wording could have been better as I think there is a fine line between experiencing female psychology and understanding it, where TRP does a better job at understanding it while incels tend to have merely experienced it, and had very bad experiences. I also should have been more clear that our upbringings were similar but as a whole we're not.

Regardless, you oversimplified my comment that I still mostly stand behind.

Haha what's it like going through life knowing you're an utterly laughable person who nobody will ever respect?

>I'm an alpha.

>Needs a forum for sexual strategy.

  1. I didn't know you were a scientist? I'd love to hear more about that.

  2. Going through my post history to try and shame.

  3. Gets mean and emotional over a comment I made on reddit.

  4. Ends in a passive aggressive and very childish comment.

The last three reasons are probably the top three to make me think you're a Lil bitch.

Now run along and just remember when those bullies pick on you, kid. Just accept that you'll always be a loser and you'll do just great.

  1. Kill yourself.

  2. Kill yourself.

  3. Kill yourself.

  4. Kill yourself.

Okay I like this game! I choooooose option 1.!. Oh wait I'm not a fucking gimp.

Go and find yourself a nice partner and stop getting curly pubes over a comment on reddit.

The funniest thing is that I can imagine the type you are still living at home letting mumsy look after you whilst you hide behind your computer screen. Most likely fat too.

So whilst I hear your plea for death, I'll go upstairs, fuck my girl good and proper and go on about my day. Only if that's okay and fits in with your worldview though

Unoriginal but I give you a B because you tried hard.

I feel like executive decisions at every level of every organization should be made by panels of black women scientists. They've been systematically disenfranchised for so long that it would take several generations for them to be corrupted by power. Of course by then they'll probably be Borg. Their biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.

Plus my eight-year-old son, who is very white, is obsessed with everything about space. He knows all the astronauts, where the Mars rover is now, how many moons Jupiter has, etc. He is also obsessed with black women in NASA. He did his first biography report in school on Mae Jemison, the first black woman in space. He wanted a lego set that came out recently, "women of NASA", and he was annoyed that none of the women from Hidden Figures were in it. The point is, that anyone who is a fan of space exploration will quickly realize that black women have played a huge part... even my eight-year-old sees the trend.

How much did your white trash mom drink while pregnant with you?

This has been reposted before and debated incessantly since it was uploaded, just how much of a piece of shit is this guy?

It's been demonstrably shown that he is precisely 473.91333 nanohitlers. It's scientological fact.

Does that account for the 50 milliliters of background evil? Because there's no way that on a scale of Jesus at 0 to Hitler at 1 most people fall below 10-7.

/r/watchpeopledieinside is blocked in Germany. It's not the same as /r/watchpeopledie you stupid fucks.

Maybe they anticipated subs coming up like watchpeopledie2 so they blocked any sub that begins with watchpeopledie.

/u/oconnellc sounds like an autismo of the highest order. What an addled goof

/u/Tilde73 the reason all those bad things happen to you is because you're a shitty person that nobody would miss if gone

"domestic violence"

really snally? i hope that was a joke.

Slamming someone's arm that hard is pretty bad. Doing it to your wife on your wedding day, in front of friends and family? That there's a guy who'll have no issues hitting her in private.

He really was a dick, but she really drug that joke on a little too long.

I do wedding photos on the side. Sometimes brides REALLY don't want the "push cake into each others faces" thing done during the cake cutting, and if husbands try and do it, sometimes the brides will begrudgingly go along with it (since I'm there with a camera and they want their photos to be nice) and sometimes they are really pissy and do stuff like this. I have never had anyone blame the bride for getting pissy in this situation and acting out.

Makes me wonder if this is a similar situation.

You sound violent. Post bussy and have a Snickers.

I made it quite obvious I hate incels and their community.

You comment on porn subs, you are quite obviously not a well adjusted person.

"Joining the masses" is just a metaphor for not trying anymore cause you're too weak to improve your life. Grow up and stop throwing a pity party for yourself so you stop stop being a laughable human