Cops are humorless jagoffs. Who knew?

4  2017-12-14 by southmouthneutral



1. the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action.

2. A putting to death especially as a legal penalty

It was not an execution. That remains your opinion. - /u/GSWarrior1

It kinda, sorta was an execution, even if we're going to pretend it was an oopsie. The situation fits both those definitions. The officer planned on ending this guy's life if he made a wrong move, and he was sentenced to death when he made a wrong move.

His execution was executed according to plan. The debate is whether or not he was deliberately executed.

The officer planned on ending this guy's life if he made a wrong move

Cops don't shoot to kill; they shoot to stop the threat. Death is just a common side-effect. If cops were shooting to kill, they'd walk up to the suspect and double-tap them in the head following every Officer Involved Shooting--instead, they cuff the suspect, and then either provide first-aid, or ensure medics are en-route to do so themselves.

aid guy put to death when he made a wrong move.

Shooting him was not a legal penalty, it was an act of self-defense. Whether the act of self-defense was justified or not (a court and jury of your peers decided it was) is beside the point--police shootings are not a legal penalty.

It was a justified shooting. If it was even close to an execution, he would have been tried for first degree. He was acquited.