Morgan Sperglock, director & star of pointless/overhyped documentary "Supersize Me," has voluntarily confessed his heinous role in perpetuating Male Feminism

16  2017-12-14 by Anarcho_Autism


Holy fucking shit, this guy is such a fucking clown.

“Light bright. That kids toy, that’s all I can see and think about,” she said … and then she started to cry. I didn’t know what to do. We stopped having sex and I rolled beside her. I tried to comfort her. To make her feel better. I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped.

That’s why I’m part of the problem.

No, Spergock. Because she BELIEVED she was raped, she WAS raped. THAT'S why you're part of the problem. How dare you fail to interpret consent as rejection.

Then there was the time I settled a sexual harassment allegation at my office. This was around 8 years ago, and it wasn’t a gropy feely harassment. It was verbal, and it was just as bad.

Yes, because calling someone "hot pants" or "sugah tits" is just as traumatic as grabbing a tit or slapping ass. Fucking idiot.

But why? What caused me to act this way? Is it all ego? Or was it the sexual abuse I suffered as a boy and as a young man in my teens? Abuse that I only ever told to my first wife, for fear of being seen as weak or less than a man?

Is it because my father left my mother when I was child? Or that she believed he never respected her, so that disrespect carried over into their son?

Or is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years, something our society doesn’t shun or condemn but which only served to fill the emotional hole inside me and the daily depression I coped with. Depression we can’t talk about, because its wrong and makes you less of a person.

Wow, nice little indirect plea for sympathy. Very sincere. "Am I a raging, narcissistic asshole because of shit-tons of childhood trauma? Doesn't matter. I'm part of the problem."

For the record: It's because you're a raging, narcissistic asshole who is afraid his career (and upcoming movie) will be derailed due to your past transgressions, so you're preemptively submitting yourself to the Purge in hopes of forgiveness.

I am part of the problem. We all are.

Wrong, faggot. Don't drag me into this shit.


Hahaha, I started laughing hard as soon as I got to

Or was it the sexual abuse I suffered as a boy and as a young man in my teens?

I just fucking knew he was going to have to find a way to victimize himself before this article was over. How can a guy that ate so much McDonalds be such a soyboy?

I, for one, am very surprised that a man who voluntarily ate like a retarded person for attention, would rebrand himself as a rapist for attention.

Because she BELIEVED she was raped, she WAS raped. THAT'S why you're part of the problem. How dare you fail to interpret consent as rejection.

She pushed him off once though, and said she didn't want to have sex after they took off their clothes. Starting to cry during sex isn't a good indication either.

Although it's kind of weird to get naked if you don't want to have sex, it seems more like he's just remembering that she said no.

She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex.

Seems like he yada yadaed the important bit there.

I am part of the problem. We all are

Fuuuuck you and fuuuuck trying to being me down with you.

I am part of the problem. We all are

Fuuuuck you and fuuuuck trying to being me down with you.

It’s an interesting twist on the standard feminist line of “I’m a victim, all us women are”.

Confesses to rape and sexual harassment and then says "we're all part of the problem".

Way to take responsibility! Is that how male feminists absolve themselves of their sins, by trying to blame all decent non-male feminists for their crimes?

It's a rather common thing among Male Feminists. They think just because they're totally down to Male Feminist a woman that all other men must be the same way.

It's like those fucked up religious types who say "How are you atheists not out there killing and raping if you aren't afraid of Hell?"

Men are always the problem.


Finally something Bender can agree with.


we’d been drinking all night and went back to my room. We began fooling around, she pushed me off, then we laid in the bed and talked and laughed some more, and then began fooling around again. We took off our clothes. She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex.

“Light Bright,” she said.


“Light bright. That kids toy, that’s all I can see and think about,” she said … and then she started to cry. I didn’t know what to do. We stopped having sex and I rolled beside her. I tried to comfort her. To make her feel better. I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped.

Whoever makes AI waifus first is gonna be a billionaire.

I think the lesson here is , dont have sex you disgusting straight man.

Fuck all this m8, i rather spend my life watching shitty tv shows than live afraid because some chick i hooked up with randomly decides you are a monster. Are women really like this? Please tell mw this are just SJWs with daddy issuea cause for real i rather just watch 90s sitcoms on repeat until im old than have my life and reputation destroyed because a girl became "woke" a week after you fucked and suddenly decides to destroy you.

Bro, this is not most women. It's a small-ish percentage of deeply damaged chicks who relive their childhood diddling during drunk encounters. As long as you're smart and keep your standards reasonably high (lolz), you won't have issues.

Im already pretty socially retarded, i rather stick to sitcoms and movies, fam. It only takes one accusation to ruin you forever. I rather live a peaceful boring life.

Fair enough. Veg on, my friend..


She said she didn’t want to have sex...and then we started having sex.

Just don't have sex with girls who literally explicitly say they don't want to have sex. You'll be fine.

How do you get that she didn't want to have sex? At some point they started having sex. Why do you think he raped her? That wasn't implied.

How do you get that she didn't want to have sex?

#She said she didn’t want to have sex

Male feminism is a mental illness.

More like a bandaid for mental illness.

My #1 takeaway from that "documentary" is that he's a massive asshole in every possible way. Obviously the whole thing was a fraud, but you really get to know the guy's faults on a deeper level than that. He insists on talking about his disgusting penis in what's supposed to be a documentary about food. It's like the verbal equivalent of flashing his balls at me while I'm standing around waiting for the bus. I basically got tele-Weinsteined by the guy.

Anyway, fuck him and fuck everyone who praised him as some genius auteur filmmaker.

I basically got tele-Weinsteined by the guy.

lol w e w

Yeah, it's clear he's an attention-seeking opportunist. Can't fault him for trying to make a quick buck hyping banality to wannabe-smart America, but I can fault him for being an insufferable narcissist who participates in trendy moral panics in order to protect his business interests.

Supersize Me

>eat fast food, stop exercising

>get fat

Woah, McDonalds is trying to hide this!

eat fast food three times a day and supersize it every time you're offered, because it's their responsibility to know if you're eating yourself to death.

A scandal, I tell you!

Holy fucking shit, get me Julian "Possible Male Feminist" Assange -- NOW.

Julian "Possible Male Feminist" Assange

lol what?

Wasn't he wanted in Sweeden for Male Feminism?

you got me :D

He treated someone, so there's no "possible" about it. He's a make feminist.

wtf i hate mc donalds now

But he still likes In 'n Out, tommy's burgers, shake shack and is starting his own chicken restaurant. Guess the guy just likes money.

“Light bright. That kids toy, that’s all I can see and think about,” she said …

And thus Spurlock's obsession with clowns was born.

That movie is great to watch while getting stoned and eating mickie ds.

Sounds like someone is having a Big Mac Attack

And then there’s the infidelity. I have been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend I have ever had. Over the years, I would look each of them in the eye and proclaim my love and then have sex with other people behind their backs.

lmao he 100% structured this whole retarded essay around getting away with admitting this. everything ahead of it is ragebait for "anti-sjws" and everything after it is a transparent ploy for sympathy from #woke progressives. what a slimeball, no wonder hes this desperate to be relevant again.

We are all part of the problem.

What I don't get is why I'm all of a sudden lumped in with this adulterous abusive rapist dickhole?

Seriously, fuck you buddy.

There were no charges or investigations, but she wrote about the instance in a short story writing class and called me by name.

We got another mattress girl here.

“Light Bright,” she said.


It's not black and white retard, if a women is nakes in your bed kissing you and you start having sex it's not like that was out of the ordinary. What kind of idiot says "hey touch me and kiss me naked in my bed but it's not sexual ok". I mean what in the fuck, if she didn't wanna have sex then tell him no and tell him to leave. This is ridiculous, what kind of fucked up trap is that.

Bro you are talking to socially maladjusted retards here who have zero experience with women. Give better examples.

A better one is, you go out to eat, you’ve been talking about it all day, and those tendies look good. However, once you get to McDonald’s you realize they don’t have Szechuan Sauce, so instead of tendies you just eat a supersized fry, it’s not the same, and you still like tendies, but you don’t want them right now, not without the secret Szechuan sauce.